Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 397: Deal With The Pope

Chapter 397: Deal With The Pope

He needed to take over the Vatican and install his own Pope but that would take him years, as he would first have to replace the right cardinal and secretly support him. Then that man would have to win the election. It was too much work, but here it was, a man with one foot in his grave, even if the Pope can live until 90 with special potions then that would be helpful.

“I will help you if you in return help me.” Magnus voiced.

Pope Paul felt that this was surely not about Ireland, “What may it be, your highness?”

“I want your support in ending religious extremism in Christianity, making Christianity a religion of faith and mental peace, not a way of life. Make people believe in science alongside the faith. I will try to do the same with other religions, but all this is for world peace and unity.” Magnus requested. He could always obliviate the guy if he said something radical.

The Pope looked at him in shock, this came out of nowhere, “Why would you want to do this? Does it not support the capitalistic agenda if the people stay divided?”

Magnus smiled, the old man was smart, but not more than him, trying to test him was dumb, “I am the inheritor of Merlin’s will, your holiness, and with him, I inherited his dreams, the one that I share too, a world where peace exists, humanity is joined as one, no discrimination of skin colour, nationality, religion, caste or anything of such kind. A world where magical beings live together as a community and pureblood thinking does not exist.”

“You want to join the two worlds?” Pope asked him.

He explained briefly, “No, that would be catastrophic, that can not happen until the entire humanity has sorted out its own problems first, otherwise if we try to reveal the wizarding world right now, some politicians will create hate against magical beings to further their political agenda. So, tell me, are you going to help me? In return, I will try my best to prolong your life. You will be doing real god’s work this time,”

“I didn’t think you were a religious person,” Pope smugly said.

“I’m not religious, I don’t believe in any religion, but in god, I trust.” He replied, shocking the old man a bit.

Pope Paul thought about this offer, he had no real agenda remaining as he knew he would die in a year or two. But this new opportunity to achieve greatness in his tenure as the Pope was luring. He can be the one to reform the church and bring it to greater heights, the one to make it the best religion in the world. “If… I agree, what will be my obligations?”

“You are to preach tolerance, equality of race, against religious extremism, pro-science and a few things along this line. In return, I will make you live longer, help you avoid any backlash from the church with a few wizard helpers, make you the most loved Pope in history, even more famous than Pope Leo I and Pope Innocent III.” Magnus offered, this was more like a devil’s deal in reality, but it was subjective to who was the one being used.

Magnus cared only for the future of humanity, religion had no place in the space civilization, because he knew, if religion and its more extremist parts still survived, it could result in a catastrophic situation, just imagine entire planets being taken over by some fanatic cult ideology or something. [A/N: Basically Star Wars.]

Pope Paul, a man who learnt not to be greedy, did feel the greed that was called “greed for greatness”. All popes strive to be the best and only a few out of the 256 past Popes have been able to leave a mark in history. He looked at Magnus, unable to see any evil intentions, him being a Protestant meant nothing, for he too was a believer of Christ, “Then I agree with you, your highness.”

“Marvellous, let’s sign the necessary agreement and have an unbreakable vow, so we both stand by our words.” He proposed.

So, the two slowly came to terms and wrote them down on a magical contract paper. Then, these same vows were to be taken, a third witness wizard was needed so Magnus called Emma to come via apparition. She was amazed by the architecture of the building, but Magnus mentally reminded her to stay silent.

The Pope spoke his terms, “Will you, Magnu Grant Emrys Pendragon, help me reform the church, speak about the idea of peace, love and acceptance, and help me truly become the most loved Pope in history, without harming the Church?”

Again, harming the church was subjective, If Magnus by doing whatever he wanted, was stopping people from losing their faith from the church then all was acceptable.

“I will,” Magnus agreed.

Immediately, a string of lights came off of Emma’s wand who had placed it on the clasped hands of Magnus and the Pope. This was perhaps a history in the making, decades from now, this event might as well be regarded as the most important point in the history of Christianity and Magnus would be regarded as an unofficial saint for working to unite the world.

Magnus spoke his terms, “Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, will you to the best of your ability work as I ask you to ensure the betterment of the world, to spread peace and unity?”

Magnus kept his terms vague, this will give him a lot of leeway to make the Pope do some things. The Pope nodded, “I will,”

Once again, a string came out of Emma’s wand and tied the hands. This finalised their Unbreakable vow, the one to break it shall die. The contract paperwork was also signed.

He shook hands, “Please call me Magnus from now on, Paul,”

Pope Paul happily agreed, “So, what should we do first, Magnus?”

“Ireland, you should first speak against what’s happening there, punish the Bishops working there, you need to make the world regain their trust in Papal authority and show that you are just and kind. Stop ruling like a politician, rule like the Popes of the long past, like KINGS!” Magnus suggested to him, of course, it would be a King without authority and army, but still, as long as Paul shows a backbone it would do wonders.

“And here, drink this rejuvenation potion,” He handed him a vial. The same one that made Lord Mountbatten so loyal.

With this, Magnus made a deal that would change the world. Now, it was time to deal with his annoyed bored kitten and tell the Italian branch of MEDA to deal with the kidnapping of the ex-prime minister. “Yeah, get the man and kill or arrest all the members of Red Brigades and hand them to the police.”

After giving his orders, in merely 1 hour the ex-prime minister was found and brought to the hospital. [A/N: In real life, he was killed.]

“I’m bored,” she complained.

“Fine fine, I will give you a piggyback ride,” He sighed and took her to a secluded area, from there he turned into his dragon form and headed back home.

“WOHOOO!” Emma screamed in excitement.

“Enjoy, but my body aches every time I turn into a dragon. It’s too much body manipulation I guess,” He muttered to himself.

He flew directly over the English Channel and then around the UK and landed in Camelot. The reason was that he could not turn invisible. Speaking of turning invisible, Duck had been gone on his journey for a few months now.

“Where is Duck now?” He asked Martha.

“He is currently in Africa, playing with a few native tribes there. Wherever he goes he makes lots of friends, next he will be going to a few European countries. But I am worried he has some secret motives,” she ended with a warning tone.

“What plans?” he inquired.

“Duck was telling me about how dragons are treated badly in some places. I am worried he might be planning on liberating them and bringing them here to live.” She revealed.

Taken aback, Magnus laughed at the same time, “Hahaha… as I would expect from my boy. Tell me when he starts liberating the dragons, if any wizarding government tries to harm him I will intervene. I will just proclaim that my dragon blood has attracted me to the pleas of the poor dragons. Since I rule the mass media, I can shut them up quickly.”

Martha sighed, “You seriously spoil him, I reckon you’d even help him if tomorrow he says he wants to eat the sun.”

Magnus quickly looked up, “Hmm, I will have to make some new spells for that.”

“H-he’s really considering it,” Emma exclaimed.

“Bwahah… just kidding. Grandma Martha, get ready, it’s New Year’s dinner at my home.” He nudged her. She was, after all, family.

However, a shiver ran down his spine as he thought that and an image of a crazy bald man appeared in his head.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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