Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 434 - 434. Another Oil Crisis

Chapter 434 – 434. Another Oil Crisis

He chuckled, "Oh, I heard about that from Lord Mountbatten. Yes, I do run a secret group called the Order of Merlin. You should join it, as it aims to not only make the UK more prosperous but make the whole humanity advance towards a more tolerant and developed future."

He continued, "By the way, I am a wizard, the most powerful in the world, as they consider me such. I am a direct inheritor of the will of Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time. Yes, he's real. I hope you are not racist about wizards,"

"No no… certainly not, sir. My niece is a witch." Margaret spoke quickly. She could feel slight hints of threats in his voice.

"Oh, is it Matilda Thatcher? No wonder I felt familiar with your last name. Yes, she was a good wizard, remarkable in herbology. A few yours senior. Anyway, what I meant was that I have a dream, a dream to make the United Kingdom the most developed and the richest nation on the planet. Unlike America, however, I want our people to be well cared for, with good and inexpensive health infrastructure, jobs, opportunities, and warm homes for all.

"But that can only be done if the right policies are implemented while putting political nonsense aside. I was able to bring Zimbabwe into the fold, then Belize, Brunei, build amazing relations with Saudi Arabia, bought land in Sahara, got Bhutan to become an ally and recently I am in the middle of stabilising India and Pakistan. Oh, you may have heard, I was recently on Moon.

"Mrs Thatcher, for the past few years, I have tried to change this nation, make it the best place to live in the world, and I hope to continue that. You will be briefed about me by the Ex-Prime Minister later. I am proud that a woman has become the Prime Minister, I consider this a win for our society because now we don't feel a woman is not suitable to lead the nation."

She was old, and hearing all this made her slightly shiver, "Sir… are you really the richest man in the world? That's the rumour going around lately."

"Yes, not just the richest man in the world right now, but the richest man to have ever existed in the history of mankind. However, please keep such information a secret, we don't want hit wizards coming after you. Oh, look at the watch, it's time to head to work for me. Anyway, Prime Minister, have a good day," He walked out of the office swiftly.

All his words today only made Margaret Thatcher realise one thing. She was small, her authority as the Prime Minister didn't mean anything, she was not the big boss. But at the same time, her confidence skyrocketed. The nearly magical recovery of the British economy and then rise is nothing but miraculous. Now she knew the reason, it was reassuring.

Magnus didn't really have anywhere to go. He just went to the living room and watched a movie with his siblings, there were also portraits of Arthur and Merlin, chilling near the wall, watching the television.

"This is so damn funny," Ragnar was howling in laughter and eating popcorn.

[Telivison Scene]

"Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?"

"I am Arthur, King of the Britons,"

[Telivison Scene Ends]

Just at that moment, Arthur from the portrait shouted, "THIS! This is absolute slander, this should be banned, removed from existence. I was not like this,"

"You did initially think that the Earth was the centre of the Universe, so I'd say it's pretty accurate in depicting how dumb you were," Merlin got no chill.

Arthur fought him, "You, that's what the monks taught me, it's not my fault they were wrong. And besides, don't get me started about the things you did to grow hair on your head. Hah, even putting pig poop on your head because some stupid old witch told you to do so."

Merlin raged, "Oh really? What about the night you came crying to me because the five women you were sleeping with turned out to be having cocks."

"I WAS DRUNK! And they had fooled me with fake tits." Arthur jumped on Merlin and started fighting.

It was so entertaining that Magnus and Ragnar stopped watching the television and instead watched them shame each other. The triplets were also there, but Magnus had specially made the two not audible to them and only visible. He didn't want their madness to be transmitted.

Due to Magnus, many lives had changed over the course of years. Ever since he took over Slytherin house, no new Death Eaters have joined the Dark lord. But perhaps the one whose life changed the most was someone in Gryfreplaceor.

The man's name was Peter Pettigrew, he was no longer the sorry chunk of ugly fatness. Instead, he was just an average wizard with dirty blond hair. He too had gotten a campus placement job, it was one of many companies of Magnus, called Emrys Construction.

He was not particularly a genius in any one form of magic, he was average. And the problem for most average wizards was that they feel confused about what to do after school. But Emrys Construction now has a way out of that confusion. There was a saying nowadays, "One who got nothing, got Emrys Construction,"

Because of the wide-scale construction projects going on across the world, the company was always on the lookout for more wizards. The best part was, it paid very well.

After school, he joined the concrete filler department. This department was basically responsible for filling concrete with the help of magic and then quickly solidifying it. He had to take 6 months of training before becoming permanent. Now, he made more than decent money.

He even met a girl a year older. He liked her very much and hoped to date her. Life was never this good for him and he hoped for this to last forever. But then a letter came in the mail, "Your parents are with us, meet us in this location in two days time. If you inform the mudblood king, we will kill them."

Now, he knew who was behind the letter, it was most certainly the Dark Lord and his dogs. He didn't want to betray Magnus at all. But, he was afraid for his parents.

What he didn't know however was that the moment he decided to go and save his parents, the contract he had signed started shining in the office of Brain Audit in MEDA headquarters.

Immediately special auditors were deployed. They found Peter and read his mind with the help of Legilimency without even telling him. They learnt about what happened, it was not something new, the Death Eaters had tried this many times before in the hopes of gaining influence in one of the companies.

Like a well-oiled machine, the army of 1,000 hit-wizards was quickly deployed to replace and save Mr and Mrs Pettigrew. In a single day, they successfully butchered the Dark Wizards and saved the two.

The day Peter was to meet the kidnappers, he was visited by the MEDA director. He was informed about the rescue and how they found out about it. He just hugged his parents and cried that day.

But his heart felt more at peace than ever. He realised that day that Magnus was no human or wizard, he was a God. One that saw everything and played the world like it was the chessboard.

~I will never betray him, dying is better than that.~ he felt.

He was not the only one, however. Nearly every single wizard working for Magnus has had such an experience at least once. These experiences slowly accumulated into what is now known as the Magnus Effect. It was a process through which the wizards start feeling extreme patriotism and loyalty towards Magnus.

In the end, this made him not just the King of the Muggles but also the King of the Wizards. But the effects of the second title weighed more since wizards working in companies come from around the world.

Slowly, he was becoming the King of Wizards of the world.

Buckingham Palace,

As always, the family sat together in the living room, watching the news. The triplets were doing their homework of memorising counting and multiplication tables.


In today's news, with the onset of the Iranian Revolution and the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and the replacement of his government with an Islamic republic under the rule of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the oil production has decreased significantly, started the second oil crisis of this decade. Because of this, the world economy has taken a hit, but surprisingly, the British economy stays resilient and stills show an upward trajectory with the promise from Saudi Arabia of uninterrupted oil supply at normal rates.

On the next news. Who is he? Why is he running? What's his agenda? A veteran named Forrest Gump has been running non-stop across the United States, coast to coast. He discloses no message that he is trying to convey. Only time will tell when he will stop, but he sure is gathering a rather large following.

Now, in the next segment, His Majesty today announce…

[News End]

Grace looked towards Magnus and asked, "Honey, are you sure the economy won't take a hit?"

He shook his head, "Don't worry, mum. King Faisal warned me about the oncoming crisis. I had advised Thatcher to buy oil in bulk and use our reserves. But I believe it's time for me to enter the Middle East and neutralise that region's threat to the world. Saddam was warned not to lift his head too high, but he's planning to invade Iran, creating a bigger oil crisis. It seems he does not like his head anymore,"

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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