Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 436 - 436. To The Rescue

Chapter 436 – 436. To The Rescue

On the 1st day of 1980, Magnus got called to Camelot by Duck. He went there confused, the first one to greet him was the excited Duck who licked his face.

"Haha, calm down, boy. What are you doing? Did you miss me?" He asked him.

"Yes dad, I miss you lots and lots. I wanna travel the world with you, so I asked Fawkes to teach me his trick. I learnt it, now I can apparate in fire," Duck excitedly revealed.

This excited Magnus as well, "How far can you apparate? And can you stay hidden after apparating?"

Duck strongly nodded his giant head, "Yup yup… I can go anywhere in the world and… and I can stay invisible. Grandma Martha put some runes on me."

~He looks so excited,~ Magnus thought. He couldn't help but hug Duck's head, "From now on, you and I will be travelling everywhere together. Instead of the apparition, you will take me to places,"

Duck always gets excited about carrying his dad around and feeling involved in the important work Magnus does. So this meant a lot to him. He danced happily, wobbling his tail and tippy-toeing. "Yay… I'm gonna travel with dad…"

"Why don't we roll out right now?" He asked.

Duck took his suggestion. Soon enough, Magnus sat on Duck's back as the big good boy flew across the world, teleporting one after another.

He then brought him to Buckingham Palace's backyard. The triplets loved playing with Duck.

Magnus meanwhile went to his office to meet the Secretary of Sports.

"So, I have a major plan. This could result in creating the United Kingdom as the hub of all sports in the world. I want to start something called the "World Games".

"In this, people will compete in all sports, from small fast walk races to chess, long jump, high jump and others. The goal is to have so many sports that they take four years to take place. Yes, unlike the Olympics where things go on for a month, in the World Games, each week one or two sports will take place. Hence, something will always be going on.

"All of them shall be broadcast on television all year, every year around the world. It will be a constant new sport every day for people to watch. The best of the best shall participate from all countries in the world in these. The prize will be medals with real majority gold, silver and bronze in them. Other than this, the top Play will get 200,000 USD, 2nd will get 100,000 and 3rd will get 50,000."

The Minister of Sports heard about the plane and was left speechless. "Your Majesty, will the Ministry of Sports and Civil Society be handling this?"

"No, democracy is often slow and inefficient. The main focus is to make money here, so I can't let it be handled by a slow system. Instead, my company will be handling it, all I'm going to be needing is the right permissions and subordination by the ministry whenever needed. For example, when there is going to be a marathon, it will be your job to empty the route, when there is to be a bicycle race, you will have to prepare the roads for it. Or when there is going to be a Canoe sprint, you will be clearing the river." Magnus said in an ordering voice.

The minister agreed, "That can be easily done, sir. I will head back and start preparing for it myself."

"Thank you, then." He let him go.

After this, Magnus headed to Sirius' house. He wondered if the guy would like a job. Sirius was a competent wizard after all and having him in one of his companies can be helpful.

But when he arrived there, he scowled, the entire front lawn of his house was covered with leaves, packages and letters. *Knock Knock*

Soon, Sirius opened the door, rubbing his belly and hair. "Oh, has the pompous King lost his way today?"

He simply entered, passing him aside, "I did come to see you. But it seems you were literally living like a dog."

"Hey, don't judge me. I bought a place for myself for this reason only. Anyway, why are you here?" Sirius went to the freezer and took out a firewhiskey bottle.

Magnus found a letter on the coffee table. "I'm here to offer y… wait, is this a letter from Regulus? Did you read it? I told him to contact me once he completes school, it's been 6 months since then,"

Sirius shrugged, "Nah, It came just this morning. I know what it's gonna have, 'Oh dear brother, father has died, please come home… bla bla bla…"

But Magnus opened the letter to read it. Slowly as he did, his brows furrowed, he cursed and slapped Sirius, "You fucking fool, you had one brother and you turned your back at him. DAMMIT! CALL KREACHER RIGHT NOW!"

Sirius frowned and looked at the letter. Immediately his heart skipped a beat as he read it.

"Dear brother,

Even if you'll never read this, I still want to leave something behind for you. I am probably dead if you read this. Since my 5th year, I was forced by our mother to join the order of Death Eaters and bear the Dark Mark. I hated doing anything for them.

I found out recently what the dark lord has done. He possibly made a Horcrux to be immortal. I am not sure if it is the only Horcrux he made but I hope that it is.

I will destroy it, to end the life of Voldemort and this mission will probably cost my life.

Kreacher will know everything. He was there when Voldemort hid his Horcrux. That's why I will take Kreacher with me. I hope that nothing will happen to him. He helped me write this letter without alerting the Dark Lord.

Sirius, I want to tell you that you always were my brother, even when our mum disowned you. You were right with everything you said and with everything you did. I couldn't stand that we always fought on opposite sides.

Me: Slytherin and You: Gryfreplaceor.

I never wanted to be a death eater, but our mum insisted on it. She was really proud when I had finally gotten my dark mark. She was proud to have a bloody murderer in the family.

I was never proud, though big brother Magnus was always there to ensure I didn't fall to the wrong side. But before I knew it, I was thrown into it. I tried to get out, but the cost would have been our mother's death. They have already killed father due to a small mistake I made. Yes, he was murdered, by those he was ready to murder.

I know I can't undo my doings, but I hope I can make up at least a bit.

I want to ensure the end of the dark lord. Sirius, I hope you can forgive me.

Sincerely your brother,

Regulus Arcturus Black"

"What the hell is a Horcrux? And… KREACHER!" Sirius's eyes were watery, he was enraged.

Kreacher appeared immediately, looking weak and half-dead. He sneered at the sight of Sirius, "Why has the blood-traitor master called me?"

Magnus stepped in, "Krecher, as the King of Wizards, I command you, tell me where Regulus is so I can save him,"

Kreacher turned around, his ugly face immediately turned happy. Magnus was popular among all non-human sentient species. Especially the elves as he brought rights to them. Kreacher kneeled, "AH… Merlin's descendant. Kreacher is… oh yes, Lord Regulus, my master, so brave, so strong. He…"

Magnus walked away, "You waste too much time. No, no need, I know where he is. Sirius, are you coming or will you once again leave behind one good family member that is left?"

Sirius waved his wand, quickly a coat appeared on his body. "Let's go,"

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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