Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 444 - 444. Sword In The Stone

Chapter 444 – 444. Sword In The Stone

Buckingham Palace,


"We are saddened to inform you that no whereabouts of King Pendragon have been found yet. Since the explosion, there has been no news about it. The blast was so strong that experts have advised preparing for the worst.

Strange things are still happening around the city and the country. The military is on high alert, the police force is completely on the ground, making patrols. Strange blasts and sparks have been noticed in the sky. We're yet to know what's causing all this or who is behind it. But we all pray for His Majesty's safety.

[News End]

Adam, Grace, the triplets, Emma and her family, Bobby and his family, Severus and his mother were all in the Palace, sitting in the living hall. The triplets had no idea what had occurred and just played on the carpet, enjoying the presence of so many people.

Grace was going pale with each minute, Magnus had informed her and others that he was fine and fighting a battle that would define the future of the magical world. But she was his mother, no matter how strong he gets she will always be worrying.

Adam too was worried, he had confidence that Magnus was strong but he didn't know how strong Voldemort was. But he did not appear weak to his wife. Thankfully, there was also Martha, looking like a short muggle Granny due to the presence of Bobby's parents.

Emma helped Grace, "Mrs Grant, please have trust in him,"

She simply hugged Emma, already treating her like her daughter. There was no denying anymore that Magnus and Emma are a couple for life. Magnus had said it himself that this is it. If not Emma, there won't be anybody else.

"I do hope so, dear," Grace muttered.

When Magnus was in the sky outside the Potter house, out of nowhere Duck flew by. He was to be staying at Buckingham Palace and guarding it.

"Dad, I heard there is a bad man? Can I come with you?" he asked.

"I'm on my way to kill the bad man, you stay here, I will go in," he ordered the good boy.

Back in the Potter House,

The Killing Curse travelled towards here, however, to her shock, she felt nothing. No pain or even a touch. Furthermore, she could not feel the crazed laughs of the four Death Eaters. She turned around and the view of the back was enough, she recognised it, "M-Magnus! He killed James!"

Memories resurfaced in his mind, all the pranks he pulled on the guy from the first year. Sure, he was not a good friend of his but just thinking that someone you knew and whose existence you used to take for granted is dead, never to be seen or heard of again.

"DUCK, deal with these Death eaters, I will go for their half-blood leader, isn't that right, Tom Marvolo Riddle? Son of Merope Riddle née Gaunt, who bewitched a muggle to get pregnant, then got left by the muggle and died giving birth to your pathetic existence?" Magnus spoke less, but these words were so strong it made Voldemort throw away his robs and jump at him like a maddening cobra.

The 3 death Eaters who came with him were left in shock at what they heard. Sure, they all knew about the Gaunt family.

Voldemort as soon as touched Magnus, apparated away into the air. At the same time, Duck, who was sitting outside the house, looking down at it from the towering height, he pulled off the entire roof with his claw.

"WA! A baby!" It was his first reaction as soon as he saw little Harry. But his cuteness was limited because he sensed the bad Death Eaters.

"You made them cry? I will kill you," He lifted one in his claw and blew fire on him, killing in an instant. The remaining two sent a bombardment of Killing Curses. But they just bounced off his scale. "Don't tickle me,"

Duck growled and killed another one by piercing his chest with the tip of his nail. The last Death Eater fell unconscious, perhaps the fear was too much to take in. Duck killed him too.

"Get on my back, I will take you to safety, it's not safe here," Duck told Lily.

She was mortified by the scene, she had seen a Dragon on a tour but never one as big as this, and they absolutely didn't talk. But Harry was giggling, trying to reach the Dragon.

"Oh, are you scared? Let me introduce myself, I am Duck, also known as Annihilus Grant Emrys Pendragon, I am 11 years old. Magnus is my dad. Please come with me now," he politely greeted her.

But the poor boy didn't know that the woman had just lost her husband and no matter what he said she would not be able to understand. Her mind was in a broken state and in shock. Shocking Duck, Lily jumped to grab her wand and threw charms and curses at him.

Duck was obviously unharmed by these low-level spells, only his dad could harm him. "Lady, what are you doing?"

"GO! Don't you dare come close to my son," she shouted, her hair dishevelled, coming over her face, making her appear scary, so much so that Harry started crying. She put him in the cradle.

"Look, the baby is crying." Duck pointed.

But instead of seeing Harry, she ran to check on James. Duck kept on guard for the boy. Harry was just staring at Duck in awe and giggles.

"You're so cute. Just like how my triplets friends were," Duck said, sitting down to his level.

In the sky, thunder boomed. It was night and dark, a rainstorm was passing over the region. The Dark Lord was getting his face punched by Magnus. Each feeling like brick smacked him.

"What are you gonna call me now? A mudblood? Huh, you're even less than mudblood, a mutant, a furry, a mad man. That's who you are," Magnus continued to beat him up.

He didn't even have to fly as Voldemort was doing it himself. "AVAD…"


This was an actual slap on his face. Voldemort was shocked, he felt every atom in his body ashamed. Magnus cursed, "You little shit, can you say anything other than that curse? I thought you were a genius or something."

"You lowlife… I am the heir of Slytherin, I am the purest of blood, I am the strongest wizard to ever liv… ghak…" Voldemort suddenly found a piece of cloth stuffed into his mouth, silencing him.

"Half-blood, dreaming about something again and again does not make it real. Gaunt family was the heir to Slytherin, you… haha, you're the heir to a muggle. All you get in inheritance is your father's muggle wealth." Magnus taunted him again.

Angered, Voldemort flew around. Magnus didn't let him go, he wondered what the man could even do right now since he was too overpowered for him.

"Hahaha… I am an immortal, mudblood king. You cannot kill me," he proclaimed.

This made Magnus laugh. He steered Voldemort's body towards the ground somewhere outside London. But this was a special place that he had selected beforehand. He used Voldemort as a surfboard and hit the ground. It immediately cracked and made them fall into a giant cave underground. It was completely enclosed and dark.

"Were you talking about this?" Magnus threw Tom's diary at his face.

Voldemort's eyes contracted. But that was not the end, "Or maybe you're talking about the ring, the treasures and all. Horcruxes, right? Splitting your soul was not really the right decision on your part. To be honest, you dug your own grave."

Voldemort's inner senses told him to run away as far away as possible. "How did you get them?!"

"Remember Rodolphus? Yes him, he's still alive, having been tortured for the past 7 years. He told me everything about you. And remember Regulus, good lad. He showed me the Horcurs too. Oh, remember Lucius? Yes, he's dead but he did tell me about the Horcruxes. Tom Riddle, I didn't even have to try, it was always your people who ratted you out." Magnus revealed.

It was hard to understand what the weird expressions on Voldemort's demonic face meant but it was surely not that of happiness. "TRAITORS! ALL OF THEM!" He tried to apparate away.

Magnus laughed, "The space is blocked. Come on, you know how this goes."

So he tried to fly away, but Magnus simply changed the shape of his amazing staff to a rope with a loop and threw it at Voldemort to catch him. "There is nowhere to run, you pathetic inhuman creature. All the people you killed, all the kids you orphaned, today, you will answer to all them."


He slammed Voldemort to the ground. This was not really much of a fight at this point, Magnus was so strong that nothing Voldemort threw worked. Not to mention the fool had weakened himself by splitting his soul.

"WHY WHY… Why can't you die already?" Crazedly, Voldemort started to throw spells all around. His years of hard work, all his powers were nothing in front of Magnus. He was confident in defeating Dumbledore, but here he was, unable to beat a 19-year-old boy.

Magnus sighed and sent out a Lumos spell in the air to illuminate the cave. "Tom Riddle, you see that sword stuck in the stone behind me? I will put you down with it."

[You can see the Voldemort on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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