Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 461 - 461. Saddam

Chapter 461 – 461. Saddam

Slowly all things were converging, all things that Voldemort had done started to get erased. Magnus returned home after his long 2-month vacation. The last month was spent with his entire family at the nice vacation house in Monaco.

Staying true to his plans before, it was time for a World Tour with Duck. His main target was the Middle East, bringing peace to that region was the most important. According to history, the region has seen wars since the dawn of civilisations, it was as if the land was cursed to be forever bloodied.

However, first, he went to end the last chapter, Voldemort was not completely dead, just braindead. His soul was still fine and they had found 2 more Horcruxes made by him, one was a snake and the other was brick, a damn brick. Where was it? It was part of the Ministry of Magic's walls. Magnus was pretty shocked when he found out but it made sense, no one would have ever tried to harm the place.

He arrived in Camelot inside the special holding cell. With him was Narcissa, looking as healthy as she should. He brought her so she could end this chapter in her life.

"Want to do anything? Beat him up and stuff?" he asked her.

Narcissa was disgusted by the look of Voldemort, lots of pipes connected to him, armless and legless. "This is a fate worse than death, and he's been like this for a while now. I don't want anything, just seeing him like this has brought peace to my heart."

"Fine, then, it's time to end this not so poor bastard," Magnus proceeded by taking out Excalibur.

"You have long overstayed your time here, Voldemort. I hope you rot in hell for all eternity." He plunged the sword right through his heart, then gave it a nice twist to make sure his heart was not just punctured by also destroyed completely.

The limbless body of Voldemort twitched for a few seconds, the life left his body, the last part of his soul got removed. What was to happen to the body, disintegrated.

"I guess this is what you get for having split your soul. You've got none left now," Magnus muttered.

In front of them, starting from the bottom, he turned into ashes, but then those ashes too disappeared. Magnus made sure that the presence was gone, he was also pretty sure now that he had fully killed him, or why else would his body disintegrate like this?

*Sigh* "He's dead. I should focus on my coming life now," Narcissa added.

"Are you still living at Severus' mansion?" Magnus inquired as he led her out back to the UK without revealing the Camelot.

She nodded, "I tried to replace a job, but most turned me down or refused to pay according to my ability. So Severus hired me as a Potioneer for his potions company. He's helped me so much this month, not just with Draco's health, but also my damaged mind that I can never repay his kindness."

"Heh, then I guess Sev found a good employee since you are more inclined to never cheat and strive to do even better. Guy has had some personal issues in recent years, he has come out better than most other Slytherins, and I'm proud of him." Magnus praised his brother from another mother.

He soon dropped her back at Severus' mansion and headed back to Camelot.

1983 had started off. Trouble in Iraq was brewing. The Soviets were fighting to take hold of Afghanistan. Magnus did not target that place for now as that would irk the Soviets, but he was still working in secret for their downfall. It was funny that all their energy in the Cold War was focused on the United States, meanwhile, the real threat was from the United Kingdom.

"Are you ready, my boy?" He patted Duck's face. He had grown too big by now, no vehicle could be compared with him, it was better to say he was like a tall multi-story building, it was hard to say how many stories, however.

"Dad, how long are we going to fly?" Duck asked excitedly.

"For about 6 months, maybe a year too. We are going out not to conquer but to build a new world, and that takes much more effort." He revelled, and this was nothing short of a birthday gift to Duck, who always wanted to go on a father-son trip but never got a chance. He rubbed his nose lightly on Magnus.

"Let's goooo…"

Magnus loved him so much, ~I may not be able to have a real child in this life, but I do have a son.~

Magnus got on Duck's back, he was avoiding using magic too much, especially turning into his animagus form. Before lifting off, he addressed Goldruk, the commander of Camelot's goblins, "Keep the armies ready, I might need them at any moment. Forward this message to Adrian and Golden Company too."

Goldruk saluted like muggles, "Yes, your majesty, it shall be done."

"Let's go, Duck," he patted.

Duck cheered and jumped out of the giant terrace of the palace. It was a straight dive down first as he gained momentum from gravity, then he spread his wings. With swooping speed he flew away and soon cleared the clouds.

"Hahaha, that was fun, boy."

Duck giddily laughed and started to sing,

"I am on an adventure with my dad.

This time no Summer or Chad.

This is the time of father and son.

We might even go to the moon."

They were not going to fly around the world, that would be wasting time. Duck already knew how to apparate with fire, that's what he used. In a moment they disappeared from the skies over the United Kingdom and the next they appeared over Iraq.

Their first destination was Iraq because Saddam had started to act like he was the king of the world. He was originally tied by a leash but he had forgotten it.

Duck landed on top of Saddam's palace in Baghdad. Of course, the military rushed into action but what could they do to a Dragon?

"Raaaa.." Just one deafening roar from Duck and all guards ran back inside.

Magnus got down and walked into the building using point-me charms. Saddam was a proud man but also docile when he knew that his enemy was unimaginably more powerful than him, so he was probably hiding.

Any man that came to stop Magnus got hit with an ordinary charm to put them to sleep. Soon enough, he found the first person he wanted to kill.

"HOW DARE YOU? This isn't your London. You are not king here, I AM! *BANG*" The gunshot rang. The one who shot was not Saddam, he was not dumb enough.

No, this was his eldest son, Uday Saddam Hussein, just 19 years old but infamous for his evil brain. Magnus was unfazed by the bullet. "Is that so? Did your daddy not tell you he sits on this throne because I allowed him? It was a deal, do as I say and enjoy life as president, or disobey and die.

"Honestly, you are his biggest mistake. Because no child is born evil, it's their parents whom they watch and learn from. Do you know what is going to happen to you now, Uday? You will die a horrible death from a potion that my dear brother concocted especially so I can make folks like you go through peak pain before killing."

Magnus' voice contained not an ounce of emotion, he sounded as if Udat's life was pointless, insignificant. Uday felt it and wanted to flee, but he found his body frozen.

"Want to run? Where will you even go to? Out of the country? Kuwait? Jordan? Iran? Saudi? Go anywhere you want, you will always replace my people waiting." *BAM* He grabbed Uday's face and forced his jaw to open, "I became a king not because I wanted power, I became a king to purge cockroaches like you and your father." He poured the content of a vial into his mouth.

"Enjoy the meal," Magnus walked away, letting him fall to the floor. Slowly, all veins in his body started to burn from inside because his blood started to boil, however, the potion made sure to not hurt the brain and let it remain cool. This way, maximum pain was assured without killing. It was like the Crucio curse but in liquid form.

[You can see Saddam's Palace on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and 88 chaps of Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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