Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 472 - 472. Getting The Money Back

Chapter 472 – 472. Getting The Money Back

*BOOM* X100.

Soon, gun salutes resounded across the United Kingdom as a board was placed at the gates of Buckingham Palace announcing the arrival of a baby girl to King Magnus. The girl's name was Athena and the mother and daughter were safe.

The country went into a frenzy as this made it clear that the next heir will most likely be Athena, a woman. People were dying to see the royal princess but they would have to wait. Magnus was not going to take her out of Camelot anytime soon though.


Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev had taken power as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with secret hands making sure it happens. Magnus selected this man just for one of his values, he was a dumbass.

As expected, Gorbachev initially adhered to Marxism–Leninism, although he had moved towards social democracy. This just meant that he went from being dumb to dumber.

He was unable to handle the pressure that came his way from all states within the Union. Each wanted something and were threatening to hold their own elections if nothing was done.

USSR was on the brink of bankruptcy, how could he fulfil the demands, hence he allowed elections with a multi-party system and created a presidency for the Soviet Union. It was a slow process of democratisation and the fool didn't even know it was happening.

Magnus sent his people to all member states to stir unrest in the political spheres and nudge Moscow into letting them gain autonomy. But each time they were threatened by military actions. However, it sure was taking away much-needed sleep from Gorbachev.

All Magnus was waiting for the next was an opportunity, one when the iron is hot and the most vulnerable. The sickle and hammer will come down sooner rather than later and will be replaced with the wheels of capitalism with a pinch of socialist welfare schemes as the nation's poor were too poor.

Athena was born on November 29th of 1984, the same date Thanksgiving was celebrated in the US. But the festival was not that big of a deal in the UK and Magnus didn't like that. So, he changed it by calling people to celebrate it like their cousins across the pond, after all, the day boosts the economy. After all, Thanksgiving acts as a nice mood starter for the coming Christmas.

He was in Camelot with his dear family. All plans were cancelled, all meetings that needed to be done were to happen at Buckingham Palace. He was going to spend as much time as possible with his wife and daughter.

Adam and Grace too were in pure bliss to become grandparents. Heck, Magnus even permanently moved Grace's parents from their home, they were too old and would soon pass away, it was better if they could spend time with their grandkids and great-granddaughter.

"Meow?" Chad was interested in this new little potato that appeared out of nowhere. But he was not allowed to get too close to her.

"Chad, this is Athena, your new friend, okay?" Magnus picked Chad and made him see her face.

Chad nodded his fat head, "Mwa,"

"Yes, she's beautiful. But she's too small to play, so wait a year, okay?" He advised the good boy. Summer got the same lecture too. Duck was smart enough to not fool around, but he was very happy to get a sister now.

"Don't worry, dad. You got me, I will protect my little sister at all costs." Duck proclaimed.

Magnus patted Duck's nose, "Of course, you will, I already know that. Now go to sleep, tomorrow you are going to help granny Martha pluck berries."

"Ooh, I love berries, good night," Duck cutely rolled his tail around himself and went to sleep. He seemed like a mountain, a cute and kind mountain.

*Yawn* Emma yawned, "Let's go to sleep as well." He advised and helped the two reach the room.

He put Athena in the cradle just beside his side of the bed. He wanted to allow Emma to have a good sleep to recover. He didn't have to sleep every day anyway so he could afford all the crying.

At night, she did cry a lot. This is what babies do, Grace had taught him and he had first-hand experienced it with his siblings, there were three of them after all, and only two parents. Hence, Magnus and Ragnar had to work hard too.

But Magnus felt no frustration or irritation in taking care of her. Often, he would simply start talking to her about his problems, his dreams and what he needed to do. She also liked seeing him speak, it seemed.

A few days went by, Ragnar brought a small vial full of red potion, "Give this to her, I have created this concoction for her immune system. This is basically the vaccine version but for wizards, after all, remember, wizarding diseases can be much deadlier than muggle ones."

Magnus obliged and fed it to her. It was most likely sweetened, which is why Athena didn't cry when she licked it. "Haha, take it all, my girl. This will help you get stronger. Oh, by the way, Rag, I need you to go and meet Bobby and Dad together, they want to commission you and Sev for a lot of lucky potions."

Ragnar's eyes flash in greed, he was no less of a dragon than Magnus, "Is that so? Nice, I have already automated the plant. But where the heck is Severus? Shouldn't he be here to see his best friend's daughter?"

"Oh, you don't know? I think something is going on between him and Narcissa, although I don't think they have proposed to each other I can see they like each other. Severus feels ashamed to tell her as he thinks that Narcissa would see him as a guy taking advantage of a helpless woman, while Narcissa feels he would feel she's a gold digger. So they are stuck," Magnus revealed to him.

Ragnar licked his lips, "Is that so? Then I guess I will go and give them a good push. When I send them to meet you, make sure you make a house-elf call them Mr and Mrs Prince just to urge their inner feelings out. Okay, I am out,"

Ragnar arrived at Prince Manor to meet Severus. However, even after tearing apart his throat by shouting Severus' name, nobody came out. All except one little 4-year-old blonde boy that was too shy to stand face to face.

"What are yo… oh, you are that little gremlin, Ditto, right?" Ragnar recalled.

"Draco, I am Draco Prince, my lady, who might you be?"

Ragnar's brows rose up and he looked behind himself. There was nobody except him. ~I-Is he… brain-damaged?~ "Boy, I am a man, why do you call me a lady? Don't you see this long and thick beard on my face? I am a mighty Oroborus,"

"What is Oroborus?" Draco asked.

Ragnar puffed his chest out, "Huh, it's my house name, based on the symbol of infinity, a snake that eats his own tail."

Draco remained silent for a while thinking of something, then he blurted, "You eat your own butt?"

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)

"COME HERE YOU LITTLE! WHERE IS YOUR MUM? Did she teach you no manners?" Ragnar chased after him to tickle the hell out.

Draco just giggled and ran around happily. But the real question was, where were Severus and Narcissa, and the bigger question was why the boy had Prince as the surname?

Outside the Crabbe Family House.

"Are you ready to do this?" Severus asked Narcissa, his wand out, a stoic expression plastered on his face.

Beside him stood Narcissa in her beautiful dark blue robes, her blonde hair neatly tied in a bun, but her face had a look of tiredness, "I have to do this. Thanks for coming with me, Severus."

"Draco needs a mother, I can't let you die just like that," Severus replied without much thinking.

"That does not make me less grateful. Okay, who should go in first? It seems they are held up in there." She asked him as he was clearly the expert.

Severus took out a badge from his pocket. It had the logo of a dragon that resembled Duck in his roaring form. It was the seal of House Pendragon. "I will move in first as I have the authority, you stay behind me. Remember, shoot to kill. They were given an ultimatum by the Ministry and we have the permission of Lord Regulus Black."

She nodded and stuck behind him, being careful of the surroundings. Severus moved closer to the main gate and blasted it open. He flashed the badge in his hand for all to see from their house, "I am Severus Prince, the enforcer of his royal majesty, wizard king, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. Come out and surrender, you have illegally kept the money inherited by Narcissa Black from her parents."

"GO AWAY, boot licker of that mudblood king. We got the money legally from the line of succession from Gringotts." a voice came from inside the house.

Severus sighed, "Understand this, Gringotts has revoked your right since not only is Black Family having a new Lord but Narcissa is also alive. You have no authority, you disobey now, you get a bounty on your heads." He gestured Narcissa behind him to take her position.

Severus repeated his warning, "Don't make me do it, your family only has 3 people left, one is an unmarried teen. So, it's your choice, I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold."

[You can the Severus and Narcissa on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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