Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 50 - 50. Cowards


As soon as the sound came, Madam Hooch threw the ball in the air. Not too surprisingly, against Magnus, Emma had come forward as her team captain. ​ ​

"Are you ready to lose, Dragon boy?" She taunted.

Magnus snorted, "Huh, too much confidence will be the reason for your downfall."

The quaffle was immediately taken by Magnus. But, just as he did that, the bludger on the female side was thrown towards him. It was not just once, the three beaters had surrounded him and were throwing bludger towards him again and again.

Magnus understood their technique, they only saw him as a threat and were focused on stopping him, while Emma was free to take care of the rest. They now just needed him to lose the quaffle.

But he smirked. They were underestimating his team. He had instructed Ragnar, Darrien and Dug to hit the brooms with their bludger and not the player. He gave them a quick class on the centre of gravity and taught them how the centre of gravity of a person on a broom is on their chest. So, if they were to move the broom too much, their centre of gravity would destabilise and they would fall easily.

"Hehe..." The three beaters of the boy's team chuckled.

They then put the opponent beaters in their line of sight and threw the bludger.


Ragnar threw it first. "YESSS... IT WORKED."

He cheered up as a girl fell down on the grass below. Magnus found the opportunity and went ahead to the goal. Emma had not expected this so she tried to chase him.

"Haha... this Dragon boy is fast, Emma." Magnus taunted her.


Magnus smiled widely at Emma as he made a goal.

"You were saying something, Ms Emma?"

She huffed at him and went to her teammates. Magnus was enjoying the match. In fact, Magnus had read the book of rules related to quidditch.

He knew all 700 fouls that could be committed. Shockingly, in the finals of the 1473s World Cup, all 700 fouls were committed. These included.

Transfiguring of a Chaser into a polecat, attempted decapitation of a keeper with a broadsword, the release of one hundred blood-sucking vampire bats from under the Transylvanian Captain's robes during the game, setting fire to an opponent's broom tail. Attacking an opponent's broom with a club, attacking an opponent with an axe.

The old times were crazy times, that was for sure.

Magnus continued the game and slowly, both sides scored. He had a pretty strong team, but Magnus' decision to force Snape to be goalkeeper had come to bite him on the ass. Snape was so bad at it.

He was unable to guess where the quaffle was going to hit as he was bad at recognising the faints that Emma and other chasers were making before throwing the quaffle. His control over his broom was also not very good.

Slowly, the game reached the last stretch and it was time for the final play. Emma had possession of the quaffle. She was zooming towards the boy's side. Dodging the bludgers was easy for her.

In the end, Magnus was her final opponent. Both of them sped up towards each other at full speed.

~Heh, is he mad? We would get so injured if we collided like this.~ Emma thought.

But she saw that Magnus was not slowing down at all. ~IS HE CRAZY?~


She saw a big smile on Magnus' face. ~He's going to stop at the right moment, right?~

10 metres... 5 metres.


She immediately stopped herself and went upward. This was what Magnus wanted. He went just to her side, a little distance behind her and punched the quaffle out of her arms, then made a roll and caught it.

"YOU... how could you do this to a girl? What if we had bumped into each other." She complained girlishly, which she was obviously faking.

Magnus laughed, "I believe in gender equality, Ms Emma."

With that, nobody could stop him and he scored a good easy goal on the girl's side.


There was no reward for winning except the right to gloat over the win and shove it to the girl's faces whenever they argued with them.

The match ended with the class ending at the same time. They had sweated a lot so Magnus and his friends headed back to the dorms after that. They had no classes for the day now.

"Guys, I need some books. I'm going to the library." Ragnar said and left. He needed books for some new potions he was going to try. He was already past the point of learning from books and was now secretly trying to experiment to make new potions.

Although he had told Magnus that he was rich and had a lot of money, he did not. Initially, he did, but in the past few years, he had used it up in his potion-making. Now, he needed to invent a new potion to make some money from it. He could have asked Magnus for money but he did not want to do this as his first act in the Round Table.

Magnus and Snape returned to their room. While passing by Snape's study table, he saw a book that interested him.

"Legilimency?" Magnus muttered.

Snape picked the book and gave it to him, "Read this. I believe that if we truly want to make an impenetrable secret group then we need to have the ability to shield our minds from being read.

"Legilimency is the art of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's replaceings. Occlumency is the opposite of it and shields your mind." Snape explained.

"So it's like mind reading on a whole other level. I can see how it will benefit all of us. Okay, from today, we three shall practice this every day." Magnus decided. He appreciated Snape taking a step forward in their group.

This meant that he now really considered a part of the group wholeheartedly.


Hogwarts Library,

Ragnar was looking for some books that were not found in the stores. There were very old and discontinued books in the library as they had existed since the creation of Hogwarts.

He was looking around the whole library's potions section to replace some inspiration or an old book with the knowledge he did not have. He was also happy that he had already been invited to the Slug Club by Professor Slughorn. Magnus and Snape were invited too. Though he guessed that Magnus was invited because of his influence rather than his talent in potions, still, he understood that Professor Slughorn does this to ensure an easy future for himself because he knows that all these bright students will hold high offices or will be super-rich in the future.

But when he was busy with his work, he heard some voices.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A blood traitor." All of a sudden, Mulciber, Gasper Avery and Evan Rosier appeared. They surrounded him.

Ragnar scoffed, "If being one of you means bullying young kids then I'd rather be a blood traitor."

"You talk too much. We thought you were a meek little type." Mulciber crazedly said. He was already one of the crazy types with no control over his mouth and actions.

Ragnar chuckled, "I didn't ask you to describe your manhood."

"Too much pride, boy. You're going to face the consequences for what your friend did. Do you know, because of him, my father is going to Azkaban?" Avery spoke. He was the eldest of three.

"Too late, I must say. Avery, such a great name of a great house. Destroyed by hypocrites and racists. Your ancestors must be rolling in their graves with pride." Ragnar talked back with no reservations. He had a deep hatred for all of them.

Avery took out his wand, his eyes turned redder in rage. "YOU... you think you're some big shot? Nobody's coming here to save you. That Merlin's bastard is in his room. Now, which finger should I take?"

"The one between your own legs, using it would just spawn more abominations anyway," Ragnar insulted him.

"Tsk... CRUCI..."

Before Avery could complete his words, Ragnar had taken out a small test tube from his pocket. It had a cork on it. His face turned cold and calculative.

"The second I take the lid off, the poisonous gas will leak. It will kill each of you, except me, because it knows my magic. So, do you want to see if there is heaven or hell after death?" Ragnar domineeringly spoke.

The three boys started taking steps back in fright. The expression on Ragnar's face was fully serious. They were warned by Lucius that Ragnar was a very capable potioneer.

Ragnar started to loosen the top of the test tube. Suddenly a strong sweet aroma hit their noses. The change in atmosphere frightened them.

"Ah, isn't this the best poison? Such calming smell, yet murderous, a way to happy death I must say. This is because this poison was made from natural herbs, from a group of very rare plants. Just one millilitre of it can kill most people." He announced.

"P-PUT IT BACK. W-WE'RE LEAVING..." The three pleaded and ran away as quickly as they came.

When they had gone, Ragnar smiled and calmly opened the lid of the test tube and smelled it delightfully.

~Hmph, what a bunch of cowards. This is just a rose essence for deodorising my little self.~

[A/N: I got my wisdom tooth pulled out. Thankfully, I don't feel much pain at the moment, even though there are stitches and I can't eat anything. I was able to write today so here it goes. If everything goes well, I will continue two chaps a day.

Thank you for reading.]

[You can see the library on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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