Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 504 - Epilogue - King Of Earth

Chapter 504 – Epilogue – King Of Earth

Earth 2100,

Years had passed. Magnus may have been forgotten by the ordinary folks. Just being a chapter in the world's history books, his photos being history memes on the internet. But the family and friends still remember him as good as any day. However, a few changes had taken place.

50 years had passed since Magnus had returned to Earth and lived in Camelot. But the world had no idea.

The new king sat on the throne of the United Kingdom. His name was Arthur Grant Emrys Pendragon, Magnus' grandson.

Buckingham Palace

"Your Majesty, this came for you. It has the seal of the late King Magnus." the royal butler, a wizard, gave the letter to the king.

Arthur was a blonde man, tall like a bear, six foot eight inches tall, the tallest king to ever sit on the throne. He was a strong burly man who loved exploring space for humanity. He still contained Magnus' blood and was gifted with natural talent in charms. He was the one who started to mine the 16 Psyche asteroid and made Pendragon Family the richest on the planet. His next plan was to terraform Mars with a few new magical devices he had designed. Although the magical society was still a secret, a large number of scientists and military personnel now knew, of course, after signing a contract.

He opened the letter, "Strange, nobody should have this seal anymore."

*WOOSH* The letter suddenly flew in the air and the voice of Emma reverberated, "ARTHUR GRANT EMRYS PENDRAGON! How can you not visit your grandmother? You even dare ignore Athena's calls? I want you present at these coordinates this very instant."

Arthur frowned, "Fuck! Grandma turns into a dragon when angry. Albert, scratch my plans of exploring Alpha Centauri, I am leaving now,"

Pinpointing the location of the coordinates, he apparated away. But, when he arrived, he felt like he was standing in a dark directionless space. He was stuck inside a fidelius charm, he reckoned.


But he was given access soon after. The next thing he saw made his jaw fall. "MOTHER FUCKE… I thought this place was just a myth… Camelot exists?"

He followed the pathways and entered the castle. A Centaur waited for him there, "Follow me," was all he was told.

Slowly, he was brought into the giant castle, and then climbed a lot of stairs. Eventually, the Centaur stopped in front of the door. "I will announce you to His Majesty, please tidy your clothes,"

"What do you mean His Majesty? I am the king," Arthur was confused.

The Centaur smirked, "You may be a king, but only he is the King of Earth." He pushed open the door and announced, "His Majesty, the King of United Kingdom has arrived,"

Arthur entered the hall confusedly. Just one step in, he started rubbing his eyes. "I-Is this real? Am I dreaming?"

There sat in front of him on the throne in the centre, the legendary King Magnus, still looking just middle-aged, with long blonde hair and beard, fluttering. Beside him were Queen Athena, Queen Consort Emma, Princess Mother Grace. On the other side were King Consort Draco Prince, the husband of Athena and his father. Then there was Prince Adam and his grandpa Severus and grandma Narcissa.

Following, there were many more faces. The legendary businessman, now presumed dead, Bobby. Master of Spies, Adrian. Ted, the right hand of Dragon. Edgar, the builder of Earth. Then there was the steed of King Magnus, the great dragon Duck.

Standing up, the old King Magnus walked to King Arthur, he patted on Arthur's head and caressed his hair, "Bwahaha… welcome to Camelot, grandson. You sure have my blood."


Arthur passed out and fell straight on his back. The shock was too damn much.

"Hahaha… big brother, make him sniff your dirty socks," Aurelia suggested.

Magnus scoffed, "Dear, I don't want to kill him now,"

Athena chuckled and walked to Arthur, she smacked him on the head, "Son, wake up."

Slowly, Arthur came back to awareness. "Mum? W-Where am I? Who am I?"

"Great, he forgot who he is." Bobby sighed.

Athena helped him get up and introduced. "Greet your grandpa now, Arthur. He didn't come back from death just to get disrespected."

Arthur stuttered, "Y-Yes… I… Your Majesty, I'm a big fan."

Magnus laughed it off, "Haha, calm down, boy. Come and sit with me. We have so much to talk about. I have so much to teach you. *Sigh* When will that dumbass Ragnar return?"

"DAD! Can we have a party?" Duck quickly asked.

Magnus raised his right hand in the air, "YES! LET'S HAVE PARTYYY! Mum, please make me pancakes,"

Grace's eyes shined, immediately entering mother mode, "Sure, sweetie. How many do you want?"

Duck chimed in, "ONE THOUSAND!"

"Duck, that's what I will eat, think for yourself." Magnus shrugged.

*BONK* Emma smacked him lightly, still in love with her husband as the day she first fell for him, "Honey, don't be greedy now."

Arthur saw all this from the side, standing between his mum, Athena, and dad, Draco. "Are they always like this?"

Athena chuckled, "Yes, dear. Ever since dad returned, it's a party here every single day."

"Damn, the Blood of the Dragon sure is crazy," He sipped a cold breath.

Giggles and laughs ensued and took over the Throne Room. They all played bingo, tag and whatnot. Life in Camelot was never boring.

In the distance, on the wall. The portrait of King Arthur and Merlin hung together. They laughed and played together, for they felt the luckiest ever.

"Oye, Merlin, you made the wrong move. Play the game honestly," Arthur pointed his finger.

Merlin grabbed it and broke it, "Don't you point a finger at me. It's not my fault your brain is too dumb to comprehend my moves,"

"Really? Is that a move? I should write it down then," Arthur became serious. He wanted to get good at chess.

*BAM* But Merlin smacked his head, "Fool, I was cheating. You can't even tell that, how will you get good."

"REEEEE… YOU FUCKING BITCH! I WILL KILL YOU!" Arthur unsheathed his sword.

"We're already dead, fool"

And so was the daily occurrence in Camelot. A happy end to the story of a little boy that turned into a dragon.

The story of the dragon that ruled the world. His name was Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon.

But the story was yet unfinished, as one flawed dragon was still lost in cosmos, somewhere in some world, doing god knows what fucked up thing. His story shall continue until the two brothers meet again. The story of the crazy dragon had just begun.

[A/N: Damn, 500 Chapters. Not gonna lie, I had originally planned this fic to just be 200 chapters long. Now we're at 504. If the story was strictly about the wizarding world, then it may have ended a long time ago, but since a major part of the story was about the muggle world and him being the king, it took so many chapters.

If this fic was more popular, I could have written a few more chapters. I had also wished to hire an animator to make something for the end of the novel. But all that depended on how popular it was.

Still, I tried to bring it to a decent end. Ragnar's story has just begun, you can read the first chapter just below.

I hope you enjoyed this journey. Thank you for all your support, stay safe and eat healthily.

May the Monke gods bless you.

Special thanks to patrons for keeping me motivated to keep writing. Special thanks to all the readers and H_Alex for pointing out the mistakes quickly.

Next fic, Marvel: Mister President, is already ranked 1 on WN. Check it out if you have not.


[A/N: If you want to read the PDF version then go to my discord server and check the #Chapters channel.]

[GOT: The Flawed Dragon]

[Chapter 1 – Ragnar Grant Ulrik Oroborus]


Woke up in a mad world where human morality had no compass. A world ruled by evil and for evil.

Ragnar, previously a wizard with strong potioning talent and weak wand magic, replaces himself in Westeros after his heroic demise. He is a man of might, a talented warrior with the blood of half a dragon, as his last name implies.

He is a brutal man, a prince in his past life. He shall take shit from none and those who become adamant in ruining his peaceful life shall receive a thousand times more than they asked for.

His destiny has been written, but he's yet to learn it. His life is a test, will he achieve greatness despite being a man of ruthlessness, or will he too succumb to the swamp of vices and be just an addition to the list of names a girl wants to kill.

Join Ragnar on his journey as he determines his destiny, so one day he can answer the being who sent him to this world.

With memories of his loved ones from his past life, he starts the journey to form a million new memories. Some are full of fluff, some are full of degeneracy, and some are full of pure blood and gore.


Author's Note:-

For those who are new, the main character in this fic is the second male lead for my Harry Potter fanfiction. You should read it before you start this. If you don't want to, it's still fine. I will try to not make his previous life before transmigration a big subject. But you need to know a few things.

1. Ragnar is a super genius in potions. But he's worse than a 1st year when it comes to charm and any spells that need the wand. This is because of a birth defect that made his body not able to evenly release magic. For that, he studied alchemy and runes, eventually made tattoos for his body that can help him store magic. They make him inhumanly strong physically.

2. He's a very brash character, he curses and is prone to going extreme when it comes to payback and other scenarios. He's brutal when it comes to killing. His past was tragic where his family was brutally murdered. This will be talked about later in this fic.

3. He's very knowledgeable about swordsmanship since he had to use it instead of a wand. His sword was gifted to him by his brother(King of the United Kingdom), it used to belong to Ragnar Lothbrok, the Viking king. He is somewhat related to dragons due to one of his early ancestors mutating with the blood of a dragon, it ended pretty bad and the ancestor killed himself by eating himself, starting from the tail. Hence, the family name of Oroborus.

There are a few more things, I will mention in the story later. If you can, read the HP fic.

Thank you.


"NEVER… UNDERESTIMATE… MY FAMILY!" Ragnar dragged Grindelwald and jumped into the veil of death. Killing himself and the dark mad wizards too.

In 2020, Grindelwald planned to bring an end to the planet by spreading a virus, and when all are distracted, manipulate the muggles to launch all nukes.

But Ragnar stopped the mad wizard and gave time to his bother to deal with the nukes. What followed was his meeting with the old god in the Hall of Judgement.

He stood, in his childhood body, in front of the long white-haired and bearded man, who smoked a cigar and had glasses on his eyes. The style didn't feel godly, but the aura sure was. "So, I will not remember you, but I will remember my previous life, right? I really don't want to forget my dear mum, dad, brothers, sisters and friends,"

"Yes, child. You shall forget ever meeting me, but have a vague feeling of having an unknown purpose in life. Once you fulfil the purpose naturally, you will remember everything. Of course, you retain all your powers and I am giving you a few blessings.

With these, you should be able to bring about a change to the world you are going to. Are you ready?" God asked him.

Ragnar nodded. There was nothing else to do anyway, he just hoped that his family and his brother were safe. "Send me then. But wait, I want my emergency pouch, the sword and wand with me, gramps."

"Oh, that's a new name. Nobody has called me that before. All right, here you go." God waved his hand, sending Ragnar to the new world, on another world adventure.

Once alone, he called his little Bijuu-vengers, they wanted to show him their new gig, it was a play about Romeo and Juliet. (Don't worry, you won't get this reference unless you have read Grandpa Universe in Multiverse.)

A mysterious world, full of death and misery. All vices one could imagine, they were here. If one were to play cards right and gain some power, they could do whatever they want to.

A world so backward that things considered unacceptable on Earth were just ordinary life.

But, what happens when a magical man from the worlds of wizards, master of all potion, runes and somewhat weak in charms appear? A man who may be from a world of modernity but is crazy enough to put Vikings to shame. A man who believes in brutally dealing with his enemies rather than being political. A man who takes crap from none, be it a peasant or a king.

The blood of a Viking wizard king he did carry in his veins. He is the last of his bloodline. He is Ragnar Grant Ulrik Oroborus.

On an ominous night when the land called Westeros was shrouded in turmoil. A mere lord dared to usurp a mad king of a long historical dynasty.

As armies fought on the land where three rivers joined, and when the tall red castle was being besieged, a bright star fell from the sky. So bright it blinded the eyes of all across the continent.

Thunder roared in the sky, rain poured down heavily. Such sudden change in weather was unheard of. For years to come, it would make the keepers of knowledge, so-called Maesters busy, scratching their heads to know what caused it.

That night, the shooting star did not fall in Westeros, it fell in the land even worse, called Essos.

It fell with a loud boom in a desert, for miles to come, animals got scared, for the apex predator was here. Dozens of brave men got on their steads to go and replace precious minerals fallen from the sky.

In the end, it was greed that moved them, one way or another, money was their intent.

They did not replace precious metal, but a rather tall and muscular warrior man, unconscious, his body ridden with dark tattoos in a language unknown. Yet, there were no scares or blood splattered on the ground.

It was a mystery, but the one to replace him cared not. Getting away was the priority, as he knew many more were headed here like him. He put the unconscious blonde man on his horse and galloped out of the desert lands to the Slaver's Bay. The land where men, women and children were sold for gold and sometimes for as little as a favour.

The man entered the largest of the cities, Meereen. The city had wide walls and all sorts of defensive mechanisms all around. It was a city of wealthy slavers, for each free man there were 4 slaves. There were giant pyramids where the nobility lived in luxury. Then there were narrow streets, twisting like a snake for poverty.

The man as he entered the city, put on neat clothes, this was his home city, he was no nobility, but he still made enough money by sending his warriors into fighting pits.

First thing he did, he went to the Fighting pit to get his new slave branded, a collar was put around the neck and then he threw the him into the cells so he may wake up later to serve him well.

Ragnar had no idea what had happened to his body, his mind was reliving his previous life, again and again, engraining every single moment deeply so he may never forget it.

~Brother… I will return… someday.~

"AH!" He jolted up, awake all of a sudden. His mind was in a mess, unable to make heads or tails out of the situation. *Clank* As he tried to move, he felt something heavy, something touching, pulling his neck.

"Chain?" A frown appeared on his face. Urgently, he stood up. Rather than moving further, he looked out, there was a small window with bars. Mostly he saw other buildings, all too cramped, but at a distance, there were multiple pyramids, and this made him wonder, "I'm in Egypt?"

"So you have woken up?" appeared a man, slightly brown-skinned and bald-headed, fairly tall, about 6 foot, with a big bulging belly that made him look short. He walked in and stood outside the cell, "Good, you fight next. We shall see if I should keep another dog,"

Ragnar's mind was still not at peace, he had no idea why he was here, he had died the last he remembered and then… something happened? "Who are you?"

"I am Irros Dynyrion, the one who found you, the one who owns. You eat when I tell you to eat, you fight when I tell you to fight and you die when I tell you to die. You will be fighting the Giant, don't die too early." The man named Irros left without getting any response from Ragnar.

Ragnar sat back down and held his head in arms, "Ugh… I don't feel so good in my head… and I'm hungry."





A grand arena full of people roared in rage as they watched a fight between ten lions and ten gladiators. It was a fighting pit where humanity is taken over by the crudest and most violent aspects of the mind.

The Lions were obviously much stronger than the gladiators. Hence, all of them were getting shredded to pieces at the moment, it was a feast for the lions.

Each round lasts 15 minutes, if you survive the fifteen minutes, you don't earn any money and live to see another fight. If you win, you make your master some money and you still get nothing but some food. And if you lose, well that only meant death.

Soon enough, in the 10th minute, the last of 10 men died, the lions fought for the meat and happily divided the it among them. They got to eat every day, after all.

The manager of the arena started to announce, "THE DESERT LIONS HAVE WON! ONCE AGAIN! Now comes the main fight, the moment you all have been waiting for. The fight between the Giant of Qarth and a new warrior. A tall mighty man with a beard and hair resembling a majestic lion. Don't be moved by his handsome face, he has the body trained to kill. His life is a mystery, his future as well. But today, this arena shall decide his DESTINY!


The gates opened. First came a giant human, eight and a half feet tall, a broad man. From the looks of his face, he seemed mentally retarded. He had leather armour strapped on his shoulders and a big mace made of hardwood was in his hands.

He walked into the Arena and stood in the middle of it dumbly. There was not even an ounce of anger on the face, just dumbness and confusion.

On the other side of the Arena, however, nobody came out. People started to get frustrated and cursed. But they didn't see what went on inside the waiting room for the slaves.

"Get up, blondie, you need to fight. I spent good effort in bringing you here and paid money to put you on the slave list. You better make me money," Irros Dynyrion ordered Ragnar while opening the handcuffs.

But Ragnar was too hungry, to the point he didn't feel any energy in his body. He had by now understood that this was not the same world he was born in. Somehow, he was transmigrated here, to this unknown barbaric place. "Get me food,"

"Win me the fight and I will get you whatever you want, slave. Pick up a weapon and leave," Irros proceeded to swing his whip at Ragnar.

A big mistake. *SLASH* The whip made contact with Ragnar's skin, but it was his palms as he caught it head-on. Slowly, Ragnar stood up, his towering height of six feet five, his wide shoulders made him look much bigger than the slaver.

He caught Irros' neck in one hand and pressed it so hard that the man's eyes nearly popped out. "My name is Ragnar Grant Ulrik Oroborus, memorise that, you bufoon. The moment you call me a slave again, I will end your life, do you understand?"

"Ugh… I-I OWN YOU!"

*PA!* In an instant, the whip was in Ragnar's hand and it hit the man, "You will own me? Peasant, you are talking to a prince. My wealth exceeds a billion of you combined. Now, be a good little boy and bring me robes."

*PA!* He swung the whip once again. The man quickly ran away and brought back brown robes from his own bag. They were loose-fitting but fit him perfectly, but they were open from the front. They let his majestic detailed chest and abs appear clear for all to feast their eyes on.

"Ugh… I need a bath," Ragnar muttered, feeling his hair were smelling bad. He again asked the man, "Where is my leather pouch?"

"H-Here…" Irros gave it to him silently. He couldn't believe he was allowing a slave to walk over him, but he truly felt scared at that very instant. He had just looked into Ragnar's blue eyes once and he never wanted to see them again. They were the eyes of men who feared nothing, not even death.

Ragnar quickly strapped the pouch to his pants and looked around. There were other slaves, sitting silently, in fear.

"I am leaving," *CLANK* He pulled the metal slave collar with bare hands, breaking them apart.

"N-NO… I PAID SO MUCH! This fight… if you lose, I will let you keep half of the Gold Honours," Irros Dynyrion proposed. [A/N: It's the currency of Meereen.]

As soon as Ragnar heard the word "Gold" he stopped. Looking back, he asked, "How much for winning?"

"I… winning? Don't be mindles… *SLASH*" he received one more whip.

"Tell me what I ask, nothing less, nothing more. I own you now, keep that in your puny peanut brain." He ordered him sternly, scaring him with just a look.

Irros shrank his neck and answered, "I was to be paid 200 Gold Honors for getting a man to lose to the Giant of Qarth. If you do win, you will win thousands, since everyone will be betting against you,"

"Interesting," Ragnar licked his lips wickedly. "How many Gold Honors do you have? I have gold coins too, but they are not the same currency. I want you to bet ten thousand Gold Honors on me, here," He passed him a smaller pouch full of gold galleons, the wizarding currency from his last world.

"Are you going to fight the giant? Nobody has won against him, he was created by the wicked magic of the warlocks of Qarth."

Shrugging, Ragnar walked into the arena haughtily, but at the end, his face turned deadly cold, "Magic? A mere giant? Haha, I can crush their skulls with one hand."

[A/N: From the start of the scene, you should have seen some mentions of Robert's Rebellion. That's the current year, 282 AD. I am going to write a few chapters(Probably 5) about him in Essos, then there will be a time skip to 2 years before the main show's plot begins.

Ragnar will arrive in Westeros by then and will be living there. In the future, his deeds in Essos will slowly be unearthed by people from Westeros.

Ragnar is going to be a total badass in this fic, he's strong, he cares about nobody, he's got no clue what he's supposed to do except a vague feeling that he should not be evil and all he wants is a decent, silent, comfortable life at the moment.]

[See see New King Arthur and Ragnar in the new fic on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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