Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 60 - 60. Purebloods At It Again

The sun rose in the sky. Remus got his energy back. He told Magnus about himself and how he became a werewolf.

Magnus could feel that Remus just showed a tough look but inside he was an insecure kid, looking for some friends. Because of what happened in his childhood, he had spent most of his life away from civilization. ​​

His father, Lyall, worked at the Ministry of Magic and encountered the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, who was on trial for killing two children. Lyall was the only one at court to realise that Greyback was a werewolf, as Greyback pretended to be a Muggle tramp.

Outraged when Greyback was released, he voiced the opinion that Greyback deserved nothing but death. This opinion cost the Lupin family dearly, as Greyback decided to avenge himself upon Lyall by targeting his son. As the nearly five-year-old Remus slept peacefully in his bed, Greyback forced his way in through the window.

Though Lyall was able to get there in time to drive Greyback off with powerful spells, he was unable to prevent him from completing his evil goal. Remus became infected with lycanthropy and he became a werewolf himself.

His parents took him to various healers and tried their best to make him a normal boy, but there was no cure for his condition. But Headmaster Albus Dumbledore made special accommodations allowing Remus to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Magnus had nothing but pity for him, and then he felt for all those werewolves who wanted a normal life in the modern world but had no choice but to live in jungles in seclusion.


Magnus turned to look and as somewhat expected, old man Dumbledore came out, like a bunny hopping out of the ground.

"So, how long did it take to replace me?" Magnus asked.

"The whole night," Dumbledore replied frustratingly.

"You are very bad at hide and seek then. How big of a mess is it this time?" he inquired.

"Limited to teachers and your roommates. So you know about the werewolf now..." Dumbledore replied and started muttering something about how he should have been more careful.

"What Werewolf? It was just me and Remus lost here." Magnus replied with a knowing smirk on his face.

Dumbledore was smart enough to understand the meaning, "Ah, then we should get you back... you seem to have a scratch on your eyebrow... I hope there were no bites..."

"No, none at all," Magnus replied.

Remus gratefully looked at the two. Although he went crazy in his werewolf form, he still retains all memories that occurred when he was not in control. So, if he did anything bad then he would regret it for a long time.

"You need to get the cut checked by Madam Pomfrey for infections. Let's go." Dumbledore said and led the way back. This time, he did not take them through the tunnel but from the main road, passing through Hogsmeade, this was because the tree was still secret and useful for Remus.

Dumbledore did some magic and made sure nobody saw them. He brought them straight to the medical wing. There, Madam Pomfrey quickly stitched up the cut on Magnus' left eyebrows. Remus was fine though and just drank some health potion to regain energy.

After that, Dumbledore took him to his office to give him an earful. "Why is it that you just can't stay away from trouble? It's just your first year."

"I didn't know Madam Pomfrey was helping him and not abducting him. My mummy taught me not to go somewhere with strangers." Magnus answered.

"Yes... That was indeed a mishap, shouldn't have let them walk so openly. So, are you going to keep it a secret?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, I am. He deserves to study here. But, you need to make a more foolproof plan to keep the secret. I found out when I wasn't even trying to, what if someone was looking for it?" Magnus advised.

"That I will, what you need to do is go back to your dorms and sleep. I'm sure it wasn't easy there." Dumbledore advised him. In all honesty, Dumbledore was a little anxious when he thought Magnus might have been bitten. Even if it was very thin in blood, he truly saw him as a relative.

Magnus yawned, "Yes, I did not sleep last night. I'll go. Good night."

"Good morning," Dumbledore muttered and let him leave.

Once he was gone, Dumbledore got up to go to check the mails. In there, he found a bizarre letter. It was from the ministry. By now, most pure-blooded powerful families and the ministry had conducted a full investigation into Magnus and his past.

He truly came from a muggle family and as far as the records showed, there were only muggles in his family. He was the only wizard. So, they had hypothesised that maybe it was not bloodline that made Magnus descendant of Merlin but some kind of inheritance.

This made all of them a bit more confident, seeing that he was the only descendant and not his whole family, though now they had a different problem because Dumbledore was now officially related to the whole Grant Family.

Dumbledore read the ministry letter and his brown frowned. In it, it was stated that the Ministry wants to take ownership of the vault of Merlin until Magnus gets 18. Their supposed reasoning was that the responsibility was too big for someone so young.

Then, there was another thing, it said that the vault of Arthur would be handed over to the royal family of Britain as it belonged to the crown now. They failed to realise that the second Magnus received the inheritance, the royal family lost all rights over the throne, now Magnus himself was the crown.

Dumbledore felt angered by this. He had thought that the ministry would try to be on Magnus' good side, but again, when he remembered the incompetent track record of ministry, it did not seem so out of the ordinary. Still, he needs to stop them before they do something foolish.

So, he apparated from his office directly to the Ministry of Magic office. He went to meet the Minister. She was busy in the office when he entered. Perks of being a hero was that he never had to wait.

He just put the letter on her desk and asked in a tired voice, "What is this?"

She sighed, "It was not me, Mr Dumbledore. The Wizengamot committee decided to do this. Abraxus Malfoy led them to vote on this."

"Malfoys again, do they not know what they are doing? Destroying their face with the future monarch and possibly the most famous wizard in the world? They also hold no legal right to take away his property." Dumbledore argued.

"I know, professor, but I can't do anything. The job of the Minister for Magic is just to run the ministry and see its operations. If I interfere with them, they can just fire me. They have struck some kind of a deal with the royal family that half of all wealth in King Arthur's vault will be given to them." She revealed.

"This is preposterous. Magnus is not a fool, Minister, he is not going to like this and don't forget, he has the traits of a Slytherin too, he will not forget this." Dumbledore warned her and left the office.

Just as he went out, he saw the silver blonde-haired old man, Abraxus Malfoy. "What do we have here? The headmaster of Hogwarts. I heard the safety of students in Hogwarts is at risk?"

Dumbledore took a softer tone, fitting for an old wizard like him, "Ah, they play games, Mr Malfoy, just like any other kids. But some kids tend to be weaker and end up getting injured, for example, breaking their arm. But don't worry, we are adequately staffed to meet any kind of medical emergency. Take care."

Abraxus could only grit his teeth as he still did not have enough influence to undermine Dumbledore or shout at him.



Magnus returned to his Dorm. The classes had already started as usual but he was granted special medical leave to sleep and recuperate. Snape and Ragnar were in class so the room was empty.

All except Chad and Duck. As soon as he entered the room, Chad ran to him, crying and hugged his leg. While Duck flew to his shoulder and started rubbing his head on his face.

"Hehe, you guys, let me go and sleep now. I will play with you two later." He laughingly separated them.

But when he slept, Chad and Duck also slept near him, on the foot side of the bed.

~Aw, it seems they did not sleep either, such good boys.~ Magnus patted the two and went to sleep.

[A/N: Some were asking, why Magnus feels so adult-like and mature. Well, you got your answer. Yeah, he's very smart and mature in some ways, but his greatest disadvantage is lack of experience.]

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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