Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 67 - 67. Upcoming Prince Of Enchanters?

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Lucius ran towards Magnus crazily.

Magnus was ready to tackle him. He had been doing physical training for more than two years now. Arthur had taught him everything related to martial arts. ​​

But before any mess could be made, Dumbledore waved his hand slightly and cast a wandless charm to make Lucius fall asleep. Nobody saw it and most thought it was due to mental stress.

Arcturus Black came and picked him up. He looked at Dumbledore and Magnus with angry eyes, "This is not the end of this."

After that, he took Lucius to St Mungo's Hospital to get him treated.

Dumbledore sighed and turned back to Magnus. He felt sympathy for him, after all, in all his life, this was the first time he was seeing such complexities in the life of an 11-year-old. Magnus should've been having fun with his friends right now but here he was, dealing with death, schemes and racists.

~Being the descendant of Merlin and Arthur is hard.~ he thought.

"Let's go back, Magnus," Dumbledore said.

Magnus nodded, but before that, he talked to the head of Gringotts. "The issue of seized Vaults will be resolved in a few days. The normal working of the bank can be resumed, give service to all except those I have named."

After that, he went back to Dumbledore. "Let's go. This place is depressing."


Magnus returned to Hogwarts and it was already evening by then. Everyone had already eaten dinner. But Dumbledore told him that he will tell a house-elf to bring food for him in his room.

And surprisingly, by the time he came to his room, he found a covered plate on his table. The house-elves in Hogwarts seem to take pride in the fact that they cannot be caught doing work. Maybe it was a technique to keep them away from people as it would leave a bad taste.

The moment he arrived in his dorm room, Chad, Duck and Summer ran to him to get hugs and pats.

Magnus' mood was immediately elevated to the fullest. He held the three in his arms and stroked Chad and Summer's fur while he patted Duck as he was a dragon and didn't have fur.

"Ahaha... Stop you three. Duck, don't lick my face, bad manners. Chad, stop sniffing my feet... see I told you, they are smelly, now don't vomit. And Summer... well you can stay seated on my head." He interacted with the three curious kids. Although Chad was probably older, he was still a curious cat.

"What happened at the bank?" Ragnar asked as he entered the dorm room.

"They tried to open my vault forcefully, Merlin's safety mechanism kicked in and he died. Lucius is going to blame me, I can already tell. So, you and Snape better be careful." Magnus warned.

Snape nodded, "It is sad but nothing to cry about. Lucius' father is allegedly supporting the Death Eaters in the money aspect."

"So he's a death eater?" Magnus asked back.

Ragnar shook his head, "No, he can't be. Because he deals with the ministry too much. But, he should be somewhat like a Consigliere in the Italian Mafia, though I can't say if he truly is the right-hand man of Volde.... ah whatever his name is."

"Where does their money come from?" Snape inquired.


"It's all old money. Perks of owning the land over which Gringotts exists and the current fiasco is that I now have all the records of the wealth of all wizarding families. Malfoy family is old... very old... nearly as old as Merlin himself. The first Malfoy came to England with William the Conqueror as part of the invading Norman army. He gave some unknown, shady and almost certainly magical services to King William I. For this, Malfoy was given a prime piece of land in Wiltshire, seized from local landowners, upon which his descendants have been living for centuries.

"They have been termed a slippery bunch since a long long time because they were always found courting power and riches wherever they might be found. I even found out a note saying that the Malfoy family was very much involved with the Highborn muggles of those times and they even opposed the Statute of Secrecy. But, once it was passed, they kept to themselves.

"Want to know the most fun part? It is related to the British crown." Magnus asked.

"What? Did they kill some kings? I wouldn't be surprised." Ragnar shrugged.

Magnus shook his head, "No, they would never kill someone. But, they did something just as their nickname implies. There is ample evidence to suggest that the first Lucius Malfoy was an unsuccessful aspirant to the hand of Elizabeth I, and it is said that the Queen's subsequent opposition to marriage was due to a jinx placed upon her by the thwarted Malfoy." Magnus revealed.

Snape scoffed and started, "Hmph, no wonder they would be joining the up and coming dark lord. They are different from other pureblood families. They have enough brains to not inbreed. They know that magical Britain is now at its weak point and a strong dark lord can take over it, so they went with him. Though I am sure they did not expect you to enter the equation or else, they might have supported you."

Magnus nodded in agreement. "But I'm sure Lucius will never see me as a possible ally. Anyway, their wealth comes from the same place all royals and nobles get in today's time. Their old wealth and lots and lots of investments in property. Malfoys are said to be the richest wizarding family, though I guess I have taken that mantle now but nobody knows that."

Magnus' explanation ended and then he looked at Ragnar, "I checked your family account, it was not in a very safe location, so I shifted it deeper. Because I believe, with that potion-maniac brain of yours, you'll be making a lot of money. Though I suggest you two put aside some money and invest in my new company. You'll be billionaires in a few years then."

"Sure, in the days I've known you, I can confidently say that you are the most money loving person I've ever known." Ragnar jokingly said.

Magnus did not laugh though. He seriously answered, "I love money because I know it means power. Power to influence. Just becoming the richest in the world is not my motive, but becoming the strongest is."

"And what will you do with that power?" Snape inquired. He wondered if this was another dark wizard in rising. But Magnus' answer made all those thoughts go away.

"First of all, I will fulfil Merlin's dream of an equal world for all magicals. Then, I will bring world peace and then, maybe start a worldwide pancake restaurant chain. I will sell all kinds of pancakes there. Ice cream pancake, cheese pancake, pasta pancake, honey pancake, fish pancake, marshmallow pancake and all kinds that can exist. AH... I also want to make a BIG hospital for my mummy. You know what, let's make it a worldwide chain of hospitals." Magnus started blabbering all his plans.

Ragnar and Snape shook their heads and went to do their work. Ignoring the three animals playing chase around their feet.

Soon, Magnus ate his dinner and went to bed. But he did not sleep. Instead, he started working on a magic spell. It was already in existence but he was trying to use them in different ways. If successful, he will be able to make surprise attacks on his enemies and even kill them with it.

Behind him, on the wall was Merlin in the portrait and he helped Magnus whenever needed. The Prince of Enchanters was supposed to be good at Charms, Jinxes, Hexes and Curses after all. Though Enchanting also had Runes as a huge part, it was what made Merlin's magic so potent. Magnus needed to master Runes too if he wanted to surpass Merlin.


Magnus did not sleep that night. He was feeling a sense of urgency now. That he needed to at least be powerful enough to protect himself. He had his very sharp sense, but they did not help if his body was slow.

So, he started to get out to do physical exercise every single day. From 4 AM to 6 AM. He was later going to ask Dumbledore to make an indoor gym for physical exercise.

After his exercise, he arrived at the breakfast table. Lucius was still not there but his gang was already giving him the death stares. He ignored them and focused on his breakfast.

"Ummm... excuse me... can I..." He suddenly heard a voice from his side. He looked and saw a tall girl. She was in Ravenclaw robes and was certainly not 1st year.

He showed his big warm smile, "What can I help you with?"

"Hello... I am Mary Von Cintra... I'm 5th-year prefect of Ravenclaw... can you help me with a charm?" She shyly asked.

Magnus was a bit shocked. He looked around to make sure she was asking the right person.

"Me? I'm just a first-year." He said.

"I heard you know all charms and I thought... because you are related to Merlin..." she replied.

Magnus shook his head, "Okay, share a seat with me then. We will talk about it here."

She was taken aback that her request was accepted. She feared that Slytherins wouldn't be so friendly.

"What are you working on?" Magnus asked with interest. As Ragnar was into potions, he was into charms.

"False Memory Charm... I am having trouble replaceing the right memories to change them..." she started explaining her problem.

"Ah, a 6th-year spell? It's a very tough one. But I know how to do it to a limit. I tried it on Ragnar and made him think he had eaten, while he had not. He had a stomach ache the next day." Magnus revealed.

"*COUGH* IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU?" Ragnar raged as soon as he heard that.

Magnus sweetly replied to him, "My friend, I was just helping you stay fit..."

"Anyway, Miss Cintra, do you know about Occlumency and Legilimency?" He inquired.

She nodded, "I know about it, but never tried it."

"Exactly, you need to at least start practising Occlumency. It will teach you about the functioning of the human brain, it will also safeguard your mind from intruders. I will give you a biology book that can help you learn it..." He started enthusiastically teaching her.

She slowly stopped acting shy and asked whenever she wanted to. This was the first time someone from another house had come and sat on the Slytherin table and it was a wonderful feeling for Dumbledore who was looking at the interaction from his seat.

~Will he also be another Prince of Enchanters?~ Dumbledore thought.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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