Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 92 - 92. Ancient Magic

*Music Playing*

Magnus had started the music player and was talking with Ragnar as they tried to sleep. ​​

"Where do you think is your wand? How long will you use these spare ones? They are like potions made by an amateur, they can explode at any moment." Ragnar asked him. Both of them were in their beds. Adam was nice enough to buy another bed for Ragnar and put it in Magnus' room. It seems they were planning to have him live there from now on.

"Well, these exploding wands are a great tool to fight, you know. The opponent never expected someone to throw their wand at you, even less expecting is for that wand to explode." Magnus replied honestly.

"Hehe... Yeah, that's indeed a good way to win a fight. I myself would use my potions on my enemies more than my wand." Ragnar said.

"Hmm... Though I was told by Merlin that he used a staff, not a wand. As I'm not tall enough, maybe that's why I'm not getting the staff, though the swords are good too." Magnus summoned his two swords and looked at them.

Ragnar took the despair sword and said, "Swords are cool, teach me how to use them someday."

"Sure, I bet even Arthur would love to teach you. He's a maniac when it comes to his love for swords. I bet he used to sleep with them too back in his days." Magnus jokingly said.

As expected, Arthur immediately voiced, "HEY... I did that for safety reasons."


All of a sudden, a bright red light came from the window with a short bang. Magnus and Ragnar had their heartbeats increased. Both of them got up and held their wands, swords and potion bottles in their hands. Magnus went and stopped the music.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Ragnar wondered.

Magnus quickly thought of his parents. "Don't worry, you stay here, I will check up on my parents."

He ran downstairs. He tried to hear if they were awake, but they seemed to be asleep. Magnus by now knew that this was something magic related. Not wanting his parents to get in the way and end up injuring themselves, he cast a silencing charm around the room. So that noise from outside wouldn't reach them.

"Who the hell decided to create ruckus here?" Magnus angrily peeked out of the living room window.

Outside, he noticed curses and charms flying in directions.


Moody, Shacklebolt and the female auror were in the house across Magnus' home. They were, as always, keeping an eye on the house, making sure nothing bad happened to them.

They took turns watching the house. As it was now midnight, most muggles were asleep and the light of Magnus' room was also off.

Moody was sitting in a chair near the window, looking at the house, god knows what he was thinking but his face had a frown.

"I have a bad feeling about today. My magic eye is acting up." He muttered to himself.


All of a sudden, a long howl came. It was not a dog's howl that was certain from the get-go.

"SHACKLEBOLT! Get up. We got company. A Werewolf most likely." Moody quickly woke up the two Aurors.

Shacklebolt and the female Auror were prepared and had their wands in their hands. Ready to start blasting.


Moody shouted all of a sudden. As soon as they got on the floor, a red fire blast came from the window and destroyed the whole upper floor of the rented house.

Making a quick decision, he sent a Patronus message to Dumbledore. He had no idea how many people there were but he didn't take chances.

"No matter what happens, do not let them reach Magnus' home. Understood?" He ordered.

With that, he started firing back. "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!"


The three aurors went downstairs. They wanted to first see how many enemies there were before they went out in the open.

Moody used his special eye to see beyond the walls. He counted them quickly.


"We can't take them all on alone," Shacklebolt said.

"I don't care. Now, you are allowed to use magic, any magic, cast to kill." Moody was not going to go easy.

The three used the element of surprise and jumped out of the building with their wands blazing spells.

"DIFFINDO!" Just in the first second the female newbie auror got her wand shredded into pieces. This was the problem with most Aurors because most Death Eaters belonged to pureblood families, they had the best education and training too, this kept the bar of enemies higher than the protectors.

"RUN! GIRL. Go back into the building." Moody shouted with a frown.

"HAHA... MOODY. I did not expect the legendary Auror to be here." the leader death eater spoke with a laugh.

Moody's fake eye acted up as he focused on the guy that spoke, "I know that voice. How can I forget it, Rodolphus Lestrange."


"I came prepared this time," Moody immediately took out a sausage from his pocket and threw it in front of the coming curse. He had many sausages in his coat. They were also good for eating while doing the job. How else do you think a man who does so much work can still get this thick?


Shacklebolt got disarmed by another death eater.

Well, Moody was good, but he was not a god. Fighting all of them alone was not something he could do. So, all he could do was waste time until help comes.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Don't try to act smart, Moody. You know why we are here, the same reason as you are here. But don't worry. We will not kill him, we just came here to take him." Rodolphus revealed.

"To do what? Do you think he will bend to your will? Then you don't know him." Moody confidently claimed.

"Hah, in front of Lord Voldemort, all kneel, no matter how strong, all have a breaking limit." Rodolphus countered.

But Moddy shook his head, "Yes, everyone has a breaking point, and I recommend you don't test his. You don't want Merlin's ancient magic unleashed on you."

"We'll see about that. Go and bring him to me." Rodolphus ordered.

Immediately, two death eaters headed towards Magnus's house. However, the second they tried to cross the boundary reaching the door, out of nowhere, a wall of flames came out of the ground. It went many metres high in the sky.

Magnus was inside his home, looking at it all from the window. ~WOAH... where is all this magic coming from?~ he wondered.

The death eaters outside tried to enter using many ways, but none worked. They even tried to enter through the roof, but the situation was much worse up there as one Death Eater got burned to death because the moment he stepped over the roof, it caught fire.

They were getting restless now. The more time they spent here, the more chances of reinforcements coming.

Rodolphus could not think of any better way to deal with this. Hence, he focused his fire on Moody now.

"CAPTURE HIM!" he commanded.

So, all 5 death eaters went full force at Moody. Moody was able to handle them for a few minutes but completely stopping them was out of the question. He tried to win as much time as possible. But, eventually, he ended up getting hit by a binding curse.

The next thing, Moody, Shacklebolt and the female auror were held at the tip of wands.

Rodolphus turned to the house and started shouting, "PENDRAGON... HEAR ME. IF YOU DO NOT COME OUT IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS. THESE THREE DIE."



Magnus was hoping not to have to go out but the situation had gone for the worse. Even worse was the fact that there was also a werewolf around the area. It might bite someone and Magnus did not want that guilt.

"RAGNAR... I will try to lure the Werewolf here, you deal with it," he shouted.

"I'M READY. YOU BE SAFE." Ragnar shouted from upstairs. He had full confidence in the abilities of Magnus.

Magnus looked out of the window and closed his eyes, ~How should I deal with them? No wide-area spell will work here, nothing is as destructive. Fiendfyre? NO! I can not control it yet.~

He was focused on replaceing the best strategy to fight them and also getting Moody out of danger.


All of a sudden, he felt a chill run down his body and a voice appeared back in his head. It was the voice of Merlin that Magnus heard while in that dream.

"You are too young for it, as your body does not hold enough magic to power it and utilise it. However, the situation calls for it so you may use it. Remember, tap it 3 times on the ground and chant 'Stonerain'. Do not use it more than 2 times or you may fall unconscious, and tell your friends to clear the area as soon as you cast the spell. You still have a long way to go, little Magnus." Merlin's voice ended and Magnus felt himself taking a long breath.

Then, as he opened his eyes, he also felt something held in his right palm. It was light but long. He took a look, and it turned out to be a staff. It was longer than Magnus himself, but, it was so beautiful. It had a big blue crystal on the top and a sculpted dragon rolling around it. The whole staff was made of unknown wood and also had a small cloth wrapped around its middle. Also, the crystal seemed to have totally attached itself to the wand. [Check the Para comment,]

~Here goes nothing.~ he muttered to himself and opened the door.




The door opened, Magnus came out of it. Rodolphus smiled seeing him, as if a fox caught the rabbit.

"Good, as expected from you. Come here now," he ordered. But, he also felt threatened by the weird thing in Magnus' hand.

Magnus made eye contact with Moody. Moody saw the strange staff and had a very bad feeling. And when Magnus nodded towards him, he knew something was going to happen.

Magnus then addressed the attackers, "I do not know when I provoked you and your master. I never attacked him, but here you are, taking the peace away from my peaceful life. Why?"


"THANK YOU, FOR NOT MAKING ME FEEL GUILTY OF WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO!" Magnus muttered and held the long staff tightly. Then, he tapped it on the ground 3 times.


"STONERAIN!" He shouted loudly.


The staff sent a small blue wave into the ground from its bottom side. As soon as that happened, Magnus felt as if he just ran 10 kilometres in one stretch.

~It really does take a lot of magic.~ he muttered, looking at the staff.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Rodolphus asked nervously. He and other death eaters looked around themselves to guess what was going on.

In all honesty, Magnus didn't know what was happening. But, he just looked at Moody and nodded very strongly.

The next thing they knew, out of nowhere, multiple noises started coming from the sky, like when world war two bombers dropped bombs from the sky. The whistling sound only multiplied and increased. Soon, a few lights appeared in the sky.

Goosebumps appeared on everybody's skin and their hearts started beating fast. They all turned their heads to look up in wonder and wands ready.




It was a dark night, nobody knew what was coming towards them, but they started firing curses towards the sky anyway.

Magnus anticipated what would come. He then shouted, "MOODY!"

Moody immediately pushed himself back and ran away. Shacklebolt did the same. Magnus also used his normal wand to send a Petrificus Totalus at the distracted death eater that was holding the third auror. The three ran away at full speed and came beside Magnus.

And then, hell came.




"AAAAAAAAAH... SAVE ME..." a sudden cry came. Everyone turned to look and realised what had happened and what had fallen from the sky. A death eaters had gotten his body gruesomely damaged. The spine was out of the back and the legs were split metres apart. It was a wonder how he was even alive, but, the next second the life left his body.



The car in Magnus' driveway also blasted into flames as the object fell on it too, completely destroying it.

Rodolphus gritted his teeth and looked at Magnus. He felt enraged as he noticed the proud smirk.

"NOT TODAY!... I SHALL NOT FAIL HIM!... A FILTHY MUDBLOOD CAN NOT DEFEAT ME! COVER ME!" he screamed and rushed towards Magnus.

Magnus again tapped the staff on the ground, "STONERAIN!"

*Cough* Magnus coughed but supported himself with the staff.

This time, faster than before, the whistling sound came, spreading fear and terror in Death Eater's hearts. They looked towards the sky to defend themselves from what was to come.

"DO NOT COWER! COVER ME!" Rodolphus shouted again, ignoring the fear in his own heart by shouting.

[You can see the Staff and objects falling from the sky on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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