Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Friends come first

The snow outside was thin and not nearly as deep as the snow in the north was. So far the best thingabout being a lady was being able to go outside when she wanted and not being afraid that someonewas going to scream at her for it. She used to sneak out for a bit of fresh air and have nightmares aboutbeing caught for it. The one time she was caught, she was marked by the man she now spends most ofher nights with. Funny how she swore her life would never be what it has become. 1 Her blood wasboiling. The chilly temperatures were nothing on her heated skin. Too many emotions tried to comeforward but all she wanted to do was forget them all and try to imagine she had nothing to weigh downher shoulders. What would it be like to walk out of the palace and forget everyone behind her? Wouldthey think she was selfish, or smart? Would they look for her and not rest until she was found, or wouldthey let her go? “Ay! What are you doing out here?” À familiar voice called from behind her. She heardthick steps stomp across the snow and a moment later, a thick cloak fell across her shoulders to wardaway any of the cold she didn’t feel.

“Daniel? What’re you doing out here?” Doris tried to smile up at the boy who always held a large grin onhis face when he saw her. A soft spot warmed her chest at the sight of him. It was better than runninginto any of the other prince’s at the moment. In fact, he was currently her favorite. “I came for some airbut it seems I found myself a beautiful princess instead.” He grinned. Doris bumped her shoulder intohim a little more harshly than she intended but he didn’t seem to mind-or notice. Daniel whistled as helooked her up and down respectively. “I knew I never stood a shot with you. Why didn’t you tell me mygrumpy brother already had his claim on you?” Doris felt her cheeks warm. “Don’t joke around like that!I’ve had enough of that lately. I don’t need another foolish prince around me.” Doris sighed. “I didn’t knowI was going to be his lady. Trust me, I would have told you if I did.” Daniel laughed. “So what? Hesurprised you with the title? I’m pretty sure the lady has to agree to. it.” Daniel eyed her long dress. “Youlook different, but just as stunning. I would even say that attire was made for you.” “Did you come outhere just to flirt with me?” “Oh no. William would string me up by my guts if I did a thing like that. Promise

not to tell him I gave you my heart.” Daniel winked. Doris rolled her eyes but she couldn’t hide her smile.When Daniel held out his arm for her to take, she didn’t ‘hesitate.

“Tell me more about what I’ve missed while I’ve been away.” “Ah, well. I suppose you’ve missed a bit butI’m not sure where to start. I think the Luna Queen has doubled up on her guards. She no longer goesanywhere without at least five.” Doris raised her brows. “Truly? Why do you think?” “I’m not sure… I thinkshe’s making the palace on edge with her ruling. My brother Martin must be too upset about our dad tonotice but she’s been slowly changing things around here. First, I was told it started with shift changes,and then it went into bigger things like meetings and controlling some of the villages. Whenever comearound, the servants look more and more as if they’re ready to burn the palace to the ground.” “Surelythat can’t be true!” “Haven’t you noticed how unhappy they all are? Look around, they’re all meaner androugher. about everything.” Daniel glanced back at the palace as if he was afraid one of them might haveheard him. “I have noticed. It’s like a dark cloud has fallen over the palace since we left.” Doris glancedback at the palace as well and never had it looked so haunting. The gloomy clouds above it almostmirrored how it felt to be inside. Once it had stood tall in glory, now it looked like the sort of place shewould avoid in fairytales. “It’s been like that for weeks. I was glad to get

out of here when it started. You’ve brought a bit of the light back into the castle, but it’s still darker than itever had been.” Daniel led them through the gardens and towards the bench where they had first met.He was just as charming as the day he fooled her. All of the flowers were gone and frozen, it was almosthard to witness. Doris did love winter, but it always took away the most beautiful parts of life snd froze itto the core. Still, it shined through with a new sort of beauty that flourished in it’s white coat. “Do you…”Doris hesitated. “Do you think Prince Martin will make a great king one day?” Doris asked quietly andwatched for his reactiòn. Daniel’s wandering attention snapped to her all at once. She instantly regrettedasking. “I’m not sure yet. I don’t think he’s been challenged enough to become a king, but he could learnI suppose.” Daniel seated himself next to her and watched as light bits of snow fell from the sky. “T hopehe will make a great king, one day.. Hopefully not for years and years to come.” Daniel said sadly. 3 “I’msure it won’t be for many years to come.” Doris didn’t want to ask what he thought of William being king.

It might tip him off and Daniel had a tact for talking about things he wasn’t supposed to. If he was anyonebut a prince, she might have just told him because he was her friend. “So… truly. Why didn’t you tell meabout you and

my brother?” Daniel bumped her arm. He watched her intently and all of his jokes had faded. “I… Isuppose we haven’t had a chance to talk since I returned.”. “Is it true what I heard? That you’re hismate? The lads down in the yard told me that his last lady was screaming about killing you for lyingabout being his mate.” Daniel chuckled, but Doris felt horrified at his words. 2 “She said that?” “Oh don’tworry about her. She would be executed if she ever tried to harm you. Especially if you are his mate. Theking has stricter laws about that after what happened to his own.” 1 “Well… Yes. I suppose I am hismate,” Doris admitted. “You suppose?” Daniel grinned. “When did you figure?” “I didn’t want to accept itfor the longest time but … my wolf came free out in the north to protect him and it was forced upon me.”“William isn’t easy to love, I’ll admit that. I tried when I was younger but he grew an anger inside him thatno one could tamper with unless they wanted it to explode on them.” Daniel rubbed his neck. “All theladies fancied him and it wasn’t hard to guess why, but usually a lot of them ended up running from himrather than to him. I’m not sure if he will ever learn to control his temper.”

“I think he’s starting to.” Doris admitted. “He has his moments, but lately he hasn’t been acting out like heused to.” “I assume that’s thanks to you.” Daniel raised his brows as if he was impressed. Doris rolled hereyes. “I think he only gets angry at me lately.” Doris stood and let out a long sigh. “I ran from him after hemarked me. I didn’t want him to replace me, I wanted to run as far as I could and pretend it never happened.But he found me and now my fate is tied to his.” 1 “Do you not wish it to be? I thought all the girls in thepalace would give up anything to have a chance with my dear grumpy brother.” Daniel stood andtowered over her. She had to tilt her head back a little just to see his eyes. “I wanted freedom-or I did.Now i’m not sure what I want or what path is meant for me.” “I suppose that’s half the fun, isn’t it?” “Whatis?” Doris eyed him as they took the path back towards the palace. She quite missed the snow, evenwhen she swore she would wake up with no toes on most of the nights. She missed the way it coated

everything for miles and the strange peace it gave her. “Finding your own path no matter how manytimes it changes.”

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