Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne -
Chapter 71
Chapter 71
Chapter 71 You can pretend you‘re married a
The man seemed dazed and confused when William shoved him against the tree. It took a few momentsto register what was happening before his eyes widened in pure fear and recognition. “I
William slammed his head back against the tree and dragged the man further into the woods. Dorishesitated and looked around to see no one was nearby before she followed him. Patrick was alreadythere by the time Doris found them again. The man was shoved on the floor between William andPatrick, he had his hands up as if he could ward off their blows. but even Doris knew it was no use actinghelpless. “Who are you and why were you targeting the prince?” Patrick demanded. He quickly steppedon the man’s hand when he tried to move away from them. Doris cringed at the sound of his bonescracking. It brought her right back to the
room with Jack when he did the same to her. She took a small step back and wrapped her arms aroundherself. There was a bit of clarity in his eyes when he looked at the men that towered over him. Perhapsthe dose of cure was already working in his system. A shame it wouldn’t really matter soon. “I–I don’tknow what you guys are talking about” Patrick kicked the man in the face, Doris looked away. “That’s notwhat we asked. We know you were part of the group of wolves that tried to assassinate the prince.”Patrick kneeled down and gripped the man by his chin to force him to look at him. “Who sent you?” “Idon’t know what you’re talking about!” The man shouted and tired to pull away from Patrick, but he heldfirm. It brought back horrible memories of the palace… did they all torture people for information? “Whereare you from, then? Why did you come for the prince?” Patrick asked, his patience running thin. “Alright,alright! We came from Life Pharmacy! We heard the prince was
nearby and we knew he couldn’t be trusted. The royal family has been our enemy for decades. We weregathered and came up with a plan to follow his carriage and attack at the right moment.” William shifted alittle. He glanced back to make sure Doris was still close by before he looked back down at the man. “Iknew I felt someone following me. How long?” “Three days. You were never alone, the fight at Enzo’s
camp was the perfect opportunity.” “Who owns Life Pharmacy?” Patrick asked. The man started to moveaway again and Patrick forced him back in place before he smacked him. “Did you hear me?” “Enzodoes.” ; The group froze. Patrick and William shot looks at each other but Doris couldn’t see William’sface. There was no way Enzo had anything to do this, Doris knew that. “Did Enzo ask you to kill me?”William asked with a drop of venom in his voice. “Our pack decided amongst ourselves.” The man spat.Doris flinched, it wasn’t
going to end pretty for him if he thought it was wise to talk back to them. “Who else is in your group?What are their names?” Patrick asked. The man started to laugh suddenly. He laid his head back in thesnow and closed his eyes. “I’ll never rat my brothers out. You might as well kill me now.” “You heard theman.” William said as he turned towards Doris and took her arm to lead her away. “Kill him now.” “Wait!No!” The man screamed. A loud smack sounded behind them as they walked out of the woods. Williamgripped her arm hard enough so she wouldn’t look back. She knew that he was already dead before theyeven got out of earshot. It was strange to think that only a few weeks ago she had never really beenaround death. Now it was everywhere she turned. They walked in silence back to the horse. The streetswere deserted and quiet, she imaged everyone was already asleep and warm in their own beds. Safeand cozy, how she longed for that instead of being here. He said nothing as he lifted her on
the horse and got on himself. She knew a hurricane was brewing in his mind and she couldn’t help butwonder if he had a new suspicion about Enzo. They rode back hard and fast, even with the growingwind. Part of Doris worried a storm was coming, but William acted like one was already here. He didn’tstop once until they reached it back to the camp in record time. Her mind briefly wondered if Patrick hadalready disposed of the body and was on his way back too. He steered the horse into the stables andslid off before he helped her off. He barely looked at her, only turned and made his way out into thesnow. And right towards Enzo’s cabin. Doris quickly followed even though she knew she could neverstop a fight between them. “You don’t think he honestly ordered your murder, do you?” Doris said to hisback, He turned and she stopped dead in her tracks. His face had been taken over by a rage that chilled
her bones and made her wish she could suck her words right back “Do not try to defend him to me,Doris.
You don’t know who he is or how dangerous he is.” William said, each word almost made her flinch. “Youmay be daft enough to trust every kind man, but I’m not.” He turned without another word, but Enzo wasalready standing there with his hands behind his back. It was empty of other villagers who must havealready been asleep. Otherwise she knew they would have loved to see this scene play out. “I wouldn’tunderestimate how smart our Doris is, prince.” William’s jaw tensed. “She’s not your anything.” Enzosmiled at Doris over William’s shoulder and offered a shrug that said, can you believe this guy? Williamgrowled. “Why did you send your men to assassinate me? I thought you claimed peace in this land.” IEnzo looked taken aback by his words. His brows furrowed in confusion. “You mean when your packattacked ours?” “No, I mean Life Pharmacy,” William’s hands clenched into fists at his sides.
“I take it your little plan worked, then.” Enzo said with a nod. “I only wonder why you think I wouldencourage it if I had anything to do with the man you sought out.” “Life Pharmacy is owned by you.”William stretched his fingers and clenched them again. “That may be so, but I didn’t put out an order onyour head. Even when you tore through a few of my villages looking for your girl.” Enzo flicked a piece ofdirt off his suit. “Whoever did so was not granted my approval-not that I would have ever given it to themunless it was under self defense.” “Then who would have took it upon themselves to hunt down William?”Doris asked. She eyed William as she stepped up. “When we came, there was a decoy carriage that wastaken down the second it passed through the north. Perhaps it’s the same people who did that.” Enzolooked thoughtful. “It could be. I wasn’t aware you were coming to the north until you were here. Is thereanyone from the castle that might have
fed information to someone at Life Pharmacy?” William and Doris shared a quick glance but saidnothing. Enzo only smiled. “Ah, we all got our secrets. Perhaps it’s not wise to keep so many when yourlife is at risk. But, nonetheless, I would like to know who is conspiring behind my back. Killing a prince isenough to bring a war on our land and something I would never risk.” “I wouldn’t worry too much about a
war. My family isn’t known for their love in me.” William said bitterly and walked by Enzo. “Think what youwill, prince, but I know even the smallest insult can bring a kingdom down.” Enzo watched William acrossthe snow. “How about this,” William slowed his steps. “I set up a meeting for you two to visit thepharmacy as normal guests. You might be able to uncover some answers if they don’t recognize you.”William turned back with a look of annoyance on his face. “And how do you figure people wouldn’trecognize me?” Enzo laughed. “You can easily be
disguised from people who have never seen you up close. To them you’re just a myth that walks arounda palace, they have no idea what you look like when you dress like one of us.” “He’s right.” Doris said. “Inthe market, no one looked at you twice. The only reason you were sought out is and found is becausethey knew where to look for you.” William narrowed his eyes. “How far is this place?” “Not far. I like tokeep my things close to me. You’ll have to give me a few days to set up something believable for yourvisit.” Enzo turned a smirk on Doris. “I suppose you can pretend you’re married a little longer.”
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