Chapter 94

Chapter 94 I think they want a show.

Doris had almost gotten lost several times on the way back to her room but eventually found the crackedhallway she’d seen earlier. Everyone she passed looked in a daze, even when she openly stared at themwith a smile. When she got back to the room, Patrick and William were already there with a table of foodthat didn’t look very appetizing. Doris locked the door behind her and pulled up a chair to join them.William’s eyes followed her, he seemed to look her over to make sure she was in one piece but her mindfelt as if it was in hundreds. “Anything?” She asked them first. “I met this guy that was clearly a drinker.He invited me for a beer later and I’m going to see what I can get out of him if he shows alone.” Patricksaid as he rubbed his arms. Doris remembered what the girls had said about the job he was given andbit her lip. “The men in my section talk quite loudly and they don’t care who hears them.” William said. “Ioverheard them mention one of the bosses and something about plans to make the place better. Nothinguseful yet, but I think sooner or later something will slip. How about you?” “I met these two girls wholoved their gossip.” Doris looked at both men with her brows raised. “They immediately confided to mewith the latest gossip about the prince and how someone from the palace put a bounty on his head.”Patrick’s eyes widened, the room grew silent for a long moment as they all looked at each other. “Didthey say who?” William asked even though they both knew who it was. Doris simply shook her head no.“I told them we used to live near the palace and they were so excited to spill that about the prince. I don’tknow what else they know, but I bet they’ll relay more if I feed into it.” “Aye, maybe we should all go tothe bar and see what we can learn.” Patrick suggested. “Apparently it’s a weekly thing where everyonewinds down even though they all have to work most days.” William glanced at Doris. “A bar? Are youmad?” “Ah come on. James isn’t too good for a bar now, is he?” Patrick smirked. They swore to use theirnames even inside, but it still seemed to strike a nerve with William either way. “It’ll be fun. You can makeit clear to all the horn dogs that Isabelle is your woman and not to even look at her. I know you love that.”Doris picked out some sort of dessert that looked like chocolate from the pile of food and ate as they

argued. “Of all the places for us to go, you want us to go to a bar with a bunch of dangerous rogues?”William had to lower his voice when his patience was running thin. He sighed and leaned back. “Yourideas never work out.”

“Let’s ask Izzy here, shall we? She knows a good idea when she hears one!” Patrick turned towardsDoris and she only shoved move food in her mouth so she wouldn’t have to answer. He patiently waitedfor her to swallow before he asked, “Well? Don’t you think we should go to the bars to meet morepeople?” Doris looked between both men. It was clear William was disgusted by the idea of going to ashabby bar because he’d probably never been to one before—but it was a good idea to test the waters.“I think we should do it. You never know what we’ll hear when people get drunk.” William rolled his eyesand crossed his arms. “Get out.” He said to Patrick. For a moment, she swore he meant her too. Patrickscoffed and picked up one of the plates. “Be ready soon, I want carefree faces when I come back.” Dorisstood and took off her apron when the door closed. William looked her up and down in a way that shewished she didn’t notice. Thoughts of their night came rushing back to her but she had to focus on moreimportant things. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t like the idea of a bar either. I just know people act …differently when they’re drunk. They say things they don’t mean and do things they wouldn’t do.” Williamclenched his jaw and she wondered if he was thinking of the night he attacked her like she was. Shequickly looked away and searched through the bags to replace a sweater and pants to wear. Anything tomake her blend in with the crowd. “I think he just wants to drink.” William admitted. He stood and nearedDoris and she felt her breath catch in her throat when he reached his hand out to brush her loose hairbehind her ear. “I’m worried that you’ll start fights with the way you look. I would just have to win themall.” Doris forgot how to talk for a moment when he brushed his lips against her own before he went intothe bathroom to change. It happened so fast, she was almost certain she imagined it. An hour later,Patrick was pounding on their door. William threw it open and yanked him inside. “What part about beingquiet did you not understand?” William hissed. Patrick held up his hands in defense and looked overDoris. She wore a simple black sweater and pants with her hair down in waves down her back. Hewhistled as she rolled her eyes. “Whew, I might try to steal your girl myself, James.” William shoved him

towards the door. “Lead the way before I shove you off the nearest cliff.” Doris gripped William’s arm asthey followed Patrick down a long hallway and out into the fresh air. There was a small version of avillage outside the doors. She hadn’t noticed it when they arrived but it had a tavern and a few smallstores meant for those that worked at Life Pharmacy. Doris carefully stepped down the long cobblestonesteps before they went inside. The moment the door opened, it was like she was drowned in music,warmth and laughter. It was packed to the brim with people—and it was already a huge tavern. Therewas barely anywhere to step, William held her hand and guided her through the crowd until they foundan area in the back that was far enough away from the loudest parts, Patrick broke off the get themdrinks. William sat next to her with his arm firmly around her as if he dared anyone to step closer to her.She hadn’t even noticed anyone had been staring until she followed wherever William’s glares landed. Ifshe did that, she would be glaring at each women all night for looking at William. Ae messy as he was,he was still a hundred times more handsome than any of the other men here and it poked a flame ofjealousy inside her to see them stare at him as if they wanted to be the one in his bed No, she couldn’tdo this. Jealously would eat her worse than anything ever could. She would never be able to sleep againif she started letting jealousy get the better of her. Patrick returned to the table with drinks that Dorisdidn’t touch. William wrapped his hand around his glass, but never brought it to his lips. He watched thecrowd almost casually as he talked to Patrick. How could they even hear each other in a place like this?She could barely hear her own thoughts. “Ah! The new family!” Robbie stumbled over to their table with agrin. Doris glanced around to see several people give him a dirty look as if they hated that he breathedthe same air as them. That was interesting. “How’re you liking it so far?” “Quite well, thank you.” Patricksaid, he looked through the crowd for the friend he had made earlier but seemingly had no luck yet. Doriswondered if she would see the girls she met—she was sure they would have a lot to share if they hadgotten even a little bit drunk. Robbie leaned a little too close to Doris, she could smell the intense alcoholon his breath. “Do you wanna dance? I promise your husband it’ll be innocent.” “No.” William said firmly,no sense of kindness in his voice. Robbie stumbled back a little from the force of his glare as if it wasabout to burn right through him. “Right, well. See you three later.” He said before he quickly stumbledaway. Doris glanced through the crowd and noticed a few people looking a bit too closely at them. She

gripped his thigh under the table and leaned to whisper in his ear. “I think they’re staring at you.” Williamnonchalantly glanced into the crowd as if his eyes weren’t looking for anything in particular. Once henoticed, he turned to look back at her. “I think they want a show.”

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