Herald of Steel
Chapter 1106 The Escape (Part-3)

Miss Linda and Lady Adele zoomed through the moss covered dilapidated path without any trouble, the sunlight lighting the way for them.

Using it, they were able to detect and avoid the various debris and potholes that littered their way, many of them so huge anyone would have been capable of breaking their legs if they were to fall in there 'correctly'.

The daylight also helped Miss Linda avoid any nasty critters such as snakes, centipedes, spiders, etc. that might be hiding in the undergrowth, making the journey that much safer.

But perhaps what made it the most safer was the fact that there was no night curfew.

If Miss Linda was to attempt the same thing at night, she would have at most been able to make it to the mansion's exit, and that too using the entirety of Lord Cassius's blessing.

After that, she would be promptly caught by the guards and charged as a servant being out in the open then promptly escorted back.

Thus morning was the only time she could escape.

And so she needed to make good time on it, which was why she rapidly moved her feet, so fast in fact that her other half struggled to keep up.

Both sisters chose to keep to themselves during the endeavor, one because they did not want to alert any undiscovered enemy with the sounds of their conservation, and also due to the fact that the pair surprisingly had little to actually talk about.

Lady Adele's head was blank, simply walking because she wanted to.

This weak willed lady had by now been almost broken by her younger sister, becoming numb to almost around her.

Lady Adele acted as if all the joys of her life had already been sucked out, and so did not really care what happened to her as long she got to live, eat, and cloth herself well.

Hence she simply went with what her younger sister dictated, letting herself go and be taken by the currents of fate.

Lady Adele would not regret wherever she ended up, neither wishing to see her husband but not hating the thought of the reunion either.

While her counterpart was the opposite.

Miss Linda was full of emotions, almost bursting with them, as her head was already busy scheming her next ten moves.

She was busy thinking about how she was going to kill Lord Cassius and if it was possible to do it even before he could enter the camp.

She ruminated on whether to bury the father with his son or keep him alive as a useful administrator.

She thought of how she was going to kill Lady Miranda, slowly and painfully, or show mercy by making it swift as a flash.

And lastly, she of course thought of Alexander.

The very first thing she felt when she thought about him was lust, and how she was going to thoroughly violate and humiliate him for rejecting her.

The dominatrix lady wanted to make him kneel, have him kiss her feet, suck her toes, and lick her dirty sole.

She wanted to step on him with her high heels, put his organ under the pointy stilts, and even threaten to crush his family jewels.

She wanted to tie him up and whip him, on his broad chest, his muscular butt, on his chiseled back, and of course on his swollen bit.

She sit on him and make him suffocate using her butt, even forcing him to lick all her holes, even the pink, wrinkled one until it was spik and span clean.

And lastly, she wanted to ride him- hard and fast, making him taste the otherwordly organ.

Miss Linda was very confident in her lower half, as attested to by so many of the other men. Thus she was very sure she could make the man feel things he had never felt before.

Of course, during all these pleasurable moments, Alexander would not be allowed to receive any pleasure, as Miss Linda would make sure to tie a tight knot around that part to prevent him from releasing.

It was the perfect revenge and torture combo in her opinion, as at some point, she even dreamed of letting her husband and the general join in on the fun, with Alexander, not Miss Linda being the main attraction there.

It was like this that the deviant lady felt herself getting wet just thinking about these various amorous details and how pleasurable it would feel.

She especially liked the thought of sitting on the man's face and grinning while he humiliatingly kissed her ass and worshiped her butt.

Miss Linda never got to decide what she was going to do to him after that, as she was too pleased to remain in that memory bubble for the entire while, constantly repeating it, and tweaking the various details, such as in which order she was going to humiliate Alexander and for precisely how long.

It was amidst such thought that the pair of sisters finally found themselves out of the mansion.

And with them being out in the open as such, it was like the world was their oyster. They could go anywhere.

The difficult part of the journey was already over and now, all Miss Linda and Lady Adele needed to do was keep to the shadows, avoid the patrolling guards, and most of all, act natural, thus not raising any suspicion.

The official story was that they were a pair of maids working in the mansion who were returning to their quarters after their shifts had ended.

So it was imperative they walked with heads held high and a natural gait, one that radiated the saying, 'Yeah, I belong here'.

This did not prove too difficult, as Alexander's men here were more concerned about people breaching their lines and getting in, rather than people trying to get out.

That was the job of the guards stationed inside the mansion.

Thus the moving men paid little attention to the pair, especially given they were simply one amidst many others, as numerous servants moved about the place, doing various chores- moving stuff in, getting stuff out, and generally getting things done.

It was also fortunate that none of the servants recognized the well known duo, possibly due to being too busy themselves, or no nosy supervisor came to see what these two 'good for nothing' maids were doing leaving so soon.

And so with lady luck on their side, and Quentin snuggly asleep due to having been fed a drop of sleeping juice, the sisters were able to slip past the checkpoints and finally make it out.

After which it was just a simple case of navigating the winding streets towards the place that was making the most noise in the city.

Because 20,000 and 2,000 horses in one place tended to make a lot of that.

"We are here to see our husbands, Lord Parker and General Heeat." Upon at last approaching the camp gate,Miss Linda flashed the fateful letter, the one bearing the Heeat family's seal, while sending an officious glare toward the two men.

"Ye… yes, yes! Right away my lady. Right away. Please!" And the guards instantly complied, straightening their backs like steel rods and scrambling to replace an appropriate escort for the esteemed guests.

Achillas had stayed true to his word and indeed informed the two of this expected arrival, so there was no confusion.

And even if he had not, Miss Linda's face and demeanor would have still made the two men treat her with respect, despite the shabby, servant's clothes she was wearing.

This lady had a very imposing aure when she wanted to show it and anyone would be able to tell this was no beggar, but a noble lady.

And the guards knew, whether it was an enemy or ally, it made little difference when they were facing a noble, they needed to treat them with respect.

Lastly, all of this was of course ignoring the fact she was carrying the Heeat family's seal.

Meaning even if Miss Linda was truly a beggar, she would still be let in, such was the mark's significance.

With their identities instantly recognized, the ladies were quickly shown through the encampment, passing the thousands of pitched tents in the blink of an eye, until they at last stood in front of the biggest tent all the vicinity.

"Linda! My love! I knew you would be able to do it! Hahaha," And right in front of it stood a very eager Lord Parker, who instantly burst into open, boisterous laughter the moment his eyes landed on his sweetheart.

He even proudly cocked his head left towards Achillas to chuckle, "Heh heh, see, see, all of you said she would not be able to… that that Alexander was so smart. Bah! Who can ever be smarter than my dear? Hah hah hah."

It was hard for Achillas to produce a sincere smile, resulting in a very ugly grin, as he nodded woodily to his lord's words.

The regret and dismay he was feeling was to the point he totally forgot to even greet his own wife.

While the last man present there, Lord Bernard was feeling the exact opposite- ecstatic

Finally, the war would be over, and all due to him!

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