Herald of Steel
Chapter 604 Perseus's Gloom And Laykash's Narrow Escape

Leosydas's wounds in the eyes of modern medical science would have been seen as trivial, being treatable with just a simple few bags of blood and a few injections of antibiotics.

And if that was too much, even a make-shift tourniquet might have worked, something to tightly wrap around the chest and forcefully bind the wound together so that blood could not leak.

Any such rudimentary techniques might have saved him.

But given he did not have this available to him, Leosydas was forced to enter the domain of death, perhaps accelerated by how seeing his friend's deteriorating condition, Perseus had even sped up his march, trying to reach his camp as soon as possible so that Leosydas would get his treatment faster.

But it was to no avail.

For by the time they reach the camp, at around the late afternoon, Leosydas had already bled for too long and was long cold and dead.

"Arrest them! Capture every one of them!" And when Perseus found this out, he did not break down into tears or howls but instead displayed a level of fury rarely seen, as he immediately ordered all the physicians responsible to be detained.

And that rolled order over to today's event, where the physicians tried to make their case and defend themselves.

"Your Majesty, we tried our best!"

"It was all the jerking…that was what caused the wound to open up,"

They cried.

Hearing which Perseus simply flashed his palms and in a venomous tongue spat,

"Enough! I have heard enough! Whatever you did, you failed!"

"No need to prattle on about your incompetence!"

"Leosydas only went to battle because you reassured him of his health and that his stitches would hold."

"And when they broke, back at the manor you wasted so much of our time again reapplying his stitches."

"Only for them to snap a few minutes later."

"We lost that battle because of you!"

Perseus had somehow managed to pin his loss in the battle of Zanzan onto the heads of the doctors, an accusation which made these simple men experience a short circuit.

They could not believe they were being blamed for something so huge.

So they did not even know where to begin to try and refute this.

Not that they would have any chance to do so anyway, as seemingly Perseus had already determined their guilt even before the meeting.

Hence, laying this accusation, at this point Perseus's voice suddenly turned regal and commanding, decreeing,

"I blame all of you for his death. And I blame you for wasting our time during the retreat."

"So I hereby declared all of you are to be executed!"


So as soon as Perseus's words were uttered, *clang*, *clang*, out came the swords from all the guards around him in an almost rehearsed motion.

And an instant later the armored men pouched on these innocent defenseless men, slaying them like reaping wheat.

"Your Majes…ahh…"

"No please Your Majes…"


While being outnumbered and out-armed, these poor doctors could only fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness, but the only forgiveness they got was being mercilessly hacked to bits.

It was a sad sight to witness, but also nothing rare, as this was always the accompanying danger of serving the king.

That's why it was said serving the king was like serving a tiger.

The tiger was just as likely to defend you from other threats as it was likely to turn into a threat itself.

So upon Perseus's order, the deadly act was carried out which only lasted a short few moments, as the king's guards made quick work of these hapless lambs with brutal efficiency.

And once the order was finished being carried out, the macabre site was quickly cleaned with the dead bodies being instantly dragged out of the tent so as to not ruin the carpets or be an eye sore.

"And replace that prisoner who killed Leosydas. I want to kill in the most brutal way possible!"

But it seemed Perseus's lust of revenge was yet to be sated, for he turned to Mithriditus to give that order, intending to torture Laykash to death.

"At once Your Majesty," And given the furious state Perseus was currently in, no one dared to argue.

But that did not mean Laykash was fated to die a brutal death.

No, because it seemed there was a guardian angel looking out for him in the most unexpected form.

"Lord Mithriditus, are you going to replace the *cough*, *cough* prisoner?" A young, but weak voice suddenly buzzed near Mithriditus's wizened ears as the man was making his way towards the prisoner camp.

And recognizing this very familiar voice, the aged noble instantly turned to spot the man just behind him and produced a happy smile.

"Ah, Your Highness! What a pleasure!" He greeted with a slight bow, before asking in a slightly worried voice, "How is your health? Are you sure you should be walking around? It is quite cold out here you know!"

This was the crown prince of Tibias- Philips, whose power and influence was said to be only second to his father and Leosydas, rivaling even Mithriditus's.

But in this particular campaign, he had been almost completely useless, due to having caught a severe case of cold and high fever from almost day one of the siege, thus forced to resign himself to his personal tent for the last two months.

He did not even get to particular in a single war meeting.

And so seeing this strapping tall man with broad shoulders and a slightly pale face, covered in heavy woolen clothing, Mithriditus was understandably worried, and also puzzled.

'Why is he out here? It even seems like he was waiting for me. And why does he care about the prisoner?' Many such questions rose inside him.

"I'm fine. *Cough*! There is no doctor to stop me *cough* anyway!" At Mithriditus's concern, Philips gave an almost sarcastic reply, one which made Mithriditus produce a wry smile.

Perseus had not only implicated the doctors present with Leosydas at the time of his death but even charged every single physician in the camp with the accusation of being quacks and deceiving the royalty.

Which even meant Philips's personal doctor.

"It was the king's orders Your Highness. We had to obey. I'm sorry" The old man had a slight bitterness in his tone to the answer.

Like most of the court, he too was much peeved at Perseus's decision to do away with so many accomplished doctors.

No one knew when death would come to greet them, so good doctors were always in high demand and short in supply.

"It's okay. *Cough*, I'm sure *cough* he did not tell any of you either.

While Philips did not seem to blame Mithriditus for not trying to stop his father, knowing what the man was like when enraged.

As for Mithriditus, he was much more concerned by Philips's coughing,

"Your Highness, judging by your coughing it really is not safe for you to come outside. Let us go to my tent. It is nearby. And we can then talk"

And this was Philips glad to accept as he really was not feeling well, hence soon the duo found themselves sitting inside a warm tent, the heat from the in-door hearth very much comforting Philips's ill body.

"Here, Your Highness. I have mixed some honey. It is good for the throat," And once seated, Mithriditus personally served a cup of hot water mixed with honey, which Philips was very grateful to receive.

"Thank you. Aghhhh…My throat feels a lot better, " The young man happily responded, then got to why he had sought him out.

"I just wanted to request something of you, my lord. Regarding the prisoner."

Philips seemed to pause here as if he was deliberating on how to proceed, and then after a while of silence finally came out and said it in a straight manner,

"I want you to delay giving over that prisoner. Or even give a different one!"

"....." Mithriditus's eyes only bulged.

If he really did that, and Perseus found out, he might be the one taking Laykash's place in the torture chamber.

"Your Highness…that's…" So the man only looked at Philips in an incredulous manner, unable to believe he would make such a request of him.

"I know, I know, it is a lot to ask." And expecting such a reaction Philips was quick to chime out, before explaining his reason,

"But I heard that Theony has been captured by the enemy."

"And I remember that prisoner…Laykash I believe his name was, is also quite a high-ranking officer."

"So I was thinking we could exchange the two."

"....That…" And hearing so Mithriditus lightly muttered.

He was not surprised at the idea.

Even a toddler could think of that in his opinion.

But the problem was wholly another.

"Of course, that is indeed the best case of action. I know that Theony and Your Highness are good friends. So it is only natural for you to try and get him back"

"And even better Zanzan has shown interest in a prisoner exchange."

"But His Majesty's orders….. " Mithriditus revealed the bump in the road.

"Don't worry, I know my father." But Philips was quick to reassure the high-ranking noble, finally convincing him by saying, "He has simply given that order in anger. But once he calms down, everything will be alright."

"Besides, you and I both know how important Theony and his house is. Especially after we have lost so many nobles."

"He cannot be allowed to die."

And that was how Laykash's guardian angel saved him.

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