Herald of Steel
Chapter 615 Talks Over The Dinner Table (Part-1)

Chapter 615 Talks Over The Dinner Table (Part-1)

After the two dried themselves and Cambyses finished wiping herself after her business, both quickly approached the wardrobe and found they had a fine selection to choose from.

And from a plethora of dresses, Alexander chose a heavy black tunic and matching pants, while Cambyses found a beautiful red gown particularly fetching.

But just as she was about to get dressed, Cambyses thought of a small prank to tease Alexander that little bit more.

So when putting on her underwear, she very intentionally bent her butt towards Alexander, which parted her cheeks and very brazenly showed off everything to her man, who got a crystal clear view of her hairless plump pink flower which he recently shaved and her nicely cleaned rear hole.

The sight was very lewd and the smell coming out of there was of olives from the soap, which of course worked to have its intended consequences. as many recent memories of the bath flooded into Alexander and the tent down there that he had worked so hard till now to get under control again rose up, struggling against his shorts which were called braies.

"Dammit, I just calmed down. And she now does this. God, she really knows how to press my buttons!' Alexander half cursed and half admired this spring sight until the admiration overtook the frustration, and unable to resist the temptation, Alexander extended one of his wolfish hands to grab the peachy butt and gave it a squeeze,

"Why bother wearing the underwear? You will be out of it soon anyway, hehe." He then asked with a smirk as he kneaded one of the cheeks.

To which Cambyses, being completely unaffected by this sexual harassment from her husband only sniggered, "Then why are wearing pants when I will be soon bouncing on that cock anyway," before pushing his hand by saying in a sultry manner,

"Be a bit patient Alexander. I asked the others to give tonight to only us. You can have the whole of me after dinner. Now let's go."

Hearing Cambyses had already made deals with the other girls surprised Alexander a bit, but also knowing that he would have only her to himself also stimulated him, as could not wait to take that massive cock and pound that cute pussy that had been teasing him all night.

"Okay, you have a deal. I will make sure to fuck your brains out," Alexander grinned as he quickly retracted his hand, and soon the duo dressed themselves, remembering to put on a heavy jacket before they exited the room.

This was because though the house might have in-door heating, this was only in particular rooms and even those were in no way as cozy as a modern insulated home. while some parts such as the corridors and other remotes were almost as cold as the outside.

Hence the requirement.

And as they descended in their luxurious attire downstairs and approached the dinner table, they found a stony-faced Mean sitting squarely facing them, her tiny fists resting on the large table, clenched with fury as her face was dark as the stormy clouds.

Saying Mean was angry would be an understatement.

After all the bath that should have taken ten minutes, Alexander had spent easily over an hour.

And the reason for this anger was all the extra work Alexander's action had created for both her and Ophenia.

When Alexander arrived in the house, the two's first and foremost concern was being able to provide him with a great, big, piping-hot meal after his long day.

The emphasis being on the word 'hot', which was something quite hard to do given the time period and the season, and due to the fact that repeatedly heating the meal tended to destroy the flavor.

So Mean and Ophenia had to try really hard to keep the food both warm and delicious, a work that was added on top of all the extra chores they had to do anyway.

Thus Mean's rage was certainly justified.

"Ahhh, master, you are just in time. We have just finished cooking," But before Mean, who had been simmering till now could explode, Ophenia quickly interjected with a loud greeting, making it seem like the cooking was only done now and Alexander had arrived at the perfect time.

And then she quickly opened the lid of a large pot to start serving the soup as Alexander sat down, while Mean, shooting Ophenia an accusatory glare decided to let Alexander off the hook for this time, as she did not want to destroy the festive mood around the table.

After all, Alexander was eating with them after months.

And so to Alexander's slight amazement, the dark brooding face quickly changed to a happy fair one, which surprised him as he was ready to get an earful.

But given a good thing had happened, Alexander was in no hurry to change it, so he did not even bring up the issue of being late and instead decided to enjoy the food, which was relatively sumptuous.

There were three types of white bread, a few types of fish, two meat dishes, several vegetable stews, a variety of cheeses, and fine wine.

It was a decadent feast by most standards, and the food on the table also seemed to give the appearance that the seize had not degraded the city's granaries too much.

Though given Alexander's previous experience he was quick to notice that some items were missing and though there were many types of proteins such as meat and fish, these proteins were cooked in only a few different ways.

This was not the norm for the meals at his minor, where they would be cooked in many different ways.

For instance, various types of meat would be barbequed, steaked, boiled etc, fish would be fried, steamed, stewed, etc, and the vegetables would be salted, battered, and prepared in many other ways.

But here, though there were some such culinary techniques, it was lacking in quantity.

And another that was lacking was in quantity was the absence of desserts, which Alexander simply could not see.

It had to be noted that back in his original home, after his introduction of sugar, there would always be some kind of sweet item like pastry, cake, or even cookies accompanying the end of the meal once a day.

But it seems this had not been done tonight.

And was Alexander's noticed this, Ophenia was quick to notice his gaze and provided the reason,

"I'm sorry master but a lot of our supplies have burnt down with the manor. And many of our cooks are not here anymore. So could not make time to make the desserts."

The beautiful girl sounded very hurt, seeming to blame herself heavily for being unable to host Alexander properly.

Though this was of course inevitable given the circumstances.

"No, no, don't worry about the food. We are still at war and besides, this is a feast I would have never imagined even two years ago. Remember I grew up as a slave, haha" And understanding so Alexander was quite quick to reassure Ophenia, with Cambyses quick to join too,

"Mmm, right. We five will never be able to finish this amount of food I could. So no worries," This finally put Ophenia's worries to a rest and the girl at last relaxed enough to start enjoying her meal after a small nod and, "...Okay."

And as they enjoyed their meal, Alexander decided to make small talk, saying,

"The food is great! Which of the maids cooked it?"

"It was…." And Ophenia replied with a couple of names, none of which Alexander recognized.

And as he took note, it made Alexander realize the losses his staff members took must have been quite high.

Though it was not that surprising given all of them had been conscripted to fight in defense of the manor and most were either killed or captured.

"Did we lose a lot? How many maids have we left?" Thus Alexander posed, turning his head to look for an answer.

And it was Cambyses who at last responded after a while, quickly finishing the piece of bread dipped in soup inside her mouth.

"....we are still counting. Many of the dead bodies are burnt so identifying them is difficult. And a lot of them seemed to have run so we are searching."

Her answer was given in a breezy, light tone, and following her answer she was seen cleaning her mouth of any leftover bits of chewed bread stuck to her teeth using her tongue.

Cambyses did not seem too affected by the losses which surprised Alexander.

It seemed she had either become numb or simply stopped caring.

"Are our losses not that much?" While Alexander hoped it was because of this, though he held little hope.

"Wel that…umm" And hearing the inquiry, Ophenia did not immediately deny it, only seeming to be at first a bit hesitant to answer.

So Gelene stepped up to help as Ophenia seemed to be a bit uncomfortable discussing it.

"After the manor was taken many of the women were raped. So they are in the clinics recovering, or mostly hiding around the wounds in shame."

"We will get the accurate numbers once everything settles down a bit and they start returning after they finished their crying, heh!"

Gelene ended her nonchalant answer with a disparaging smirk, seeming to not think much about either the act or the result.

It was all natural to her.

Which also made Alexander once again realize the kind of times he lived in.

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