Herald of Steel
Chapter 622 Prisoner Exchange (Part-1)

"Sheesh! Alex is such a bully, mistress! How could he be so rough!" Mean could be heard complaining as she administered the healing balm down there on an exhausted Cambyses, who was currently sipping hot chicken soup on bed.

Last night might have been a bit too enjoyable for her and Cambyses felt her body ache when even simply lifting her arms.

"Where is he?" The married girl snuggly wrapped in blankets appeared to not even notice the fact that Mean's fingers were around her privates as she was more interested in knowing her husband's whereabouts.

When Cambyses had woke up, the man was not next to her.

"...he went out, don't know where." Mean nonchalantly replied with a shrug, retelling, "Around noon a messenger suddenly came and told something to Alex. Then he hurriedly got dressed and left with Hemicus. Didn't even have breakfast."

"....a messagenr…huh?" Cambyses first languidly muttered, her mind still cloudy, as she seemed to recall having heard some kind of knocking on the door, though she was not sure if what she was remembering was something that actually happened or if it was something that had happened in her dreams and she was mixing the two.

"What did he say?" She then asked, both curious and as her groggy mind cleared, even a bit alarmed.

Her brows were slightly scrunched up as her mind could not help but wonder at all the kinds of potentially bad news the messenger might have come to deliver, one which would force Alexander to act.

'Did something bad happen? Did Tibias launch another attack? Was someone killed?'

These worries could not help but fasten the foreboding feeling in her heart.

"Stop worrying mistress. Whatever it is, let Alex handle it." But just as Cambyses was about to go down that spiral Mean quickly chirped this out, reassuring, "He is here now. It's no longer your job."

"*Pheewwhh*, Yes you are right." And with this reminder, Cambyses let out a relieved sigh, because she finally remembered that with Alexander's return, she was effectively sacked from the job.

And Cambyses could not be happier.

The responsibility of guarding the city was a heavy burden to carry and given the pressure she had been under for the past months, the relief that came with knowing she would no longer have to worry about every single detail and could simply sit back and relax was very liberating.

And so Cambyses broke a light smile, slouching her body even more against the bed rest and saying, "Let Alex handle it. Whatever happens, it will be his fault," before beginning to enjoy her warm soup.

Made with various winter vegetables and bits of cut meat it tasted delicious.

While the man in question was in a council meeting with the military leaders, entertaining a very special guest who had come bearing gifts.

"Greetings Lord Pasha of Zanzan, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mithriditus." The lean, weak-looking old man greeted Alexander with a light smile, saying in a pleasant tone,

"I had heard rumors of you not being present in the city but it seems they clearly were wrong. I'm glad."

"Though I regret not being able to meet under better circumstances,"

Mithriditus's two-part greeting conveyed both friendliness but also a level of cordial distance.

Mithriditus was of course certain that Alexander was not present inside the city in the prior days, and was intereally very surprised to see him sitting right in front of in the flesh.

But given his vast court experience, he was able to quickly hide this slightest surprise with ease.

Though he might as well not have gone through all the trouble as Alexander worked to reply.

"No. I was indeed not present in the city. And only returned from Adhan yesterday."

He revealed the truth to try and establish more credibility for him, and then smirked,

"You mentioned meeting under difficult circumstances. Indeed, it is difficult to think of a worse setting to meet under which did not involve invading one's city, killing thousands, and even burning one's house down. Truly difficult!"

Alexander was not one to be shy with his sarcasm, as he used the amount of losses he incurred to put pressure on Mithriditus.

Though his eyes conveyed a different message, which were sharp and focused, but not burning with rage.

Meaning he might have sounded harsh, but his heart was not really set alight, and the grudge between them was not set in stone.

After all, everything important to him was more or so still alive.

Hence his desire to attack Tibias was more political and economical rather than for personal vengeance.

Also this visit was really predictable, given the 12,000 to 15,000 captives they had taken which Tibias would surely want back.

Only Alexander was not expecting them to be here so soon.

So Alexander instead focused his attention on the man they sent to carry out the negotiation, or more especially the armor he wore, which was extravagant by any standard, easily showing off the wearer's exalted status.

'It seems they sent one of the big fish.' Alexander confidently mused, feeling Tibias was serious in their negotiation attempt.

"Haha, indeed, indeed. It is war after all." Hearing Alexander's barbed reply, the veteran politician simply chuckled without batting an eye, as the acrid words pinged off his fragile-looking wrinkled skin, showing the true depth of the layers of 'skin' he had cultivated over his lifetime.

"Anyway, I am glad to see my lord had a safe journey."

"And to congratulate you on your return, as well as to show our sincerity and develop mutual trust I came bearing presents." The man wagged, then turning to grin at Alexander, posed, "I hope my lord liked it?"

"...." Alexander paused a bit at this because he was still unsure what the ploy was behind the act.

People were usually so generous with their gifts when they came to visit.

Especially when it was hostile powers they were visiting.

"I am indeed thankful for Laykash's return, He is a great warrior and highly respected among the soldiers."

But being unable to make a reasonable guess as to why they would do so, Alexander decided to give this official reply.

"Good, good. I'm glad. His Majesty specially ordered him to be specifically cared for." And hearing so Mithriditus produced a blank smile, showing a few of his bad teeth while subtly reminding Alexander of Perseus's favor.

To which Alexander internally snorted.

"So who do you want in exchange?" While externally Alexander posed this.

He, or anyone else for that matter bought the whole 'sincerity and mutual trust' thing and knew Mithriditus had come here with an aim.

"Haha, my lord is truly wise," And Mithriditus himself was also glad Alexander was quick on the uptake.

And then without standing in ceremony, he said his piece, "I'm looking for a man called Theony. I believe he should be in your captivity. He was wearing His Majesty's armor on the battlefield. Would my lord know?"

"Oh him! Yes, he was killed during the battle. His armor was too eye-catching and one of the overzealous soldiers killed him for glory. Sorry!"

Hearing Mithriditus's inquiry, Alexander very nonchalantly lied, placing his fist on his chin and crossing his legs in a bored manner.

It was like he did not at all care about it.

"Oh!" And this produced a very visible effect, with the very first one being this involuntary mutter of Mithriditus which he suddenly let slip.

Alexander had lied precisely because of this because he wanted to see how Mithriditus could react.

After all, Laykash was already in their hands and he wanted to see what Mithriditus's plan would be if he declined his request.

While for Mithriditus, he felt his heart sink as his worst nightmare had come true.

"That…really! Are you sure my lord? Perhaps you are mistaken. May I could have a look at the captives?" Mithriditus's voice audibly shook as he made the request.

"Are you questioning our lord?" And immediately from the side Menes audibly growled.

While Alexander turned to lightly smile,

"We can show you the armor. That should confirm it right?"

"......" Mithriditus did not know what to say.

Now, it was of course not like Mithriditus had never considered this.

Of course, he had.

But he was almost forced here by the crown prince because Perseus had grown impatient waiting for Laykash.

And so Philips had come to him pleading for him to quickly take Laykash and go to Zanzan.

"Lord Mithriditus you must go now. Or we might lose Theony for forever," The sickly prince seemed to have a bright flush on his face, though it was more due to excited worry than a sign of healthiness.

And when first asked, Mithriditus was naturally reluctant, trying to reason,

"Your Highness, that is too dangerous! We have no idea if they have Theony. Or even if they are willing to exchange him."

"And biggest of all, if I go with the prisoner, they could just take him from us!"

Mithriditus could list another hundred reasons why this was a bad plan, and he believed the smart Philips could too.

"I already have a plan for that. You just need to go and get Theony back," But Philips seemed undeterred, and then proceeded to reveal his plan, at the end of which he looked at Mithriditus with eager, burning eyes.

And when Mithriditus was reluctant even after that, Philips the crown prince simply brought his trump card, and the old noble was forced to accept.

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