Herald of Steel
Chapter 92 New Promotions

Alexander finished declaring Theocle's new appointment and then warmed, "Remember, I will not tolerate any corruption or hiding supplies or any favoritism, not even towards us. I want you to always do what is best for the army. If the army needs something, you should be able to provide it."

It was unknown if Alexander was just saying it as a show in front of everybody or if he really meant it.

"I swear by the gods to upload my task to the highest degree of scrutiny," Theocles vowed.

"And I want you to get along with the two assistants that will be working for you, while also keeping them in line."

"I will not let them harm us," Theocle nodded.

"Umm, that's your future job," Alexander then paused a bit before starting, "But now, your job is to get the best deal for us from the Cantagenan fortunes. I want you to get as many small, easy-to-carry valuables as you can. Our baggage train will not be able to carry much bulky things."

"I will ..try," Theoclees said this sentence with a bit of difficulty,

Because everyone faced the same problem and so everyone wanted the same things.

"Um, do your best."

Then with a nod, Alexander turned to Menes, "Your report said we have five thousand Cantagenan servants and slaves- from ordinary cooks, cleaners and washers, to artisan jobs like blacksmiths, armorers and bookkeepers, right?"

"That's right, commander," The giant nodded.

"Good. Your job today is to recruit the two thousand male servants and slaves. But if they have artisan skills like the ones I mentioned, they don't need to join. They are far more useful maintaining the army than fighting."

"As the remaining three thousand are women- we don't need them. Tomorrow…no day after tomorrow, we will make them leave the camp. It is cruel but such is reality, *sigh*." Alexander let out a heavy breath of regret

"Commander, some of the women are married," Camius chirped, implying Alexander's command would throw out the wives of some of the men he wanted to recruit.

"They can stay." Alexander gave the exception. "But, use today and tomorrow to properly vet who are truly married and who are just saying it stay in the camp." He ordered.

"Them, it would be prudent to keep this news secret," Camius spoke out aloud as if reminding those there to watch their tongue.

"Okay, so Camius will be responsive for gathering the men. He will do it by today. And Menes will organize and oversee the training of all Cantagenan recruits." Alexander gave clear instructions.

He then took water from a nearby pitcher and after killing his thirst, in a sober tone, addressed everyone, "Our group has changed unrecognizably just in the last three days. We have lost three of our most experienced captains, five hundred brothers, and even Nestoras- our dear leader."

"And in a twist of fate, we are now being tasked with commanding almost five thousand troops, along with two hundred cavalry."

Alexander then took a deep breath, "This large increase of troops has produced challenges that will need the effort of strong, competent leaders to manage and overcome."

Alexander was basically saying he would now announce promotions and appoint new captains.

"So, first with our own group- we have around eight hundred men, mainly in the second, and the fifth phalanx, while the third is gone, and the first and fourth are below strength."

"So, the second will be split in between the first and fourth, and the fifth will be renamed third." Alexander decided to break up Pallidus's supporters, whom Pallidus led in the second phalanx.

This was almost unacceptable to Pallidus who could barely keep his tone steady, "Commander, I must protest. The below strength first and third could be merged to make one unit."

Pallidus made a very solid point, but Alexander was not doing this because of military reasons but political.

So he laughed, "Stratos Pallidus, the first and thirds have lost their most valiant soldiers in battle. So they need soldiers from the second to teach them courage and bravery."

But Pallidus did not hear most of what Alexander had said as only one word kept buzzing inside his mind, 'Stratos', 'Stratos', 'Stratos'.

'I am stratos? Alexander promoted me?' Pallidus thought incredulously, as he had written off any possible promotion under Alexander.

He would count himself lucky if Alexander did not demote him, which in fairness Alexander had a mind to, but was yet to replace a suitable replacement.

"Congratulation, stratos Pallidus, haha congratulations," Theocles patted him on the shoulder, laughing loudly.

Pallidus too shared the smile and then promptly bowed, "Thank you, Commander. I will lead the soldiers through heaven and hell for you,"

"At ease, We have five thousand troops to lead. We need people like you to lead the green Cantagenans to victory." Alexander smiled.

But only a few like Camius noticed the darkness in Alexander's azure eyes.

'This is not a promotion, dumbass' Camius cursed Pallidus in his heart.

"Commander our phalanxes are about two fifty strong. So with three phalanxes that still leaves fifty," The very clever Remus did not let the math deceive him.

"Haha," Alexander chuckled, "The excess will be under Menes. We should have some veterans to teach those greenhorn peasants."

"Thanks, I really needed the extra hand," Menes gratefully smiled.

Alexander then chose new captains for his group, "The first phalanx captain will be Bartholomew, the second …the new second phalanx captain will be Azmesh, and the third captain will be Ormoth."

These were people all close to him and Menes.

After these people thanked him with the usual platitudes, Alexander announced new stratos, "The Cantagenans will be around three-four thousand, so that Menes will lead one thousand, Camius the other, and like I already mentioned Pallidus the other. The last stratos will be chosen by me from the Cantagenans day after tomorrow,"

"Also I was to choose new captains for the Cantagenans tomorrow. That will be delayed to the day after. Every stratos are to choose eight candidates from which I will take four."

"And the last of all, Remus will be the commander of the two hundred cavalry."

Alexander's last statement produced an uncomfortable silence as many looked at one another, signaling and urging the other to object.

But Alexander's prestige was so high most did not have the guts.

But at last, one brave soul, picked up the courage, "Commander, isn't Remus too young," Menes expressed the group's collective concern,

"That's right, commander. I think captain Menes will be a much better pick," Even the sixteen-year-old Remus did not have confidence in him.

"Remus has never been to war, let alone lead others to one. Placing him as the head of such a big, expensive cavalry unit is reckless." Pallidus did not hold back his criticism.

​ 'You were so meek till now. And now, just because I gave you a small promotion, you returned to your usual state huh?' Alexander sneered in his heart, happy that he will not have to rescind that order about framing Pallidus to Camius.

In face of the fierce protest, Alexander defended his decision, "Very few of us have the horse riding experience Remus has and none his talent."

This cooled everyone down a bit as they recalled Remus's past.

He was an orphan in Zantralia, a city renowned for its livestock produce.

So from the age he could walk, he learned to herd sheep and cattle, either of nearby farms or those the orphanage kept.

Thus from an early life, he grew accustomed to riding ponies and horses, giving him an innate sense of control over the animal.

This was opposed to many others like Alexander and Menes, who as slaves, had little practice with a horse comparatively.

"Commander, perhaps Remus could join the cavalry for now and slowly become the leader as he accumulates prestige. Horse riders, thinking the elites they are, are always very haughty." Camius also gave his advice, thinking his friend was not quite familiar with the temperament of many cavalrymen.

And there was a precedence to Camius's words, as evidenced by the Sycarians acting independently to Agapios.

The concerns raised by Camius gave Alexander pause as he reconsidered his appointment.

He had only thought of the boy's raw talent and skills and forgot to take into the innate hostility he would inevitably face.

But he was reluctant to replace Remus, because he believed the boy could shine very brightly in the cavalry corp.

So he stalled, "Hmmm, I agree all of you make some very good points,"

'But' Camius seemed to telepathically know the next Alexander would say.

"But, the cavalry drills will last a few days. Let us judge Remus then based on his performance. If it's not satisfactory we will choose a new captain." Alexander proposed

And as such everyone consented.

"Oh, Remus, I want your unit to prioritize practice throwing javelins, and not on spear charges." Alexander gave him the order, and then detailed, "The purpose of your unit is to be skirmishers, to harass and disturb the enemy and not necessarily engage and kill them."

"Okay,," Remus slightly bowed, his body a bit shaking during it.

This was because he was still a bit shocked by his new post.

A cavalry captain's status was far above that of a regular phalanx captain and neared that of a stratos.

And somehow he, who had never fought a battle in his battle was suddenly made into one.

He was first overwhelmed at the news, then excited at the prospect, and at last a bit afraid that he might not be able to live up to the expectations his commander and mentor had put on him.

'I must work hard,' The boy said to himself with determination.

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