Herald of Steel
Chapter 982 Games Night With Alexander (Part-10)

As Mean moved her piece from the 'King's Chance' to the Dungeon, she lampooned over her luck.

To think she would get caught on the 1,000 ropals limit twice in one game.

And in the latter case she even possessed the advantage, she had just misread the card.

It was not only mortifying, it was also humiliating.

Until suddenly a great idea flashed through.

She figured she had found an exploit.

"Wait! I can give my money away, can't I? That way I won't have a thousand ropals," Saying this she turned to look at Alexander like she had discovered fire and then instantly turned to face Cambyses, "Mistress! I see you are running a bit short. Would you like some money? It's free money!"

Mean's eyes twinkled as said this, holding in her hands a crisp 500 ropal note, making sure the denomination was large enough to entice Cambyses.

The rest of the room could only sigh at how bizarre this game of Monopoly had turned into.

Players were giving out free money in a game about making money.

Truly anything seemed possible.

While Cambyses, seeing the girl was desperate, opened her maw to ever greedier heights, giggling,

"Hehe, oh Mean thank you. But I want 800 ropals."

The offer was too insincere and it was very evident how Mean felt about it, as her face went from being flushed with excitement to green with disgust.

While towards this novel play, Alexander from the side chimed his own ruling with a light chuckle,

"You can give away your money, Mean. But you will still have to go to the dungeon. That's because you had over 1,000 ropals at one period."

"*Tsk*!" Only the low clicking of Mean's tongue followed by the withdrawal of the offer could be heard following this.

If she had no other option other than prison, it was best to have a large amount of money, so that she did not immediately go destitute and disappear.

It was with that thought that Mean brought her piece to the dungeon, one which was shared by Gelene's boot.

"Welcome sister," And she made this taunting greeting to her cellmate.

Mean refused to even comment.

Following Mean, came Cambyses's turn, who chimed, "Well I guess I miss my turn right?" pointing to her piece which was in the 'Guard's Quarter' space.

"Yeah, the guards are questioning you," Alexander confirmed.

"They must be questioning you real good, hehe. Filling you with all kinds of questions…" While Gelene snuck in this naughty joke.

Because it was almost common knowledge that typically in a dungeon prisoners had many such 'experiences', especially if you were a female convict.

Hearing this even Ophenia could not help but giggle, "Yeah, and to think you are the head of the city guards, sister, hehe."

Princess Camelia's face went into a deep blush as she understood these innuendos, replaceing it shocking that these crude jokes were being made by noble ladies!

While Fabiyana was too immature to get anything, and only laughed because everyone else was.

Anyway, after rolling over Cambyses's turn, it came to Gelene, and even before doing so, the ebony lady lampooned, "Well… there is no point in going out of jail right? I have… one … fifteen… over two thousand ropals! Oh… so much money… so much evil money. I will be dragged back to the dungeons the moment I get out. How do I get rid of it? Ahhhh…. How do get rid of it?"

Her exaggerated sighs were accompanied by a chorus of laughter from the rest as Gelene got ready to roll.

"Oh, but first you gotta pay 100 ropals to the guards… for the dungeon upkeep. Because why should we be paying for your lodgings?" But before that, Alexander stopped her to instruct this.

"It was 50, wasn't it? Because of my power," However Gelene was quick to correct him on the amount, causing Alexander to instantly nod, "Oh, right, yeah!"

Then as Gelene handed the bill, Ophenia was there with a little titter, "Sister, since you only have to pay half the money to the guards, you will remain in the dungeons for even longer won't you, hehe?"

"Ohh… nooo!" The comment was instantly followed by another low howl, as Gelene clutched her head and cursed, "I cannot believe my greatest strength has been turned into my biggest weakness. Fuck!"

The rest of the girls laughed even harder at this.

While Gelene suddenly turned to Alexander with slightly blazing eyes, "Ummm… can I pay more money to the guards? After all, I do not 'have' to use my powers, right!"

"Oh! You want to pay even more bribes!" Alexander sounded amused by this reasoning, and then ruled, "Sure. But then you cannot even pay less. Because bribes can only increase, never decrease."

Like any other time, there was a catch.

"Done! Here!" However since Gelene had so much money, it was really not worth considering, thus granting Alexander another 50 ropal note.

"What more! What more!" But even with that shedding Gelene was not satisfied.

Because in the grand scheme of things, she had barely made a dent.

She thought about giving even more to the prison guards but felt Alexander would stop such cheating.

Thus she tried to rake her brains to try and think of other ways.

Until suddenly it hit her.

She decided to take a page right out of Mean's book.

Thus the ebony lady pleaded, "Does anyone want money? I have money. It's free money! Sister Cambyses, how about you? You look like you could use some of it… here, take it!"

Like the recreation of a bizarre market, Gelene flaunted her cash in the air.

And when she saw no buyers, decided to very 'generously' hand over a fistful of cash to the matriarch of the house without even her consent!

This game had truly turned bizarre.

Needless to say, Cambyses rejected that offer, chuckling, "No, no, sister. You keep it. I hear you are 'filled with questions' if you cannot pay your dues in prison. You will need it!" thus shooting right back that comment Gelene had made about her just a few moments ago.

Gelene's subsequent attempts with the other two proved equally fruitless, although Alexander did have to step in when Gelene tried to muscle her gift to Princess Camelia forcefully.

The Princess, being very new and young, had found it hard to outright reject the pushy woman.

Thus left with no other option, Gelene could only roll the dice, as Alexander 'consoled' her,

"Well… look on themaybe you will roll a one and disappear."

"Haha haha," Gelene let out a guffaw at this.

And then she rolled.

Great! It was a double! Meaning she was out.

That was good news.

But it was snake eyes!

"Ohhh… come on! Not this again!"

Which caused her to shriek in frustration instead of celebrating her success at freedom.

Because just two spaces from the Dungeons was the Inquisition space- meaning she would have to start the cat and mouse game again.

And this time, due to her 2,000 ropal balance, she would always end up in the dungeon after each turn.

"Hahaha, to think you just ended that. Really… haha haha," The irony of it all was not lost on Ophenia.

While Cambyses bickered, "Heh! Good job making Alexander rule that the space's actions resolve before the turn ends. If only you had not drawn that King's Chance… then you could have gone to prison straight away. And what did that card even get you? 1,000 ropals!"

The lady of the house still seemed a bit salty about the ruling.

"Wait! Lady Gelene rolled a 1. Doesn't that mean she disappears?" But then suddenly, this observing voiced out.

And the elegant way of addressing instantly made it clear who was its owner- Princess Camelia.

This was the first time the Princess had decided to voluntarily place herself into the game, finally feeling comfortable enough with the atmosphere, as her dainty fingers pointed to the board.

"Yeah! You're right." And she was instantly joined by an excited Mean, very pleased by the observation.

As for Gelene, "Great! I disappear!" she too cheered, something that might not seem synchronous with the event that was about to occur.

But given her 'huge trove of cash', she found that there was no way she was going to burn through all that.

At least not in a realistic amount of turns.

Thus knowing she would have to stay in the dungeon for the foreseeable future, it actually seemed much better for her to 'die.'

"Ummm… no! I think doubles should not count. You are safe " However, Alexander's warm voice made sure that did not happen.

He did not wish for death to be so easy for Gelene.

"No, no.. but I rolled a one!"While Gelene tried to reason by claiming this, even lifting one of the dice to show Alexander the single dot, thus emphasizing her claim.

"Hehe, actually sister you rolled two ones. But the rules say only one 1." It was Ophenia who decided to post this reasoning, thus shattering Gelene's argument.

"Mmm, Tayin is right." And with Alexander's say, the matter was decided.

Gelene cutely puffed her cheeks a bit before rolling her dice once more since she had rolled doubles.

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