
I never expected to be so thrilled on myeighteenth birthday. In my hands werecombat fans that the spirit woman gave me and I was so excited to startlearning on how to use them. I opened upone and admired the sky blue paper that had cherry blossoms painted on fordecoration.

“Oh they’re so wonderful!” I cried andbegan twirling around happily whilst unfolding the other one. She was watching me as I added leaps and dida little kata that she had taught me a while ago. My very own combat fans! The fans before were merely normal fans thatwere used to help learn katas. I feltlike such a traditional elf now! I washappy. I paused when I heard athoughtful chuckle and turned around to see an amused smile on the spiritwoman’s face.

“Itoo was excited when I got them,” shesaid as I folded the fans and regained my posture “There’s no need to be rigid and stiff, Zelda. It’s your eighteenth birthday. All elves are excited about their eighteenthbirthday. It’s the day that they willstart to learn proper adult traditions.” I couldn’t help but smile wider. It felt so…awesome! Yes, I’ll usesuch a word for this feeling. Awesome. I just wanted to hug theghost in front of me. My smile falteredas I realised something.

“After all these years,” I said softly“I’ve never learnt your name.” Thespirit woman’s smile faltered too.

“Zelda…now’snot the time for you to learn my name,” shesaid gravely.

“I’m sorry but I just would like toknow,” I implored “I want to know who you are.”

“Zelda,you must be patient. It’s too soon foryou to learn about my identity.”


“Zelda!” I jumped when I heard Zack callmy name “I’ve got a little surprise for you my little princess!” I sighed impatiently and tucked the fans intothe sleeves of my kimono.

“He’s probably going to teach me how toapply mascara to my eyelashes again,” I grumbled and walked towards the door.

“Remember,Zelda. You mustn’t accept Zack’sinfluence upon you. You only need to putup with your façade for just a little longer.” I looked up sadly atthe spirit woman as I placed my hand on the doorknob.

“If you say so.” I left the attic and made my way down to thesitting room. I sat on the sofa andwaited patiently for Zack to replace me.

“Ah-ha! There you are!” I turned my headto see Zack come into the room with a flat white box, tied up neatly in a pinkribbon. He began humming Happy Birthdayto me and placed it on my lap. “Openit,” he smiled and ruffled my hair. Icarefully tugged the pink ribbon off and lifted the lid off. There was a black dress inside, it lookedlike it was made out of silk. I stood upto take a better look when I took it out and my jaw dropped in horror. No straps to hold it up, a tear up the skirtand a slight parting in the front to show part of my bosom if I dared worethis…monstrosity.

“I hope you’re not suggesting that Iever wear this?” I managed to get out and looked at Zack. Zack laughed and stood up to ruffle my hairagain.

“Zelda,” he sighed “This is the latestfashion amongst girls your age. You havea beautiful body, it’s a shame that you keep hiding it under your kimonos.”

“I wear kimonos because they arecomfortable and I am well covered,” I argued “If I wear this, men mightsee…well, my indecent areas.” Zacklaughed and I felt like I wanted to smack him. If I showed anything more than my hands and face, I feel like I’minviting men to bed me. Not only willmen be seeing my legs in this dress, they’ll see my neck, my shoulders and evensome flesh from my breasts! This is notonly the most hideous dress, but the most revealing I’ve ever seen! I slowly lowered the dress down and gave astern look towards Zack. “I refuse towear this.”

“You are going to wear it,” I flinchedat Zack’s tone of authority “You are going to wear it tonight at your birthdaymeal at Elliot & Tony’s.” Iswallowed. Elliot & Tony’s was ahigh class restaurant that Zack often took me to meet his co-workers. The thought of wearing this dress and a lotof old men seeing me in it made me shudder. As Zack left, my hands clenched on the fabric in anger, wishing to tearit apart and leave nothing but pitiful scraps.

I stumbled in the high heels that Zackgave me to wear with the dress across the floor. Zack was walking ahead of me, talking on hisphone and half-dragging me across the marble floor of the food court area ofthe shopping mall where Elliot & Tony’s was located. I heard a wolf whistle and shuddered, pullingthe fabric more over my thighs. Zackgave me a black feather boa with black silk gloves for my arms then a big fatheavy diamond necklace to decorate the skin above my breasts. I felt like a high class hooker in thisgetup. I could have ordered a festivekimono for this occasion but no, Zack says it will be too strange, too weird,too elf to wear such a beautiful, traditional kimono for my birthday. He acts as if it was his birthday! It infuriated me.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt a pairof eyes pass my form. But with theseeyes, I didn’t feel excitement, arousal nor lust. I turned my head and saw a young boy,probably about my age, staring at me briefly as I was dragged down the hall. His bright pink eyes were the most beautifulpair of eyes I had ever seen in my entire life. His golden hair was overgrown, nearly concealing his wonderful eyescompletely. When I managed to tear mygaze away from those stunning eyes, I examined the boy who was hunched in thecorner of the hall, dressed in beige tattered clothing and shivering while usinghis torn blanket to keep him as warm as possible. I felt a strong sense of sympathy well in mychest and wanted to go over to place some coins into the little rusted cup byhis bare scarred feet. But soon he wasout of sight and Zack and I were waiting outside Elliot & Tony’s to betaken to the table Zack reserved. I keptmy eyes firmly glued to the lush red carpet as heads swerved, eyes examined anda couple of mouths uttered their admiration of my body.

“Ah, Mr and Miss Brodka,” the waitergreeted us with a wide smile “I didn’t recognize you for a second there, MissZelda.”

I wish Zack had at least given me ajacket. Seeing those blue eyes look meup and down just wanted me to hide. Ifelt exposed, exploited…like a prize animal in a show of sorts. I followed behind the men to the large tableat the back of the restaurant. I sat inthe chair that was pulled out for me and watched as the politicians conversed acrossthe table and complimenting my looks. Ifiddled with the end of my hair nervously and stared at the white table clothas I began thinking about the different elf sayings the woman taught me.

“Sorry we’re late,” a deep baritone cutthrough my thoughts “Traffic was bad.”

“Happy Birthday, Zelda.”

I lifted my head and looked at thenewcomers. I recognized Dune and hisfather and shivered underneath Dune’s hungry gaze. He grinned and sat next to me as his fathersat at a different place on the table. Ikept my eyes trained on the table cloth as Dune began talking to Zack, who wassat opposite him, and I grimaced when I realised that I was the only girl bythe table. At the head of the table noless. I felt like such a trophy. I looked at the scallops that were presentedin front of me. I picked up one of theforks beside the plate and began eating quietly. Dune ate and I supressed the urge to glarewhenever he glanced at me with those icy blue eyes of his.

“So, Zelda, what do you like to do inyour spare time?” Dune asked with a soft purr in his voice.

I opened my mouth but it was Zack whoanswered for me.

“Oh, Zelda enjoys to cook all sorts ofdishes,” Zack began bragging about my domestic skills that he attempted tobrainwash me into having “And of course, she enjoys going out to shop forclothes, groceries…” What Dune saidnext, in all honesty, shocked me.

“Pardon me, sir,” he turned his cattisheyes towards Zack “But I believe I asked Zeldawhat she would like to do in her spare time. I would like to hear from her if you do not mind.” The look on Zack’s face made me want togiggle and Dune’s father gave Dune a disapproving look from his place. But with Zack put in his place, my mouth andvoice began working automatically.

“I enjoy meditating then taking walks inZack’s garden and making perfumes out of the different flowers and herbs Ireplace,” I said excitedly in one breath. Ifelt myself blush and grabbed my glass of water to sip and mainly hide myface. Dune blinked in surprise thenchuckled before laughing loudly.

“I’ve never heard your voice before,” hesaid and wiped the tears away from his eyes “Oh my, wow. You make perfumes you say?” I nodded shyly and Dune leaned in. “Tell me more.”

“Well…I collect the petals from thedifferent flowers and used warm water to soak them then crush them carefully…”I began speaking and for the first time, was able to look up at Dune’s face.

“Zelda,” Zack cut me off “That’senough.”

“He wanted to hear more, I’m telling himmore,” I replied, my voice getting quieter and looked up at Zack.

“Men don’t like women who talk toomuch,” Zack said in the most patronising tone yet “Men don’t like it when womenlie either.”

“But I do make perfumes,” I said and Ifelt the anger building up in me. But assoon as I tried to repress the anger and calm myself, Zack spoke again.

“Well it will stop now, you can’t showcreative skills in front of men. Mendon’t like that.”

Everything began at this point intime. My anger exploded, my handclenched so hard on the fork I was holding that I left a dent which was tooweak to support the head of the fork so it dropped off and into my plate. Dune looked alarmed while everyone stared atme like I was some sort of wild animal that had been let loose from its cage. I glared fiercely at Zack as the lightsflickered above us.

“You’re embarrassed at me for being awoman and the fact that I like to create perfumes as a hobby instead of shopping for tackydresses that only pathetic human women want to show off that they’re availablefor sex,” I growled as confused murmurs went up and down the table.

“Zelda,” Zack made that tone ofauthority again but no more! I willlisten to him no more! I heard theglasses on the table crack slightly as I stood up and towered over Zack, wholooked so weak and vulnerable. I feltmyself smile happily.

“I have had enough of your sexism, yourdiscrimination and your racism,” I snarled and looked up and down the table ofhis colleagues “How many lies has he told you about me? How many times has he dressed me up like alittle doll to impress you lot and perhaps use me to make businessconnections?”

“Zelda!” Zack’s voice was getting a bithigher and I just smirked.

“Has he told you that we’re not reallybrother and sister?” I kept speaking “Has he told you that I’m not human?!”

“Zelda, that’s enough!” Zack snapped aseveryone did a collective gasp. Ismirked and pushed back my hair, showing my elven ears.

“I’m not ashamed of who or what I am,” Isaid and stormed out.

“Zelda, wait!”

I kicked off the damn heels and beganrunning barefoot down the hall. I turnedthe corner to see that the poor boy with the beautiful eyes was gone. I sighed softly and sat down in the spotwhere he had sat, leaning against the marble wall behind me and caught mybreath, clenching my fists as the anger kept pulsating through my veins. I jumped in surprise as my fingernails torethrough the silk and left some rather nasty holes in them. Scowling, I tore them off and cast them asidewhere they got trampled by the night crowd. I curled my knees into my chest and stared ahead whilst the humanswalked past me and stared at me like I was an animal kept in a zoo pen.

“Hey.” A pair of leather shoes stopped in front of me and I looked up to seeDune with a sympathetic smile on his face. He sat down next to me and sighed, sniggeringand shaking his head. “I cannot believethat just happened back there,” he chuckled “You’re very brave, Zelda. I respect that.”

“…Thanks, I guess,” I shifteduncomfortably and shivered. Dune noticedand he took off his jacket, offering it to me. I gratefully accepted it and snuggled into the warm fabric. I wrinkled my nose.

“You have a bad taste in cologne,” Icommented and Dune gasped.

“How dare you, it’s deodorant!” hesnapped and I grinned nervously “If you don’t like it, I’ll have my jacketback.”

“No!” I said and inched away “I take itback, I’m sorry.” Dune smiled and tiltedhis head to the side.

“I thought you were too pretty to behuman,” he said and I raised a sceptical eyebrow.

“Really? You’re trying to pick me up with a line like that?” I said. Dune looked confused and frowned.

“I’m not trying to pick you up,” he saidthen looked around carefully “Actually, seeming as you revealed your secrets,may I reveal some of mine?” I noddedwhile buttoning the jacket up. Dune bentover and I saw him blink a couple of eye contacts out and my heartlurched. He placed his hands on hisblonde hair, which turned out to be a wig, and pulled it off to reveal hissilver hair. He looked at me withsparkling blood red eyes and I tilted my head to the side curiously.

“You’re an albino?” I said and Dunelaughed.

“No,” he chuckled “I’m a vampire thathappened to be born with silver hair.”

“Wait, does that mean…” I inched closerto him curiously “You’re adopted too?” Dune shrugged with a toothy grin. Now I know that he’s a vampire, I could see his fangs easily. Dune leaned in and I caught the scent oflemons off him.

“Want to know another secret?” hewhispered and I nodded warily at how close he was “I’m gay.” That wasn’t exactly what I expected. I blinked and tilted my head curiously.

“Gay? Really?” He never reallyacted…gay when I was around. Dunelaughed and shrugged.

“Well, you know the homophobia aroundthose guys,” Dune nodded in the general direction towards Elliott & Tony’s“It’s kind of hard to have to hit on girls and have them take an interest inyou and have them wanting you to propose to them.”

“It’s kind of hard to have boys flirtwith me, trying to grab my attention and showering me with gifts that I wouldnever dream of even having.” We lookedat each other’s eyes and I felt a bit safe around him now I knew that he wasgay. With a soft smile, Dune lookedaround thoughtfully.

“So why did you stop by here?” he asked“I thought you’d just run away until your legs hurt too much to run.”

“I saw a boy here.”

“Oh, does someone have a crush already?”Dune winked and nudged me. I gave him afierce glare and he edged away carefully, in case I made the lights flicker anddestroyed something else. I shook myhead and stared at the tiles.

“He was a beggar,” I described him“Bright pink eyes and golden hair…so beautiful but so poor…”

“Oh him?” Dune raised his eyebrows “YeahI’ve seen him, he seems to be alone though.”

“What do you mean?” I furrowed myeyebrows and Dune glanced around.

“Well, normally beggars like him live ingroups, like family. They decide who touse who for what purpose just to scrape some sympathy from the city folk togive them a few bronze coins. That boywould normally be found in the suburban areas where most people can see him andpay him. But if he’s found in theshopping malls like here, he can’t be part of a group. Poor guy.” I looked down and grimaced. Dunestretched and sighed. “So, would youlike me to take you home?”

“I don’t know,” I grimaced “It’s a longwalk and there are so many dangerous things at night, not to mention thepollution at this time…”

“I can drive my dad’s car,” Duneshrugged and I thought about it for a while.

“Alright then.”

I stared outside at the drunks and thebouncers, the women in high heels and feather boas that somewhat matched mineand the young teenagers huddled together while sharing alcohol and a cigarette,sometimes a cigar. I sighed as Dunedrummed his fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel to the music that wasplaying on the stereo. Dune glanced atme and sighed also. My head perked upwhen I saw two uniformed men drag a strong looking man with long blackhair. He seemed different in asupernatural sense and I gasped when I saw his elven ears. Dune frowned when he saw what I was lookingat and sighed.

“Ugh, that poor elf probably never didanything wrong,” he muttered “Only arrested because of his race.”

“I want to save him,” I saidimmediately.

“Zelda, what can we do?” Dune shrugged.

“Zack mentioned that with the righttechnology, non-humans could be enslaved and used to our advantage, he justwants a test subject, we can save him!” My voice was getting higher and higher, I wanted to save him!

“Zelda, calm down,” Dune reached out totouch my arm.

I unfastened the seatbelt and jumped outof the car, following the policemen.

“Zelda!” Dune screamed at me “Hide yourears, you’ll get arrested yourself!”

Oh, stupid humans! I growled but I covered my ears with my hairand ran towards the policemen.

“Oi!” I bellowed at them “Stop!” I snatched one of the policemen’s arm andpulled him back which made them turn on me.

“What is it?” he demanded grumpily.

“Release him!” I demanded fiercely.

“Or what?” the other asked tauntingly.

“Or you’ll have my father to answerto.” I turned when Dune came behind me,wig and contacts messily put on. Dunecleared his throat and the policemen stiffened. “You’re talking to Zack Brodka’s younger sister and to Mr Piper’sson. What crime has this man committed?”

“Young Sir,” one licked his lips whilelooking at Dune “He’s violated the new law of elves in cities.” I opened my mouth to question the law but Duneplaced a hand on my shoulder.

“Zack Brodka is thinking of allowing toenslave supernatural beings, such as the young man in your grasp, and he justneeds a test run,” Dune explained “Now, what the young Zelda is trying to sayis that she would like this young man to be the test subject.” A low growl ripped through the elf but it wasquickly silenced with a knee into his stomach. I forced back a growl of my own as Dune settled with the policemen aboutdetails. It was pretty lucky that hisfather was the head of security. But Ithink it was mainly Dune’s charm that won them over and we helped thehandcuffed elf into the back seat of the car and I sat next to him while Dunedrove off. I locked eyes with the elfand carefully brushed back my hair to show my ears. He relaxed and leaned in.

“What are you doing, exposing yourselfin front of the head of security’s son?” he said in a harsh whisper.

“I can hear you,” Dune said in asingsong voice “I know she’s an elf already and it’s OK, I’m a vampire. We’re all supernatural here, there’s no needto be so stiff.” The elf gave him aglare through the rear view mirror with his fierce golden eyes, which I assumeDune could see because we couldn’t see his reflection, and I leaned back with atired yawn.

“My name is Zelda,” I said sleepily,rubbing my eyes tiredly “What’s yours?”

“…Vincent,” Vincent saidreluctantly. I smiled and closed my eyesto have some sleep as Dune began rambling on about something to do with hishome.

“Are you sure it’s OK to just leave youhere?” Dune frowned “You said you don’t have a key and Zack has a high techsecurity system from what I’ve heard from my guardian.”

“I have my ways,” I said as I glanced upat the house “Just drive back take good care of Vincent, OK?”

“Oh, I’ll take good care ofVinnie.” Dune made a cat call and gaveVincent a flirtatious wink. I glared athim and slapped him on the arm.

“I said take care of him, not seducehim!” I scolded as Dune pouted and rubbed his arm “Besides, I don’t think he’sgay anyway or if he’ll even be interested.”

“Not when I’m through with him,” Dunegrinned and I folded my arms, giving him my fiercest glare.

“If you dare, I will castrate you,” Isnarled and Dune frowned.

“Wow, you’re pretty fierce, are youtired?” I sighed and turned away.

“Just take care of him,” I mumbled. I heard Dune walk away, get back into the carand drive off, back through the gates and off to his home. I carefully ran around to the back of thehouse, making sure to avoid any tripwires and looked up at one of the atticwindows. “Help me,” I whispered.

“Goodheavens, girl! What are youwearing?!” I yelped and jumped around to see the spirit womanglaring down at me in disapproval. Ipulled Dune’s jacket closer to me and shivered.

“Zack calls it a dress and I call it ahooker’s dream,” I answered softly “Please, help me get in. I want to hide in the attic, away from Zack,away from everyone…”

“Zelda,dear,” the woman sighed “You know you can’t hide forever.”

“I don’t care!” I suddenly burst out “Idon’t care, I’m eighteen now and I want to make my own decisions, I won’t haveZack rule over my life anymore!” Thespirit woman paused and sighed.

“Closeyour eyes, dear,” she spoke “I want you to focus on the attic and focuson your elven heritage. I want you toprove that you are an elf and you want to be an elf.”

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyesand relaxed my muscles. I remembered theattic clearly, I spent a lot of time up there to get away from Zack and learnso much about elves and their history. Iremember the dreams of being in fields of Floronies and flowers and blossompetals blowing in the wind as I stood in the long grass and stare up at theblue sky. I smiled as the memoriesflowed into me and I felt light and happy. It took me a while to register that my bare feet were resting one coldwooden floorboards of the attic and I opened my eyes to see the familiar dustcovered boxes and saw the spirit woman hold out a folded kimono for me to puton.

“Thiswas one of my own before I passed away,” shesaid softly as I took it from her “I wantyou to have it.” I smiled up at herand bowed to show my thanks before taking the dress off and putting the kimonoback on. The spirit woman deactivatedthe security system long enough for me to run down, grab some pillows andblankets then run back up to the attic where I could sleep. I would worry about other needs later. I just wanted sleep. As I set out the makeshift bed, I noticed thepink petals decorating the floor and frowned.

“They weren’t there before,” I murmuredand looked around “Where did they come from?”

“Fromyou,” the spirit woman wassmiling widely “They’re proof that you’rean elf and that you’re ready to return to your people. But not yet, Zelda. You must wait until the time is right.” I was too tired to argue so I lay my headon the pillow and covered myself with the blankets. As I closed my eyes, I heard the spirit womanwhisper. “Sleep tight, my little princess.”

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