
Before lunch, Paradox had the servantsfetch me a clean kimono. He knew myfavourite colour was red, so he sent for a very beautiful kimono with a patternof black fish dancing on the back. Itfelt softer than the other kimonos I wore when I was a child. The banquet hall was grand with itstapestries and fine oaken tables. Ithought elves sat at long tables that ran across the room. But to my surprise, the tables were round andplaced away from each other. Paradox ledme to the table that stood on an elevated platform by the glass windows, givinga beautiful view of the lake in the summer’s light. Before I could sit down, a glint of goldenhair caught my eye and I was meandering in and out of the waiting servants tohug Aura.

“Are you alright?” I asked the shakenelf when I pulled away. He had beengiven clean clothes too, uncomfortable and tight looking clothes decorated withpearls and gold tassels. Aura noddedstiffly and fiddled with his cuffs shyly.

“Gardenia is really nice,” he muttered“And so is Selina, she’s been looking after Bell and her kittens.” He jerked his head towards the next tablewere Selina sat with other elves that matched her uniform somewhat. Gardenia settled herself down at the tableand nodded for Aura to sit down next to her. I was going to sit with Aura had Paradox not come up and take my hand inhis.

“Zelda, you will be sitting with me,” heinformed and began leading me back to his table.

“But Aura…”

“You can speak to him afterwards.” Why did he have such a cold tone to hisvoice? “There are some elves here to seeyou.” I followed him reluctantly and satdown beside him. The servants broughtbowls of fruit, plates of vegetables and dishes of fully cooked animals. I stared down at the platinum coloured plateand bit my lip. I hadn’t seen any ofthese kinds of food before nor was I certain about what to choose. I looked at the other elves as they sat downaround the table, talking amongst one another and selecting their choice offood. I gnawed anxiously on my poor lip,feeling awkward and uneasy.

“Hey, who’s sitting in my seat?!” I jumped when a young looking elf with blueskin and silver hair appeared next to me and stared me down. She narrowed her bright blue eyes at mesuspiciously. “Don’t you know that I sit there next to my brother, theprince?”

“I…I…I…” I swallowed and was about to rise when Paradox placed his hand overmine.

“Pearl, this is Zelda,” he said to her“I’m afraid you’ll have to sit on my left side today. This is Zelda’s rightful place afterall.” Her eyes grew warm all of a suddenand she grinned.

“Oh, so you’re Zelda!” she said happily and snatched my free hand to shakevigorously “I’ve always wanted to meet you! ‘Dox here would never shut up about you whenever he came back from yourpalace.”

“R-Really?” I stuttered out as my handached uncomfortably in her grip.

“I’m Pearl, his younger sister,” Pearlintroduced herself then gestured to another elf that sat at the table “Thatthere is my husband, Lord Tirade.” Theolder looking elf gave a shy smile my way as Pearl sauntered over to the otherside of the table to sit in between him and Paradox. She gave both of them a kiss on the cheekbefore helping herself to some of the food. Paradox looked down at me and frowned when he saw my empty plate.

“Are you not hungry?” he asked and Ishifted uncomfortably.

“I…uh…I haven’t had any of this foodbefore,” I explained “What would you recommend?”

“Well what kind of things do you like toeat?” Paradox asked as he dished some slices of tender meat onto hisplate. I looked at the different kindsof choices, the aromas wafting towards me tantalizingly. I swallowed and reached out for a silver colouredapple from the nearest fruit bowl. Ijumped when Paradox took my wrist and the apple out of my hand. “Chirai apples are best cooked,” he explainedand handed it to Tirade “May you…?” Itwas simply done by the click of the lord’s fingers. Tirade held the apple out and a spiral offlames barraged through his hand, roasting the apple inside. I felt myself shrink into my chair as Istared at the display in horror, my chest starting to feel constricted and thepalms of my hand beginning to sweat. Pearlapplauded her husband with the rest of the elves by the table as Tirade handedback the slightly crisp apple back to Paradox who blew on it to cool it down.

“Isn’t he simply wonderful?” Pearlasked, probably towards me but it looked like she had directed it to the restof the group “I’m so lucky to have such a talented husband!”

“It is not down to talent, but to howyour manipulate ability,” Tirade said in a rather proud tone whilst Paradoxtook my plate, cut the roasted apple into eighths and handed it back tome. He noticed the way I had shrunk awayfrom the table and placed a hand on my cheek.

“Zelda, are you feeling alright?” heasked as I realised my face was sweating too “You seem pale.”

“I’m fine…” I whispered and focused onthe apple to distract myself from the display of fire “I’m fine…” Without another word I batted his hand away,picked up the apple, still warm from the fire, and took a dainty bite out ofit. It actually tasted nice, like a warmapple pie. It wasn’t that sweet, which Iprefer, perhaps the fire burnt away most of the sugars.

“Oh, you should see Tirade’s fireworkshow,” Pearl kept on nattering about her ‘wonderful’ husband “It isspectacular, it will have you memorized for years!” I could guarantee that, anything that has todo with fire will haunt me for eternity if necessary. I didn’t pay much attention to my eating paceor Pearl’s chatter and too soon, I had eaten all of the apple that had beenroasted for me.

“Would you like another?” Tirade askedas he reached out to take another chirai apple from the fruit bowl.

“No!” I exclaimed a bit loudly andwinced when everyone gave me an odd stare “No…no thank you…”

“Would you like me to have one of theservants bring you some roasted chirai apples from the kitchen?” Paradox probablycaught on about my issue with fire with my reactions.

“Are you saying that my cooking is notgood enough for your princess?” Tirade asked accusingly and I winced at how hereferred to me as a princess.

“I don’t think you are in a position toaccuse me in such a manner,” Paradox narrowed his eyes at Tirade “You may be mybrother-in-law but I am still above you. Know your place.” Tirade flinchedand turned away.

“I apologize,” he uttered.

“So, Zelda,” Pearl said brightly “Whatshould we have as entertainment? Fireeaters? Indoor fireworks? Fire dancers?” Does everything have to do with fire to her? I shook my head.

“I’d…rather just talk,” I murmured andmy gaze wandered over to Aura who seemed just as awkward and nervous aroundGardenia and the other elves they were eating with.

“OK then,” Pearl said “Isn’t itwonderful that Gardenia has found her youngest brother at long last? We all thought he had perished with the restof his family in that terrible fire!” There’s that word again. I turnedto Pearl as Paradox reached out for some more meat.

“Tell me about his family,” I requested.

“Well,” Pearl seemed happier to betalking directly “They were a wealthy family, I’d gathered, Gardenia’s fatherserved our parents and our grandparents too as a knight. Gardenia was the first born child and shewent into sorcery to train to be a knight to serve us with her father, it’s socute. I don’t have many details on themother, I suppose she just stayed at home and looked after the other two sons,Nova and Aura. They adopted a human girlthat they found in their garden, you know. All she could remember was that her name was Evelyn and enjoyed readinga good book. She was so mysterious, sheseemed to have so much potential to be great. It’s such a shame that she was caught up in the fire as well. But now we know that Aura is alive, we canonly hope that she’s out there somewhere, perhaps Nova is alive too, oh I sowish he is, he was one of the most handsome elves I had ever seen!”

“Pearl, you’re rambling again,” Paradoxsaid softly as he finished his current mouthful of meat.

“Oh am I?” Pearl giggled and grinned atme “I do that sometimes, sorry if I bored you, Zelda.”

“No, please, I would like to know aboutAura…” I pressed on “He can’t remember much from the attack on his home and I’mcurious.”

“He’s merely the brother of a knight,”Paradox argued and I could see a jealous glint in his eyes.

“But Gardenia is one of your best,”Pearl said “I think it’s alright for your future wife to get to know yourknights and their families. Especiallysince she found and saved Aura.”

“Wait, when did I ever agree to marryParadox?” I asked with a frown. Thisearned a collective gasp from the table and the hall went silent. Paradox looked down at me, a hurt look on hisface and I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

“Why wouldn’t you marry my brother?”Pearl laughed “You do know that you were betrothed, right?”

“I do but I thought the betrothal wentnull when everybody thought I’d died,” I explained with a frown.

“But now we know you’re alive, you’regoing to marry ‘Dox, right?” Pearl smiled expectantly. I hadn’t felt so uncomfortable before. Everyone’s eyes were focused on me, expectingme to agree to marry this total stranger next to me. I looked up at Paradox with an incredulouslook.

“You really don’t expect me to make sucha decision now?” I asked softly.

“No, of course not,” Paradox soothed ashe took my hand in his “You have until your twentieth birthday to make a soliddecision.” Two more years and I need todecide if I would marry this elf or not. I went silent in thought and everyone continued their meal.

“Here, have some stew,” Tirade said ashe passed a bowl over to me “I’ll just heat it up a bit.”

“No, don’t!”

I screamed as flames engulfed the bowland closed my eyes, petal brushing over me. I heard the other elves calling my name as I involuntarily teleportedaway from the fire. I felt myself landon grass, my chest crushing inwards into my lungs and sweat coating mybody. I gripped handfuls of grass out asI tried to steady my breathing. I didn’tthink about the possibilities to where I might have teleported off to. Not until I started smelling smoke. Heavy, thick smoke and when I opened my eyes,I saw the black fumes spiralling up into the clear blue sky. I then felt the heat of flames near my legsand sat up to see I had teleported to the orphanage out of impulse and it wason fire. Bright green flames engulfedthe old building and amongst the angry crackling of fire engulfing wood, Icould hear people inside screaming for help. My chest tightened even more and I panicked, getting up and running awayas fast as I could. My vision beganfailing and my head began spinning as I tore through the forest in a franticattempt to get as far away from the flames as I could. Eventually I couldn’t take much more and fellover, trying to breathe. My chest ached,the kimono stuck to my body from the accumulation of sweat and I felt like Iwas going to throw up. I began crying inbetween desperate attempts to breathe and in my distress I didn’t sense theforeboding aura that was coming toward me until it was too late.

“There you are, my littleprincess.” My heart lurched and I priedmy eyes open to see two leather boots in my line of vision. I slowly looked up to see the grinning faceof Cannabec. In a flash he was down onone knee and gripping my chin in one of his grey, clawed hands. “Where have you been this whole time?” he purredas I gripped his wrist to try and yank my face out of his hold “We’ve beensearching everywhere for you.”

“Let go…” I breathed softly.

“You know, Zelda,” he traced my cheekwith his free hand “I am known to hold grudges. Everyone should know to never have a demon grudge against them.”

“Well…well…that would make your whole speciessore losers then,” I said as my breath came back to me. The slap Cannabec gave me stung, burned andached. His nails had dug into my skin,drawing blood. I looked up at him with asoft, regretted gulp when he glared at me furiously.

“How dareyou talk back to me,” he hissed “Do you not know who I am?”

“I don’t really care…” I answered as Icarefully touched the cuts on my cheek.

“Well you should,” Cannabec snatched meby my hair and yanked me up to my feet “I can drag you down to Hell and watchyou burn in the furnaces.”

“You don’t have a reason to drag medown, I have never sinned,” I argued with gritted teeth.

“If it means getting rid of anyone whogets in my way, my dear father will allow it,” Cannabec smirked maliciously,showing his white pointed teeth off. Iheld my tongue, not daring to utter anything else which might get me draggedback down to Hell. Cannabec clicked histongue and sighed. “Such a pity, such awaste,” he huffed in disappointment “You could have been great…”

“I am fine just the way I am,” I arguedand pulled away from him “I don’t want greatness or fame, I don’t need it.”

“But you could benefit from it so much,”Cannabec crooned and his eyes glowed alluringly “Zelda, I can help you. I can bring your family back. I can bring back Aura’s family and Dune’stoo. Even Vincent’s. Worship me and I will give you anything thatyou desire.”

“I’ve told you before, I don’t need orwant anything from you,” I hissed venomously.

“You say that because you’ve never hadthis opportunity before,” Cannabec advanced and lay a gentle hand on my injuredcheek “You only need to nod your head, Zelda. Worship me and I shall make all your problems disappear…” He retracted his hand and I felt it to feelthat he’d healed my cuts. I glared up athim before running away as fast as I could. He called after me as I frantically ran through the forest, coming outinto an open field. Paws slammed into myback and pinned me down into the grass. I froze when I felt heat and realised that the creature on top of me wassnorting fire. My chest was crushinginwards into my lungs again and I was shoved roughly onto my back. The dog above me glared at me venomouslybefore morphing back into his true form. “I gave you one last chance, Zelda,” he snarled “You’ve tested mypatience too much. I will kill you and drag you down toHell.” He raised his hands, turning theminto deformed, demonic claws which were aimed at my head. In my air-ridden state, I desperately lashedout and gripped his wrists as they came towards me and my arms quivered againsttheir strength. I knew I couldn’t holdthem steady so managed to direct them away from my head and embed them into thefield. As Cannabec struggled to pullthem out, I wriggled out from underneath him.

I turned away from him and ranfast. I cut through the fields, knowingit was futile to run from him but I wasn’t just going to give myself up to him. If he wanted to drag me down to Hell, he’llhave to do it with me kicking and screaming. I felt heat at the back of my neck and realised that he was throwingballs of fire at me when one went whizzing past and narrowly missing my ear. I turned away from the direction where thefireball had landed and ran towards the lake that was at the foot of the hill Iwas running across. Pain seared throughmy ankle and I realised he had hit me. The kimono caught alight and I shed it but as I did I fell and rolleddown the hill in the undergarments that Paradox’s servants had given me. I landed on the muddy bank, gasping for breathas my foot burned. I dipped it into thelake quickly, panting and trying to see straight.

“You can’t run from me forever, Zelda!”Cannabec roared from the top of the hill. He began sending columns of fire heading my way and I panicked, jumpinginto the lake to protect myself from the bright emerald flames that werespiralling toward me. I dove deep,trying to remember my swimming lessons from being at the orphanage. I swam deeper and further into the lake onlydaring to break the surface when I was desperate to breathe. But when I did, I still had trouble breathingwhen I was surrounded by high walls of green flames that beckoned for me tofall into their grasp and burn. My eyesstung as I cried my tears and struggled to stay afloat. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t see clearlyand I felt paralysed. I didn’t noticeCannabec’s hands on my waist until I felt his breath at my ear. “My poor little Zelda,” he purred as he pressedme to his body “You’re so afraid. Comewith me, little princess, worship me and adore me. I will make everything better.”

“I…I…” My voice was caught in my throat as I continued to be fixated by thegreen flames that burned the surface of the water. I shook my head furiously, the tears flyingoff my face. “I won’t!”

“So damn persistent!” Cannabec snarledand I gasped as he dug his claws into my belly. I begged my body to just disappear and I felt petals brushing over me asI teleported away from Cannabec but only onto the bank of the lake. The dome of the green flames on the waterdisappeared and I could only lie and press my hands on my wounds. I could only sigh through my nose when I sawCannabec come over me, one of his hands deformed into his claw. “So tired, so vulnerable,” he cooed “My poorZelda, I can give you anything you want. You only need to accept me as your ruler.”

“This is getting old…” I whispered “I’mnot going to submit to you. Ever.” When his claw came under my chin, I reachedout and grabbed his wrist feebly in a pathetic attempt to direct it away. I felt my strength failing and my sightblurring. I heard Cannabec snicker.

“You may be an elf but you’re no matchfor a demon,” he hissed. I won’t denyit, I was afraid. Terrified even. My arm shook as I tried to direct the clawaway from my neck then everything went white. I closed my eyes out of exhaustion as thousands of petals brushed acrossmy skin and I felt power flow into me. Igladly accepted it as I felt my body becoming suspended in the air as thepetals enclosed around my body. My eyesopen as bursts of energy sprouted in my body and I moved my arm in time, usingone of the fans that my limit power gave me to slice through Cannabec’sclaw. He howled as I scrambled up to myfeet and backed away warily. I stareddown at my body, seeing the way the light pink petals had clung onto me tocover my nudity and how they were streamlined to help me run faster thannormal.

I have never seen anyone’s limit powerbefore. Humans have it but they rarelyneed it in huge cities where the only threat is muggers. According to Zereria, humans fear the limitpower that is bestowed to them from Ethylias because it is a spontaneousphenomenon. It could happen with anyinjury at any age and could potentially have some devastatingside-effects. I examined my darker pinkand silver fans, noting that they were made out of metal bars and sheets ratherthan wood and paper. As I looked up, Isaw Cannabec sneering and growing.

“Even in your limit form,” he snarled ashis skin turned a darker grey and his clothes tore open when his musclesbulged, exposing his dark green veins “you are still no match for ademon!” I felt horror strike me throughthe heart as I came face to face with his true demon form. He resembled an anubite, from his enlargeddog’s snout to the enlarged, ominous looking sickle in one of his deformedclaws. He snarled and I decided the bestidea to tackle this kind of situation was to sharply turn on my heel and runfor my life. Cannabec let out a menacinghowl as I ran back into the forest. Treesfell over behind me and if I could listen carefully, I could hear Cannabec’ssickle slicing through the trees, paving his way to me.

“Zelda, duck!” I widened my eyes and ducked as a scythe cameswinging in my direction. I stumbled andfell, turning over to see a figure with a long golden scythe, dressed in abeautiful white robe.

“Prebeta,” Cannabec growled out in acknowledgementas they clashed “Of course you’d want to meddle in my affairs.”

“Run, Zelda!” I scrambled up to my feet as they began fightingand teleported away. I fell intoParadox’s gardens and let out a tired sigh when my name was called out. I fell backwards into arms as my eyesfluttered close and fell into a deep sleep.

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