Hollow Ascension
Chapter 175: The Abyss Opens

Chapter 175: The Abyss Opens

The ground shook violently beneath Elda's feet as the relic's magic surged through the valley. The air crackled with raw energy, shimmering waves of power radiating outward from the heart of the glade. Elda struggled to stay on her feet, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt the full weight of the relic's magic pressing down on her.

She had done it. She had tapped into the relic's ancient power, but now the valley's magic was spiraling out of control, and she couldn't stop it.

"Mara!" Elda shouted over the roar of the magic, her voice trembling with desperation. "You have to stop this—before the valley is torn apart!"

Mara, her face twisted with fury and defiance, stood at the edge of the clearing, her hands glowing with the dark, corrupted magic of the Hollow Syndicate. "Stop it?" she spat, her voice filled with venom. "You're the one who unleashed the relic's power, Elda. You've already sealed the valley's fate."

The ground cracked beneath them, and dark tendrils of energy erupted from the earth, lashing out at the guardians. Lena and Kael dodged and parried, their swords flashing as they tried to cut through the chaotic magic.

"Elda, we need to get out of here!" Kael shouted, his voice strained as he fended off another wave of dark energy. "The valley's magic is breaking apart!"

But Elda could feel it—deep within the valley's core, the ancient magic she had unleashed was merging with the valley's energy, intertwining with the Syndicate's corruption. It was like watching two forces collide in a violent storm, neither willing to yield.

"I can still fix this," Elda whispered to herself, though doubt gnawed at the edges of her resolve. "I have to fix this."

She closed her eyes, reaching out with her magic, trying to calm the storm of energy that swirled around them. But the relic's power was too wild, too unstable. Every time she tried to grasp hold of it, it slipped through her fingers like water.

"Elda!" Lena's voice cut through the chaos, pulling her back to the present. "We can't keep this up! If we don't get out now, the whole valley's going to come down on us!"

Elda's heart pounded as she glanced around the glade. The trees were warping, their branches twisting unnaturally as the magic surged through them. The ground was crumbling, cracks spreading outward like a spider's web, and the valley's magic was screaming, a high-pitched wail that made Elda's head throb.

Mara, her eyes glowing with dark energy, raised her hands, and the corrupted magic around her flared. "You can't control the relic's power, Elda!" she shouted, her voice filled with triumph. "You've already lost. The valley will fall, and with it, everything you've fought for."

Elda gritted her teeth, her anger surging. She couldn't let Mara win. Not after everything they had been through. Not after all they had sacrificed.

"No," Elda whispered, her voice trembling with determination. "This isn't over."

She reached out with her magic, this time not trying to control the relic's power, but to guide it. She felt the energy coursing through the valley, wild and dangerous, but also alive. The relic was powerful, but it wasn't inherently evil—it was only dangerous if used recklessly. And Elda had been reckless.

Taking a deep breath, Elda let go of her fear and allowed herself to truly connect with the relic's magic. The energy flowed through her like a river, and for the first time, she understood it. The relic wasn't meant to be controlled. It was meant to work in harmony with the valley's magic. And if she could merge the two, she could stop the destruction.

"Kael! Lena!" Elda shouted, her voice filled with new strength. "I need you to hold off Mara. I'm going to stabilize the relic's magic."

Kael nodded, his face set with determination. "You heard her, Lena! We've got to keep Mara busy."

Lena grinned, though her eyes were filled with fire. "About time we got to hit her."

The two guardians charged toward Mara, their swords flashing as they attacked in unison. Mara snarled, her hands glowing with dark energy as she blocked their strikes, her magic crackling with raw power. But Kael and Lena were relentless, forcing Mara to focus on them while Elda worked.

Elda knelt at the center of the glade, her hands glowing as she reached deep into the earth, tapping into the valley's core. She could feel the relic's magic swirling within the valley, clashing with the Syndicate's corruption. Slowly, carefully, she began to weave the two energies together, using her connection to the valley to smooth out the wild, chaotic forces.

The ground trembled beneath her, but Elda didn't falter. She could feel the balance beginning to shift—the valley's magic stabilizing, the relic's power calming. But it wasn't enough. The corruption was still there, deeply embedded in the valley's core, and if she didn't act quickly, it would take hold again.

Mara let out a furious scream, her magic flaring as she pushed Kael and Lena back with a wave of dark energy. "You think you can stop me, Elda?" she shouted, her voice filled with rage. "The valley belongs to the Syndicate now! You can't undo what's already been set in motion!"

Elda's heart pounded, but she didn't let Mara's words shake her. "I won't let you destroy the valley," she whispered, her voice filled with quiet resolve. "Not while I still have the strength to fight."

With a final surge of magic, Elda reached deep into the earth, into the heart of the valley's core. She could feel the relic's power pulsing beneath her, waiting for her command. And in that moment, she made her choice.

"Now!" Elda shouted, her voice ringing through the glade as she unleashed the relic's full power.

A brilliant burst of light erupted from the earth, shooting up into the sky like a beacon. The valley trembled, and the wild, chaotic energy that had been tearing it apart suddenly stilled. The relic's magic flowed through the valley, merging with the natural energy, stabilizing the core.

Mara screamed as the light washed over her, her dark magic unraveling in the face of the relic's power. The ground beneath her crumbled, and with a final, furious cry, she disappeared into the earth, consumed by the very magic she had sought to control.

The light faded, and the valley grew quiet once more.

Elda collapsed to the ground, her body trembling with exhaustion. She had done it. She had stopped Mara. But at what cost?

Kael and Lena rushed to her side, their faces filled with concern. "Elda, are you okay?" Kael asked, his voice gentle.

Elda nodded weakly, though every muscle in her body ached. "I'm... I'm fine," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "But the valley... it's still fragile. We're not out of danger yet."

Lena placed a hand on Elda's shoulder, her eyes filled with admiration. "You did it, Elda. You stopped Mara. You saved the valley."

Elda looked up at them, her heart heavy. "I didn't save the valley," she said softly. "Not yet. The relic's power is still unstable. And there's more corruption buried deep within the valley's core."

Kael's expression darkened. "Then we'll keep fighting," he said firmly. "We'll finish what we started."

Elda nodded, though the weight of the battle still lingered in her chest. They had won this fight, but the war against the Hollow Syndicate was far from over.

And somewhere deep in the valley, the darkness still waited

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