Hollow Ascension
Chapter 6: Guild Initiation

Chapter 6: Guild Initiation

Morning light streamed through the high windows of the guildhall, casting long shadows across the stone floor. The hall was already buzzing with activity as adventurers checked the mission board, sparred in the courtyard, or simply loitered around tables, exchanging stories and rumors.

Kael stood near the edge of the hall, taking in the scene. Today was the day he would take the next step in his plan: officially registering with the guild. Up until now, he had moved through the hall as an observer, gathering information and setting the stage for conflict. But to go further, he needed a foothold within the guild's hierarchy.

"Alright," Kael muttered to himself, squaring his shoulders. "Time to put on the mask."

He walked purposefully toward the guild's registration counter. A long line of adventurers stretched out in front of it, some grumbling impatiently while others quietly assessed their competition. Behind the counter stood a stern-looking woman with graying hair pulled into a tight bun, her sharp eyes scanning the crowd as if searching for trouble. This was Juno Starwind, the guild's receptionist and administrator, and from what Kael had gathered, she was someone who noticed everything.

Kael joined the end of the line, adopting a nervous posture to sell his role as a hesitant newcomer. As he waited, he glanced around, noting who was watching and who wasn't. It was a minor detail, but one that could provide insight into who might view him as a potential threat—or as a useful pawn.

After several minutes, the line dwindled, and it was finally his turn. Juno's eyes flicked to him, and for a moment, Kael felt the weight of her scrutiny. She was perceptive; he would need to be careful.

"Name?" she asked curtly, her quill poised over a parchment.

"Kael," he replied, keeping his tone soft and uncertain. "I'm... here to register as a new member."

Juno raised an eyebrow, her eyes scanning him from head to toe. He knew exactly what she was seeing: a young man with no visible strength, no aura of magic, and wearing plain, threadbare clothes. A nobody. Kael was counting on it.

"You don't look like much of an adventurer," she remarked bluntly, dipping the quill in ink.

Kael swallowed, glancing down as if embarrassed. "I know. But I... I want to try. I'm willing to start at the bottom and work my way up."

Juno studied him for a moment, then sighed. "Very well," she said, jotting something down on the parchment. "You're starting as a bronze rank. Don't expect any glamorous missions. You'll be doing grunt work until you prove yourself."

Kael nodded eagerly. "Of course, I understand. I'll do my best."

She handed him a small bronze badge, its surface etched with the guild's insignia. "This is your identification," Juno explained. "Lose it, and you'll have to pay to get a new one. Now, since you're just starting out, here's a list of basic tasks." She pushed a piece of parchment across the counter toward him.

Kael picked it up, scanning the list. Most of the tasks were menial—gathering herbs, escorting caravans, delivering messages. Perfect, he thought. These low-risk missions were exactly what he needed to maintain his facade while giving him a chance to explore the guild's operations further.

"I'll take this one," he said, pointing to a mission labeled "Escort Supply Cart to Northgate Outpost." It was a simple, low-risk task, but one that would take him into the city's outskirts where he could observe the guild's logistics.

Juno glanced at the mission and nodded. "Very well. Report back here once you've completed it. And remember, you're expected to follow instructions precisely. If you deviate from the mission, you'll face penalties."

"I understand," Kael replied, offering a meek smile. He pocketed the badge and mission sheet, then turned to leave.

As he walked away, he spotted Finn lurking near the mission board, his eyes following Kael with a mix of curiosity and concern. Kael approached him, holding up the mission sheet.

"Got myself a task," Kael said lightly. "Just a simple escort mission to get started."

Finn eyed him warily. "You sure that's a good idea? Things have been getting dicey around the city outskirts lately. Rumors of bandit activity and all."

Kael shrugged. "All the more reason to be cautious, I suppose. But it's something I need to do if I'm going to fit in here."

Finn's brow furrowed as he glanced at the sheet. "Northgate Outpost, huh? That place has seen a lot of action recently. Just... be careful, alright? You're not exactly in fighting shape."

Kael nodded, pretending to look slightly worried. "I know. I'll keep my head down and try to avoid trouble."

"Good," Finn muttered. "Because if you get in over your head, there won't be much I can do to pull you out."

Kael gave a quick, reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. I'll just follow instructions and stay out of the way. It's only an escort mission, after all."

Internally, however, Kael was already calculating his next moves. This mission was a cover, a way to remain inconspicuous while observing how the guild managed its operations beyond the city walls. He could use the trip to scout the area, gauge the security of their supply lines, and see if there were any weak points he could exploit later.

[Contract Progress: 60% - Preparations Underway]

The System's notification echoed in his mind, its presence a constant reminder of his task. Kael maintained his calm exterior, but inwardly, he felt a flicker of satisfaction. His first steps were proceeding as planned.

"Alright then," he said, straightening his posture slightly. "I'll be off. Wish me luck."

Finn nodded, though his expression remained skeptical. "Good luck," he said. "Just remember—this guild will chew up and spit out those who don't watch their backs."

"Believe me," Kael replied quietly, turning away. "I intend to watch mine very closely."

Kael made his way through the bustling streets of Valens, heading toward the designated meeting point for the mission. As he walked, he kept his eyes open, observing the people around him—the merchants hawking their goods, the guards patrolling the streets, and the adventurers passing by with weapons slung over their shoulders.

This city was a hive of activity and intrigue, a place where power changed hands not just through strength but through whispers and alliances. Kael intended to be one of those wielding power in the shadows, guiding the currents of conflict to his benefit.

Arriving at the meeting point, he found a rickety cart laden with supplies and an older man standing beside it. The man, dressed in a worn leather coat, looked up as Kael approached.

"You the escort?" the man asked gruffly, eyeing Kael with clear skepticism.

"Yes," Kael replied, inclining his head. "I'm here to ensure the supplies reach Northgate Outpost."

The man grunted, his expression somewhere between doubt and amusement. "You don't look like much, kid, but I guess I can't complain. Just try to keep up, and don't get in the way."

"I'll do my best," Kael promised, his tone earnest. Let them underestimate me, he thought. It makes what comes next easier.

The man climbed onto the cart, giving the reins a flick to urge the horse forward. Kael walked alongside, his eyes scanning the road ahead. This was the beginning of his integration into the guild's ranks. From here, he would quietly gather more information, expand his influence, and identify the weaknesses in the guild's structure.

The cart trundled along, the city gradually giving way to rougher terrain as they headed toward the outskirts. Kael walked in silence, listening to the creaking of the cart's wheels and the rustle of the trees lining the road. His mind was already calculating his next steps, planning how to use this mission to his advantage.

In the distance, the walls of the Northgate Outpost loomed, a reminder that Valens was a city constantly on guard against the dangers of the wilds beyond. It was a harsh world, one that valued strength and power above all else. But Kael intended to prove that cunning, patience, and the art of manipulation could wield just as much, if not more, power than any sword or spell.

[Contract Progress: 65% - Operation Commenced]

The System's whisper in his mind brought a small, hidden smile to his lips. So far, so good, he thought. Now it was just a matter of biding his time, playing the part, and preparing for the moment when he would tip the balance of power in his favor.

"Keep moving forward," Kael murmured to himself as the outpost drew nearer. "The game is only just beginning."

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