
Perhaps because he was an outstanding warhorse, Silion tilted his head to the side, and the arrow deflected off the horse’s armor.

“Are they crazy?!”

Thinking that Mirian had finally spoken some sensible words, Eugen reached behind the saddle and pulled out his spear thrower and a javelin. He wasn’t planning to let them off easily since they unsheathed their weapons and even fired an arrow at him.

Eugene bent back like a bowstring, then shot forth a javelin.


The mercenary responsible for firing the crossbow bolt was instantly thrown back as the javelin pierced into his abdomen.


Another mercenary was skewered along with his dead colleague, screaming while falling back. The other mercenaries were given no chance to react. Silion narrowed the distance in an instant, then jumped toward the mercenaries.


Three mercenaries were thrown back and collapsed on the floor after colliding with Silion. The formation of the mercenaries collapsed in an instant. Eugene pulled out his shortsword and crushed the mercenaries.



The mercenaries were incapable of dealing with a fully-armed knight on horseback. It was even truer since their opponent was a vampire that possessed physical abilities several times to that of a regular human. There was nothing they could do except to scream and flee.

“L-let’s run!”

Eight of the thirteen mercenaries were slain in an instant, and the rest began to run away. Eugene slaughtered two more by throwing his javelins, then rode Silion toward the group composed of three fleeing mercenaries.

Tung! Thud!


Eugene deliberately aimed for the back of the mercenaries’ heads with the back of his sword. The mercenaries screamed as they fell forward. Soon, the rest of Eugene’s group arrived alongside Partec. They quickly subdued the fallen mercenaries.

“You bastards dare attack a knight?”

“T-that’s because the knight…”

“The knight what? Did Sir Eugene draw his blade? Did he throw his spear? What bullshit are you spewing after daring to fire an arrow?”


The mercenary’s expression turned pale after having finally recognized the mistake they committed.


“That was amazing! A match for a hundred! Only such words can describe someone like Sir Eugene. That spear throw was truly like a thunderbolt from the heavens! My humble eyes have been fully opened today, Sir Eugene!”

Mills became incredibly excited after seeing Eugene’s outstanding performance. His skills certainly lived up to his reputation. If such a knight stood on the side of the Fairchild family, he was certain that they could win the territorial war.

“Sir, why don’t we capture them alive and take them back to our castle?”

“No. I do not think that will be necessary. Doesn’t Lord Fairchild want to gain an advantage in the territorial war through me?”

“Ah, that is true, but…”

“That’s all that matters.”

Eugene approached the mercenaries. They were trembling and kneeling on the ground.

“Why did you attack me?”


As if they had promised beforehand, the mercenaries simply stole gazes at one another.


Eugene’s shortsword cut through the air with an eerie sound, cutting off the head of the mercenary located at the far left.


The faces of the remaining two mercenaries turned blue when they saw their colleague’s lifeless body fall to the ground amidst a fountain of blood.

“Why did you attack me?”

The attitudes of the remaining two mercenaries completely transformed. They both immediately replied to Eugene’s question.

“I-I think it was because he thought you were attacking us, sir!”

“That man did something stupid! We had no intention of attacking you, esteemed sir!”


“We are from the Milson Mercenaries!”

“Milson? Is that the name of your captain? Where is he now?”

“Over there…”

Eugene confirmed the body of the man who died after a spear pierced through his body. He was the first one to run when all hell broke loose earlier.

“Then what about the rest? What about the other mercenaries apart from your group?”

“They are standing by in a village called Langbon.”

“How many, and who is the leader?”

“T-there are about thirty of us, and we are led by Langbon’s keeper. Our main forces are still in Lord Bommel’s castle…”


Mills quickly explained. “Langbon’s keeper is Lord Bommel’s nephew. His name is Sir Pascal, the keeper of Langbon and a knight. His feudal estate is located in Langbon. In addition…”

“It is a fairly large village, so there will be at least twenty more mercenaries. Sir Eugene, let us head to our castle, group up with the mercenaries, then set out.”

“No, I will go alone.”


Everyone was surprised at Eugene’s declaration, including Mills and Partec. No matter how strong Eugene was, how could he think of barging into a place with nearly fifty troops and a knight?

“I’m only planning to talk to them. I think they should be willing to listen if I have these guys as an excuse.”

“That is true, but…”

Although he was currently with Mills, Eugene had no realistic association with Viscount Fairchild. On the other hand, the mercenaries in front of him were officially recruited by Baron Bommel. Eugene had sufficient ground to complain after being suddenly attacked by the mercenaries affiliated with the latter.

“There is nothing to worry about. It won’t change anything even if you accompany me.”

Certainly, three extra pairs of hands would not change the situation. Knowing so, Partec responded with a sigh. “Alright.”

“Excuse me! Sir Eugene, does that mean you will sign a contract with my master?” Mills asked with a face full of expectations, and Eugene nodded.

“Since things turned out this way, that seems to be the most reasonable choice. Take these guys and tell Lord Fairchild to leave it to me.”

“Ohhh! Surely Lord Fairchild will recognize Sir Eugene’s passionate chivalry and honorable decisions…”

“Stop that. Just head out right away.”

“Y-yes! Then what should we do with these men?”

The two mercenaries had been stealing gazes at Eugene. As Eugene’s gaze turned toward them once more, they quickly raised their voices.

“P-please let us live!”

“If you let us go, we will forever be loyal to you, sir!”

“I don’t need it.”


“Sir knight! P-please…”

The mercenaries started quivering and begging after hearing his cold answer. Eugene continued in a quiet voice.

“I do not need your loyalty. First, play rock paper scissors.”


“If you don’t, both of you will die.”

The faces of the mercenaries turned a shade paler at Eugene’s words.


Clop. Clop.

The mercenaries stole anxious backward glances while slowly walking in front of Silion.

‘Dammit! I won, so why…’

After hearing that a prize would be awarded to the winner of the game, the two mercenaries had a match of their lifetime. It seemed obvious to them that the winner would be spared while the loser would be killed.

But that wasn’t the case at all. After he won, he was ordered to guide the path of the terrifying knight, while his loser colleague was taken to Lord Fairchild’s castle.

‘He’s not afraid of the night. What kind of a knight is he?’

Even if he was a terrifying presence adorned with plate armor, knights had always avoided traveling at night. Even if they were thrown into the exact same predicament, every knight would act differently depending on whether it was day or night.

However, the knight named Jan Eugene continued to travel casually after handing him a torch.

‘Should I throw away the torch and run away? It’s so dark, so maybe…’

The mercenary fell into temptation, but he soon shook his head. When he recalled the events of the day, he still felt a chill down his back. The success rate was far too slim to bet his life on it. The chances of a successful escape were as slim as tonight’s faint moonlight.

“Why won’t you stop glancing at me. Why? Do you think that I won’t keep my promise? You are not doubting my honor, are you?”

“N-not at all!”

“Then stop distracting me and do as you are told.”


Although he still had some doubts, a knight’s promise with his honor on the line was something to be taken seriously. He could trust the knight.

“After crossing over that hill, we should see Langbon.”

Soon, Eugene saw a village of similar size to Brahms after climbing up the low hill.

‘As expected, they have a wooden barricade.’

The two-meter-long logs were lined with torches. It appeared that they were set up to prevent monsters from attacking. It was a village that belonged to a territory governed by a nobleman with a title, and it was definitely different from the villages of Tywin territory in various ways.

“Let us go.”


To think the knight would storm into a village with dozens of experienced mercenaries and a knight on such a dark night, especially when they could potentially become his enemies.

‘He is either a great hero or a rare fool. Whichever it is, doing as I am told is the way for me to live.’

The scale was inclined to the latter, so the mercenary continued along the dark path while licking his lips.

It was then…


The mercenary stopped at a sudden sound.


The mercenary belated discovered an arrow lodged in the ground right in front of him. His eyes widened as a shout came from the village.

“If you continue to approach, we will blow your head off! Who is it!?”

“I-it’s me! Baren!”

“Who is Baren?”

“I am Baren of the Milson Mercenaries!”

After a moment of silence, the wooden gates opened. A horse and about ten armed soldiers rushed out and made their way towards Eugene and Baren.

“Who are you, sir?”

The man on the horse could not hide his anxiety when he saw Eugene adorned with plate armor.

“Jan from the Eugene family. And you?”

“I am the keeper of Langbon, Appiel Bommel Pascal.”

As if boasting about his lineage, Pascal raised his head while proudly revealing his full name.


Eugene hesitated after hearing the knight’s answer. Mistaking Eugene’s reaction as being due to his status, Pascal raised his chin further in an arrogant manner.

However, contrary to Pascal’s assumptions, Eugene was surprised for a completely different reason.

‘What is this luck?’

He thought quickly and made an even quicker decision. Eugene kicked Baren on the back and responded.

“This man’s colleagues attacked me first. So I had no choice but to respond in kind.”

“What? Then the Milson Mercenaries…”

Pascal spoke hesitantly, and Eugene replied with a nod.

“I killed all of them except two. Since they were the ones who attacked first, it should not be an issue.”

“Sir! The Milson Mercenaries were a force hired by Lord Bommel, my uncle and the master of this land. Who do you think you are to…" Pascal erupted in anger, but Eugene interjected. “Ah, is that so? I thought you would make an excuse and try to mull over it. But since Lord Fairchild hired me, we should be enemies anyways.”


Pascal was put off by the unexpected answer. Eugene unsheathed his shortsword like lightning.

“I came to confirm that, so this is rather good. You said you were Sir Pascal, right? Our stances are quite obvious, so let’s just fulfill our duties.”


Pascal and the mercenaries urgently pulled out their weapons, and Silion kicked off the ground. Simultaneously, the torches held by the mercenaries were extinguished one by one.


“Light! Light the torches!”

The mercenaries shouted after falling into confusion. Silion jumped into their midst in the blink of an eye.



The mercenaries screamed and shouted with every swing of Eugene’s shortsword. Some tried to attack, but they could not aim properly in the dark. Even if they were lucky enough to land a hit, the horse’s armor and the plate armor easily deflected their attacks.


“Fire! Kill him!”

Several mercenaries belatedly offered supporting fire from behind the wooden barricade, but their attacks only penetrated the backs or calves of their allies.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” Pascal screamed in panic and agitation, but his words were buried by the screams of the mercenaries.


Pascal’s face turned a shade of blue. The sight of the knight rampaging under the dim moonlight was truly fear-inspiring. Less than a minute had passed since he unsheathed his weapon, but most of the mercenaries were already either dead or seriously injured.

One path of salvation instinctively came to Pascal’s mind.

’I-I’ll return to the village for now…’

He quickly tugged on the reins and turned the horse around.


A piercing sound tore through the night sky.

Thuck! Neiiiiigh!

Eugene’s javelin flew through the air and into the buttocks of the horse Pascal was riding on.


Pascal’s body seemed to fluctuate on the saddle. He crashed onto the ground with his feet caught in the horse pedal.

“Keugh! Kuah…”

The shock from the fall lingered, but Pascal attempted to stand up. However, his limbs vainly grabbed onto thin air.

“I do not know what you were thinking in coming out personally, but thank you for saving me the trouble.”


Pascal felt himself rising into the air. His eyes widened as Eugene pulled him up by the back of his neck.


Pascal’s body slumped with one punch.

“I am taking Lord Bommel’s nephew! If you want him back, come to Lord Fairchild’s castle!”

Eugene shouted loudly towards the village, then retrieved the javelin stuck in the horse’s buttocks before running back to SIlion.

“Sir Pascal…!”

Mercenaries rushed out of the barricade and shouted, but the voices only grew distant.


“Is he really an idiot? Why did he come out in person?” Mirian spoke while holding onto Silion’s mane. She looked pathetically at Pascal, who was slumped across the saddle.

“How would I know? Anyways, we got lucky.”

“Kekeke! Those who are successful are blessed by heaven and earth! This means our esteemed sir is guaranteed to be successful! Now, we just need to go to that lord named Fairchild, right?”


“Hmm? What do you mean? Are we not taking him back to the castle?”

“I was going to, but I thought of a better idea.”

After exchanging prisoners, the two lords would officially engage in a territorial war. This would lead to prolonged battles and would likely lead to unexpected situations as well.

‘I would rather have a quick ending.’

A cold smile floated around the vampire’s lips as he pierced through the darkness.

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