Eugene returned to his room after eating supper with the mercenaries. The slaves were placed in the same room as the mercenaries, so Eugene and Mirian were left alone in the spacious room. Eugene placed Wolfslaughter on the table, in case he needed the weapon, and waited for Romari to come.

After about ten minutes after his slave, Luke, left the room after lighting up the lamps. A knock resounded.

“Sir Eugene, it’s Romari. Can I come in?”

“Come on in.”

With Eugene’s permission, Romari opened the door and quietly entered. She was adorned in a loose, brown robe.

She flinched after seeing Wolfslaughter lying on the table but soon bowed after removing her hood.

“I would greet you officially. I am not actually from the Sandstone School. I am Sirinoa Romari of the Blood Shadow School. It is an honor to meet a member of the Night’s Tribe.”



Romari, a wizard of the Blood Shadow School, was extremely excited. As could be inferred from the name, the Blood Shadow School revered vampires.

And today, Romari came across a vampire for the first time.

Most vampires resided in northern regions or areas with little influence from the church, so it was rare to see them in nearby areas.

‘I got lucky.’

Moreover, it was clear that the opponent was an old, experienced vampire. Otherwise, how could they be walking around proudly in broad daylight?

‘Vampires are said to be amicable to our school, so he definitely will...’

Romari couldn’t finish her thoughts in time. The beautiful, elegant vampire closed the distance in an instant and grabbed her throat like lightning.


“I do not know how you figured out my identity, but it must mean you have a death wish, correct?”

“Keugh! N, no… W, wait, please…”

“Sir, sir! I heard from my seniors that the Blood Shadow School has relations with monsters! Have her make an oath! Then we can listen to what she has to say!”

After hearing Mirian’s advice, Eugene placed Wolfslaughter against Romari’s throat and drew his vampire fear to the maximum.

“Swear on your name, your school, and magic. That you will not lie nor use magic in this place.”

“I, I swear by my name, the Blood Shadow School, and on magic. I will never lie, nor will I use magic in this place.” Romari frantically shouted, frightened by the sudden turn of events. According to Mirian, for a wizard to break an oath was equivalent to foregoing the path of magic. As such, Eugene finally let go of Romari’s throat.

But he did not withdraw his Vampire Fear. Wolfslaughter rested in his hand, ready to swing at a moment’s notice.

“Then tell me. How did you know that I was a member of the Night’s Tribe?”

Romari fumbled, her face still filled with fear.

“T, the founder of the Blood Shadow School was a member of the tribe. That is why we are able to sense vampires.”

“The founder?”

Eugene finally withdrew his vampire fear after hearing an unexpected answer. Romari suddenly kowtowed on the ground like a frog while breathing raggedly.

“I wasn’t able to recognize a noble Origin and acted presumptuously. Please forgive me, Sir Eugene!”

Eugene had not evoked his Vampire Fear as a show of power.

However, Romari felt that the powerful fear that pressured her was very similar to the fear of an Origin, which her teacher spoke about in the past. Like most wizards, Romari was patient and had strong mental fortitude. However, the fear instilled in her just now caused her heart to beat rapidly. She even found it difficult to resist.

It was due to the characteristics of a school founded by an Origin, in other words, an original vampire.

‘To think that I even attempted to cast magic in a panic…’

Romari managed to barely lift her head. However, the vampire, who was surely an Origin, had a puzzled frown on his face.



“What’s that?”


Romari’s dead eyes gradually widened with shock. She seemed to have met a member of the Night’s Tribe who was unaware that he was an Origin.


“So, what you are saying is that Origins are the noblest of vampires?”

“Yes, yes. Of those in the Night’s Tribe, we call the direct descendants of the noblest of the families–Origins. I cannot be sure with my abilities, but based on the fear you emitted a moment ago, Sir Eugene, I think you could be an Origin.”

Eugene felt very surprised but also uncertain. He possessed no memories of the distant past.

‘I could be an Origin? Does that mean I am the highest-ranking vampire?’

However, he could not unconditionally trust the words of a wizard he met for the first time.

“Tell me more about the noblest families.”

“Not much is known, so there is not much for me to say. However, I know that the founder of our school was an esteemed figure with the family name of ‘Ventroa.’”


“Yes. However, it is said that the founder spoke almost nothing about vampires. Because of an oath. So even Master Bellopa, my teacher in magic, knows almost nothing as well.”

“Tell me as much as you can.” Eugene pressured Romari. This was a clue to replaceing his origin.

“I really don’t know anything. You will only be able to replace information about Origins at the Library of Avilonia. But it’s too far away, and I can’t even think of going there with so many wars here and there.”

“The Library of Avilonia? How far is it?”

“About half a year’s distance from here…”

“I know! I know about that place! I heard from my seniors. But not anyone can get in. They’ll only grant access to very prestigious nobles or famous wizards.”


He had no reason to waste half a year, and it would do no good for Eugene to head there with his current status.

“Fine. Then why did you come to me?”

“Because of the labyrinth subjugation. If I am with a member of the Night’s Tribe, I could achieve my goals more easily. I wanted to receive some help.”


Eugene responded while crossing his arms, and Romari hurriedly continued. “I’m telling the truth. Actually…”

According to Romari’s explanation, only one high-ranking monster had been spotted in the Mount Morrison Labyrinth thus far–a cyclops. Coincidentally, she needed the nails and blood of a cyclops for her magic research.

“I happened to hear that they were in a hurry to replace a wizard. I thought it was a good opportunity, so I came and told them I was from the Sandstone School. I do know a bit of earth-based magic.”

“You must have some talents. Was the Count not suspicious?”

“He seemed unsuspecting, perhaps because of the urgent situation. Moreover, I had the confidence to get away if I was found out.”

‘Until I met an Origin like you.’ Romari thought to herself.

Eugene asked once again, “I see. But why do you need materials from a cyclops?”

“They are necessary to create a chimera.”


“It’s an artificial, hybrid monster created by wizards! Kyah~ Sir, she must be pretty talented. I heard from my seniors that wizards won’t even attempt to create one unless they have the skills.” Mirian propped herself out of the leather pocket and blabbered.

Meanwhile, Romari continued to explain, “It is a type of an artificial monster. For wizards belonging to the Blood Shadow School, our ultimate mission is to produce our own chimera. It has been three years since I became independent from my master. Since then…”

“I don’t really care about all that. Anyways, so what you are telling me is that you need the materials from a cyclops, and you came to me because you thought my cooperation would be helpful to you. Is that right?”

“Yes. Vampires are amicable to our school. Master Bellopa had also met two vampires thus far, and he told me he received some help from both of them.”

Vampires didn’t suddenly pop out of thin air without a master. Vampires passed down their knowledge from generation to generation, just as humans did.

All vampires knew about the Blood Shadow School unless they were completely isolated from others and were ignorant.

That was what her teacher said.

‘Except for you…’

“Hmm. I see.”

Eugene felt rather enlightened. He knew that wizards weren’t unconditionally hostile toward vampires, but he never imagined that a school would possess a cooperative relationship with vampires. Moreover, the founder of the school had been a vampire as well.

“What about the cyclops’ mana stone? Do you need that as well?”

“No. I do not need the mana stone.” Romari quickly shook her head.

The atmosphere loosened slightly.

“Good. We can cooperate.”

“Ah… Yes! Thank you.” She felt taken aback by his sudden consent, but Romari cusped her hands and expressed her gratitude. Although this was quite a strange situation, she had confidence in defeating a cyclops with Eugene’s assistance. After all, he seemed to be an Origin.

“However, on one condition.”

“And what might that be…?”

“You have to cooperate in replaceing Galfredik.”

“Well… that knight might already be dead. And with all due respect, why are you trying to replace a mere human knight…? As an Origin, you possess the coldest and noblest of blood…”


“Yes! Of course! I will replace him! Even if he is already dead, I will replace his corpse and bring it to you!”

Romari once again fell to the floor as Eugene evoked his Vampire Fear to its fullest.

‘Why does a vampire care about a human? Maybe I shouldn’t have come to him…’

She felt a little regretful, but it was already too late. Moreover, due to the nature of the Blood Shadow School, anyone else would have made the same choice as herself.


The next morning, the subjugation group departed from the castle with Eugene and Entler in the lead. Five or six hours later, the group arrived at a village located near the entrance of Mount Morrison.

But uninvited guests were waiting for the subjugation group in the village, alongside the welcoming residents and chief of the village.

“We cannot allow anyone without permission to enter the labyrinth.”

“I felt an evil energy in the Mount Morrison Labyrinth. Count Evergrove also hired a wizard because of the severity of the situation, did he not?”

“Master Romari was invited to assist in exploring new areas of the labyrinth. It has nothing to do with evil energy.”

“Why are you objecting to our assistance? We are not asking for anything in return. Are you not a man of faith, sir?”

“I believe in god, but also in magic. Above all, I trust my blade.”

“How disrespectful, sir!”

Those arguing fiercely with Entler were templars belonging to a monastery located near the Evergrove Territory.

Templars also belonged to the church, but they were distinct from the holy knights. Holy knights mostly stemmed from noble families, and they directly served the bishop or the leaders of the church. They became knights with the support of the church.

On the other hand, templars were warriors who devoted themselves to church relying on only their faith. Moreover, they stemmed from various origins and were part of frugal monasteries. As such, their equipment was no different from ordinary mercenaries.

‘This is troublesome.’

Although they weren’t as bad as holy knights, Eugene felt uneasy around templars as well. He carefully observed the three templars.

“It’s not like I don’t believe in god, so I do not know what you consider as disrespectful. I even go to church to pray sometimes when I have nothing else to do. Anyways, I cannot accept you sirs.”

“Sir, look here. We are under direct orders from our principal. I am sure that Count Evergrove would have received the same message.”

The templars remained stubborn. All of them were adorned in old full-body chainmail and a surcoat with the circular symbol of the church.

“Hmm.” Entler smacked his lips together after seeing the templar hold out a letter. The principal of the monastery they belonged to was from a noble family, so even Count Evergrove had to treat them with respect.

‘Will they listen to my words at all in the labyrinth? In all likelihood, they will try to act independently.’

Templars were famous for acting first, then insisting that they only followed god's will instead of their own, regardless of the outcome.

As such, knights hated becoming involved with templars. Knights were well aware of how troublesome disobedient allies were.

As if reading Entler's mind, one of the templars, who appeared to be the leader, spoke, “I promise not to cause you any trouble, Sir Entler. Within the labyrinth, we will obey all orders.”


Entler’s expression finally loosened slightly. However, it was unknown how they would actually act once they were in the labyrinth. He wanted to avoid having them under his command no matter what.

‘Ah! That’s it.’

“Then you sirs can accompany Sir Eugene’s group. They do not have enough warriors to fight. Sir Eugene, you are fine with the arrangement, right?”


Eugene’s frown deepened inside of his helmet. He started to mutter a response, but the templars flocked to him.

“Nice to meet you, Sir Eugene.”

“Are you perhaps the same knight who defeated roamers and the evil orcs in Maren? The merchant who visited our monastery praised you as a knight who is as trustworthy as he is brave.”

“It is an honor to fight in the evil land with such a faithful knight.”


Eugene was at a loss for words.

“Kyahahahahaha! They’re calling a vampire faithful! F, faithful! Kyahahahah!” Mirian burst into laughter. Romari, the only other person who knew of Eugene’s identity, took on a strange expression as well.

The templars looked at him with twinkling eyes, and Entler looked over with a satisfied expression.

It appeared that Eugene couldn’t refuse them.

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