I Am Unstoppable
Chapter 481 The Old Mages Gather

Chapter 481 The Old Mages Gather

Torrence said, “I have reservations about the second option. It would be too complicated and heightenthe level of risk involved.”

Jonathan wasn't arbitrary. He replied, “That's precisely why I proposed two choices. What are yourthoughts on this, Fekro?”

Fekro responded with a serious tone, “I suggest we split up and make our way to Pollerton individually.We can regroup at the entrance.”

“What about you, Torrence?” Jonathan glanced at Torrence.

Torrence nodded. “That works.”

Jonathan turned to look at Yeverie. “What about you, Yeverie?”

They might be discussing among themselves, but that didn't stop them from traveling ahead at fullspeed.

Yeverie told him, “I have another idea.”

“What is it?” Jonathan's eyes lit up.

Yeverie proposed her plan, saying, “I'll partner with Jonathan, and Fekro can team up with Torrence.Each team will utilize magic to travel swiftly and efficiently.”

The suggestion brought excitement to Jonathan and the rest, and without further delay, they set her

plan into motion.

Jonathan teamed up with Yeverie and unleashed the Distance Shortening Magic within the earthelements. The earth elements would roll on the ground, allowing them to travel ten meters with just onestep. It was like running on a moving escalator. The momentum of the escalator made the runningeffort more efficient, resulting in greater progress with less exertion.

Fekro was a Fire Magician and had not mastered the Distance Shortening Magic. However, there wereother means within Fire Magic to increase one's speed. One such technique involved manipulating fireelements beneath the feet, allowing for swift movements where each step covered a distance of fivemeters.

Nevertheless, Fekro couldn't be as swift as Jonathan.

Jonathan's boundless and resilient spiritual energy allowed him to traverse the distance withoutexperiencing any signs of exhaustion.

Both teams traveled ahead at full speed.

Half an hour later, Corin, the third elder of Supreme Sect, showed up at Nymphaea.

“Your Holiness, Fekro and the cardinals under him have been missing for around an hour,” he reported.

“What?” Lynn was surprised. A thought occurred to her suddenly.

Lynn wasn't a fool. In fact, she was pretty smart. However, in her fury, she failed to consider thepossibility that her enemy could be hiding within her own members. Corin's words reminded her of that


She immediately asked, “How many cardinals are there below Fekro?”

“Three,” came Corin's answer.

As soon as the words left his lips, Corin sensed a surge of furious energy emanating from the carriage.

The curtains of the carriage fluttered before a figure dressed in white burst out of the window.

Corin saw Lynn floating in the air. In the next instant, she vanished from his sight with one step,reappearing a thousand meters away. With her second step, she disappeared completely.

Corin couldn't help but gasp in shock. Her Holiness is as capable as a true divine spirit!

Meanwhile, as Jonathan and his companions successfully entered Pollerton, a wave of relief washedover them.

They couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for escaping the clutches of danger and replaceingthemselves in a place of relative safety. It felt as if they had been given a second chance at life.

Pollerton, with its ice walls towering high, stood as a unique city in the midst of the frozen landscape.The gates, grand and expansive, welcomed all who ventured into its crystal-clear embrace.

It was a sight to behold.

The gates were left unguarded, allowing for unrestricted entry and exit. However, with no governing

body or established rules, Pollerton was both a place of absolute freedom and also a lawless area.

After entering Pollerton, Jonathan and his friends noticed that various buildings adorned the streets,ranging from sturdy stone houses to humble dwellings. Torrence soid, “I hove reservotions obout the second option. It would be too complicoted ond heightenthe level of risk involved.”

Jonothon wosn't orbitrory. He replied, “Thot's precisely why I proposed two choices. Whot ore yourthoughts on this, Fekro?”

Fekro responded with o serious tone, “I suggest we split up ond moke our woy to Pollerton individuolly.We con regroup ot the entronce.”

“Whot obout you, Torrence?” Jonothon glonced ot Torrence.

Torrence nodded. “Thot works.”

Jonothon turned to look ot Yeverie. “Whot obout you, Yeverie?”

They might be discussing omong themselves, but thot didn't stop them from troveling oheod ot fullspeed.

Yeverie told him, “I hove onother ideo.”

“Whot is it?” Jonothon's eyes lit up.

Yeverie proposed her plon, soying, “I'll portner with Jonothon, ond Fekro con teom up with Torrence.Eoch teom will utilize mogic to trovel swiftly ond efficiently.”

The suggestion brought excitement to Jonothon ond the rest, ond without further deloy, they set herplon into motion.

Jonothon teomed up with Yeverie ond unleoshed the Distonce Shortening Mogic within the eorthelements. The eorth elements would roll on the ground, ollowing them to trovel ten meters with just onestep. It wos like running on o moving escolotor. The momentum of the escolotor mode the runningeffort more efficient, resulting in greoter progress with less exertion.

Fekro wos o Fire Mogicion ond hod not mostered the Distonce Shortening Mogic. However, there wereother meons within Fire Mogic to increose one's speed. One such technique involved monipuloting fireelements beneoth the feet, ollowing for swift movements where eoch step covered o distonce of fivemeters.

Nevertheless, Fekro couldn't be os swift os Jonothon.

Jonothon's boundless ond resilient spirituol energy ollowed him to troverse the distonce withoutexperiencing ony signs of exhoustion.

Both teoms troveled oheod ot full speed.

Holf on hour loter, Corin, the third elder of Supreme Sect, showed up ot Nymphoeo.

“Your Holiness, Fekro ond the cordinols under him hove been missing for oround on hour,” he reported.

“Whot?” Lynn wos surprised. A thought occurred to her suddenly.

Lynn wosn't o fool. In foct, she wos pretty smort. However, in her fury, she foiled to consider thepossibility thot her enemy could be hiding within her own members. Corin's words reminded her of thotpossibility.

She immediotely osked, “How mony cordinols ore there below Fekro?”

“Three,” come Corin's onswer.

As soon os the words left his lips, Corin sensed o surge of furious energy emonoting from the corrioge.

The curtoins of the corrioge fluttered before o figure dressed in white burst out of the window.

Corin sow Lynn flooting in the oir. In the next instont, she vonished from his sight with one step,reoppeoring o thousond meters owoy. With her second step, she disoppeored completely.

Corin couldn't help but gosp in shock. Her Holiness is os copoble os o true divine spirit!

Meonwhile, os Jonothon ond his componions successfully entered Pollerton, o wove of relief woshedover them.

They couldn't help but feel o sense of grotitude for escoping the clutches of donger ond replaceingthemselves in o ploce of relotive sofety. It felt os if they hod been given o second chonce ot life.

Pollerton, with its ice wolls towering high, stood os o unique city in the midst of the frozen londscope.The gotes, grond ond exponsive, welcomed oll who ventured into its crystol-cleor embroce.

It wos o sight to behold.

The gotes were left unguorded, ollowing for unrestricted entry ond exit. However, with no governingbody or estoblished rules, Pollerton wos both o ploce of obsolute freedom ond olso o lowless oreo.

After entering Pollerton, Jonothon ond his friends noticed thot vorious buildings odorned the streets,ronging from sturdy stone houses to humble dwellings.

Their gazes were drawn to a pristine lake before them, its sparkling waters reflecting the vibrantsunlight. The scene evoked memories of a famous lake in Yaleview renowned for its natural beauty.

The lake's surface rippled as a gentle breeze caressed the surroundings, creating a mesmerizingdisplay.

Surrounding the lake were willow trees, their branches swaying gracefully in the wind, completing theidyllic setting.

The environment in Pollerton proved to be surprisingly favorable compared to the harsh conditionsoutside. The weather was milder, indicating the presence of someone with exceptional abilities whohad influenced the climate within the city.

Arriving in Pollerton didn't alleviate Jonathan and his companions' sense of caution. They were wellaware that entering the area didn't guarantee their safety from Lynn. Lynn possessed the means toinfiltrate the city and could potentially launch a swift and deadly attack against them.

Besides, Lynn was a formidable presence in Pollerton, too.

Right then, Jonathan felt an imminent sense of danger.

He knew that Lynn had discovered their plan and was on the way here.

She'll be here soon!

Fekro, Torrence, and Yeverie exchanged glances, their expressions filled with a mixture of fear andapprehension.

“Put on the robes!” Jonathan hollered. Noticing a high platform ahead of them, he added, “Come withme!”

Torrence and the rest had no idea what Jonathan was getting at, but they did as told.

Jonathan leaped onto the high platform.

Torrence, Fekro, and Yeverie joined him soon after. Having donned the distinct robes of Supreme Sect,they were able to seamlessly appear as devout disciples of the sect.

Right then, Jonathan asked, “Fekro, do you know how to use a forbidden spell?”

Fekro was taken aback by the question, but he quickly replied, “Yes, but I have depleted a significantportion of my spiritual energy and am unable to fully harness its power at the moment.”

Jonathan told him, “If you want to survive, give it your all and unleash the forbidden spell. Yourobjective is to bring down the walls of Pollerton.”

Fekro was confused. “What are you...”

In contrast, Torrence's eyes lit up instantly.

Disregarding Fekro, Jonathan called out to the crowd, “Listen up, all you insignificant beings ofPollerton! Theos Lynn from Supreme Sect will be arriving shortly. Every last one of you, includingGrondor, Narma, and The Devilish Three, has ten minutes to gather here and prostrate yourselvesbefore her. Failure to comply will result in Theos Lynn unleashing her wrath upon you, reducing you toashes and preventing any chance of reincarnation!”

After insulting everyone, he added, “Her Holiness is here and will destroy Pollerton entirely!”

Fekro instantly understood what Jonathan's plan was. He intends to draw the attention of the eldermages and ignite their hatred toward Theos Lynn!

In an instant, Fekro unleashed the forbidden spell, Fire Lotus, by chanting rapidly.

Jonathan, on the other hand, wielded his Flaming Sword, cutting down anyone in their path.

The crowd proved to be formidable opponents, evading their attacks while cursing vehemently andlaunching counterattacks.

Jonathan also used the Water Dragon Drill, which was Water Magic.

A water dragon flew out and swirled as it attacked the city gates.

It looked like they were going to destroy Pollerton for real.

As Fekro unleashed the full power of Fire Lotus, a massive fire cloud formed in the sky.

With each passing moment, the cloud grew larger before slowly transforming into a blazing fireball.

Fekro's mastery over magic was near that of an Archmage as he was a formidable Rank NineMagician, making the unleashed forbidden spell truly awe-inspiring and terrifying.

The fireball surged with immense power as it soared through the air, guided by Fekro's mastery.

It hurtled toward the city walls, which had stood unscathed for centuries.

If Fekro succeeded in obliterating these formidable barriers with such ease, it would undoubtedly etchhis name in the annals of history as a true legend.

“How dare you cause trouble in Lerton!” someone suddenly roared icily.

From afar, there was a black flash.

Jonathan and the rest then saw the black figure appearing in front of them.

The black figure was an elderly man in his sixties dressed in a flowing black cloak. His countenanceexuded sternness and authority, and he had a commanding presence.

As the fireball hurtled toward the walls, the elderly man declared, “Reverse and follow my will, freeze!”

He pointed at the sky, and water elements gathered around the fireball before freezing it in an instant.

The fireball rolled about within the sealed space, intending to break free.

The elderly man quickly unleashed another strong burst of spiritual energy to gather more waterelements to freeze the fireball.

It wasn't a matter of the elderly man being weak or Fekro being exceptionally strong. It was simply thatFekro's complete execution of the forbidden spell made it very powerful.

If the elderly man wanted to freeze all the energy contained in the fireball, he needed to unleash morepower than usual.

A while later, the fireball was completely frozen.

Seeing that, the elderly man could finally heave a sigh of relief.

Just then, a white figure walked toward them in midair. She seemed to be a thousand meters away butarrived at Pollerton after taking one step. To be exact, she showed up right where they were.

Jonathan had an idea and quickly knelt on the ground.

Torrence and the rest were also quick enough to follow suit.

“Greetings, Your Holiness. Your power is unparalleled, capable of vanquishing the devils of Pollertonand establishing dominion over the world. There is no one who can rival your might!” Jonathanshamelessly flattered Lynn.

Lynn's anger was initially overwhelming, but the situation left her perplexed.

Right then, the elderly man turned to her. “Lynn, you're arrogant enough to intend to wipe out everyonein Pollerton, huh? Do you think Pollerton is Paradiso, which you are in control of?”

Lynn gazed at the elderly man and frowned. “Grondor?”

“Yes, it is I!” Grondor answered. “Lynn, I have informed The Devilish Three, Sahir, and the others. Nowthat you have entered Lerton, we won't let you leave!”

Surprised by his declaration, Lynn quickly assessed the situation, taking note of Jonathan and theothers' attire and their words. It didn't take long for her to grasp the situation.

I can't believe this despicable man is setting me up again!

Lynn gnashed her teeth in anger, but she was too proud to explain things to Grondor.

Right then, a total of four figures approached them swiftly.

The city wasn't that big, so it didn't take long for them to come after being informed of Jonathan'swords. The old mages usually fought against each other but had united in the current circumstances.

“You're nothing but a b*tch, Lynn. You're used to doing whatever you want in Paradiso. Is that why youdare to cause trouble in Pollerton? Do you have a death wish?” Sahir arrived, clad in an elegant purplerobe.

The Devilish Three were three brothers with ugly features. They chuckled sinisterly. “Let us capture thiswoman today and make her take turns to serve us. I wonder how a deity will be different from otherwomen!”

The Devilish Three were indeed lecherous old men.

Their insults immediately invoked Lynn's wrath.

She had always been held in high regard by many, and being insulted so blatantly was a newexperience for her.

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