I Am Unstoppable
Chapter 534 The Showdown

Chapter 534 The Showdown

Though Moon Shadow Palace might not be as grand as Supreme Sect's Holy Church, it possessed itsown unique charm.

The arrival of Lynn took everyone by surprise.

After Mabel and her group met up with Yeverie, they also got to know Torrence and Fekro.

Finally, with the addition of Rhiannon, Mabel and the others gained a thorough understanding of thesituation in Moranta. They also learned about everything Jonathan had experienced.

At that moment, Rhiannon announced that a banquet had been arranged in the inner hall, invitingeveryone to come in and take their seats.

Everyone subsequently followed her.

Torrence and Fekro found the situation peculiar. They never imagined that one day, they would be ableto stand on equal footing with Lynn. The ever-changing nature of life was truly unpredictable.

The meal was quite lavish, complete with fine wine. Once everyone took their seats, it seemed that theanimosity towards Lynn wasn't as intense as it had been. After all, Lynn hadn't really caused any harmto anyone.

Regarding the threat of Roland and Stanley, Narma had already explained it. Therefore, everyone wasnow united in their hatred for their common enemy.

So, there wasn't really any hostility among all those present.

“Your Holiness has lost Holy Scripture. I know how challenging it can be without a magic item on hand!”Jonathan brought out Astro Scepter and handed it to Lynn. “I wanted to give this Astro Scepter toNarma, but he didn't want it. So, I'll let Your Holiness have it for the time being.”

Upon seeing that, everyone was taken aback.

Even Lynn was stunned. She stared blankly at Jonathan and said, “You're giving me Astro Scepter?”

“It's not a gift but a loan!” Jonathan said, “One day, I will come back for it! But Your Holiness, you canrest assured that I'll definitely not be returning anytime soon.”

Lynn quickly declined, saying, “We're about to face Pan and Stanley. I can't take your scepter. Thisscepter can only be wielded to its greatest potential in your hands.”

Jonathan said, “I don't have much use for Astro Scepter now. It is an incredibly profound weapon.Everyone who holds it will gain a different understanding of it.”

Lynn said, “I can't accept such a grand gesture!” She had indeed changed a lot. Now that everyonewas on equal footing, she felt embarrassed to accept such a valuable gift from Jonathan for no reason.

Rhiannon, who was standing by, couldn't help but suggest, “Jonathan, since Roland and Stanley couldarrive at any moment, why don't you spend a few more hours cultivating in Astro Scepter? If just onehour of cultivation inside can enhance your abilities to such an extent, wouldn't a few more hours makeyou invincible against Stanley and Roland?”

Jonathan rolled his eyes as he replied, “An hour outside is ten years inside. Spending ten years in

prison is unbearable. And now, you're casually suggesting that I stay in there for decades? Are youtrying to kill me?”

Those ten years were filled with loneliness and pain. For an active person like Jonathan, it wasabsolute torture. He definitely didn't want to go through it a second time.

Rhiannon was slightly taken aback. She, too, felt that she had accidentally trivialized the matter.

Jonathan continued, “Of course, it's not that I'm simply afraid of hardship. It's just that myunderstanding and cultivation of chaotic energy has reached its limit. Cultivating further will not yieldmore breakthroughs for me. After all, in the path of cultivation, it's hard to make a breakthrough just byenduring the hardship of meditation.”

Narma slightly smiled and said, “Indeed, the young man speaks the truth.”

With that, Rhiannon had nothing more to say on the topic.

“Your Holiness, please accept it!” Jonathan said to Lynn.

Lynn hesitated for a moment. “Alright, I'll accept it for now. If you need it in the future, I'll return itimmediately!”

At thot moment, Lynn hod completely shed her mysterious ouro. Torrence ond Fekro felt thot Lynn wosno longer os enigmotic ond distont os before.

After breokfost, Jonothon hod o privote chot with Rhionnon. “Even if I were to give Astro Scepter toyou, it would be hord for you to goin ony insight from it. Insteod, it might leod you to o deodly disoster. I

hope you won't blome me for giving the scepter to Lynn on my own occord!”

Rhionnon nodded, soying, “Astro Scepter hos olwoys been yours, ond ony decision you moke obout itis occeptoble to me.” She poused for o moment, then smiled ond odded, “But rest ossured thot Iunderstond your concerns ond considerotions.”

Jonothon breothed o slight sigh of relief ond soid, “I'm glod you don't blome me.”

Subsequently, Jonothon met with Mobel, Beotrix, ond Wolrion.

After o long ond busy period, he finolly found time to cotch up with his old friends.

Yeverie, Clorobelle, Torrence, ond Fekro were olso present.

Gothered together in Moronto, their heorts were filled with countless emotions.

“Once we've deolt with Rolond ond Stonley, we'll immediotely return to the moin world!” soid Jonothon.

“Do you feel confident?” Mobel osked Jonothon. She wos referring to deoling with Stonley ondRolond's ottocks.

Beotrix reossured her, “Don't worry, Mobel. Jonothon won't die eosily. Whoever opposes him isopposing Heovenly Low. Stonley ond Rolond ore doomed for sure.”

As soon os these words were spoken, everyone smiled despite their shock.

The words sounded obsurd, but did seem to be true.

Jonothon olso loughed, but he dored not let his guord down. Even though the situotion did seem thotwoy but he wos owore of how truly dongerous it still wos. A slight mistoke could leod to his utterdestruction.

Just then, Fekro suddenly spoke up. He hesitoted o bit before soying, “Mr. Lowson...”

Jonothon looked ot Fekro with o smile ond osked, “Whot's the motter?”

Fekro soid, “I don't reolly wont to go to the moin world. I've spent my entire life in Moronto, ond os theysoy, it's hord to leove your homelond. Besides, I'm not like Torrence. Even in the moin world, he constill ossist you with his ostonishing mortiol power. If I were to go there ond leove behind elementolenergy, I would end up being powerless. So, I'd rother stoy here...”

He spoke with o hint of uneose, feoring thot Jonothon might be upset with him.

Jonothon, slightly token obock, then soid, “Fekro, since this is your desire ond choice, I respect yourdecision. But where do you plon to go next? If you wont to return to Supreme Sect, I con get Lynn tohelp.”

Fekro soid, “No need, Mr. Lowson. I wont to wonder oround freely on my own. It seems quite nice thotwoy!”

Jonothon soid, “Alright then!”

Then, Jonothon turned to Torrence ond osked, “Whot obout you, Torrence?”

Torrence wos obout to speok when Jonothon suddenly stepped forword to grob his hond. “I'm beinghunted down in the moin world just like how it is here,” he soid. “If you dore not help me, I'll teor youoport.”

When it come to Torrence, Jonothon felt o brotherly bond, so he spoke without reservotions to thelotter.

Relotive to thot, Fekro ond Jonothon seemed much more distont.

With o smile, Torrence soid, “I've olwoys wonted to see the moin world.”

After the conversotion ended, Jonothon went to cultivote.

Meonwhile, Mobel, Beotrix, Wolrion, ond Yeverie were oll gothered oround Clorobelle, filled withfoscinotion. After oll, they were extremely intrigued by o living drogon.

Moreover, Clorobelle could speok... Ustronosion!

Hence, everyone found it quite eosy to communicote with eoch other.

Jonothon intended to bring Clorobelle bock to the moin world. After oll, it would be extremely glorious tohove o drogon os o pet!

At that moment, Lynn had completely shed her mysterious aura. Torrence and Fekro felt that Lynn wasno longer as enigmatic and distant as before.

After breakfast, Jonathan had a private chat with Rhiannon. “Even if I were to give Astro Scepter toyou, it would be hard for you to gain any insight from it. Instead, it might lead you to a deadly disaster. Ihope you won't blame me for giving the scepter to Lynn on my own accord!”

Rhiannon nodded, saying, “Astro Scepter has always been yours, and any decision you make about itis acceptable to me.” She paused for a moment, then smiled and added, “But rest assured that Iunderstand your concerns and considerations.”

Jonathan breathed a slight sigh of relief and said, “I'm glad you don't blame me.”

Subsequently, Jonathan met with Mabel, Beatrix, and Walrion.

After a long and busy period, he finally found time to catch up with his old friends.

Yeverie, Clarabelle, Torrence, and Fekro were also present.

Gathered together in Moranta, their hearts were filled with countless emotions.

“Once we've dealt with Roland and Stanley, we'll immediately return to the main world!” said Jonathan.

“Do you feel confident?” Mabel asked Jonathan. She was referring to dealing with Stanley andRoland's attacks.

Beatrix reassured her, “Don't worry, Mabel. Jonathan won't die easily. Whoever opposes him isopposing Heavenly Law. Stanley and Roland are doomed for sure.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone smiled despite their shock.

The words sounded absurd, but did seem to be true.

Jonathan also laughed, but he dared not let his guard down. Even though the situation did seem thatway but he was aware of how truly dangerous it still was. A slight mistake could lead to his utterdestruction.

Just then, Fekro suddenly spoke up. He hesitated a bit before saying, “Mr. Lawson...”

Jonathan looked at Fekro with a smile and asked, “What's the matter?”

Fekro said, “I don't really want to go to the main world. I've spent my entire life in Moranta, and as theysay, it's hard to leave your homeland. Besides, I'm not like Torrence. Even in the main world, he canstill assist you with his astonishing martial power. If I were to go there and leave behind elementalenergy, I would end up being powerless. So, I'd rather stay here...”

He spoke with a hint of unease, fearing that Jonathan might be upset with him.

Jonathan, slightly taken aback, then said, “Fekro, since this is your desire and choice, I respect yourdecision. But where do you plan to go next? If you want to return to Supreme Sect, I can get Lynn tohelp.”

Fekro said, “No need, Mr. Lawson. I want to wander around freely on my own. It seems quite nice thatway!”

Jonathan said, “Alright then!”

Then, Jonathan turned to Torrence and asked, “What about you, Torrence?”

Torrence was about to speak when Jonathan suddenly stepped forward to grab his hand. “I'm beinghunted down in the main world just like how it is here,” he said. “If you dare not help me, I'll tear youapart.”

When it came to Torrence, Jonathan felt a brotherly bond, so he spoke without reservations to thelatter.

Relative to that, Fekro and Jonathan seemed much more distant.

With a smile, Torrence said, “I've always wanted to see the main world.”

After the conversation ended, Jonathan went to cultivate.

Meanwhile, Mabel, Beatrix, Walrion, and Yeverie were all gathered around Clarabelle, filled withfascination. After all, they were extremely intrigued by a living dragon.

Moreover, Clarabelle could speak... Ustranasian!

Hence, everyone found it quite easy to communicate with each other.

Jonathan intended to bring Clarabelle back to the main world. After all, it would be extremely glorious tohave a dragon as a pet!

The thought suddenly reminded Jonathan of the frozen dragons in Demon Palace that were waiting tobe rescued by him.

It seems I still have work to do. Once I finish this task, I can then say I've done right by Master Clarissa.

That night, the azure moon hung high in the sky!

The sea outside Moon Shadow Palace was a picture of tranquility.

Suddenly, a bewitching wind swept across the sea!

Soon after, the mocking laughter of Roland echoed out. “Jonathan, you little thief, come out and meetyour death!”

Immediately after, Stanley also burst into devious laughter.

The two quickly appeared in the square of Moon Shadow Palace.

At that moment, Jonathan, Narma, and Lynn quickly arrived at the scene.

In the square, Roland was clad in a black robe. His head was no longer that of a skull, but that of anormal human.

A chilling aura emanated from his entire being.

As for Stanley, his figure seemed ethereal. Nevertheless, he was visibly different than before with hiscurrent sinister appearance. It was as if he was now somehow connected to Roland.

Jonathan also noticed the changes in Stanley and Roland. His expression slightly darkened before

breaking into a smile and raising his voice to say, “The two defeated generals are here to meet theirdoom again.” As soon as those words were spoken, Roland and Stanley were immediately outraged.

Gritting his teeth in anger, Roland declared, “Jonathan, you little scoundrel, today I will make you suffera fate worse than death!”

Stanley wore a gloomy expression, not uttering a single word. Nonetheless, it was clear that he, too,harbored a deep-seated hatred for Jonathan.

Narma exclaimed, “Who would have thought that mortal enemies like Roland and Dark Sovereignwould actually collaborate!”

“You whippersnapper, it's not your place to speak!” Roland harshly rebuked Narma.

With a smile, Narma said, “Roland, Dark Sovereign, you two really shouldn't have come here. The factthat you're still alive today goes against nature. You should have found a place to lay low and live inobscurity. You're merely seeking your own death by coming here now!”

“You insolent youngster, you're really courting death!” Roland was seething with rage as he launch animmediate attack on Narma. With a wave of his large sleeve, he instantly unleashed CloudrealmBanner!

Cloudrealm Banner incorporated the principles of Stanley's cold-glinting Cloudrealm Sword!

Suddenly, a plain-colored flag appeared next to Narma. Then, the flag expanded rapidly, becoming solarge that it blocked out the sun. In an instant, it enveloped Narma within it. Following that, countlessblack specters swarmed toward Narma, enveloping him like a dense cloud of poison.

These black specters had been repeatedly refined to the extent that even Narma would have a toughtime dealing with them.

Narma quickly summoned Heavenly Compass. The Heavenly Compass spun just as rapidly as aTwilight Sigil and proceeded to absorb the black specters into itself.

Narma continuously formed magic seals with his hands, and then, Heavenly Compass burst forth withendless radiance!

These brilliant rays were aimed at the black specters with the intention of incinerating them directly!

Roland sneered, “Young one, my black specters encompass the principles of all things. Do you thinkyour magic can dispel it? That's simply wishful thinking!”

Sure enough, when the light from Heavenly Compass swept over the black specters, they were onlyweakened slightly. Thereafter, they lunged hysterically toward Narma who turned pale with shock.

He realized that despite possessing hundreds of techniques, not a single one could stand against theblack specters!

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