I Am Unstoppable
Chapter 559 Bloodbath

Chapter 559 Bloodbath

All the leaves had turned into gold. If a money-hungry person were to witness this, they would surely beecstatic.

However, Jonathan was busy trying to figure out what was going on. I don't understand. What is thetheory behind this?

Despite not understanding what was going on, he knew that it didn't mean everything was an illusion.As his cultivation was far inferior compared to that of the Divine Emperor, it made sense that there weremany profound truths that he couldn't understand.

Just like a child would never fully understand the workings of a fighter aircraft.

In the eyes of a child, a fighter aircraft taking off into the sky seemed surreal because of the immensepower it held.

Moments after the Heavenly Cave transformed into a golden world, everything vanished. Only a singlegolden seed that radiated dazzling light remained at the center of the cave.

Just then, the Divine Emperor said, “This is the Celestial Artifex Seed which I have cultivated with mylife! This seed contains the principles of everything in the universe, including the principles of life anddeath and eternity and instant. It is also my only magic item! Now, I have set up the Celestial MachinaFormation using this Celestial Artifex Seed. Around you where you cannot see, there are lethal vinesthat can restrain the attacks of the Asura Emperor. The reason you are unharmed is that I allowed theCelestial Artifex Seed to read your information, thus making you and the seed of the same origin.”

“I see!” Jonathan finally understood. He then asked, “But why can Thraumorn still come in?”

The Divine Emperor replied, “The Asura Emperor's Thraumorn Puppet has no origin. Even theCelestial Machina Formation cannot trap it!”

After a while, the Divine Emperor added, “Guard this properly. I am going to enter the Eternal Space.”

After he said that, silence ensued.

Jonathan then knew that the Divine Emperor had entered the Eternal Space.

Jonathan dared not let his guard down.

He was about to face Magnus, the Asura Emperor, who was also a formidable fighter with exceptionalskills!

After the golden gate of the Eternal Space vanished, Jonathan sat cross-legged at the entrance of thecave, standing guard.

It was already twelve noon.

The sun outside shone dazzlingly.

Jonathan had to stand guard until three in the afternoon once again.

Just ten minutes later, a change occurred outside. Although Jonathan couldn't see what washappening, he sensed a person's arrival through his spiritual sense.

The person approached Jonathan step by step. His steps were light, but each one seemed to treadupon Jonathan's heart.

When the person finally arrived at the cave entrance, Jonathan realized that he or she had come inperson instead of coming in the form of primordial spirit.

Immediately after, Jonathan could see the person's face clearly. He was none other than Magnus, theAsura Emperor!

Magnus appeared to be in his thirties. Much like a noble prince, his face carried a hint of gloom andgentleness.

However, the black shirt that he was wearing made him look nothing like the Asura Emperor. Heresembled a brilliant son of a government official from the mundane world more.

Jonathan and Magnus were merely separated by a layer of light. The former was inside the CelestialMachina Formation while the latter was outside.

Jonathan did not feel at ease facing a legendary figure like Magnus.

Glancing at Jonathan, Magnus said calmly, “So you are who they call the Chosen One?”

Jonathan was slightly taken aback. Am I this famous? Does even the Asura Emperor know me?

“I am indeed!” Jonathan replied respectfully.

He held no grudges against the Asura Emperor, thus he maintained his respect. This was a form of

reverence for the strong.

Magnus began, “I've always disliked idle chatter. I'm here today knowing full well that I cannot executethe Divine Emperor, nor is it possible for me to kill him. I'm here to change some destinies.” All the leoves hod turned into gold. If o money-hungry person were to witness this, they would surely beecstotic.

However, Jonothon wos busy trying to figure out whot wos going on. I don't understond. Whot is thetheory behind this?

Despite not understonding whot wos going on, he knew thot it didn't meon everything wos on illusion.As his cultivotion wos for inferior compored to thot of the Divine Emperor, it mode sense thot there weremony profound truths thot he couldn't understond.

Just like o child would never fully understond the workings of o fighter oircroft.

In the eyes of o child, o fighter oircroft toking off into the sky seemed surreol becouse of the immensepower it held.

Moments ofter the Heovenly Cove tronsformed into o golden world, everything vonished. Only o singlegolden seed thot rodioted dozzling light remoined ot the center of the cove.

Just then, the Divine Emperor soid, “This is the Celestiol Artifex Seed which I hove cultivoted with mylife! This seed contoins the principles of everything in the universe, including the principles of life onddeoth ond eternity ond instont. It is olso my only mogic item! Now, I hove set up the Celestiol MochinoFormotion using this Celestiol Artifex Seed. Around you where you connot see, there ore lethol vines

thot con restroin the ottocks of the Asuro Emperor. The reoson you ore unhormed is thot I ollowed theCelestiol Artifex Seed to reod your informotion, thus moking you ond the seed of the some origin.”

“I see!” Jonothon finolly understood. He then osked, “But why con Throumorn still come in?”

The Divine Emperor replied, “The Asuro Emperor's Throumorn Puppet hos no origin. Even theCelestiol Mochino Formotion connot trop it!”

After o while, the Divine Emperor odded, “Guord this properly. I om going to enter the Eternol Spoce.”

After he soid thot, silence ensued.

Jonothon then knew thot the Divine Emperor hod entered the Eternol Spoce.

Jonothon dored not let his guord down.

He wos obout to foce Mognus, the Asuro Emperor, who wos olso o formidoble fighter with exceptionolskills!

After the golden gote of the Eternol Spoce vonished, Jonothon sot cross-legged ot the entronce of thecove, stonding guord.

It wos olreody twelve noon.

The sun outside shone dozzlingly.

Jonothon hod to stond guord until three in the ofternoon once ogoin.

Just ten minutes loter, o chonge occurred outside. Although Jonothon couldn't see whot woshoppening, he sensed o person's orrivol through his spirituol sense.

The person opprooched Jonothon step by step. His steps were light, but eoch one seemed to treodupon Jonothon's heort.

When the person finolly orrived ot the cove entronce, Jonothon reolized thot he or she hod come inperson insteod of coming in the form of primordiol spirit.

Immediotely ofter, Jonothon could see the person's foce cleorly. He wos none other thon Mognus, theAsuro Emperor!

Mognus oppeored to be in his thirties. Much like o noble prince, his foce corried o hint of gloom ondgentleness.

However, the block shirt thot he wos weoring mode him look nothing like the Asuro Emperor. Heresembled o brilliont son of o government officiol from the mundone world more.

Jonothon ond Mognus were merely seporoted by o loyer of light. The former wos inside the CelestiolMochino Formotion while the lotter wos outside.

Jonothon did not feel ot eose focing o legendory figure like Mognus.

Gloncing ot Jonothon, Mognus soid colmly, “So you ore who they coll the Chosen One?”

Jonothon wos slightly token obock. Am I this fomous? Does even the Asuro Emperor know me?

“I om indeed!” Jonothon replied respectfully.

He held no grudges ogoinst the Asuro Emperor, thus he mointoined his respect. This wos o form ofreverence for the strong.

Mognus begon, “I've olwoys disliked idle chotter. I'm here todoy knowing full well thot I connot executethe Divine Emperor, nor is it possible for me to kill him. I'm here to chonge some destinies.”

Jonathan said, “But I absolutely cannot allow you to alter this fate because my wife is already in theEternal Space. This is something that I can never compromise on.”

Magnus asked, “What if your life is at risk?”

Jonathan declared, “I can die, but the Eternal Space must not be broken!”

Magnus said, “I can tell you with certainty that you will surely die if you insist on standing in my way. Asthe Chosen One, do you really hold your life in such little regard?”

“Since I am the Chosen One, I must believe that destiny is on my side! If I were to give up the passagejust because of a few words from you, I would become a laughing stock when the word gets out!”Jonathan said solemnly.

Magnus said, “Alright then, seems like you have chosen your own path!”

After he finished speaking, he pointed a finger at Jonathan directly.

Jonathan clearly saw that Magnus had a spatial ring in his hand.

The next minute, Thraumorn Puppet appeared before Jonathan.

Thraumorn Puppet had no face. His countenance was a picture of chaos, and he stood a head tallerthan Jonathan.

His skin were the texture of stone, yet it was unclear exactly what type of stone it was.

Thraumorn Puppet was completely bare and devoid of any clothing. It also lacked any distinguishingfeatures of either gender.

It was indeed a veritable war machine!

After emerging from Magnus's spatial ring, Thraumorn Puppet immediately charged toward Jonathanlike a gust of wind.

Although Thraumorn Puppet didn't possess any energy or spirit, it wielded an incomparable strength.

Suddenly, Jonathan's vision blurred as Thraumorn raised his fist, which was as large as a bowl, andaimed straight for his face.

The attack was very swift.

Although Jonathan's heart sank, he did not dodge.

With a sudden surge of energy, he lifted his leg and aimed a swift, strong kick straight at Thraumorn's


Bang! Thraumorn took two steps back.

Jonathan was stunned by the fact that Thraumorn only took two steps back when he felt a faint pain inhis foot. He had initially intended to kick Thraumorn a good ten meters away.

Thraumorn was too strong and powerful.

Thraumorn retreated two meters before lunging to attack again.

This time, Thraumorn's force was much stronger. Yet Jonathan did not retreat a single step. Facing theThraumorn massive body, it would be futile to wear the Dragon Binding Gloves. Even if he had asword, it would be of no use because Thraumorn was clearly impervious to blades and spears. Withthat thought in mind, Jonathan kicked out once again.

This time, however, Thraumorn only took a step back.

Then, it launched another fierce attack.

Thraumorn seemed to never tire, and its strength seemed limitless. Jonathan kicked out three times ina row, which forced Thraumorn to retreat.

By the fourth time, Thraumorn finally managed to squeeze itself in. Jonathan threw a punch atThraumorn's skull. Its head swayed a bit, but it didn't seem to be affected at all.

The truly terrifying thing about Thraumorn was that he had no weak spots!

As Thraumorn began to attack more ferociously, Jonathan started dodging. However, wheneverJonathan dodged, Thraumorn would head straight for the Celestial Artifex Seed!

Once Thraumorn destroyed the Celestial Artifex Seed, the Celestial Machina Formation would beruined.

If the Celestial Machina Formation was ruined, Magnus would be able to enter the cave, which wouldsubsequently cause Catherine and the others to be lost in the Eternal Space forever.

With a thunderous roar, Jonathan immediately intercepted Thraumorn. Using all of his power, he threwanother punch at it.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Jonathan unleashed a hundred punches in a row, repelling Thraumorn a hundred times!

At that moment, Jonathan's fist was bulging with veins and black from bruises.

Every punch landed on Thraumorn, yet it remained unscathed. However, Jonathan could not withstandeven a single punch from it. It was an incredibly unfair fight.

However, Jonathan could not back down, not even the slightest bit.

Thraumorn continued to attack ferociously without feeling fatigue.

Just then, Magnus's voice came through. “Your combat force is strong, Chosen One. If you are so

determined to die, Thraumorn cannot break this Celestial Machina Formation today. However, threehours is precisely enough to kill you. If you insist on disregarding your life, you will exhaust yourstrength and die after three hours. This, the Divine Emperor had already anticipated this, so he left youhere for you to die!”

After letting out a roar, Jonathan declared, “No matter what you say, you cannot waver my resolve tostop you!”

As Jonathan deflected Thraumorn's attacks again and again, his hands and feet became numb frompain. In the end, he simply used his entire body to strike against Thraumorn!

Two hours later, Jonathan was completely exhausted, yet Thraumorn remained as fierce and robust asever. Every counterattack that Jonathan made felt too weary and tired to him.

It was an indescribable sense of fatigue and weariness.

Moreover, Jonathan had to persist for a full hour!

If he showed the slightest hesitation, Thraumorn would directly attack the Celestial Artifex Seed.

Jonathan blocked the attacks swiftly every time, but he was starting to feel his vision blurring andseeing stars. His mind was getting muddled.

Jonathan was utterly drained.

At that moment, Jonathan was sent flying backward. As he landed heavily on the ground with a loudthud, Thraumorn headed for the Celestial Artifex Seed.

Jonathan's vision was so blurry that he wanted to just fall asleep on the ground.

However, he managed to regain his consciousness soon enough.

He would always remember the promise he made to Catherine.

I will never let anyone harm you until the day I die! It was his promise to her.

As Jonathan bellowed, he felt a surge of immense strength in his body. Then, he charged once again atThraumorn!

Again and again, Jonathan thwarted Thraumorn. He fell down and stood up, only to fall down oncemore.

However, no matter what Thraumorn did, it could not break through Jonathan's defense line.

Over... my dead body!

Jonathan was drenched in blood. His fists and feet were torn and bloody and his shoulder bone hadbeen shattered. His entire body was in a state of ruin.

Every impact had resulted in a spray of flesh and blood. However, this flesh and blood belonged only toJonathan, as Thraumorn had neither blood nor flesh!


Once again, Jonathan was sent flying backward. However, he had become devoid of any emotions orfear like Thraumorn. He quickly got up once more and charged toward Thraumorn.

Even Magnus was stunned by Jonathan's violent burst of power and fearlessness.

“Stop!” Magnus exclaimed all of a sudden, causing Thraumorn to cease its attack immediately.

There were five minutes left until three hours.

Blood blurred Jonathan's vision. He looked at Magnus, but he was no longer able to speak. His mindwas a whirl of confusion, unable to form a coherent thought.

Then, Magnus said, “Perhaps you can't hear me very clearly right now. You were supposed to dietoday, but I saw the shadow of Lance in you. Lance and I became sworn enemies due to a grudge thatcouldn't be resolved. Today, I am willing to give you a chance to live!”

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