I Didn't Choose the Gangsta System, the Gangsta System Chose Me
Chapter 44 - Tartarus, For The Vanished

Joren was found surprised by the fish's question.

<The Loch Ness doesn't seem to know this, considering that she's been cooped up in her home all this time.>


<Yes, you, Abnormals are->

"I can escape through here, isn't that right!?"

Joren pumped his fist with a determined smile.

<... yeah, but I was trying to say that you, Abnormals are considered the highest threats because of the unknown factors that you possessed. That's why you all reside in Hades, near Tartarus, the place with the highest security known in the Greek UnderWorld.>

"Yeah, okay, got it. Let's go, time is running out!"

Joren then ran towards the direction of where he thinks Tartarus is. Beyond that point is the palace of Hades. Obviously, he would go around the cave. Even though it was not forbidden in the rulebook, him being there would definitely be questionable.

But, he was there to scout not to do anything out of the line. He just wanted to replace the palace first and then come back before Ness wakes up.

<Are you not listening to me?>

"I'm listening. What's your problem?"

Joren asked while the fish follows his run.

<I'm saying that breaking a few rules may bring you down to Tartarus. The Gangsta God and I can hide and that's why you're considered Abnormal.>

"What? The Gangsta God is not so gangsta then."

<What!? How dare you try to say that the Gangsta God is not so gangsta!? That's libel! That's blasphemy! You'll go to gangsta hell!>

Joren just smirked and laughed at this.

"I didn't know that there's such a thing."

<You're scared... are you?>

The fish suddenly asked, making Joren look at it with a surprised look before facing straight again.

"Yeah, but there's no point in cowering. I've done that too much before I'm getting bored of it."

He said, making the fish silent. After a few moments, it spoke again.

<Even though your Thugness back then was negative, you're able to emit intimidation. You are chosen because of your potential.>

"So it's not just my scary face?"

<It's not that scary anyway. If you could stop glaring, it would've been better.>

"If I could do that, I would have a long time ago. Anyway, I think we're getting there." Joren said, making the fish say its final words before it disappears again.

<I see that you're shedding your skin. Don't die.>

"... shedding my skin? I don't think we're on the same page."

Joren muttered before arriving at the woods he's familiar with. This was near his house so he could see it. But he never really went past it.

This was the first that he ventured into it, the border of the Abnormals' neighborhood. There was not much special about it except for the fact that the trees were oddly arranged. Joren slowed down as the darkness swallowed his surroundings. The illumination from the streetlights was unable to reach his location anymore as it pierces through the woods.

Each footstep produces a crisp sound. Joren had to adjust in the darkness. He couldn't explain exactly why but even if he had a flashlight right now, he wouldn't turn it on.

The darkness was foreboding.

However, Joren just gulped and walked forward without stopping. Trees after trees came out of the darkness as his vision adapts to the dark. The cold was biting but it was not what's making him shiver.

There was no silence. Instead, from far, Joren could hear eerie sounds. The more he walks, the more he prefers silence. The sound... they were disturbing.

It was the sound of eternal suffering. Millions of screeches of pain and suffering combined to make this sound.

Finally, there's light. A red waving light that's telling Joren to turn around and slowly walk away. However, Joren didn't relent. He continued to walk, screeches feeling his ears, making his body stand up, his bones cold and void, and his knees weak.

"Haa..." Joren breathed out, he had to calm himself down or he would collapse out of fright before he could reach his destination.

Therefore, there was only one thing he could do.

"Isse no se~" Joren sang, "-... de fumikomu gourain bokura wa~"

He gulped and continued until the red light covered his surroundings. He truly preferred the dark and silence. The void and the unknown. This... this was hell itself.

Thus, he continued singing.

"One punch..."

Eventually, he got out of the woods and a deathly cacophony filled the area. The ground was trembling while his vision was hazy. The noise was filling in his head and his primordial fear was breaking him down.


Joren could no longer hear his own breathing.

Tartarus, the place where the Titans and all of the Greek Gods' enemies were sent to be punished for all eternity after the Titanomachy. It's a place where even the strongest beings will have their hopes distinguished.

Even its presence alone was able to make Joren shake.

Insanity was getting near.

Joren gritted his teeth as he looked at the cave of evil. He stood up and walked forward. Only by experiencing the worst would he be able to endure the worse.

It was unthinkable for many but he pushed himself forward until he gets closed to the mouth of a gigantic cave that glows hot red from within.

[Bulletproof Will]

He activated a skill to which he stabilized himself. His nose and ears bleed. Joren was losing consciousness but he had never regretted going forward.

That was once his creed back in his youthful days. There was only a step forward, no looking back, not even a thought.

Joren was a madman.

He entered and saw the sea of flames... an unending sea of molten rock. This is what was depicted as hell. Not even demons themselves have the freedom to not scream.

Joren looked and smiled. So this is the worst that could happen, he thought. This made him ready for everything. He calmed himself down when he looked at the terrifying landscape that crossed from all ends of the horizon.

Just one step forward and Joren would fall, unable to ever climb again.


He muttered as his nerves stabilized. Joren's face relaxed as he made eye contact with one of its many eyes. It stared back at him from the sea of fire. Envy that someone was not suffering and wrath that someone was looking down on them who are ones that spread chaos over the universe before time had even begun.

It stood up and walked up to him. It seemed that this being was unaffected by the heat. Joren's eyes widened as they were already the same height even though this being came from the horizon. Every step made the whole Tartarus tremble as Titans woke up from their escaping slumber from the violent shaking.

Numerous gigantic figures tried to stand up while the being with fifty heads and one hundred arms ran towards one of the Titans.

... and Bam!*

Joren could hear the devastating impact when the being hit the Titan with one of its hundred big limbs. Following the sound was a shockwave which created a temporary crater in the sea of flames.

The Titan's head exploded and dropped onto the fire again. The being ran again and did the same to other giants.

After its job, it looked at Joren again. Even though Joren was calmed down, he felt unspeakable fear after seeing what just transpired.

The being walked closer. Each step covers thousands of miles. It didn't get too close to Joren though as its voice alone would kill the little human, yet at the same time, it got close to be heard through the screeching cacophony.

[I am the son of Gaia and Uranos, Gyges which many call a Hecatoncheire, a Guardian of Tartarus.]

Joren didn't speak since it, Gyges, won't probably hear him.

[Have Zeus given you protection from the wretched and sinful cries of these prisoners?]

Upon being questioned, Joren shook his head which was a surprise to the Hecatoncheire.

[You, a mortal, who is your lord and master?]

Joren pondered. What is this being talking about? So he could only point to himself. But it's probably time. He had already witnessed the terror and came to accept it. There's no point in speaking to a being that's stuck within hell for all eternity. He had real matters to attend or Ness will wake up before he returns.

Gyges was shocked to see Joren's answer but was more shocked that a mortal would wave his hand and leave.

[Halt! I, Gyges, have yet to acquire all answers!]

However, Joren had already turned his back and walked out.

[Oh, this motherfucker!]

Gyges then tried to sprint, covering the Earth's circumference every other second. However, Joren's distance to the exit was much shorter. He was already out before one of Gyges' heads could try to fit out of the entrance. However, an invisible force kept him in, unable to disturb the outer reality.

Joren turned his head as he sighed in relief.

"I thought I was stuck for a second ther-"

"Speak your name."

A woman's voice then interrupted him to which Joren looked and saw a woman with ashen skin.. The woman seemed scared as beads of sweat were rolling from her forehead.

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