I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!
Chapter 200 - A Yandere Wife Wants One Gold For This!

Later on, Kyoya told his friends about their party's name.

As expected by Rosa, this name brought up weird looks from most of the ladies except Xaya as she didn't seem to care about the name that much. It was the only exception from Rosa's imagination that she wasn't prepared for.

Nonetheless, Xiaoxiao and Noe looked at the husband with eyes that demanded some explanation.

Of course, he told his story and meaning of the party's name, but the more he spoke with his friends, the more he learnt! Kyoya began to realize that it might be not only a small portion of male population that will mistake his party's name from now on.

However, it was time for more important things as the party's name shouldn't change things that much…

The husband unmistakingly believed so.

"We are on the 19th floor… and this floor has been split up by three continents."

Three continents were known on the 19th floor! All of those continents were unique on their own, separated by their natural borders. Those borders were insanely hard to go through and due to this alone the continents were known to be free from any world disputes.

If one entered this floor naturally, then one would appear in one of those continents randomly. Then, their first step would be saved as a 'starting point' meaning that each time they visited this world, they would appear exactly on this point. 

Those three continents had been endowed with many beliefs, but most prospering beliefs were related to the fire, wind and water gods. Those beliefs were supporting the leaders of each continent.

Kyoya naturally wanted to create the Hot Bath here for himself and so he took the mission to step on a fire related continent. He also felt like his current peak would serve the best for Akaro's resurrection and his cure.

"The 19th floor is an irregular floor."

Rosa then commented after Kyoya ended his initial explanation.

She was here a few times already and if not the mission, then she would've appeared somewhere else! Her knowledge was rich and so the husband didn't say anything, his smile urging the blonde-haired lady to speak further.

The rumors about irregularity entered the ears of the low leveleved husband, so he had a rough idea, but it would be far better to hear Rosa speak about it with her experience.

With eyes set on her, Rosa threw her blue jewels to the side then parted her lips.

"It began with this land's irregularity. As you can see on the map, the continents aren't separated with water like it is on the first floors. There is water around Mizka Continent, but it is solely because their leaders are dominating with water belief. Before, there was nothing, but a deep darkness separating these continents."

Since Rosa wasn't aware of the game system unlike others, Kyoya took out a map that was helping him update his own 'map skill'. This map was so huge and filled with details that Kyoya's game system needed some update and yet it was just the 'common' source of information.

The party needed to clear the table to unfold this map! All cups and plates got taken back to everyone's inventories before the new world spread its content to their eyes. Here, Rosa pointed at the blue and red water.

"Red water is fire. The irregularity begins with the floor itself. Sometimes, the water becomes like fire and its counterpart turns into something akin to lava. As for the wind, the continent is actually closer to the sky than the rest and one needs to climb to enter their ranks. However, their border is even worse as it sometimes acts as a living being and the wind becomes tangible and heavy."

Those irregularities were constantly changing and so it was insanely hard to enter other continents naturally. However, because of this irregularity born out of the floor, the 19th floor also had another nickname that pleased the husband.

This nickname was 'Concept Training Grounds'.

Even if one wasn't the believer of any of three main belief's gods, one still could learn a lot in these irregular lands as their own concepts would get affected by the lands. The continents also had many different shrines and believers, just their numbers were lower! This influence could help others balance their concepts, learn more and even create new ones.

Furthermore, starting from the 20th floor, the adventurers begin to join their concepts into one. Wasn't the 19th floor then the best training ground? Many thought so and it included the husband who wanted to complete his quest to become jack before the 20th floor!

"It's a really exciting floor! I also like the air here."

Xiaoxiao couldn't help, but voice out her feelings. She immediately did so after the most important talks ended! In this fire continent, Xiaoxiao's felt like in home due to the hot breeze going through her body!

It was really warm here and one would surely wear lighter clothes meaning that Xaya was somewhat liking this land too. Both of them were already wearing short pants and shirts that were somewhat modified by a yandere wife.

Xaya just cut those shirts so that the husband could see her slim stomach! The idea was also brightly welcomed by Xiaoxiao and both of them were close to each other with such clothes.

It also meant that Xiaoxiao was closer to the husband!

In a sign of friendship, the orange-haired lady also passed such clothes to Noe and Rosa. However, only one of these ladies could have a calm change-up as Xaya snatched one and sent the dangerously bright light against Rosa!

"One gold, bitch."

"You think this shirt is worth one gold? Are you retarded?"

"It is worth one gold as it would make you look like a member of our party."

"The husband doesn't have any shirt like that, though? It makes me closer to him I guess?"

"If you need clothes to feel like that, then go ahead. Now, beg me."

"Titty bitch, I can make such a shirt on my own."

The party then returned to the usual mood, but Kyoya felt like it was kinda wrong.

"We haven't ended our important talk at all… Xiaoxiao…"

"Um, sorry? Hehe."


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