I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick
Chapter 59: Relinquish

Chapter 59: Relinquish

With the girls taking more than an hour in the bath, Wu had enough time to kick back and relax as he waited for them to arrive. When they did, he immediately noticed the awkwardness exuding from them, compelling him to ask, “Did someone take a shit in the bath?”

Though she was wearing a loose green yukata, Tsunade leaped across the room in an attempt to drop kick Wu as she shouted, “The only little shit here is you…!”

Since Tsunade knew to hold back indoors, Wu allowed her feet to impact his face, taking advantage of her stunned reaction to grab her waist and guide her onto his lap as he teased, “Save that energy for the bedroom…” in a soft yet resonant tone.

Feeling something large and firm pressing against her butt, a remarkable shade of red colors Tsunade’s cheeks as her entire body tensed. Despite her attempts to ‘pacify’ him, Wu rarely let her get more than a day of rest before ‘forcing’ her body to submit to him. He never used actual force, of course, but he had a way with words, and his careful ministrations made it exceptionally difficult to refuse him…

With Wu holding her waist and the trio of girls staring at her with ‘awed’ expressions on their faces, Tsunade cleared her throat before doing her best to appear unflustered as she remained seated and said, “We had a discussion about the ‘benefits’ of eating your meals. With how perceptive you are, I’m sure you’ve noticed it isn’t simply providing nutrients…”

Nodding his head in affirmation, Wu revealed, “Yeah, obviously.” before asking, “What’s the issue…?”

Furrowing her brows, Tsunade retorted, “You aren’t an idiot, Wu. Limiting the effects aging has on the body isn’t bad, per se, but you should have explained in detail the effects before feeding people meals saturated with Natural Energy. If-”

Interrupting Tsunade’s lecture, Wu stated, “I did explain it. The first time I cooked for everyone, I told them it would rejuvenate their skin, make their hair glossier, prevent them from getting sick, and help them to retain their beauty for as long as they consumed them regularly. Just ask them…”

Hearing Wu’s response, looks of realization appeared on the faces of Ino and Sakura. They vaguely recalled Wu making those very claims when he offered to cook them meat skewers. They were just so accustomed to him bragging and teasing them that it never clicked he was being serious. The only person Wu had expressly told was Tenten, but that was because she had only started consuming his meals recently.

Shifting her gaze to the duo, a very judgemental expression appeared on Tsunade’s face as she asked, “Is this true…?”

As the more responsible of the two, Sakura adopted a wry smile as she replied, “I…vaguely remember something similar being said. It was just so long ago, and none of us took it seriously…”

Though she maintained her judgemental look, Tsunade could empathize with what Sakura was trying to say. If someone had informed her two or three years prior that there was a mystical peach that could revitalize her body or that she would be marrying someone less than a quarter her age, she would have buried them with a punch.

Shaking her head, Tsunade said, “Forget it. Since Wu gave you a proper warning, the two of you are singularly responsible for the conditions of your bodies. Just keep in mind what we discussed before agreeing to join us for dinners in the future. Now, as for you…”

Shifting her attention to Wu, Tsunade narrowed her eyes as she asked, “How long are you going to keep playing around? Don’t make me punch you…”

Releasing his hold on Tsunade’s waist, Wu offered a wry smile as he retorted, “Can you really blame me? You know how I feel about you…”

Rolling her eyes, Tsunade rose from Wu’s lap but not before ‘pressing’ against him with her bottom. She was used to being coveted, but, as the person she had permitted access to her body, she couldn’t help feeling a little gratified whenever Wu expressed his ‘sincerity.’ Feeling wanted was rarely a bad thing…



After sending clones to escort Tenten, Ino, and Sakura to their homes, Wu enjoyed another exciting night with Tsunade. He rarely slept anymore, but so long as he didn’t overtax his body or mind, he didn’t actually need to. In the past, he used the time allotted for rest to organize his thoughts, plan, or to welcome the dawn sooner. Now he had a much better way to spend his evenings, there was no way he was wasting his time sleeping…

A stark contrast to Wu, Tsunade ‘desperately’ needed her rest after the constant wringers he put her through. As a result, Wu had the privilege of admiring her sleeping figure, her beautiful contours illuminated by the low light of the room, and her complexion remaining ruddy even several hours after she had fallen asleep.

As it was nearing the time for him to begin his morning routine, Wu softly muttered, “Beautiful…” knowing full well the seasoned Kunoich would stir in response to his voice. Her ear and body visibly twitched, but instead of rising or responding, she pretended to be asleep, maintaining the charade even as Wu picked matted hairs from her face and placed a kiss atop the diamond-shaped mark on her forehead…

Recalling the first time he had met Tsunade, a thoughtful glimmer flashed across Wu’s eyes. He had never once forgotten the ‘dream’ he had in the past, so the presence of her ‘Yin Seal,’ something he had been ignorant of, immediately drew his notice. Since then, he had experienced three similar dreams. One showed him standing in the ruins of Konoha, otherwise alone if he excluded the countless bodies that littered the ground. Another had him sharing a bed with Kaia, his head and back propped up on a massive wolf as he cradled three children with the characteristic markings of the Inuzuka Clan. As for the last…

Assuming his dreams were some kind of premonitions of the future, Wu’s desire to ‘conquer’ the world came about as a result of his final dream. In it, he sat atop a throne reminiscent of the ones employed by the various Daimyo, hundreds of people wearing the same uniform bowing to him with their foreheads pressed to the ground. Flanking him were several women he recognized, a few he didn’t, and three he had encountered ‘during’ his travels. Tsunade hadn’t been among the group, but Wu was pretty sure he now had her firmly within his grasp…

Though he didn’t know the context of the vision, Wu had never forgotten the feeling of being ‘worshipped’ by others. More importantly, everyone in his dream, especially the women flanking him, exuded power far beyond anything he had encountered thus far. Thus, even though he had no idea if his current path aligned with the vision, Wu wasn’t going to rest until he made it a reality. He ‘would’ establish his Huaguo Sect…no matter who or what stood in his way…



With five days remaining until the commencement of the Chunin Exams, Wu canceled the joint training and advised everyone to use the remaining time to rest properly. He had never experienced it personally, but he knew it was possible to ‘overwork’ your body, reducing or even undermining the effects of training. Thus, with the exception of Tenten, everyone else was barred entry into the Senju Clan Compound so Wu could finalize his plans for the exam.

Unfortunately, while Tenten was allowed to come and go as she pleased, she also decided to take the five days off to focus her mind and prepare some tools at home. As a result, Wu suddenly found himself with nothing to do, sans Tsunade. However, as she made him ‘behave’ during the day, Wu had no choice but to spend the waking hours refining his skills with a different, marginally more versatile staff…

With three days passing without incident, Wu nearly believed he might get in a full week of training without interruption. Instead, in the early morning of the fourth day, he sensed a familiar Chakra tarrying outside the front entrance to the 200-acre Compound before eventually making their way inside. By the time they had reached his location, Wu was pretending to be on a break, a teasing smile on his face as he mused, “I was starting to think you were going to turn away without coming to say hi…”

Adopting a notably melancholic smile, the person that had intruded upon Wu’s training, Hinata, replied, “I know you dislike it when people interrupt your training. I just didn’t know when else we could talk…”

Instead of responding with words, Wu gave a curt nod before slapping the space next to him. He was currently seated on one of the many trees that had been uprooted during his training, so there was plenty of space for the diminutive Hyuga to make herself comfortable.

Since Naruto wasn’t present, Hinata only hesitated for a moment before sitting next to Wu, her head and shoulders immediately slumping as she revealed, “I…I’m starting to reevaluate my relationship with Naruto-kun…”

Though he suspected she had been ‘reevaluating’ things for quite some time, Wu feigned surprise as he asked, “Is it your father? Or perhaps your Clans as a whole…?”

Instead of responding immediately, Hinata paused to consider her words before answering, “I…can’t deny that has something to do with it. Naruto-kun and my father have never gotten along. Tou-sama thinks Naruto-kun is a bad influence on me, and the changes in mine and Hanabi’s eyes are of great concern to the Elders. Everyone…everyone keeps pushing me to act on our engagement…”

As a Clan whose entire prestige revolved around their eyes, the changes in Hinata’s and Hanabi’s Byakugan were of paramount importance to the future of the Hyuga Clan. Ancient records made mention of a Dojutsu that preceded the Byakugan, significantly exceeding it in power, so the Elders were hopeful that Hinata, Hanabi, or both would attain the ancient power not seen in a thousand years. They believed Wu was the ‘key’ to rousing this power, so there was a significant amount of pressure on both Hiashi and Hinata to ‘make things work.’

Though he knew it wasn’t what Hinata was trying to get at, Wu made a ‘popping’ gesture with his right hand, replying, “Then allow me to make things easier for you. After this, I’ll head straight over to Jiji and annul the engagement on my end. I’d like to see them ‘force’ the matter after that…”

Exhibiting a bit of panic, Hinata shook her head and waved her hands from side to side as she stuttered, “T-That isn’t why I came here! I…what I really came here to do was…was…”

Demonstrating none of the confidence Wu had helped her to build in the past, Hinata attempted to hang her head in shame. At that exact moment, Wu cradled her left cheek with his hand, gently caressing it as he forced her to look up at him, saying, “Tell me what you want, Hinata…” in a deep, penetrating tone.

With tears building in the corners of her eyes, Hinata honestly admitted, “I don’t know…I just know I’m not happy right now and that you…you’ve always been there for me…for ‘us’ when we needed you. I’m scared, Wu-kun…but I think…I believe I can do anything so long as you’re there to support me…”

Though her body was trembling madly by the time she finished speaking, Hinata managed to confess everything she had been bottling up inside of herself for the past five months. There was still a lot more she wanted to say, but she had gotten all the important parts across. The rest was just a series of complaints about Naruto’s possessiveness and growing ‘need’ to control her…

Expressing his honest thoughts on the matter, Wu smiled and said, “You picked a hell of a time to bring this up…two days before the Chunin Exams are scheduled to take place? Let me guess…you intend to stoke Naruto’s rage and then defeat him to gain some form of closure…?”

Instead of answering Wu’s question, Hinata turned away from the hand he was using to caress her cheek. The truth of the matter was that she still loved Naruto…she just hated the person he had become…

Interrupting Hinata’s thoughts, Wu whispered, “Look at me, Hinata…” in a soft, nearly inaudible tone. When she eventually complied, the look on his face was incomparably serious as he asserted, “You’re an amazing girl…I would be honored to have you as my wife…”

If she had been teary-eyed before, Hinata became a veritable faucet when she heard Wu’s response. She had wept many times over the past few weeks, but this was the first time since her mother had died that she truly, unabashedly sobbed her eyes out. She couldn’t even describe the pain she was feeling, but the pervading warmth enveloping her told her everything was going to be okay…



(A/N: Me have no words…only sadge…)

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