I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick
Chapter 76: I, Your Father, Fear no Challenge

Chapter 76: I, Your Father, Fear no Challenge

Breaking Temari from her angry trance, Wu stated, “I can’t do much about the circumstances that compelled this invasion, but ‘we’ can change how Konoha and Suna interact in the future. That peach I mentioned earlier? It is very real. In fact…”

As Wu pulled out a pumpkin-sized, predominately white peach, a cool breeze seemed to exude from its surface, carrying with it an intoxicatingly fresh aroma that filled the room in an instant. When it hit Temari, she felt as though she was transported to another world, her body lying limp in an ocean filled with peaches and creme.

With Wu putting away the peach, Temari returned to her senses, blushing when she noticed a line of drool flowing from her bottom lip. She quickly wiped away the evidence, eliciting an amused chuckle from Wu before he explained, “I plan to broker a deal between the Daimyos of various Lands in the future. By further marrying influential figures from each of the Great Shinobi Nations, we can establish, at the very least, a tentative peace that allows for the possibility of cooperation between the hidden villages…”

As Wu’s fingers traced the line of her clavicle, Temari looked up at him to ask, “So I’m just a means to an end…is that it?”

Shaking his head, Wu asserted, “You genuinely care for your people and desire their prosperity. As for me, I desire strong and determined women who can help me shape a brighter, more prosperous future. I’m not asking you to become a sacrificial puppet that never leaves Konoha, Temari. I’m asking you to grow alongside me as we usher in a world where people like your brother aren’t forced to become weapons…”


Seeing the ‘seriousness’ in Wu’s eyes, Temari felt helpless. Everything he said sounded way too good to be true, but it was also remarkably similar to the ‘ideal’ world they had discussed back in Suna. She was ashamed to admit it, but she had been ‘captivated’ by Wu’s vision of the world the first time they discussed it. Now…she would be lying if she claimed not to have mixed feelings. However, for the sake of her family, friends, and Suna as a whole, she found herself saying, “I want to see that world…” in a faint but audibly resolute tone.

Adopting an affectionate smile, Wu teased, “Then keep your eyes peeled. With conviction like that, it’s bound to arrive quickly…”

With Wu lowering his head as if he was about to kiss her on the forehead or lips, Temari reached up to place her fingers on his lips, saying, “Keep it in your pants…I’m still pissed off at the notion my people have to die just to secure my father’s position. And if he replaces out about those peaches of yours, you can be damned sure he’ll ask for one in exchange for my hand in marriage…”

Retracting his lips from Temari’s fingers, Wu asked, “What do you want me to do? Suna needs a Kage, and neither you nor your brothers are qualified to wear the hat…no offense…”

Adopting an even more resolute expression, Temari asserted, “I need you to demonstrate your power during the invasion. My father wants to remind people about the horrors of war? Then show it to them. Defeat my brother once he transforms and then take the three of us hostage. Suna will have no choice but to yield, and then we can pressure my father into abdicating his position as Kazekage once you start brokering an agreement between the Daimyos. Until then, the three of us will remain as political hostages in Konoha.”

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “It’s not a bad plan…” before adding, “The only problem is, who will become Kazekage in your father’s stead? Even if I were to help you train, it would take a few years before-”

Without hesitation, Temari firmly asserted, “Gaara will become the next Kazekage. It might take a few years, but now that he can sleep, I believe his mental stability will improve. Just give me some time with him…I know he isn’t the monster our father intended him to become…”

Nodding a second time, Wu replied, “If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do. You, Gaara, and Kankuro have my full support…”

Adopting a smile of her own, Temari narrowed her eyes and teased, “You can kiss me now.” in her best attempt at a sultry tone. Fortunately for her, that was more than enough…



After finally returning to the Senju Clan Compound, his mind filled with thoughts of the future, Wu’s brows perked when he sensed the number of people within the primary manor. He wasn’t expecting any of the girls until the following day, so he was pleasantly surprised to sense Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Hanabi sitting in his room. Tenten was absent, but, considering how close she was with her parents, Wu wasn’t surprised she would want to spend some time with them after nearly a week apart.

Though he was initially planning to spend the evening with Tsunade, Wu meandered his way over to his room. By the time he got there, the quartet was already waiting for him as Hinata and Hanabi had been doing periodic sweeps to see if he had returned.

After feigning surprise, a broad smile developed across Wu’s face as he playfully inquired, “Did I die without realizing it? Because I’m pretty sure I just stepped through the gates of Heaven…”

Snorting in amusement, Ino cracked a cheeky smile as she asked, “How long did it take you to come up with that one?”

Without missing a beat, Wu adopted a cheeky smile of his own as he replied, “Considering there are three Goddesses and burgeoning nymphet gathered atop my bed…around four seconds…?”

Unable to suppress it, a proud smile developed across Ino’s face. Similar expressions appeared on the faces of Hinata and Sakura, but their vanity could never hope to compete with their platinum-haired counterpart. As for Hanabi, she just appeared confused, asking, “What’s a nymphet…?”

Beating Sakura’s proper explanation, Wu teased, “It’s a very polite way of referring to promiscuous and perverted young girls. But don’t worry, once you mature a bit, you’ll be every ounce a Goddess as your sister…”

While Hanabi gained a smile, Ino couldn’t help asking, “Is it true you let Hanabi spectate you and Hinata having sex? Isn’t it a little…too early for her?”

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “Indeed. However, she was going to peek regardless, so I figured we might as well teach her what not to do. As you are well aware, Hinata is a great demonstrator…”

Blushing furiously, Hinata wanted to refute Wu’s words but found herself incapable of doing so. Thus far, she had only ever had sex while people were watching, and, in several instances, she had given demonstrations when the other girls were confused about something. She wasn’t exactly an ‘expert’ on sex, but everyone seemed to view her that way…

Realizing how perverted she was becoming, Hinata attempted to cover her face until Wu asked, “Did it just get a little darker in here? It’s almost like someone is trying to cover the Sun…”

Peering between the cracks of her fingers, Hinata found Wu smiling at her, adding, “There it is…” the moment their gazes met. Their interaction earned them an eye roll from Ino, but the platinum-haired girl didn’t say anything until she had lowered her hands.

Feeling horny after several hours without her ‘fix,’ Ino asked, “So, are we doing this, or do I need to take matters into my own hands?”

Though Sakura seemed more than a little hesitant, primarily due to the fact Hanabi was present, she followed suit when Ino and Hinata removed their bath robes. Ino had dragged them off to buy sexy lingerie, so each was dressed in lace panties, a bra, and stockings that coincided with their hair colors. Each exuded its own appeal, but the nearly black garments of Hinata caused her to stand out ‘a lot’ more than usual.

While Hanabi moved off the bed and sat off to the side with an expectant look on her face, Ino, Hinata, and Sakura promptly turned around and got on all fours, their asses lined up like the most beautiful fresco in existence as Ino seized the initiative to waggle her butt and say, “Come and get us, big boy…” in a playful, audibly excited tone.

And so he did…

A lot…



With Ino, Hinata, Sakura, and even Hanabi out of commission after staying awake the entire night, Wu made his way to the dining room alone. There, he found Tsunade reading a newspaper at the table while Shizune filled a large mug with freshly brewed coffee.

Without hesitation, Wu stated, “I’ll have some of that,” eliciting a polite nod from the black-haired woman. Then, while she went off to retrieve him a mug, Wu sat across from Tsunade and asked, “Anything interesting in the paper?”

As she didn’t like it when Wu fooled around too much outdoors or in common areas, Tsunade had ‘prohibited’ him from trying to accost her in the living and dining rooms. If not, his morning greetings would never end with just a few polite words.

Instead of answering Wu’s question, Tsunade folded up the paper and asked, “Have fun last night?” with narrowed eyes and an accusatory tone. She wasn’t truly angry with him, but she would have liked him to at least stop by to say hello after his return to the manor.

Feigning obliviousness, Wu nodded his head and replied, “It was pretty incredible. None of them can contend against you, but Ino isn’t lacking in enthusiasm, Sakura is excellent at support, and Hinata is simply a natural. I can’t even begin to describe how blessed I feel…”


Seeing the honest elation on Wu’s face, Tsunade couldn’t bring herself to beat him down. Instead, she exhaled a faint sigh before leaning forward with her elbows on the table, a teasing smile developing across her face as she asked, “So, what you’re saying is, I’m the ‘best’ girl in your little harem? If the others weren’t a bunch of brats, I might have rewarded you for such a compliment…”

Directing his gaze to Tsunade’s legendary bosom, Wu muttered, “I don’t know, I’m feeling pretty rewarded right now…” before raising his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, smiling wryly, and adding, “I mean, I get to see your smiling face in the mornings. What could be more rewarding than that…?”

Lowering the fist she had raised in response to Wu goggling at her chest, an amused chuckle parted Tsunade’s lips as she playfully remarked, “That tongue of yours really is skilled, isn’t it…?”

Before Wu could answer, Shizune appeared with his coffee mug, filling it to the brim while questioning, “Will you be preparing your own breakfast, or would you like me to make something?”

As he had places to be, and he still wanted to talk with Tsunade for a bit, Wu replied, “I would appreciate it if you made something, preferably with lots of meat.”

Nodding her head in affirmation, Shizune returned to the kitchen with the pot of coffee while Wu turned to Tsunade, asking, “Have the girls already talked with you about learning Iryojutsu? Sakura should be a natural, and the others aren’t lacking in control.”

As they had, in fact, discussed it, Tsunade nodded her head, revealing, “I tested each of them yesterday. And you’re right; Sakura really is a natural. Her Chakra Control is nearly perfect, and she can maintain focus for long periods. If she dedicates herself to her training, she may even be able to surpass me in the future. As for the other girls…”

Crossing her left arm under her breasts and holding her chin with her right hand, Tsunade appended, “Hinata and Hanabi both have talent, but that’s primarily due to their Byakugan. Ino passes in the control department, but she has the absolute worst temperament for a Medic-nin. As for Tenten…I believe she may be better suited to Fuinjutsu. She wants to be a weapons specialist, and while it’s not impossible to pursue multiple specialties, the amount of time and effort it takes to become proficient in Iryojutsu is a lot more than people expect. The reading requirements, alone, are enough to cow most people…”

Nodding in approval, Wu replied, “I agree. However, even if she makes a mistake, that’s part of growth. So long as we’re here to support her, she’ll be able to pick herself up no matter how many times she stumbles.”

Adopting a teasing smile, Tsunade narrowed her eyes and mused, “Look at you…acting all mature and dependable. I half-expected you to become a degenerate once you began sleeping with multiple women…”

Returning a playful smile, Wu shamelessly admitted, “I’m definitely getting there. I’m just good at keeping my priorities in order. Can’t be a good Clan Head or Patriarch if I submit to my vices. Besides, as much as I genuinely relish seeing you girls writhe in pleasure, there’s nothing quite as fulfilling as seeing genuine smiles on your faces…”

Though she felt a strong urge to roll her eyes, Tsunade maintained eye contact with Wu, demonstrating his point as a genuine smile developed across her face. In response, Wu’s smile broadened considerably as he appended, “Absolutely breathtaking…”



(A/N: Smoother than a frictionless surface…)

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