I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick
Chapter 99: I, Your Father, am more Famous

Chapter 99: I, Your Father, am more Famous

(A/N: Patrons are nearly 40 chapters ahead. And to think, it only costs $5 for full access to all my content O_O…)

Compared to most cities in the Land of Fire, Yokohama gave a distinctly ‘modern’ feeling. It served as one of the largest trading hubs in the entire Elemental Nations and was such an important place of commerce it used massive television screens and billboards to promote various brands.

After entering the city proper, Wu, accompanied by Sakura, Fu, and Kaia, got distracted by a five-story, name-brand clothing store that had actual people modeling outfits in the display window. The clothes didn’t give off a very ‘practical’ feeling, but they looked a lot more aesthetically pleasing than the traditional plainclothes worn throughout the rest of the nation.

Noticing Wu’s group, one of the female models on display gave him a wink before striking a pose in a single-strap black tube-top, white shorts, and a red half-vest that loosely fit her lithe and athletic body. She didn’t have an ounce of Chakra in her slender frame, but it was easy to see why she had been chosen to model the store’s clothing.

After thinking for a couple of seconds, Wu surprised the girls by asserting, “We should come shopping here at some point in the near future. You girls would look amazing in outfits like this. They’re a little costly, but I’m more than willing to foot the bill…”

Though Fu and Kaia gushed at the idea, Sakura smiled wryly at the thought of wearing clothes that left her shoulders, abdomen, and back exposed. She didn’t mind showing a bit of skin, but she couldn’t imagine the people of Konoha supporting and respecting a Hokage that walked around in such abnormal and revealing clothes.

Fortunately for Sakura, Wu had no intention of loitering about or doing any shopping at that exact moment. After he returned a wink to the model, he steered his impromptu Team toward a collection of white warehouses that accommodated various movie sets. Yokohama had been marketing itself as the world’s film capital, so most of the movies in production were being filmed in said warehouses or the surrounding regions.

Before entering the set listed within the mission scroll, Wu turned to his Team and stated, “Remember, this is an official A-Rank Mission issued by the Fire Daimyo himself. We’re representing both Konoha and the Land of Fire, so be on your best behavior and try to be accommodating. I’ll mainly be providing overwatch, so unless anything major happens, it will be up to the three of you to deal with any threats. Understood…?”

With each girl nodding their head or responding in the affirmative, Wu flashed his credentials to the security personnel guarding the lot before leading them into the largest warehouse on the lot. There was a flashing panel that said ‘Filming in Progress,’ but that didn’t stop him from heading inside, earning an annoyed groan from the team responsible for balancing the lighting within the scene being filmed.

Noting the arrival of Wu’s group, a man with circular eyes, thick eyebrows, a brown goatee, and contrastingly orange hair walked over, his voice both quiet yet frantic as he asserted, “Hey, you kids can’t just wander onto the set. You need to leave, right this instant!”

Tapping his forehead protector, something he very rarely wore, Wu asked, “Are those eyes of yours a decoration? We’re the Team of Shinobi that will be escorting your production team while it films abroad.”


Though he knew they were waiting on their escort to arrive, the orange-haired man thought the person they were sending was some big shot in the Shinobi World. He wasn’t expecting a bunch of children that seemed better suited to the modeling profession than serving as bodyguards.

Before the man could recover from his stupor, a bespectacled man with short grey hair, a beard, and a mustache ran over with an anxious look on his face. He wore a baby-blue long sleeve shirt with a navy blazer on top and some of the largest ears Wu had seen on an ‘ordinary’ person.

Despite only running a short distance, the grey-haired man was gasping for air as he pushed up his tiny circular glasses and said, “You…you must be Lord Senju and his companions. Director Makino will be most pleased by your arrival.”

Hearing the middle-aged man’s statement, the orange-haired man that had tried to chase Wu and co off craned his brows and asked, “Huh? Did you say ‘Lord’ Senju…?”

Though the orange-haired man didn’t immediately associate Wu with the continentally famous Senju Clan, there were laws outlining who could and couldn’t refer to themselves as a Lord. Unless you were the Governor of a City, the Head of a Noble Clan, or a prominent landowner, calling yourself a Lord could get you in a lot of trouble. Such conventions were beginning to fall out of fashion, but there were still a significant number of people in very high positions that took them seriously.

While using a white handkerchief to dab his sweat, the bespectacled man explained, “Lord Senju here is the next Head of the mythical Senju Clan of Konoha. His might is said to rival an entire nation’s military, so please treat him and his companions with due respect.”


As most civilians, especially those living in more ‘modern’ cities, had little understanding of the capabilities of Shinobi, an extremely skeptical look marred the face of the orange-haired man. He didn’t doubt that Wu was extremely capable but strong enough to contend against the military of an entire nation? Who would believe such a thing?

Realizing he was being underestimated, Wu narrowed his eyes and asked the orange-haired man, “Are you in charge here…?”

Shaking his head, the orange-haired man attempted to explain that he was just a Set Supervisor, but Wu interrupted him, stating, “Then get out of the way before you say or do something you’ll regret. I only accepted this mission because the Fire Daimyo requested me personally. We’re not getting paid to endure your ignorance.”

Though Wu didn’t even unleash his bloodlust, the orange-haired man fell onto his butt, beads of sweat forming on his brow as his body trembled at its core. Wu was much shorter than he was, but he felt like he was staring into the cold and ruthless gaze of a building-sized Chakra Beast…

“What’s going on here, Sandayu? Who are these children…?”

Freeing the orange-haired man from his fear-induced paralysis, an elderly man with grey hair and small, squinty eyes walked over with several other people in tow. He wore an orange turtle neck, brown pants, and a brown flat cap atop his head, while a pair of blue sunglasses adorned his smiling face.

While continuing to dab the sweat on his face, the man named Sandayu replied, “This is the venerable Lord Senju and his esteemed companions from the Leaf Village. They are the people who will be escorting us during our journey to the Land of Snow.”

Opening his eyes a little wider, the elderly man’s smile broadened as he mused, “Oh, I see. Welcome, friends from Konoha. You’re a bit later than anticipated, but we’re glad to have you with us.”

Returning a curt nod, Wu explained, “There was an important matter that required my attention in the Land of Water. Now that I’m here, we’re ready to set out when you are.”

Adopting a marginally wry smile, the elderly man replied, “We’re currently in the middle of filming scenes for a different movie. It will take a week or two to wrap things up, but if you’re willing to stick around, we can pay you for your time.”

Shaking his head, Wu asserted, “Don’t worry about it. We’re the ones who showed up late, so we don’t mind putting in a week or two of free work as a form of apology. Just don’t expect my Team to perform errands or assist in the film’s production. Also, where is Fujikaze Yukie? While our mission is to escort the production company, the Fire Daimyo specifically requested me to ensure Miss Yukie’s protection.”

As the bespectacled Sandayu was Yukie’s manager, the elderly Director turned to the neurotic man as he said, “She should be resting in her trailer or hotel room. Sandayu here will show you the way.”

Nodding his head in affirmation, Wu took a moment to turn to Sakura, Fu, and Kaia, saying, “Spread out and familiarize yourselves with the set and its people. I should be able to detect if anything happens, but contact me via radio if you notice anything suspicious.”


As the trio of girls split up to carry out his orders, Wu accompanied the increasingly nervous-looking Sandayu to a small trailer near the periphery of the studio. Its relative isolation was just asking for someone to show up and kidnap the person inside, but Wu kept his thoughts to himself as the bespectacled Sandayu tentatively approached the trailer’s door and gave it a light knock.

“Pardon me, Miss Yukie, but your escort from Konoha has finally arrived. Please come out to meet him…”

Though it took nearly a full minute before any movement could be heard, the trailer door was eventually slammed open by a fairly attractive woman with long black hair and bangs that both framed and swept away from her face. Her expression was fixed into an apathetic glower, but she managed to exude the charm of a proud and beautiful princess as she stared at Wu with contemptuous, violet-blue eyes.

“I was wondering what kind of ‘man’ Senju Wu was. How is a kid like you supposed to be able to protect anyone?”

Adopting a faintly narrow-eyed smile, Wu replied, “Very easily.” before abruptly ‘disappearing’ from view. In the next moment, he was standing right behind the arrogant Actress, teasing, “Even if you attempt to make my job difficult, it won’t affect the success of my mission. Sorry, Princess, but you’re stuck with me until filming concludes.”

Though she was a little surprised by Wu’s sudden disappearance and reappearance, Yukie managed to appear calm as she closed her eyes and combed back the bangs framing the left side of her face. In doing so, she pinched a ruby-red earring that released a spurt of concentrated pepper spray. However, instead of hitting Wu’s face and blinding him, he vanished a second time before reappearing atop the confused woman’s head in his chibi form, saying, “I’m probably the most feared and respected Shinobi in the entire world right now. You’ll need to do better than that if you want to get the jump on me, Princess.”

Upon realizing that Wu was on top of her head, Yukie attempted to swat him away. Wu could have easily stood his ground, but he performed yet another vanishing act, this time appearing a few centimeters away from the increasingly anxious woman’s nose, standing in the air as he warned, “All you’re doing right now is increasing my urge to tease you…”

Realizing she wasn’t dealing with someone ordinary, Yukie calmed herself down, regaining her apathetic mask as she remarked, “At least you’re not completely incompetent…but what’s this about you being the most feared and respected Shinobi in the world? You’re just a kid.”

Answering in Wu’s stead, Sandayu explained, “Lord Senju here earned his reputation after taking on the Hidden Villages of Kumo, Suna, and Iwa all on his own. His power has earned him the respect of the Fire, Earth, Wind, and Lightning Daimyos, and it’s rumored that his individual might rivals an entire nation’s military. I know you do not enjoy being ‘babysat,’ Princess, but please treat Lord Senju with the respect his reputation deserves…”

Rolling her eyes, Yukie replied, “Whatever…” as she turned around to enter her trailer. She was admittedly a little curious about Wu’s supposed might, but she had been in a terrible mood ever since she learned they would be filming in the Land of Snow. She had even attempted to run away to delay the filming, but their stunt performers turned bodyguards would inevitably catch her…

Without sparing Wu and Sandayu a final glance, Yukie slammed the door to her trailer before stumbling over and collapsing face-first onto her bed. Her dreams were plagued by nightmares of being frozen in ice and much, much worse, but she would rather sleep for an eternity than confront the reality that was fast approaching…



(A/N: Not much to say this time.)

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