I'm a Stingray?
Chapter 267: Azelaq (2)

A few seconds after the conversation wasn't allowed to continue. Because the massive and transparent pufferfish body that hid the silver god, opened its mouth wider than ever ~ and that was when more trouble had followed along!

Because a massive amount of white-light, that was thicker in colour than ever before, had shot out from the same enemy's big mouth!

And within a blink of an eye, it reached Timothy, coated him entirely like an over-sized blanket and just continued to explode in size!

This light was so powerful, that when it crashed against one of this room's walls: that portion ended up being completely blown away!

A huge hole had been ruptured through that same spot, and it stretched about seven-meters wide!

However, even though this girth was astonishing, after considering that the silver god's outer-body was just over half a meter wide ~ there was another aspect of this explosion that stood far greater in importance!

This white-light was so powerful, that a massive hole continued to be dug through by that same blast!

And since the light spread wider the further it flew away from its original position: what was being formed through this rock and dirt wasn't a tunnel, but a massive doorway!

In other words, this eruption of light had managed to blow away tons after tons of dirt and rock!

Its relentless powers had reached so far, that it actually managed to blow an entire portion of the border!

This portion was located high above from where the silver god had taken the shot, which made the collapse far greater!

In other words, this meant that a massive quantity of debris was simply falling towards soul crushing depths, all thanks to that eruption of light!

However in between this tremendous display of powers, it was easy to overlook one specific detail: Timothy had been right in front of the blast, when this monstrosity of a holler, had unravelled itself!

If an underwater mountain-side's amount of debris, wasn't enough to suppress this explosion of light, then how lucky could a small little stingray be?

Death seemed certain, and its cause felt quite petty at the moment; especially since one side of this stick, practiced murder as a method of vanquishing someone who stood barricade to his plans.

In simple terms, this death didn't seem worthwhile, no sane mind would truly approve of it.

However, the unexpected was quick to make itself blindly radiant. It felt even more overwhelming how this scene came right after an earthquake.

The silver god could see a tiny lifeform, submerging from the dust cloud with a grand determination, that seemed even more domineering than whatever the explosion could achieve!

It took a second to formulate a picture of a plate-shaped fast swimmer, but a full image of this swift approacher could not be imagined.

Simply because the silver god wasn't given enough time to do so! That was the root reason behind it. Because right now, this over-sized pufferfish had to deal with the creature, that had approached far too close.

Right after, a strong gasp had been unleashed by the silver menace himself. Not only because a sharp pain had taken his belly as a victim, but also because he managed to get a clear view of who this attacker was.

The extra layers of protection that this silver-god had, were far gone by now. Simply speaking, the transparent imagery of a pufferfish that surrounded him earlier on, was gone.

Those layers had left this silver devil to fend for himself, and that fact hurt more than the actual pain that he was feeling around the abdomen.

After these results, the puffer could only mutter a mouthful of words. "It can't be... this is impossible!"

By now the silver god was absolutely sure, that the sole target of which that tremendously large explosion was dedicated against, was well and alive!

Timothy, had survived the massive attack!

It was difficult to comprehend this scene, and right now it was seemingly impossible to understand. This fact just could not be pondered, it hurt worse than the actual barb that was bashed against the silver god's chest!

"How, how... how?" The pufferfish repeated, utterly uncertain how to feel about all of this.

And like how it went in the beginning, one side of the stick was unwilling to hold a conversation right now: however this time, Timothy was the unyielding one!

One stab was seemingly enough to completely turn the tides of battle, but countless other stabs were necessary to put this silver menace down for good!

So the hero pulled out his barb from the enemy's abdomen, and then initiated another stab. He didn't have any venom left over, but that could not be labelled as a problem.

Because the stingray just continued to stab, over and over, landing countless strikes in a matter of seconds!

Such shots were lethal! And since the silver god did not have any external shields that would save him from such a foul state, the only option was to embrace the afterlife.

The pufferfish was giving out its final twitches, the fight was close to being over. Timmy was utterly confused by this whole situation, but he did understand that the opponent had no chance of escaping!

However, what didn't aid to tame confusion whatsoever, was the fact that a silver colour was taking Timmy's tail as a hostage.

The sea-pancake's body was being used as a canvas, by this light grey colour which had quite a few sparkling details into it.

In just a few seconds, his entire body was coloured by this specific shade of grey; he could see everything happen from the third-person-view map...

However, the main question emerged and was easy to replace in the midst of this madness: why was this silver colour surrounding his body?

Before this question could have been pondered over in the middle of this chaos, something new began happening.

The same sparkling silver colour disappeared under a few quick blinks, and began making themselves heavier at a specific point; his jaws!

He couldn't see it from the in-built-map that was on his vision, but could easily feel his jaws getting heavy and a bit difficult to move - all thanks to the noticeable detail of silver that was dedicated to it.

It was odd how this colour limited its territorial grasp only at that specific little body-part, but what came next was the strangest amongst strange.

A heavy, loud and double-layered female tone was shouting in his head. It wasn't playing the blame game in any way possible. Instead, it seemed to be making an introduction.

Such an occasion was so distracting, that the hero didn't even notice how the pufferfish's body had simply vanished from existence.

This weird tone took its time as it deciphered, "I am Azelaq, the most feared goddess in this ocean's depths!"

Tim was used to listening to someone without actually having to see them, so he could take part in this conversation attentively. There was just so much that he didn't understand right now, this was the best time to listen to what the other had to say.

And as expected, this self proclaimed god continued to shout. "You are now the bearer of what powers I can bestow upon this mortal realm!"

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