I'm a Stingray?
Chapter 49: High assassin (2)

In all means, that was Tim chewing in and around the stomach for the pure sake of bloody murder.

Dipping back in the mist, he thought out. "These are supposed to be guards? I killed like a million already."

[You killed 4 of them.]

Although still not certain where this lady is, Tim didn't bother to look around for her since she seemed nice. And instead answered, "Okay okay okay, still good though. But now I gotta kill these other 400."

And then another thought struck him. "Wait! What was I supposed to do before that?"

[Seek out where the rest of the pufferfish are.]

"Oh right. Thanks pretty creepy lady." Tim stuttered and then busted out of the mist like a flat torpedo, targeting a single enemy.

This one had strayed out of where the rest of the group seeked the enemy, proved braver a little bit but that itself won't necessarily lead to success.

Wanting to test out another technique, in reality mixing it with the banana form, Tim lunged right on the enemy's back!

Dug his teeth right behind the eye even, clenched his free fin so he could hang on the enemy a bit better.

Right after, his tail raged left and right, nailing the enemy around the waist.

One would think that these opponents were getting at it, humping in the middle of the battle. But no! Why would he romanticize the enemy? This was all led with that prime thought of pre meditated murder.

Against a pufferfish, a sting would be enough to pop them like a bubble, while Tim unleashed at least a few.

Death became certain for this fat headed enemy, and the agile stingray continued his rage of slaughter on the next enemy.

Whom was either dumb or brave enough to charge head on like a horny bull. Most definitely unwilling to be struck on the stomach by these big heads again, Timmy let go of the carcass' head and slipped behind it.

The enemy stormed right against the dead friend, while the young one had just disappeared in the mist.

The bull head stopped on its spot, wondering where the enemy went, but replaceing him became easier as a sharp pain captivated two crucial sides of the body.

One on the stomach and the other against the back, this one however was due to an attack that didn't relate to the previous one.

Tim had punctured this enemy through and through the body, pierced the stomach first and the stinger came out above the back, as if an assassin had beaten this bastard into submission.

His tail stood straight, without a corner but floating around here too long wasn't necessary the best idea.

So he wiggled the stinger a bit and gave a burst of energy through his fins, allowing to slip out of the enemy.

The 2 remaining pufferfish enslaved the boy's view, charging at full speed was a preference of theirs for some reason.

Considering how short their tail is, chances are the bursts of speed they often have can only be short lasting.

These fish however, shared no relation to their deceased friends when it came to launching an attack.

After they got just a foot away from Tim, at the same time they began to inhale unholy amounts of water.

Through that process, he was able to see these pufferfish arise twice in size, becoming a foot wide!

Not quite sure how to approach such an entrance in battle, but having it quite hard to hold in laughter as well because now their faces seemed like that of a sheep, whom drank too much water at a time but then got spooked enough to remain completely stiff.

Before he could do a thing more, what struck him next wasn't any particular weapon that would stab the boy through and through, but instead...


Yup, it felt as if a wave of water had hit him and the impact was enough to, in all terms flip the sea pancake.

Apart from losing complete vision of the enemies, he got flipped upside down. Bad enough, vision was no longer something that can fall under his disposition.

"What's the deal with fish eating me whole." He thought and then started wiggling his tail, testing the area around him.

Here it was definitely snug, but not tight enough for a slim tail to be held under restriction.

With all the force a swallowed stingray could gain, Timmy struck the roof of this fishy structure and felt his stinger easily bash through the enemy's back.

Afterwards he felt that everything had become a lot more snug, to the point where even moving a fin by a quarter of an inch, would be a problem.

Short said, Timothy felt like a salami.

Vision was granted once more after his whole body felt tickled by friction, the enemy had spit him out and Tim could see the same one deflating in the process.

Death was certain for this checkered bastard.

With only 1 enemy left, it became rather transparent whom the odds favoured in this slaughter thirst battle.

So Timmy charged straight ahead, gave an extra push to swim over the enemy's head and curled his tail into a U form, striking the enemy right across the face.

[Checkered pufferfish killed. 10 points have been rewarded to you.]

[Total system points = 118]

"Those were the easiest points I've ever gotten. These guards were a joke." Timmy celebrated, a bit more able to focus now and understand what points are really used for. "If I had time, I would totally eat these fish."

And so he stood in place for a good half minute, trying to remember just what he was here for but thankfully a friend was always to his aid. [Seek the way into where all the pufferfish are.]

"Right right right right right." Tim repeated like an annoying malfunctioning tape recorder, making for where he thinks to the way in was.

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