Why the hell did this have to happen? I should have known. Damn geezer. 

But I wasn't going to let them get me either. So what if I wasn't allowed to use my powers? I didn't spend all those years in the mountain doing nothing!

I couldn't harm these guys but that didn't stop me from using Alpha and Beta particles to locate them. I even used x-rays so I didn't run the risk of running into invisible guys. 

But usual, using all of those things was a chore. 

"Ha! Ha! Huh!" A girl came swinging first: she was swinging her sword like mad. Followed by her, a boy came swinging too. 

I guess people lacked patience. But all my passive powers really came in handy now, as I could basically tell when someone was attacking and where they were attacking from. 

I didn't know either of these two. But at least they were coming one at a time. I guess chivalry wasn't dead. Obviously, it was easy to dodge, so I just dodged. 

And then came the rest. Three came at me at once. One from the left, one from the right and one from behind. 

They were all over the place. So much for teamwork and chivalry.

I should have known I guess. I snorted at myself. But oh well. 

I unsheathed my sword and turned on my saber. So far, I had no reason to. These five weren't necessarily good enough to worry me. The main worries were the three who hadn't yet moved: Robert, Clyde and Leilis.

And I was hoping they wouldn't move either. 

"Technically, I can't hurt you but, I can inflict serious mental pain and I'd rather not do that. So anyone would like to back out?"

Obviously, I was referencing my power to make people's crotch not so viable and I was pretty sure everyone here got the picture. 

  The three didn't even flinch though. I guess my bluff wasn't good enough anymore. Well, technically it was a harm, so it was against the rules anyway. 

"HJIUH!" The first girl who attacked me came at me again. This was kind of getting ridiculous. 

I thought this'd be a battle royal not some brawl fest where everyone's target was me. 

I dodged her swing and promptly kicked her, shoving our straight at Dick. It wasn't my intention to kick that hard or in that direction. 

"Go a lil easy, will ya" Dick caught her, barely.

Well, that's one down.

"Sorry, my bad." I kind of forgot my own strength for a minute. I guess I was so accustomed to having less strength due to my injuries that I forgot how strong I actually was. But I never thought I'd recover this much within a single day though. 

Anyway, with a smirk, I ran for the other four and quickly, weeded them all out. A kick, a punch, a hit with the back of my blade, and lastly, a solid head-butt. All five of these morons were weak. And they fell rather easily too. One of them even willingly fell: the Asian transfer student one. He had good healing capabilities, so I wondered why he was backing up so soon. I didn't have time or desire to care though. 

How the hell did they end up in the qualifiers, was so beyond me. 

Wait, or was I just too strong?

I actually didn't know. Oh well. I didn't care either. These guys weren't worth losing my cool over anyway. 

But the other three still hadn't moved. Just what the hell were they doing?

"You could have just used them as decoys you know." I chuckled.  I was definitely glad they hadn't though. 

If they'd attacked me while I was attacking the others they could have at least had some advantages. And they could have even caught me unguarded and used it to cripple me. I knew Leilis could have done that, but she didn't. Well, that would have been that case if I didn't have the particles, but technically they didn't know about that.

So yeah, this seemed rather suspicious. 

"Still not ready?" Clyde smirked and came forward. 

Ready? What was he talking about?

"Almost." Robert grinned. 

"Alright then." Leilis cracked her knuckles. And readied her saber. 

Well, I guess these guys were cooking something. Shouldn't have been a surprise and it wasn't. 

Didn't matter to me though. 

I already had a goal and now I had enough strength. If I lost here, then there wasn't any point in trying to beat the Battlesuins. 

If I didn't have enough confidence or power to even fight these guys, was there really any way I could have hoped to beat all the Battlesuins? I didn't think so, and because of that, I had to do this. 

Clyde came first and swung hard. His swordplay was impressive, but just like last time, a bit too linear. Easy to dodge and definitely a chore to counter because of that speed. But not hard. And then came Leilis who was too busy to try to cripple me with her shadows. I didn't even let the shadows reach me though. I was always on the move. 

I had to do something fast or if they kept on teaming up against me, this could have very well have backfired. But then I found the weak link. 

Robert wasn't moving: I already had my first target. I quickly dashed for him and just when I was about to hit him, he smiled and I froze. 

"What the hell?" I was frozen solid. This was different from paralysis and it felt like my body had stopped listening to me rather than being unable to draw out strength. 

"You didn't think I was just sitting ducks were you?" He grinned and punched me in the stomach. 

It hurt, it really hurt. I almost stumbled and fell, but I didn't. 

My grin didn't vanish. "Uh-huh. I didn't." I punched him just as hard if not harder. He fell on the floor struggling. "But if you want to stop me for good, I'd suggest using something a bit more complicated and not getting distracted at the last second." Well, I guess having multiple personalities for once was a good thing. At least mind control didn't work on me like typical people. At least that's what I assumed. But I had to hand it to him, he'd successfully stopped me for a good seven seconds. And he could have maintained it for another second if he hadn't let his guard down at the very last second.

Roars erupted around me. I guess the crowd liked that: for a second there I actually forgot a crowd was even here to begin with. There was actually a big screen over our heads showing everything. 

"Gotcha!" Leilis chuckled victoriously. Her shadows were touching me. 

  Meanwhile, Angelmen was dashing my way hard.

This didn't look that good. 

My legs were stuck, my hands were free. 

Was I worried? Nope. Now that I had my powers intact, I had nothing to worry about. If my injuries were still here I wouldn't have stood a chance, but with my recovery, my stamina came back. 

So with a grin, I blocked Angelmen's saber with mine and broke free from Leilis's binding. "Too bad!" I gave Angelmen a good kick and went straight for Leilis. She was fast, but I was faster.

Her shadows came for my neck, but I just dodged. 

"How?" She glared at me with disbelief. 

"Trade secret." With my smile intact, I kicked her hard. This was a battle and I didn't hold back. I had no reason to. I was fighting to win and I needed all my strength. 

So using gramp's forbidden knowledge on how to deal with vamps wasn't cheating either, okay?

With Leilis knocked off that left only Angelmen and me. He was bleeding a little from his face but he still had his smile. "I guess you were holding back a lot that day." He wiped the blood off. 

Well, I was injured and all. "I could say the same about you." because no matter how I looked at it, Clyde felt a lot stronger than just two days ago. 

I should have just went after him before Leilis I guess. 

This powers handicap was a big handicap for me, but in the end, it turned out to be more of an advantage. I never knew things could go like this. 

Well, you learn something new, every day!

"HUH!" Angelmen again came swinging hard. But I just blocked his every swing. He was actually screaming at times while swinging. Was that really a thing to boost confidence or strength?

I kind of wanted to try it too. So-"HUH!" yeah, it didn't work and I just felt stupid. 

Clyde's swings or screams didn't stop though. 

Didn't he realize already? His swordplay wasn't working on me. And that should have been obvious. But I guess that wasn't in his case. 

He didn't use any of his saber's powers though. I actually didn't know what he even had. 

He did have a lot more speed than me and he had the benefit of using energy to his advantage. Meaning every attack I blocked made my hands go a bit numb and not to mention he could literally predict every single one of my moves. Maybe that was his sword's powers? Yeah, probably not. 

He didn't try to use light though. I guess he didn't want another booing from the crowd. 

"So, you lost to Marg?" I grinned as I blocked his saber with both my sword and saber.

"Yeah, she kind of stopped everything. So yeah, if you wanna win, you might want to think about what could go wrong if you were really stuck." He pushed hard and boy did this guy have strength. But not that much. At first, I thought he was strong but then I was promptly disappointed with his strength.

  I was hoping for more strength from him, but as I felt last time, he didn't have that much of a strong physique though he looked cool and strong and all. Or maybe it was because he couldn't use his powers. 

But he was forgetting one important thing. I still had my legs. 

I kicked him, I kicked him hard. But the kick never connected. "It won't work twice." He jumped back.

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