"Hey, that's not how-" She stopped. 

I didn't know why but I picked up something too. There was a scent of an explosion in the air and something very dangerous. I didn't hear it but I certainly felt it. 'Is this coming from that way?'

"Hey, do you think-?" Before I could even finish the woman blitzed in the direction I was about to point. 

I didn't really care but I ran along with her. Since I started this, I was going to see it through. 

It took roughly five minutes of blitzing to reach the place. There were two guys fighting. I knew both of them. But honestly, fighting in the middle of the night? 

Well, technically it wasn't the middle of the night yet. Actually, it wasn't even ten yet. I didn't really replace this all that comforting though. 

But they weren't fighting amongst themselves. They were just hitting the air like drunkards. 

"What is this?" I mumbled. 

Both Marcov and that guy in suit with the weird name were here, just boxing the air. Neither was sane and then I noticed: two crimson eyes were on me. There was someone sitting on the bench behind them. Someone with white hair. It was almost like snow. Just like the headmaster had said and just like I saw in that picture. 

'A Battlesuin.'

She wasn't the same girl from my dreams but she was definitely the new transfer student bound to enter class tomorrow. 

"Marcov!" The woman with me, slapped her husband awake. Why did she have to be so violent?

Marcov broke out of it with a groan. Poor guy. I could really feel his pain. I wasn't married though.

"Sir, are you done playing around?" The girl with the black suit and mask was back too. She tapped on the guy's forehead. 

"HUH?" The guy woke up in a similar manner but utterly confused. He looked around, looked at the girl, then the girl on the bench, then at Marcov and finally me. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or just confused. "Um… Good evening, gentlemen." He cleared his throat and walked out of the scene, completely unnerved. But I guess, he was just good at pretending, or maybe he was just too embarrassed. 

But now we had a bigger problem. The problem being the girl on the bench. She actually looked rather pretty. And she had this weird nonchalant smile like she had no care in the world. As though nothing even mattered to her. 

Now that Marcov was saner, I couldn't ignore the possibility of this girl pulling something. "By the way, what happened?" But I had to know first. 

Strangely Marcov's wife only hit him once and that was all. She held back a lot, and even I could tell that. She was basically cradling Marcov in her bosom. I guess she was worried about him.

"Things kind of happened on their own." Marcov chuckled, swaying a little. 

"Things never happen on their own. Did she do all this?" I asked, glaring at the girl on the bench.

The girl never said anything, she just sat there, smiling. 

"Yeah kind of but if she wasn't here, I'd probably have been roasted." Marcov seemed a bit relieved but even so, he was freaking out. "An-Anyway, can I stay in your room tonight Helio?"

"Helio?" Both women looked at me with a lot of curiosity. 

I really wanted to punch this moron for saying that name when he clearly knew I didn't like to use it. Oh wait, maybe he didn't. 

"Oh, you're not staying anywhere. You're coming with me." Marcov's wife smiled. But it was more of a threat. 

"I mean, Miss Hary is here. I can't just-" Marcov tried to get out of her clutches.

"Oh, she's sleeping peacefully on the floor. Let's go pick her up." She grabbed Marcov's hand tight and looked at me. "Thank you for your help. If you ever happen to be in Romania-" She still had her smile. 

I nodded vigorously. I did not want to be on the bad side of this woman, no sir. "I'll definitely visit."

She returned her gaze to her husband. Marcov was, without a doubt, freaking out and he was paler than paper. "Let's go." She whispered. 

"Save me." Marcov shed a tear and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. 

'Sorry, we don't do that here.'

One second Marcov was pleading for his life, the next second, he was gone. This woman could really jump high. The flying elephant thingy was still up in the air and this woman went straight for it. Even with extra baggage, she was fast. What was she, superwoman?

With a sigh, I addressed the main issue. "Sorry, they caused you trouble, good night." I didn't know this girl, but I knew she was from that family. And anyone from that family was bound to be trouble. So I tried to wipe out the sparks before they could ignite. 

But the girl never said anything. She just smiled. And for a second, I was frightened to my core. 'What is she?' She'd done nothing to me, and yet, I could feel it. She wasn't someone I could mess with. Call it a gut feeling, but I could feel it: she was a monster. 

With a shaky, shivering breath, I blitzed towards the dorms. I had roughly five minutes and after that, detention. 

'Detention doesn't sound that bad though.' At least I'd be out of trouble. 


I arrived at the dorms at 10.03 and my door at 10.08. Strangely, no one said anything and no one really stopped me outside either. I didn't even see the prefects. What was going on?

With a knock, I went in. And surely, there were four people inside. 

"Didn't you say you were leaving?" 

"I couldn't leave without saying goodbye, now I could I?" Marcov's wife smiled gallantly. I wished she hadn't. But at least she had the decency to say goodbye, unlike certain someones. 

The two hanging by her side, Marcov, and the girl were, well, mostly clinging to life. I didn't know what this woman had done to them, but surely, they weren't in the best of shapes, at least not mentally. Physically they were fine though. 

"I'm Susan. And I take it, you're Helio? Are you're perhaps his grandson?"

And I guess she had the brains too. 

"Yeah, and since I'm trying to keep my name in wraps, you can call me Jintel."

She smiled. "Alright, Jintel- yeah, I think I prefer Helio." She giggled. "Goodbye. And definitely visit." She flashed a might smile before dragging the two with her. But she stopped halfway and- "I can't reward you now but, I'll be sure to reward you with a nice dinner when you visit." 

'I'll hold you to that.'

The two in question, waved me bye, I waved back. 

"Try to go a lil' easy on them." I tried to defend the two, but Susan never responded back, all I got was a smile. 

'Guess that's a no.'

I sighed again. So far this day was full of sighs too. 

"By the way, what's all this talk about Helio? Your name really is Helio? And this talk about your grandfather?" Merin was grinning a lot lately. I guess he wasn't that dumb.

"You know, I can make your Excalibur into a blunt knife, right? So, I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you." My head was going funny. I'd been dragged into so much sh*t today that I forgot Merin had no idea about my family. So in the end, I was stooping to blackmailing. 'What the hell is wrong with me?'

"Dude calm down." Merin chuckled. "I wouldn't rat out my friends." He chuckled some more. 

"Sorry about that. Today's been a tough day." I jumped on the bed and realized I just crushed a lot of the buns. Now I wanted to cry. 

I forgot I'd dumped all the buns on the bed, the first time I came back. 

'At least they're still edible.'

Well, hopefully.


I chomped on the bread. With the pressure from my lovely chest, they were squished and a lot denser than I wanted. So even dumping them in chocolate milk didn't really help. I never really liked dense bread anyway. 

I still ate it though and went through the mails.

"By the way, how come there aren't any prefects out today? Any announcements?"

Every single mail was at least some form of confession. The ones I received from the teachers however were just recommendations to join clubs. But the majority of the letters were just plain love letters. After reading all of them, I just shoved them in a corner of the desk. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot you didn't have this." He flashed his Holo, proudly and smirked. He was probably glad to know that his hypothesis about the letters was true. Actually, his idea about people having different preferences was a solid bullseye too. "Some new transfer students. There are some rather big names this year, so I guess that's why everyone's busy taking care of them first."

"So it's sort of a welcome party?"

"Yup. We have two royalty, one noble and two brats of ministers."

'Then why the hell wasn't I invited?'

'Wait, aren't all of them just big shots?'

But this did explain the whole, 'why's there are no students around' phenomenon. 

And I could at least guess why these big shots just happened to transfer all at once. 'No wonder I wasn't invited.'

I kept on chomping and before I knew it, dinner was over and I was lying in bed, waiting for slumber.

"I know you don't like me thanking you but… this really wouldn't have been possible without you. Thanks, man." For once Merin was showing a bit too much gratitude.

"You're welcome." It was dark and I couldn't really see his expression, but honestly, maybe it felt a bit better.



I woke up at 6. Half an hour early. 

'Alright! Today, I won't miss!'

I'd already missed enough exercises. No more!

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