I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity
Chapter 53 - I’ve To Finish No Matter What!

I didn't like where this was going. I was already late and from the looks of it, these two were about to make me more late. 

"Can it wait, I'm actually in a hurry." I tried to chuckle and politely decline.

"This won't take long." He had a sharp voice and he looked rather determined. 

And I had a bad feeling.

"Fine. What?" I crossed my arms and just glared at him. The least I could do was intimidate him, right?

He closed his eyes and collected his thoughts. "Duel me." He looked straight into my eyes, without wavering. The guy wasn't the least intimidated. Mission failed.  "Of course, I won't ask you to duel me now. I shall respect your wishes if you wish to decline as well." He was awfully sincere if nothing else. 

But he wasn't fooling anyone. If he was okay with me saying no, then he would never have come to this school just for me. There was definitely more to this. 

"Look pal-"

I really wanted to pop his bubble. Nothing in this world worked like the way you'd want it to anyway. Maybe just because he was the son of some hotshot he thought he could get everything to go his way. But sadly, that's now how the world worked.

I learned it the hard way. And yet, I was also dreaming way too much. So maybe I was just being hypocritical. And the fact that I was aware of this, was nothing but irony. 

But before I could refuse, the girl spoke up. "Please. It will just be a mock battle. Please." The girl was basically praying to me. 

I didn't know what their game was. Why was dueling me such a big deal? It all just made me feel weirder. 

"I'll think about it." I was going to decline it later: there were no merits in this for me to accept. I didn't have time to argue over this now anyway. This way, I wouldn't have to duel and I'll also save time here. 

"Thank you." The guy nodded at me for some reason and left with his sister. I still didn't know if she was his sister or not, but I just assumed anyway. 

They looked too alike to not be siblings.

I was glad they weren't morons who'd demand duels out of nowhere though. Oh wait, they did. 

But why were people in this school so infatuated with duels anyway? Was displaying one's superiority really that necessary?

I didn't know, I didn't care. 


People just kept getting in my way, all the way to the dorms. Even palm trees sprung out of nowhere to obstruct my path. Wasn't Ariel at the party right now? Then why the hell was I still crashing into trees? 

I calmed myself before I could explode with frustration and run faster than trees could spring up or before anybody could come near me. 

  And just when thought I was out of the danger zone, another nuisance approached me. Namely, the new Battlesuin girl.

This was bound to happen sooner or later. But I thought it'd be the latter.

'Well, there's no point crying over spilled milk.'

Though she was coming towards me, and our eyes connected, I just kept on walking. Talking to her, was trouble and I knew it. 

'Naturally, act natural.'

I avoided further eye contact and just kept on walking. But my mind wasn't at ease. So I had to glance back quite a lot. And apparently, the girl was following me with her nonchalant smile.

'Why the hell is she following me?'

The Romswell family and the Battlesuin family had a complicated history. And because of that things weren't so hot between the two families. Needless to say, I hated them from the bottom of my heart. But I didn't want to be the one to start a needless war between the two families. 

And so, I walked faster.

After a while, this started to stress me out more than necessary. And my walking speed increased to a point, where it wasn't even walking anymore. But then all of a sudden the girl stopped. Strangely, I stopped too. 

Her gaze was far away, to the main building of the academy. And if I wasn't wrong, she was looking straight to the headmaster's office. 'This is my chance.'

Without looking back, I dashed. I ran fast and arrived at the dorms. I wiped off the sweat and looked back. The girl wasn't here. "WHOOOH!" Never knew this could be so damn taxing. 

But I was glad. At least now I'd be able to start. The sun had begun to set not long ago. If I hurried I could at least finish the assignment partially. Maybe I wouldn't get credits, but at least I wouldn't end up with negative credits. 

I turned around, totally satisfied.

  'Oh no.'

  She was here, staring at me, with that ever so nonchalant smile of hers. 

"Ca-can I help you?"

It was impossible for me to run away now. 

"You are Helio I assume?" Her voice had a strange spark to it, and it sounded a bit mature. It was awfully chilling and yet, I wanted to hear more: the accent didn't even bother me. Was I going crazy or something?

But there was one problem. Just how the hell did she know my name? From the encounter last night, or from someone else? 

"Yes." Hiding didn't seem possible so I faced her head-on. "And I think the past is past. So let's not stay hung up on it." Of course, I still despised the whole family, but I had to put up with a farce to stay out of trouble. 

"Yes, that would be for the better. We do not wish to wage war anyway." She was speaking too frankly. "So the family has decided not to act on your matter and dismiss as just some sparring."

'Wage war?'

The way she phrased herself made me wary. 'She knows about my family?'

And what part of that was just sparring?

Anyone who knew my grandfather and his powers could potentially link the names and the powers and come up with the theory of me being a Romswell. It was hard and complicated but not impossible.

But who had that much time in the world? Well, I guess she did. 

But still, it would just have been a theory as we lived far away from the main Romswell family. But then again it was because of that mishap I made in middle school.

But one thing was for certain, this girl was aware of my family.

"Good, that saves us unnecessary trouble. I have some things to do, so good evening." It was a little weird to bid goodbye like this, but I had no choice. But I still chose every single word carefully so that I didn't end up triggering her. 

"Hyorin, Hyorin Battlesuin. You may call me Rin." She gave me a smile and gestured for a handshake. 

I did not like that idea. I never saw any Battlesuins in my entire life who acted as humble or as calm as she. I couldn't help but doubt her intentions. 

'Is she really a Battlesuin?'

But I couldn't leave her hanging like this either. "Helio. Helio 'Romswell' Jintel." Of course, I only lip-synced my middle name and I got the impression she still got it. "You may call me Jintel."

The shake only lasted for two seconds. Her hands were just as cold as her glare. 

"Farewell Helio. May you be victorious in your upcoming duel." She left without waiting for a reply. 

'Didn't I just tell you to call me Jintel!? And what Duel?'

I didn't know what was going on, but at least I was free. 

Maybe this Battlesuin was different but that still didn't change anything. I hated that family as a whole, and nothing was enough to change my thoughts on that matter. 

I wasn't so optimistic about reaching my room anymore though. Who knew what else was lurking in the shadows for me?


I did eventually reach my room. Strangely, no one stopped me inside the dorm. It was almost as though the curse had lifted.

I might have spoken too soon. 

I sat on my desk at exactly 7. It was a long day with loads of things. Most were just plain dumb things to slow me down, but I prospered. I had roughly seven hours to complete this twenty-hour assignment, and I had to do it no matter what. 

I had a motto in life. No matter what, I wouldn't stay awake past 2 am. Because after that, that's just ruining the next day. 

I wasn't going to eat dinner and I certainly wasn't going to do anything either. I needed all the time I could get.

But there was just one slight problem. 

'How the hell do I even do this?'

I spent the whole week fooling around that I actually forgot to study. I kept on rambling about how I wanted to do this, how I wanted to be that, but in the end, I didn't even study.

Grabbing my head and screaming in agony didn't really help either. There were far too many questions and I couldn't replace the answers to any of them even in the textbooks.

"You know, you've been doing that for the last half an hour. Why not take a break?" Merin's words were like poison.

I'd already spent half an hour without even realizing it. But I couldn't even write a single word. I couldn't answer a single question.

I turned around, with tears in my eyes. "Do you know how to do this?"

He sighed. "Sure." He came over. "Hey, your teacher might have mixed things up. This is the finals from last year. This isn't an assignment." Merin chuckled hard. "And I think our book changed last year too. So you probably won't replace them in your books."

'Huh!? Wha?'

Needless to say, I was more than just dumbfounded. "Are you sure?" I grabbed his shirt and shook him. I was thunderstruck, gobsmacked!

His head swayed back and forth. "Yup. I can even show you the questions if you want."

'Then why the hell did I skip so much of everything just for this cr*p?'

I chuckled at my own fate while staring blankly at the paper. 

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