[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 143

I ended up doing a nationwide tour of the Empire, something even the Crown Prince hasn’t done.


Starting with the 4th Diocese in the south, I went through the rest of the dioceses and finally reached the 1st Diocese in the capital.

By then, I realized that the vacation was almost over.

It was a continuous stream of time that couldn’t be described as just ‘busy.’

As soon as one event ended, I’d be on a carriage or a train, heading to the next location to pray and wave to the people.

Every time, the devout believers would swarm me like teenage girls meeting their favorite idol, cheering so loudly that I was worried I might get crushed to death.

Where was it again?

In the 2nd Diocese in the east, I was surrounded by both war veterans praising me as a hero and believers worshipping me as a saint. I was lifted up in the air for a whole hour.

The priest who was guiding me and the two Special Affairs agents who were guarding me were also lifted up with me.

Thankfully, the security forces came and rescued me. Otherwise, I probably would have been floating around all day without touching the ground.

The thought I had then? Ah, so this is what Aladdin must have felt like riding the magic carpet.

If only someone with blue skin and a beard had shown up to slap me on stage, it would have been perfect.

“A-Are you alright, Young Lord?!”

“Please come down quickly!”

I couldn’t help but laugh and say, ‘I’m fine, haha!’ to the terrified security forces.

Honestly, it’s not like they were doing it out of malice, they were just overwhelmed with emotion.

Anyway, my eventful pilgrimage across the Empire as a returning student came to an end.

The scary part is that it’s not completely over, it’s just over ‘for now.’

I’m already scheduled to visit the Holy See again this winter break, followed by another nationwide tour.

It’s sad that my vacations don’t feel like vacations anymore. I’m just grateful that the summer break is ending soon and the second semester is starting, so I can escape.

“Kyahaha! Welcome back, Senior Karl. No, wait. Should I call you Saint Karl Adelheit?!”

After finishing up my business in the 1st Diocese and returning, the one who greeted me was none other than Eloise.

“…Are you enjoying teasing me?”

“I’m not teasing you. I’m impressed. How does that come across as teasing?”

“Then how is that impressive?”

You have no idea how hard it was for me! Everywhere I went, people swarmed me! Ugh…

Damn it. Talking about it makes it sound like I’m bragging.

“Benefactor! Blessed One! Saint!”


If they don’t calm down, I swear I’ll grow a mustache during the next pilgrimage, raise my hand, and shout, ‘Down with the Kanfras!’ The moment I do that, everyone will probably shout ‘Hail!’ and rush to the south.

[TL/N: I might be mistaken but… Is bro talking bout H*tler?! 💀💀]

[PR/N: 😭]

And then we’ll have to create separate living quarters for the elves and lock them all up with soap… Ahem, I got carried away.

[TL/N: That’s crazy.]

[PR/N: Tf…]


As I was suppressing the Übermensch within me, Eloise suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

[TL/N: *Übermensch – often translated as “Overman” or “Superman,” is a concept from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. It represents a potential future for humanity, where individuals overcome traditional morality and societal constraints to create their own values and live life to its fullest potential.]

I reflexively turned around, then stopped myself.

I’ve been through this before, if I fall for it again, am I even human? Even the Kanfras aren’t this stupid.

“I’m not falling for it.”

“Falling for what?”

“You’re not wearing some weird outfit with a normal-looking coat over it, are you?”


“If you’re not dressed properly, you’re not getting away with it.”

Eloise falls silent.

It seems my prediction was correct. As expected of this ero elf—

“If you don’t look at me, I’ll run around the academy in this outfit.”


“And I’ll shout, ‘I love Karl!’ while I’m at it.”


What is this crazy elf talking about?!

This is a new kind of blackmail! I was so dumbfounded that I turned around to give her a lecture to bring her to her senses.



What? She’s dressed normally. It’s not like she’s showing more skin than fabric.

In fact, she’s dressed more modestly than usual? Is this really Eloise? It’s not even winter, it’s summer!

“Ahahaha! What’s with that look? Are you disappointed?! That I’m not stripping down like I used to?”

“It’s not that.”

“Heh. Is that so? So how disappointed are you? Should I act a little more… loosely in front of you, like I used to?”

No, thank you. This is perfect. So please don’t be a Kanfra or an Ero Elf.

“You told me to dress properly back then, Karl. So I’ve been dressing properly ever since.”

“It’s hard to believe, considering your track record.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can follow me around and keep an eye on me. I’ll allow that much. You can even follow me to my room and bathroom!”

[TL/N: At this point just give her the D man!]

[PR/N: Shut your nasty ass up!😠 Selena ftw]

[TL/N: My bad bruh… 😭]

Yeah, that’s why I’m suspicious. How can I trust her when she says things like that so casually!

I let out a sigh.

Even if it’s just this much, it’s an improvement. I was so curious that I asked the Hyzens about it a while ago.

“Hey, how did Eloise usually dress back home?”

“Is she still dressing indecently in the Empire? I told her to be careful.”

Their response was immediate and predictable. So when I mentioned she’s been dressing modestly here, their reaction was priceless.

“Eloise? What’s wrong with her? She’s still young. It’s not like she’s on her deathbed.”

Wow. If her own people say that, I can’t even imagine how wild she used to be.

And now she’s dressing so conservatively that she’s practically covered up even in the summer.

“I never knew you could be such an obedient elf.”

“It’s not an obedient elf, it’s an obedient woman. I can play dead if my boyfriend asks me to! Here or not, Karl?”

“No. Please don’t.”

A Medal of Honor recipient brings an elf and shouts ‘Bang!’ and the elf pretends to die with a ‘Kya!’

I imagined it for a moment.

And the conclusion is…

No matter how you look at it, it’s a crazy situation.

Meanwhile, Eloise came up beside me and suddenly started rubbing her head against mine.

[TL/N: Which one?😏]

[PR/N: Istg this guy…]

[TL/N: 😂]

When I asked her what she was doing, she whined, ‘I did well, so praise me! Praise me quickly! Give me praise!’

I wondered if she was really a long-lived elf. She acts like a child.

Well, she has been keeping her promise, so it’s only right to praise her.

“Oh? What’s this? I thought you’d push me away.”

“…Is that all you have to say after I let you pet my head?”

“No, it’s just… you seem to get embarrassed easily, Karl.”


Not you?

Last time, when I tried to close the distance, you were the one who ran away, Eloise. Have you forgotten? Or do you just not remember at all?

This woman oozes Ero Elf energy at other times, but at crucial moments, she turns into an innocent elf. It’s driving me crazy.

“Anyway, this is nice.”

“The head-patting? Well, I can do this for you sometimes.”

“Huh? Oh, that too. But I meant it’s nice to see you becoming more and more amazing, Karl.”

“…If you’re joking again…”

“Not at all. This is genuine, pure admiration.”

As I quietly stroked Eloise’s hair, she continued.

“Honestly, even I’ve never heard of a miracle before. I never imagined it could actually happen. I thought it was just a story the church made up to make people believe in their teachings.”

“That’s blasphemy, you know?”

“Really? I heard the Radiant Church doesn’t hunt down and kill people for heresy just because they don’t believe in their teachings. Or am I wrong?”

She’s not wrong.

If the Radiant Church was like that, they wouldn’t have been able to spread their influence across the continent so quickly. And the people in the church have all been good people.

“Even they are amazed. That a miracle actually happened. And to the Empire’s war hero, the most honored recipient of the Medal of Honor! That means Karl did something truly amazing!”

“But the seniors before me also—”

“Ah, come on. Humility is good, but too much of it is strange.”

Eloise suddenly stood up and lightly tapped my head.

Ow, ow. That hurts!

“Right now, Karl, I think it’s right for you to accept all of this.”

“…It’s just too much. After all, I’m just—”

“Do you think the Goddess would do this for no reason?”

That’s exactly what’s scary. There can’t be no reason, but why me?

The opposite would also be worrying. No reason for this kindness? Unconditional favor can be burdensome for the receiver, you know!

“Well, I’m happy for you! I’m happy that my man is becoming even more successful!”

“Did you get Selena’s permission for that?”

“Like I need to?”

Yes, you do, elf! If you don’t, then who?!

* * *

Summer vacation ended, and the academy entered the second semester with its students.

Normally, they would be chatting about the new semester, the upcoming festivals, and various events in the Empire, but this time, it was different.

All the students were buzzing about a piece of news that had come from afar, and it was the main topic of conversation whenever they gathered.

“Is it true? Is it really happening?”

“It seems almost certain. All the dioceses in the Empire are buzzing about it.”

“When was the last time it happened? It was mentioned in history class… It was almost…”

“Almost a hundred years ago.”

The news that had even the academy students in a frenzy was none other than—

[ The 7th Lumenous Council ]

And soon after, all the cardinals from each diocese began to move to the Holy See in large numbers.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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