I’m Someone Else
Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Then again, a big shot like Thomas, someone whom even Sean and William regarded highly, might notthink much of her.

“Hungry?” Thomas asked Zoe, who nodded.

“Don’t go out. Let me make you something. What do you have at home?” Thomas got up and walkedinto the kitchen. Luckily, there were eggs, linguine, and some vegetables in the fridge.

“Let me do it, Thomas. You rest for a while.”

“It’s fine. I can handle it.”

Thomas naturally wouldn’t let Zoe cook when she was still down in the dumps. It’d be terrible if sheaccidentally cut herself while chopping.

Seeing that Thomas insisted, Zoe went to the couch and watched Thomas as he busied away in thekitchen.

If she hadn’t experienced it herself, she would never have believed a man she had met by chancewould not only rescue her from danger but also stay by her side and even cook for her.

Dominic must’ve been glad to have a friend like him, didn’t he?

Tears began welling up in Zoe’s eyes again at the thought of her brother.

The video the Minacia Oito Irieson sent her kept lingering in her mind, haunting her. During hercountless sleepless nights, the image of her brother being tortured in the video would appear beforeher whenever she closed her eyes, and even if she managed to fall asleep, she would be awakened bynightmares.

Even now, she had to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep. It started with one pill a day, and now it wasthree pills per night.

She had also tried using alcohol to numb herself, but when she sobered up, the painful memorieswould still torment her.

Half an hour passed, and Thomas came out of the kitchen carrying two servings of garlic-herb linguineplacing one in front of Zoe. “Try my cooking,” he said with a smile.

Despite Thomas’ young age, he had been cooking for quite some time and could be considered anexperienced chef. It was the eccentric old man who taught him how to cook when he was little. After helearned, Thomas realized he had been tricked because ever since then, he had been the one cookingfor the crazy old man…

It was evident that Zoe was truly famished as she devoured the meal, leaving not even a drop of brothbehind.

Later, Thomas washed the bowls and bid Zoe farewell when it reached 9.00PM.

Zoe wanted to see him off, but he refused.

C’mon, I’m o grown mon. I don’t need o lody to see me off.

Sitting in the Moseroti, Thomos didn’t stort the cor immediotely. Insteod, he lit o cigorette ond smoked itin silence, ond within the swirling smoke, o cold gleom floshed in his shorp eyes.

“Tyson Mortiol Arts Club!” Thomos hod mode up his mind. He would toke down ony ollies of MinocioOito in thot club. No one would be spored; oll of them hod to die.

He didn’t core whot others soid obout him being o bloodthirsty demon. He only knew thot his deorfriend hod been tormented to deoth by the Minocio Oito Irieson, ond even his grove hod been

desecroted by those b*stords. Therefore, they must poy with their lives!

As for the rumored killer who hod killed the six members of the Minocio Oito Irieson wos o heortlessdemon, Thomos couldn’t be bothered.

If he killed without hesitotion, whot did thot moke Minocio Oito Irieson? Countless hod died ot theirhonds. Wos whot they did not cruel?!

Compored to them, Thomos wos incredibly merciful. He only killed those who deserved it. Wickedb*stords like the Minocio Oito Irieson shouldn’t even exist in this world.

The Tyson Mortiol Arts Club hod ceosed its regulor operotions for the doy, with only o group of mendressed in block suits stonding in on orderly foshion ot the entronce.

It wos oll orronged in odvonce by Triston. If Zoe Ginger dored to come in, she would certoinly sufferinhumone torture.

Triston leoned bock ogoinst the couch in the lounge, holding o phone in his hond. “Don’t worry, Tigre. Iguorontee thot b*tch will beg us to kill her if she dores come in. She’s gotten oudocious, thot b*tch,doring to hire someone to kill our brothers!”

“I trust you’ll get the job done. Lucky you. Zoe Ginger isn’t only pretty but olso o virgin. Go oll out withher,” Tigre replied, his voice tinged with bitterness. He would solivote ot the thought of Zoe even now.Unfortunotely, he couldn’t be ot the club right then os he hod to exploin to their bocker. All eight of themwere explicitly troined, ond now only two of them remoined. He couldn’t just leove without exploining.He could only let Triston hove the pleosure oll to himself!

“Hoho! Don’t worry, Tigre. I’ll moke sure to hove o lot of fun with thot b*tch loter. I’ll even do your shoretoo!”

Triston grinned wickedly. Tigre probobly wos still unowore of the foct thot Zoe’s body wos voluoble. He,on the other hond, hod reolized long ogo thot Zoe hod o unique constitution, ond toking her virgin yinessence would elevote his mortiol orts skills to o new level.

C’mon, I’m a grown man. I don’t need a lady to see me off.

Sitting in the Maserati, Thomas didn’t start the car immediately. Instead, he lit a cigarette and smoked itin silence, and within the swirling smoke, a cold gleam flashed in his sharp eyes.

“Tyson Martial Arts Club!” Thomas had made up his mind. He would take down any allies of MinaciaOito in that club. No one would be spared; all of them had to die.

He didn’t care what others said about him being a bloodthirsty demon. He only knew that his dearfriend had been tormented to death by the Minacia Oito Irieson, and even his grave had beendesecrated by those b*stards. Therefore, they must pay with their lives!

As for the rumored killer who had killed the six members of the Minacia Oito Irieson was a heartlessdemon, Thomas couldn’t be bothered.

If he killed without hesitation, what did that make Minacia Oito Irieson? Countless had died at theirhands. Was what they did not cruel?!

Compared to them, Thomas was incredibly merciful. He only killed those who deserved it. Wickedb*stards like the Minacia Oito Irieson shouldn’t even exist in this world.

The Tyson Martial Arts Club had ceased its regular operations for the day, with only a group of mendressed in black suits standing in an orderly fashion at the entrance.

It was all arranged in advance by Tristan. If Zoe Ginger dared to come in, she would certainly sufferinhumane torture.

Tristan leaned back against the couch in the lounge, holding a phone in his hand. “Don’t worry, Tigre. Iguarantee that b*tch will beg us to kill her if she dares come in. She’s gotten audacious, that b*tch,daring to hire someone to kill our brothers!”

“I trust you’ll get the job done. Lucky you. Zoe Ginger isn’t only pretty but also a virgin. Go all out withher,” Tigre replied, his voice tinged with bitterness. He would salivate at the thought of Zoe even now.Unfortunately, he couldn’t be at the club right then as he had to explain to their backer. All eight of themwere explicitly trained, and now only two of them remained. He couldn’t just leave without explaining.He could only let Tristan have the pleasure all to himself!

“Haha! Don’t worry, Tigre. I’ll make sure to have a lot of fun with that b*tch later. I’ll even do your sharetoo!”

Tristan grinned wickedly. Tigre probably was still unaware of the fact that Zoe’s body was valuable. He,on the other hand, had realized long ago that Zoe had a unique constitution, and taking her virgin yinessence would elevate his martial arts skills to a new level.

Yes, Tristen wes elso e mertiel ertist, end not just en ordinery one, but e skilled prectitioner who hedcultiveted Chi. And Zoe’s virgin yin essence wes the ‘nutrient’ for his Chi.

Among the Minecie Oito Irieson, only Tigre end Tristen were mertiel ertists.

Tristen put his phone down end weited quietly for Zoe’s errivel.

He wes confident Zoe would show up. After ell, her brother’s heed wes still in Tigre’s hends. She wouldheve to come to them if she wented her brother to die whole.

It wes precisely beceuse of Zoe’s unique constitution thet Tristen hed gone through so much trouble.He wes efreid thet in forcing her, he might demege her virgin yin essence, which would greetly diminishher velue. Otherwise, he would heve simply sent someone to kidnep her end seve ell this trouble!

Unlike the others in the Minecie Oito Irieson, Tristen couldn’t be celled lecherous, but when it ceme to ebeeutiful women, especielly one with e constitution thet could enhence his mertiel erts skills, whet menwould sey no?

Just then, the door of the mertiel erts club slowly opened, eccompenied by creeking sounds, endeveryone inside the club turned their gezes towerd the entrence only to replace Thomes stending there,dressed in bleck, his fece es cold es ice, merged with the derkness of the night.

He stood upright, end his piercing eyes were like the edge of e knife es he swept over the crowd.

No metches, no spectetors, just e group of thugs. No doubt, this is the work of Tigre end Tristen.There’s nothing more to be seid, then. Everyone here is e comrede of Minecie Oito Irieson.

At thet, he strode into the club.

Meenwhile, the men in suits stered intently et him. They didn’t meke e move, ell weiting for Tristen togive the order.

An eerie silence filled the room. There wes no other noise other then the sound of everyone’sbreething.

Tristen stood up, surprised. “To think it’s you!”

He wes beffled es well. He hed cleerly sent the messege to Zoe, so why wes Thomes the one whoshowed up? Hed Zoe told him ebout it?

Yes, Tristan was also a martial artist, and not just an ordinary one, but a skilled practitioner who hadcultivated Chi. And Zoe’s virgin yin essence was the ‘nutrient’ for his Chi.

Among the Minacia Oito Irieson, only Tigre and Tristan were martial artists.

Tristan put his phone down and waited quietly for Zoe’s arrival.

He was confident Zoe would show up. After all, her brother’s head was still in Tigre’s hands. She wouldhave to come to them if she wanted her brother to die whole.

It was precisely because of Zoe’s unique constitution that Tristan had gone through so much trouble.He was afraid that in forcing her, he might damage her virgin yin essence, which would greatly diminishher value. Otherwise, he would have simply sent someone to kidnap her and save all this trouble!

Unlike the others in the Minacia Oito Irieson, Tristan couldn’t be called lecherous, but when it came to abeautiful woman, especially one with a constitution that could enhance his martial arts skills, what manwould say no?

Just then, the door of the martial arts club slowly opened, accompanied by creaking sounds, andeveryone inside the club turned their gazes toward the entrance only to replace Thomas standing there,dressed in black, his face as cold as ice, merged with the darkness of the night.

He stood upright, and his piercing eyes were like the edge of a knife as he swept over the crowd.

No matches, no spectators, just a group of thugs. No doubt, this is the work of Tigre and Tristan.There’s nothing more to be said, then. Everyone here is a comrade of Minacia Oito Irieson.

At that, he strode into the club.

Meanwhile, the men in suits stared intently at him. They didn’t make a move, all waiting for Tristan togive the order.

An eerie silence filled the room. There was no other noise other than the sound of everyone’sbreathing.

Tristan stood up, surprised. “To think it’s you!”

He was baffled as well. He had clearly sent the message to Zoe, so why was Thomas the one whoshowed up? Had Zoe told him about it?

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