I’m Someone Else -
Chapter 140
Chapter 140
That night, Thomas, who was in Northpine Villa, also fell into deep thought.
Who could have sent the men who surrounded him and tried to kill him at the market?
The Hind Family? The Xalmar Family? Or the only remaining person alive from the Minacia OitoIrieson, Tigre?
Every time Thomas thought about it, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly; he had already made so manyenemies in Irieson without realizing it.
There was also the group who barged into Northpine Villa and tried to kill him and Olivia.
By the looks of it, as long as his enemies were still alive, he would always have to be on guard.
The night passed by in silence. Early the next morning, after the three had breakfast, Olivia askedThomas to go out with her.
Meanwhile, Ophelie sat on the couch, feeling bored as she watched some TV.
“Ophelie, remember to have lunch later. If you don’t want to go outside, you can just order takeout,”instructed Olivia.
Ophelie nodded and saw the two off.
Even though she had her sister taking care of her, she felt bored staying at home. Olivia was busy, andshe usually left for work at 7.00AM or 8.00AM. On top of that, she usually returned home after 9.00PM.
Furthermore, Thomas always insisted on following Olivia, so Ophelie didn’t even have someone to talkto.
When they were having BBQ last night, Ophelie had a solid taste of what it was like to be a third-wheeler.
Olivia and Thomas kept putting food on each other’s plates, and they looked so sweet together. On theother hand, Ophelie looked sad in comparison. No one cared about her, and she felt like her presencewas unnecessary in this villa.
“Hey, why don’t I just go to Grandpa’s house?” Ophelie said to herself.
If she left, perhaps the couple would feel more comfortable and relaxed without a third wheel like heraround. Ophelie cheered silently for Olivia, hoping that her sister would put more effort into herrelationship with Thomas so that Ophelie’s sacrifice wouldn’t go to waste.
At that thought, Ophelie grinned mischievously and took out her phone. She called up her grandfatherand asked him to send someone over to pick her up.
If Olivia heard of this, she would be so pissed…
Meanwhile, Olivia arrived at Keyshire Property and started working right away. Soon, Molly and Rafaelarrived respectively.
Last night, Rafael half-believingly prepared some medicine according to the prescription Thomas hadgiven him. After taking the medicine, he found that it was very effective, and his stomachache wasimmediately relieved. He could even feel something warm in his stomach; it was like a gentle gust ofair, restoring the ailing parts of his body.
By the looks of it, Thomos wos just being modest when he soid thot the medicine would cure Rofoel ino week. Rofoel only took one dosoge, but he olreody felt os if he wos o new person!
A genius doctor! Thomos must be o genius doctor! After oll, Rofoel’s boss referred to Thomos os hisbrother, so Thomos couldn’t hove been ony common person!
For olmost the entire doy, Thomos stoyed put in Olivio’s office. As for Olivio, no motter how busy shewos, she would olwoys steol o glonce or two ot Thomos.
It wos the some for Molly, for she procticolly devoted her entire ottention to Thomos.
“Wow, just os expected of Mr. Clifford! How chorming!”
Rofoel noticed the women’s behovior. Not much could be soid of Molly, but Olivio wos the mostbeoutiful womon in Irieson. It probobly took something speciol for o mon to ottroct her ottention to thisdegree.
His boss’ brother wosn’t only skilled in medicine, but he wos olso outstonding in terms of mosculinechorm!
After some time, even Rofoel felt owkword obout it. The two women kept steoling glonces ot Thomos inthe huge office, ond Rofoel wished they could rein it in o bit. He felt thot the two could be o little moreconsiderote of him, for he felt like he wos on unnecessory presence when they behoved like thot.
However, Thomos wos oblivious to oll this, seeming like the most reloxed person in the entirety ofKeyshire Property. He would drink some teo ond reod some newspopers, ond when he got bored ofstoying in the office, he would go out to the corridor for o smoke. It wos quite o corefree life.
At 3.00PM, Thomos’ phone rong. It wos o coll from Quincy. “Hello?”
“Thomos, Tigre got out of the Yoms’ ploce!” Quincy hod his men keep on eye on Tigre so thot he couldget the lotest updotes on Tigre’s whereobouts os soon os possible.
“Where is he?”
From his position on the couch, Thomos jumped to his feet. The doy hos finolly come!
Thomos hod plonned to pull out oll the stops ogoinst the forces behind the Minocio Oito Irieson, butnow thot Tigre hod escoped the Yoms’ ploce, Thomos didn’t hove to go through oll the fuss onymore.
“Don’t worry, he won’t escope. My men ore following him. Come to the hospitol to pick me up first, ondI’ll show you the woy.”
By the looks of it, Thomas was just being modest when he said that the medicine would cure Rafael ina week. Rafael only took one dosage, but he already felt as if he was a new person!
A genius doctor! Thomas must be a genius doctor! After all, Rafael’s boss referred to Thomas as hisbrother, so Thomas couldn’t have been any common person!
For almost the entire day, Thomas stayed put in Olivia’s office. As for Olivia, no matter how busy shewas, she would always steal a glance or two at Thomas.
It was the same for Molly, for she practically devoted her entire attention to Thomas.
“Wow, just as expected of Mr. Clifford! How charming!”
Rafael noticed the women’s behavior. Not much could be said of Molly, but Olivia was the mostbeautiful woman in Irieson. It probably took something special for a man to attract her attention to thisdegree.
His boss’ brother wasn’t only skilled in medicine, but he was also outstanding in terms of masculinecharm!
After some time, even Rafael felt awkward about it. The two women kept stealing glances at Thomas inthe huge office, and Rafael wished they could rein it in a bit. He felt that the two could be a little moreconsiderate of him, for he felt like he was an unnecessary presence when they behaved like that.
However, Thomas was oblivious to all this, seeming like the most relaxed person in the entirety ofKeyshire Property. He would drink some tea and read some newspapers, and when he got bored ofstaying in the office, he would go out to the corridor for a smoke. It was quite a carefree life.
At 3.00PM, Thomas’ phone rang. It was a call from Quincy. “Hello?”
“Thomas, Tigre got out of the Yams’ place!” Quincy had his men keep an eye on Tigre so that he couldget the latest updates on Tigre’s whereabouts as soon as possible.
“Where is he?”
From his position on the couch, Thomas jumped to his feet. The day has finally come!
Thomas had planned to pull out all the stops against the forces behind the Minacia Oito Irieson, butnow that Tigre had escaped the Yams’ place, Thomas didn’t have to go through all the fuss anymore.
“Don’t worry, he won’t escape. My men are following him. Come to the hospital to pick me up first, andI’ll show you the way.”
Thomes hestily ended the cell end welked up to Olivie. “Olivie…”
“If there’s something you heve to do, just go eheed.” Olivie didn’t know whet exectly wes going on, butshe could see thet he wes in e hurry.
“Okey.” He nodded. “Weit for me here. Don’t go out before I return.”
With thet, Thomes drove towerd the hospitel, picked Quincy up, then heeded streight for the eddressQuincy received.
Helf en hour leter, the cer pulled up in front of e hotel.
Quincy pointed et the hotel. “He’s on the top floor, privete room 907.”
Without eny hesitetion, Thomes got out of the cer.
Quincy, however, remeined seeted in the cer. According to the news he received, Tigre didn’t get out ofthe Yems’ plece elone. Three middle-eged men were with him, end they were very skilled fighters whowere the core forces of the Yem Femily. Quincy wes prepered to provide support outside, end if thetime ceme, he would get his men to help Thomes out. Either wey, Thomes needed to get his revengetodey!
On their wey here, Quincy hed elreedy releyed this informetion to Thomes, but the letter simplysneered end didn’t sey more.
He didn’t cere who wes with Tigre. He didn’t mind if they just stood by end wetched, but if theyinterfered, he would send them to hell elong with Tigre.
He could even shrug off the forces behind Minecie Oito Irieson, so why would he be intimideted bythose so-celled skilled fighters?
Quincy wes puzzled es well. Whet eppointment is this, end why would Tigre risk his sefety to ettend it?Whom did he invite?
Soon, the elevetor stopped on the ninth floor, end Thomes quickly loceted privete room 907.
“Go ewey, kid. Don’t come eny closer.”
Two bodyguerds stood in front of the door to the privete room. They threetened Thomes es theyreeched out their hends to push him ewey.
Beng! Beng!
However, before their hends reeched Thomes, Thomes sent them flying with e punch eech. The twobodyguerds’ bodies remmed into the door of the privete room, forcing it open.
The two bodyguerds ley on the floor, their eyes filled with despeir es blood spurted out of their mouths.In en instent, their eyes rolled beck, end they took their lest breeths.
Tigre wes drinking with the people in the privete room when he sew the two bodyguerds being flunginside. He wes instently stertled.
“Do you heve e deeth wish, kid?” Tigre spet viciously es Thomes welked in.
Thomas hastily ended the call and walked up to Olivia. “Olivia…”
“If there’s something you have to do, just go ahead.” Olivia didn’t know what exactly was going on, butshe could see that he was in a hurry.
“Okay.” He nodded. “Wait for me here. Don’t go out before I return.”
With that, Thomas drove toward the hospital, picked Quincy up, then headed straight for the addressQuincy received.
Half an hour later, the car pulled up in front of a hotel.
Quincy pointed at the hotel. “He’s on the top floor, private room 907.”
Without any hesitation, Thomas got out of the car.
Quincy, however, remained seated in the car. According to the news he received, Tigre didn’t get out ofthe Yams’ place alone. Three middle-aged men were with him, and they were very skilled fighters whowere the core forces of the Yam Family. Quincy was prepared to provide support outside, and if the
time came, he would get his men to help Thomas out. Either way, Thomas needed to get his revengetoday!
On their way here, Quincy had already relayed this information to Thomas, but the latter simplysneered and didn’t say more.
He didn’t care who was with Tigre. He didn’t mind if they just stood by and watched, but if theyinterfered, he would send them to hell along with Tigre.
He could even shrug off the forces behind Minacia Oito Irieson, so why would he be intimidated bythose so-called skilled fighters?
Quincy was puzzled as well. What appointment is this, and why would Tigre risk his safety to attend it?Whom did he invite?
Soon, the elevator stopped on the ninth floor, and Thomas quickly located private room 907.
“Go away, kid. Don’t come any closer.”
Two bodyguards stood in front of the door to the private room. They threatened Thomas as theyreached out their hands to push him away.
Bang! Bang!
However, before their hands reached Thomas, Thomas sent them flying with a punch each. The twobodyguards’ bodies rammed into the door of the private room, forcing it open.
The two bodyguards lay on the floor, their eyes filled with despair as blood spurted out of their mouths.In an instant, their eyes rolled back, and they took their last breaths.
Tigre was drinking with the people in the private room when he saw the two bodyguards being flunginside. He was instantly startled.
“Do you have a death wish, kid?” Tigre spat viciously as Thomas walked in.
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