In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System
Chapter 62 - Red-haired Emo Boi

The three of them looked at the red-haired emo-looking boy with black paint around his eyes. He also had the word "love" on his forehead. Naruto immediately got a very good prank that he remembered Akihiko used to do.

He pointed at Gaara and shouted at him, "Hey! Do you know Candice?" ​​

Sasuke just deadpanned and looked at Naruto with a face that said, "Are you fucking serious?"

Sakura didn't know anything about this joke as she hasn't heard anyone say this before.

"Huh?" Gaara turned around to look at Naruto as he was slightly confused.

"Can Deez Nuts fit in your mouth? Gotcha." Naruto exclaimed as he pumped his fist.

Even though Sasuke already anticipated it, it was still funny for him. He let out a burst of small laughter and so did everyone else, except Gaara.

Gaara glared at everyone and he said in a low voice.

"Shut up. I'll kill you."

Temari, Kankuro, and Sakura closed their mouths. However, Sasuke just snorted and crossed his arms thinking about cookies.

Gaara glared at Sasuke before Naruto asked him a question.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. He's Sasuke Uchiha. She's Sakura Haruno. What about you, red-haired emo boy?" Naruto created a nickname right on the spot.

"Gaara of the Desert." Gaara just replied as he signaled Kankuro and Temari to follow him. They all disappeared from the street as they used body flicker.

"Heh. Naruto. We should be able to have some fun." Sasuke said as Naruto also smiled.

There were three ninjas watching this scene from the top,

"There's nothing we should keep our eyes on. They are all just little kids."

Then, they just carried out their daily routine.


[At night]

"Akihiko, why is my body becoming stronger?" Ayame asked as she was curious about it.

"I think it was because of my semen and the Fountain of Youth." Akihiko answered.

"Fountain of Youth?" Ayame asked and Kushina answered her.

"It increases our lifespan by 100 years if we drink just a drop of it. Akihiko gave it to every member of the family except for Ino and Hinata since they are still small in their body. Also, dear, is the semen thing true?"

"Yes. My body fluids have healing properties and my semen adds strength to others." Akihiko turned his head away as it was a very strange ability of his semen.

"Oh. MIKOTO! IZUMI! YUGAO! ANKO! PAKURA! I have news." Kushina shouted and after a minute, everyone gathered around.

After that, Kushina explained it to them excitedly.

"What? I didn't even notice my strength increasing. Maybe it is because I don't use taijutsu often." Pakura said as she punched the air.

"Oh, that's why I became faster in my reaction time and kenjutsu moves." Yugao smiled.

"Wait. I just knew that my weight decreased a bit. I didn't even notice my strength increasing." Anko said as she punched the wall without using chakra.

The wall had a large hole in the place where Anko punched.

"Wow. I was wondering why others are telling me that my punches hurt." Anko exclaimed.

"*sigh* Anko, we must repair the wall again." Mikoto sighed.

"Hehehe, sorry." Anko said as she rubbed her head.

Mikoto just shook her head and then looked at Akihiko.

"Then, do you want to increase our strength even more, darling?"

"Of course. Let's go. I will make you stronger than all the Kages combined." Akihiko shouted.

They were very energetic that night.


[The next day]

"Neji, Kakashi-sensei's team will also be participating this year." Lee told Neji as he did 50 one-handed handstand push-ups.

"Yeah, but we will win first place. We were trained by Guy-sensei after all. And also, being thrashed around by Akihiko." Ten Ten said as she threw her shurikens towards the targets on the tree.

"It was building our battle experience. Guy-sensei and Akihiko both planned it all out for us. As expected of Guy-sensei and Akihiko." Lee said as tears flowed out of his eyes.

"Hm, I feel sorry for them." Neji said as he was meditating under the tree.


Naruto and Sasuke left the Uchiha Compound at 7.00 a.m and went to meet with Sakura and Kakashi.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, here's your applications." Kakashi said as he handed them three pieces of paper.

"Don't lose them. Or else you won't be able to participate in the exam." Kakashi said as the three nodded.

"Good luck Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura. Try your best." Kakashi said but in his mind, he thought, 'Fuck, I don't know whether I should be happy if they pass the first and second test. If they pass it, as their teacher, I'm happy but Akihiko's bet is making me hesitate.'

"Thank you, Kakashi-sensei."x3

"Alright, go quick. Or else, you guys will be late."

The trio nodded and dashed away from the scene and ran towards the Hall where the first test will be held.


Meanwhile, in the Uchiha Household, Akihiko was in the kitchen with Kushina. Mikoto, Izumi, Yugao, Anko, Pakura, Ayame and Haku were all still asleep.

"Sasuke and Naruto will be fine right?"

"Of course. I am sure that they can beat every participant easily. Even if something happened, I will be there to protect them." Akihiko said as he looked up the ceiling.

"Hmm. If you say so. Oh, right. Akihiko, someone wants to meet you." Kushina said as she suddenly sat upright on the bed.

This also made Akihiko look at her.

"Come on, meditate with me."

Akihiko sat down and meditated as he got sucked into a white room.

"Hmph! Human, you finally brought him." "Kurama" said haughtily.

"Of course. We are friends now, aren't we?" Kushina said as she smiled brightly.

"F-friends? I-I don't need such things as friends. B-but if you insist so, I shall accept. B-be proud that you are the strongest Tailed Beast's friend." "Kurama" said as she looked away.

"Alright. Then, since we are friends now, let's introduce each other again. I'm Kushina Uzumaki and I like Akihiko and Salt Ramen."

"I'm Kurumi, the strongest tailed beast. I won't tell you what I like." Kurumi replied.

'Huh? Wot the fok? Kurumi?' Akihiko thought inside his mind but kept a straight face outside.

"Haha, you think I won't know, Kurumi. You like Akihiko's jizz." Kushina just snitched on Kurumi.

"W-what are you talking about?" Kurumi replied.


"I already know who you are from Kushina. Can you tell me about the old man you met in your dreams?" Kurumi asked as Akihiko nodded.

Akihiko then proceeded to describe how Hagoromo came into his dream and described his appearance properly.

As Kurumi heard about it more, she was sure that it was Hagoromo. And he wouldn't do things without a reason. So, she decided to fully trust Akihiko and Kushina since Hagoromo's existence wasn't something humans should have knowledge of.

"Ah shit, let's talk again next time. The time limit is up." Kurumi said as Akihiko and Kushina disappeared from the inner mindscape.

"I'm lonely again. But a friend huh? Wait, I forgot to ask Kushina to free me from the cage. Maybe next time." Kurumi talked to herself as she was alone once more.


Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura walked inside the hall as they saw lots and lots of genins in front of the door to the test site.

They heard someone fall down and all of them walked in front. They saw two genins blocking the entrance and someone with bushy brows on the ground.

"Hey, move it. We are going to the third floor." Sasuke said as he just walked by with his hands in his pocket.

"Haha, you found out huh? But all you did was notice it." The genins said and launched themselves towards Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

Lee also saw this and dashed forward to block the attack but he saw Naruto and Sasuke both grabbing the two genins by their leg and smashing them down the floor.

'Akihiko style: Break the Floor and Bones.' Naruto and Sasuke thought as they slammed the body.

"Hmm? Why are you here?" Naruto asked as he looked at Lee.

'He had enough time to move between the gap. Although, he didn't have to do anything since Naruto and Sasuke defeated the other two. He is still different from the one who just before got thrown on the ground.' Sakura had an inner monologue as Lee looked at Sakura.

"Haha, I'm Rock Lee. Although I still don't know your name, let's go out together." Lee confessed to Sakura but got brutally rejected without a single thought.


Neji on the other hand asked Naruto and Sasuke.

"Who are you?"

"Sasuke Uchiha."

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"Neji Hyuga."

They all just told their name and nothing else. After that, Neji and Tenten went upstairs.

Lee came towards Sasuke and Naruto and just said, "I hope we can spar if we have time." and walked upstairs.

Team 7 also followed them upstairs. They entered the room and saw many genins together with some familiar faces.

Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari.

Just as they were looking around, they were approached by a man with round glasses.

"Hey, do you guys need any information on the participants?"


"Are you sure? These are really good."


"These are very helpful-"


Just as they were talking, they were approached by a group of genins from the Hidden Sound.

They dashed forward and attacked Kabuto and Team 7. However, Naruto and Sasuke just easily dodged the two while Kabuto got his glasses broken.

Just then, the examiner arrived with an army of helping examiners.

"Thanks for waiting. I'm Ibiki Morino. The guys from the Hidden Sound, do you guys want to fail already?"

"No, we just got a bit carried away."

"Now is a good time to say this. There will be no fighting without the examiner's permission. Killing will not be tolerated even if you were given permission to fight. Pigs who disobey will be disqualified, do I make myself clear?"


"Good. Now we will start the first test.The first test will be a written test. There will only be 10 questions and 4 rules.

#1: If you correctly answered all the questions, you will keep the 10 points. If you are wrong in 3 questions, you will lose 3 points and have 7 points left.

#2: This is a team test. So each team will compete to see how many points they can hold from the initial 30 points.

#3: Participants who are caught cheating will have 2 points subtracted for every offense. Those who lost all their points will have to leave the test.

#4: The team that has one participant who gets disqualified with the loss of points will immediately fail the other two participants too.

Now, let's start."

The smart ones started to answer the questions while the others were waiting to cheat without anyone knowing.

Sasuke used his Sharingan to copy other's hand movements. Hinata used her byakugan to see through the body and look at the answers. Neji also used the same trick as Hinata. Shino used his insects to look for answers while Kiba had Akamaru to tell him the answers. Sakura answered it on her own. Ino used Mind Transfer to transfer herself into Sakura and copied all the answers.

Gaara used his Sand Eye, the Sound Ninjas used the sound of the pencil stroke to determine the answer.

It was already 45 minutes into the test and only 2/3 of the original amount of participants were left in the room.

"For the 10th question, you will have to choose whether you will answer it or not."

"What if we choose not to." Temari asked.

"If you choose not to, you lose all the points and your teammates will also lose their points. Also, if you choose to answer the question but got the question wrong, you will be banned from ever having a chunin test again. If you do not want to, raise your hand. After your number is confirmed, you can leave."

Hearing that, everyone fell silent and more and more genins raised their hands.

"I-I won't take it. "

"Number 50 fail. Number 111 fail, Number 121 fail."

"I'm sorry. I won't take it."

"Number 96 fail, Number 123 fail, Number 156 fail."

Lots of genins exited the hall, leaving only a small amount of genins.

"Hmm, anyone else?"

Everyone shook their head and Ibiki smiled,

"Congratulations to the 78 who remained, you all passed the first test."

"T-Then are all the other 9 questions pointless?" A genin shouted.

"No. It is for information gathering. First, the rules are explained to put pressure on the participants. However, the questions were not something that a genin can answer so the main premise of the test is to cheat. As for cheating targets, we have two or so chunins in the test who knew the answers."

"Gathering information is sometimes more important than life. In the battlefield, people will do anything for information." Ibiki said as he took off his headband that covered his entire head that showed scars, burns and even holes.

Ibiki continued explaining about it before someone broke through the windows.

[a/n: I don't want to write anymore. I'm sleepy.]

'Oh shit, not her.'




This chapter is more like an information dump. Sorry about that.

I won't do it next chapter though.

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