In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System
Chapter 64 - Pedomaru Got Yeeted By Mil-tan

"Then, let's dance." Sasuke said copying Akihiko who copied from Madara.

"Dance? No, we're going to fight." Orochimaru replied as he licked the kunai with his tongue and he looked at Sasuke and Sakura with killing intent. ​​

Sakura and Sasuke saw their lives flashing right in front of their face and Sakura fell down in horror. Although she trained with Akihiko, it was still only a month.

Sasuke on the other hand was more resilient since the training Akihiko let him and Naruto did were extremely hard, requiring strong mental power. Akihiko gave them this training to both make them stronger and also not to have them fall into the path of hatred easily.

'This…. this is not genjutsu. The killing intent in his eyes is making me see death.' Sasuke thought as he called out Sakura.

'I can win against him as long as Naruto is here.' Sasuke thought as he prepared some kunais to make time for Naruto to arrive with the ITTTOU seal.

"Sakura, hide quickly when the time is right." Sasuke whispered as he threw two kunais attached with a Nice Smoke bomb seal which was also made by Akihiko.

"Hoho, do you think those will affect me?" Orochimaru grinned as he dodged them easily.

"No. Katsu." Sasuke shouted making the two seals explode. Lots of smoke covered the area around Orochimaru and it gave time for Sasuke and Sakura to escape for a while.

Orochimaru just smirked as he became a snake to bite Sasuke. Sasuke who was focused on Orochimaru didn't notice the snake which was slowly creeping near him.

"Ssssss" The snake launched himself towards Sasuke and Sasuke quickly turned around. However, the snake was killed by a barrage of kunais and shurikens by a yellow-haired genin.

"Yo, Sasuke. You shouldn't let your guard down."

Sasuke smiled as he replied, "Where were you anyway?"

"Oh, I was-"

Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura turned around to see Orochimaru standing up from the carcass of the second snake that Naruto just killed.


[5 minutes earlier]

"Oh, did I get lost again?" Naruto asked and he wondered who taught him this legendary skill of getting lost.

He turned around to see a snake slithering towards him.


"Oh. ssssssssssssssssss" Naruto replied as he mimicked the snake's movement.



However, the snake suddenly swallowed Naruto and Naruto just deadpanned inside.

"Bad snake. I was trying to communicate with you."

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu." Naruto muttered as the snake exploded into bits and pieces.

"Hmm, I could have found a better way but whatever." Naruto replied as he then heard some noises of fighting on the east side of him.

He quickly ran towards where he heard the noise.


[Back to the present]

"You shouldn't be relaxing even for a moment." Orochimaru said as he grinned again.

"No, you." Naruto replied as he threw dozens of kunais and shurikens simultaneously.

"Naruto, why are you always acting before thinking." Sasuke replied as he unsheathed his katana and smiled wryly.

"I don't know." Naruto replied as he continued throwing kunais and shurikens towards Orochimaru.

Sakura also joined in and started throwing kunais and shurikens.

Orochimaru dodged most of the earlier kunais by using his snake-like features and use them to bend or elongate his body parts. However, since Sakura and Naruto continued throwing weapons at him, he just decided to kill the three of them and then take Sasuke's sharingan and body.

He bit his thumb and touched a seal on his left arm as he muttered, "Summoning Jutsu."

A large snake got summoned as Orochimaru stood on top of its head.

"Oh shit, I also want a summon like this. Naruto, let's go." Sasuke shouted as he activated his three tomoe sharingan and dashed towards the snake to kill it.

Naruto also smiled as he used Multi-Shadow Clone and created over 200 Clones. He could create more clones since he trained his chakra control and body.

We could now see over 200 Narutos, Sasuke and Sakura fighting against the large snake and Orochimaru.

Sakura attacked Orochimaru using her weapons while Naruto and Sasuke tried to kill the snake.

The snake used its tail to smash around places where the trio was but they all dodged. The tail created shockwaves but Naruto and Sasuke continued slashing the snake using their kunai and katana.

After 10 minutes, we could now see Sasuke and Naruto with dust and bruises all over the body from the dust that the snake created. The snake had a few hundred cuts but it was still strong.

Sasuke didn't care and continued slashing with all of his might. Naruto on the hand just became annoyed that his cuts are not doing any damage.

In his mind, he felt something click together as his eyes formed a slit and some canine formed on his teeth.

"Hey snakey, you can go eat shit now." Naruto jumped and punched the snake's nose, slamming the snake against the ground.


The snake's nose became dented and the snake disappeared.

'Those eyes. Sharingan and the Nine-Tails. I hit the jackpot.' Orochimaru thought as he unsummoned the summoning.

However, he felt a shiver run throughout his body and he felt like someone would come and torture him if he laid a hand on the two. However, he paid no heed to the feeling.

"Oi, Naruto. How did you become that strong?" Sasuke asked as he retreated back to not get damaged from the shockwave.

"I don't know. I remember that mom once told me about a fox baby inside me." Naruto replied mixing some things up making his inner Kurama growl, being called a baby.

Orochimaru started his monologue, "My name is Orochimaru. If you want to kill your brother, replace me. Of course, that's if you survive this test and the sound ninjas." and his neck suddenly elongated to bite Sasuke.

"Sasuke, dodge." Sakura shouted as she threw a kunai straight towards Sasuke's head.

Sasuke ducked and the kunai hit Orochimaru's neck which was trying to bite Sasuke.

Orochimaru's neck returned back to its original shape as it was about to attack again. However, he felt himself getting tied up and pulled backward extremely fast.


[5 mins earlier]

Anko and other chunins found out that there were many corpses without any face. Anko who saw the mark remembered Orochimaru.

"Go and report this to the Hokage. Also, ask the Hokage to send some help. I'm going in now." Anko said as she dashed in. She still had some grievances with Orochimaru.

Hiruzen received the report and quickly ordered the Anbu captains to go and help Anko.

Akihiko on the other hand just teleported to where Anko was.

"Hey, Anko."

"Ahhh! Akihiko, you scared me." Anko suddenly shouted as Akihiko appeared beside her.

"Don't worry about Orochimaru, I have some business with him."

"Business? Don't tell me you are going to collaborate with Orochimaru?" Anko asked.

"Collaborate? I am just going to give him some mental trauma." Akihiko replied as he transformed into Mil-tan.

"Wot the fok?" Anko was stupefied.

Akihiko immediately dashed towards where Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were, silently. He had his seals on them and he could always sense their location. After 30 seconds, he finally arrived there.

Akihiko saw Orochimaru trying to bite Sasuke in the neck. However, Sakura saw this and threw some kunais towards Orochimaru.

Akihiko saw that Orochimaru was about to try it the second time so he just took out a rope and immediately threw it towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was tied up and Akihiko was very happy that his bondage mastery works very nicely.

He pulled Orochimaru backward and just yeeted him with all of his strength, throwing Orochimaru out of Konoha. It would take at least 4 days for Orochimaru to get back into Konoha.

Before being yeeted, Orochimaru saw Akihiko in his Mil-tan appearance. He immediately turned away from such an abomination.

Akihiko just transformed back into his original appearance as he walked towards Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura.

"Who's there?"x3


"Batman my ass. How did you even get here, Akihiko." Sasuke retorted as he finally saw Akihiko with his Sharingan's enhanced vision.

"Oh because of Orochimaru. He's a dangerous guy. Anyways, you can continue your test." Akihiko said as he teleported towards Anko.

"Hey, Anko. Orochimaru escaped. He is a very slick snake." Akihiko said as he closed his eyes.

"*sigh* Alright, but how can he escape from you?" Anko asked again.

"He has many methods. Anyways, I think you should go to the tower now. There might be some people there already."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding." Anko said as she kissed Akihiko in the lips for a second.

"Bye." Akihiko disappeared after that.


The teams, Team 7, Team 8, Team Guy all slept on top of the trees. Team 10 and Team Gaara were already at the tower. They both got their Heaven scroll after their first fight.

The next day, the Sound Ninjas attacked Team 7, however since Naruto and Sasuke were both up, they easily beat the ninjas.

"Heh, he should be in a short coma right now, after Lord Orochimaru put the seal on him." The poisoned sound ninja who didn't know that his body was slowly damaging itself said as he smirked.

"Let's attack."

They all dashed forward but what met their faces were Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura fully waiting for them.

"Let's take on one each. They should at least be weakened."

The three split up and Naruto easily took care with his Shadow Clones and Akihiko style: Pummeling Fist Jutsu. (Made Up)

The ninja who was fighting with Sasuke suddenly threw handsigns,

"Katon: *Cough*"

He suddenly spat out blood and fell down.

Sasuke didn't let go of the opportunity as he just knocked the guy out.

Sakura on the other hand used the Discombobulate method.

The female ninja slashed her kunai.

Sakura dodged and quickly moved her hand taking out a white handkerchief. The female ninja just threw a jab.

'Quickly block her line of sight. Then block the jab. Punch her left cheek. Then. Discombobulate.'

Sakura moved just like she thought and the female ninja's face fat was rippling.

The female ninja let go of the kunai but she threw a jab.

'Employ elbow block. Then, a punch to the gut. Then, dislocate the jaw. A jab to the solar plexus. A kick to the diaphragm. And last but not least, spit on her.'

Naruto and Sasuke clapped their hands as they were sitting down with their Earth Scroll on their lap. Now, since they had both the Heaven and Earth scroll, the test is over.

"Nice, Sakura-chan." Naruto sent out a thumbs up.

"Mm. Good." Sasuke didn't say much as he was prepared to run towards the tower and finish the test as soon as possible.

They all then dashed towards the Tower. One the way, Sasuke also accidentally helped a red-haired Uzumaki.

[a/n: Yeah, some of you might not like it but dis my choice. No further comments.]


Hinata was now fighting a group of genin who had the Heaven Scroll. The three ganged up on Hinata but Hinata just hit all of their body's acupuncture points, completely immobilizing them.

"Umu, Heaven Scroll getto."

Hinata cutely nodded as she took the Heaven Scroll.

"Hehe, I can meet Akihiko now."

She went back to meet her team as they also started heading towards the Tower.


[2 Hours Later]

"Haha, we finally arrived here." Naruto shouted as he laughed happily.

"Yeah, let's go and ask for cookies when we arrive home." Sasuke said with a longing expression.

"C-can I come and eat some too?" Sakura asked as Naruto and Sasuke agreed.

They entered a room, as there was a large scroll where Hiruzen wrote a motto with missing words.

"I think we should open the scroll." Sasuke said as they all opened the scroll.

"Naruto, throw it away, This is a summoning scroll."

Naruto threw it away as smoke came out of the scroll.

They saw a chunin with a red headband and tanned skin looking at them sideways and dancing.

Yes, it was Kagami Sentarou, Ricardo of Konoha.

"Oh, ya passed the test. Congratulations. Now, go to the main hall."


In the main hall, 7 teams could be found. There was also Hiruzen, Anko, Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Guy, Ibiki and many others.

"Before telling what the third test is, I have to tell about the true reasons for this exam blah blah."

Hiruzen then started talking about the substitution of war and something.

"Now, as for the third test, I will just have the examiner explain about it."

Just as Hiruzen said it everyone became quiet. They slowly heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Temari, Kankuro, Lee, Neji, TenTen, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Shino were surprised as the person walked in.

"Ah, sorry Lord Hokage. I was busy running my shop." Akihiko said as he laughed and rubbed his head.

'Busy my ass. You were most likely sipping tea and eating cookies while having your employee do work.' Hiruzen thought as his mouth twitched a little.

"So yeah. Basically, anyone who wants to quit can quit now." Akihiko said as he took out a cookie from his pocket.

'Haah, that's just like him.'x14

Everyone who knew Akihiko personally just sighed silently.

"So, anyone?"

"Yes, I would like to quit." Kabuto said as he adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.

"Alright, Mr. Glasses from Leaf Village. You look like a right-hand man who works for an evil scientist." Akihiko laughed when he said the last part.

Kabuto tensed up a bit and Orochimaru wasn't there. He was yeeted out of Konoha by Akihiko.

"So anyone else?"


"If there is no one. let's just start the fucking preliminary already. The ones who win will pass to the third round. You can see the matches from the screen up there. Got it?"

Everyone nodded as Akihiko just sighed and muttered.

"What a fucking boring job."

Everyone in the arena heard him and they all twitched their mouths.

[a/n: Akihiko is deliberately acting like that. For what? He already said it. He's bored. He wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for his plans. No further comments.]




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