[a/n: This is the 69th Chapter. So.... power stones please.]

The first match started as Neji just started a conversation with Naruto. ​​

"With my eyes, I can see your defeat." Neji said as he activated the byakugan.

"Neji, did you eat shit for your breakfast? I can see you spewing out bullshit." Naruto replied as he picked his ears.

"Hmph!" Neji snorted as he dashed forward to where Naruto was.

'Hmm, I should just take it easy.' Naruto thought as he created two shadow clones.

*Poof* *Poof*

Seeing Naruto create shadow clones, the ninjas in the audience were surprised.

Naruto currently just dodged Neji as he kicked Neji in the stomach. However, the attack was blocked and Neji just got kicked two times from the back from Naruto's clones.

Neji started barraging attacks on the two clones and OG Naruto, however, all three of them just blocked every strike.

Naruto then just returned all the attacks but Neji used Heavenly Spin as he deflected all the attacks and Naruto's shadow clones disappeared.

"I told you, it's your fa- destiny that you will lose today." Neji used some wordplay as Naruto just smirked.

Naruto started stretching and just replied, "Ahh, I should stop playing around now."

Everyone in the audience thought that Naruto was just bluffing and some started yelling, "MAD CAP!"

Naruto dashed forward as Neji was prepared to defend the attack. However, Naruto's speed was too fast for Neji's eyes to notice as Neji got his nose caved in by Naruto's punch.

Neji flew backward at high speed and crashed into the wall of the arena. The crowd went silent for a moment but they then cheered at loud noises.

Akihiko checked Neji's pulse as he announced Naruto's win.

The Daimyo was not happy with the result as he lost lots of money.

"Second Match: Ino Yamanaka vs Baba Tunde."

The match was extremely quick as Baba Tunde didn't even get to drink his water. Ino controlled Baba Tunde and just forfeited.

"Winner: Ino Yamanaka."

"Third Match: Temari vs Shikamaru Nara."

Temari and Shikamaru fought for a quite a while and then Shikamaru just forfeited saying one match is enough for him and that he lost all his chakra.

Choji just munched on his potato chips and everyone else was shocked.

"Winner, Temari."

"Fourth Match: Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara"

Sasuke who wore all black clothes as he was influenced by Akihiko came out to the stage as Gaara clutched his head and went forward.

"Mom, I'm sorry I called you a monster yesterday. I-I will feed you delicious blood so please don't be mad."

Sasuke just stood there as he activated his sharingan.

"Match Start." Akihiko said as he prepared all of his plans for the attack of Orochimaru.

Sasuke dashed out at the speed faster than Lee without his weights and kicked Gaara before slashing his katana.

Gaara blocked it with his sand but he was late and he crashed to the wall. Sasuke didn't give any chance as he dashed forward and punched Gaara in the face.

Gaara's sand armour cracked as Sasuke just pulled Gaara's collar and slammed him into the ground.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

Sasuke then threw Gaara away as Gaara fell on the floor like a doll. He stood up again and this time he covered his entire body with a sand dome as he used Third Eye to look at Sasuke from above.

At that moment, Sasuke smirked as he decided to use what Kakashi taught him while Akihiko was gone.

He concentrated his chakra on his right hand as lightning sparks started to appear in his hand.

Sounds of birds chirping rang throughout the stadium as Sasuke finished preparing the jutsu.


Sasuke muttered as he dashed forward and plunged his hand into the sand dome.

Everyone was shocked but a group of people were prepared to use genjutsu.

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! BLOOOD! MY BLOOOOOD!!!!" Gaara yelled as Sasuke took out his hand from the sand dome by force, leaving some injuries on his hand.

At that moment, the group of people used Genjutsu as almost everyone in the stadium fell asleep. Only Kushina, Mikoto, Izumi, Yugao, Anko, Pakura, Haku, Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hiruzen were awake.

Three large snakes were summoned outside the wall of Konoha as they tried to enter the wall. However, the snakes all had severe wounds all over their bodies. They looked like they were about to die and then as they were moving, they just fell down and died.

Orochimaru had Kabuto disguised as the Kazekage and try to stall Hiruzen for as long as possible while he will go and make Sasuke join him. If he didn't, he already preparations to kill Sasuke.

Kabuto took off his skin disguise and he still had the Transformation Jutsu on as he had to act like Orochimaru.

"Long time no see, Sarutobi-sensei."


The Sound Four created a barrier around Hiruzen and Kabuto to make the act more believable. They would follow Orochimaru's order, whatever it was. They thought that it was a bit stupid to trade lots of people for a single kid.

"Everyone, I will go and kill Orochimaru. I have to get revenge for everything he did." Anko said with anger in her voice as everyone just shook their head.

"Are you kidding, Anko? We are a family. We should help you." Kushina said as she asked Kurumi to lend some chakra to her. She was about to use her Strong Fist to bash open the barrier and everyone else was going to attack. They asked Pakura, Haku and Ayame to stay here as Pakura and Haku had to stay low-key while Ayame was just a civilian.

The five of them jumped from roof to roof as they arrived on the Central Tower Rooftop. The Sound Four, Jirobo, Kidomaru, Tayuya, Sakon and Ukon were waiting for the five of them.

"Hey, Anko. I will go and break the seal." Kushina said as she dashed towards the seal.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Jirobo said as he blocked Kushina's way. Kushina just used Strong Fist and punched Jiribo out of Konoha.

The other three now became alert tried to attack Kushina. However, they were blocked by Mikoto, Izumi, Yugao and Anko.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tayuya spoke.

"Hmm? We are going to kill you." Anko replied as she dashed forward.

Izumi and Mikoto used their sharingan and put Kidomaru and Tayuya into a genjutsu and just killed them with their katana. Both of them didn't even have the chance to use their Curse Seal.

Sakon and Ukon on the other hand had a more miserable death. He was slashed by Yugao multiple times and Anko turned her hands into multiple snakes and bit Sakon and Ukon.

"Just you wait, this is not even my final form!!!!" Sakon and Ukon both shouted as the curse mark started to affect them and change them.

However, Anko and Yugao just slashed both of their head and killed them easily while saying, "Only idiots will wait for an enemy to power up."

Kushina finished breaking the seal and Kabuto now surrounded by Kushina, Mikoto, Izumi, Yugao, Anko just decided to break off his transformation as he saw that Orochimaru already reached Sasuke.

"What? Where is Orochimaru?!" Anko yelled as Kabuto just smirked.

"Turn around."

However, Kushina didn't buy any of that bullshit as she just punched Kabuto straight to the ground using Strong Fist to strengthen her already strong physical strength. Kabuto's skull was bashed in and the ground beneath him cracked open.

"Oh, it seems I don't have to do anything." Hiruzen said. However, both of them immediately turned around as they heard everyone yell. "AKIHIKO!!!!!"

Hiruzen just muttered to himself, "Hiraishin no Jutsu."

All 5 of them just dashed towards Akihiko who was in the stadium as fast as they could.


Naruto and Sasuke were talking and they didn't notice Orochimaru approaching from behind.

"Sasuke-kun, will you join me as my subordinate?" Orochimaru asked as his long tongue came out.


Naruto and Sasuke both turned around as they glared at him. They recognized him due to the long tongue.

"No. I will kill you, right here right now." Sasuke activated his sharingan as he took out his katana.

"Oh ho, is that so? Then, I don't have a choice but to kill you." Orochimaru said as he dashed as fast as he could with his nails sharpened, ready to pierce Sasuke's heart.

Both Sasuke and Naruto saw it but their bodies were not fast enough to block it. Pakura, Haku, Ayame all shouted and tried to go there as Kakashi and Guy already moved.

However, faster than both of them, Akihiko arrived there with his Hiraishin no Jutsu right before the hand pierces Sasuke.

*Insert Bloody Pierced Chest Noise*


Akihiko coughed blood as Orochimaru's hand pierced Akihiko's chest. Akihiko fell limp as blood flowed out of his mouth and chest.

Sasuke and Naruto both were too shocked at this and couldn't handle the information.

"A-a-akihiko, you're joking right? You told us that you're very strong. YOU CAN'T DIE!!!" Naruto yelled as his voice cracked as tears came out of his eyes.

Sasuke was having flashbacks about how he first met Akihiko, how they first trained, how they became close, how Akihiko gave them cookies, how Akihiko became part of the family, how Akihiko taught him many things and even got summoning contracts for him.

He felt sadness and extreme rage as tears fell down his eyes. His eyes were spinning as he gritted his teeth.

People in the audience and who were fighting were also not okay. Kakashi was first surprised by how Akihiko used Hiraishin but then he just stood there as the kunais that he held in his hands fell down.

He immediately ran towards Akihiko as Guy who was beside him just yelled as he arrived to the center.


Pakura, Haku, Ayame, Ino and Hinata were too shocked that they even forgot to move. They were just standing there with blank expressions as they felt that the world was falling apart. Ino and Hinata fainted as they were grabbed by Haku.

Ayame awakened purple Sharingan as Teuchi who was in the shop just sighed as he sensed that the seal broke.

"H-hey, this is a joke right?" Pakura asked as Ayame also was in denial.

"Y-yeah, Akihiko must be playing a joke. He is strong after all. He won't die. Hahahaha." Ayame said as she tried to comfort herself but it was to no prevail.

Kushina, Mikoto, Izumi, Yugao and Anko arrived near the three of them as Kurumi just contacted Kushina from inside.

"Hey, Kushina. Don't worry. Your man is not dead. There is still a small lifeforce in him."

"Then, we can still save him, right?"

"Yes, if you hurry and maybe have lots of healers on your side."

Mikoto awakened her Mangekyou Sharingan and she just stood there as the information was filling her head.

Kushina tried to tell them that they could still save Akihiko if they can replace someone to heal him. However, only Yugao and Anko heard it as the others were still too shocked.

"Let's go and grab some healers. Quick!" Kushina said seriously as Kushina, Yugao and Anko ran quickly towards the hospital leaving the area for Kakashi and Guy.

Naruto was currently feeling too angry as red chakra started to pour out. Akihiko who was faking his death, sensed it as Orochimaru tried to pull his hand out.

Guy and Kakashi wanted Akihiko's death to be for naught and they both jumped and tried to kick Orochimaru.

However, both of them were shocked midway as Akihiko just pulled Orochimaru's hand out and then slammed him to the ground.

Akihiko coughed more blood and just turned towards Sasuke and Naruto.

"Oi, I won't *cough* die that easily." Akihiko acted like he had a serious injury while in reality, he was trying to delay the instant heal as much as possible, making his injury heal slowly and slowly. He made a Might Guy pose and turned towards Sasuke and Naruto.

"A-Akihiko?" x10

Mikoto, Izumi, Pakura, Haku and Ayame who all broke out of their trance ran towards Akihiko. They surrounded Akihiko as Naruto, Sasuke and Kurenai were also a part of the circle.

"Ehe, this is just a scratch," Akihiko said as he smiled.

"Ehe te nandayo. Why are you so reckless?! What am I going to do if you were to die? Are you going to leave me alone like that?" Kurenai yelled as she hit Akihiko's chest.


"K-kurenai, stop. You're going to be the one who killed him at this rate." Kakashi said as he coughed. Being single in this kind of situation was making him annoyed for some reason.

"Y-you, you idiot!!!" Izumi yelled with tears in her eyes as she hugged Akihiko.

Mikoto, Pakura and Ayame all also hugged Akihiko as Kakashi and Guy were feeling more and more awkward.

Kurenai also couldn't wait and hugged Akihiko.

Meanwhile, Akihiko was feeling blissful as his body was touched by their breasts.

Orochimaru who stood up again after being slammed by Akihiko coughed blood as he saw the scene.

'I'm here to kill you guys and you are having fun like that? Do you think this is a rom-com?'

Orochimaru yelled out.

"I'll - ...."




Sorry for the cliff.

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