In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System
Chapter 84 - The Day Finally Ended

[a/n: Type "E" in paragraph comment.]

Also, want an extra chapter? ​​

Whatever you do, I won't upload an extra chapter.

So yeah, wait for tomorrow.



"What do you want, Sakura-chan? Why didn't you visit me in the last 3 years? Did you forget your teacher?" Akihiko said as he patted her head.

"I didn't. I was just busy learning healing techniques from Tsunade-sensei."

"Busy? Kakashi-san told me that he saw you shopping for hours in the weekends. That was a really tiring job, right?" Akihiko said as Sakura's eyes darted away.

"Shopping is an essential part of a woman's life. No one can change it." Ino joined in.

"That's right, Akihiko. Shopping is extremely important."

"And Sakura, you shouldn't forget to visit Akihiko. He's good at everything." Hinata added and then whispered the last part.

"You might get free cookies."

"Alright. You successfully convinced me." Sakura said with a serious face as Ino then smiled as Sakura will now fall deeper into the trap.

"Then, how about the three of us go together and visit Akihiko?"

"Sure." Hinata said as Sakura also had to agree.


"Then bye, I will have to go back home now." Ino said as she waved goodbye to everyone.

Then, they all went on their own paths.

Sakura at her home was trying to replace a good-looking dress for tomorrow. After all, she was going to visit her "sensei", she needs to dress properly.

There are definitely no other intentions.



"Sasuke, let's compare our strongest jutsu!" Naruto said as Sasuke grinned, full of confidence.

"Sure. You can go first." Sasuke said as Naruto yelled out loudly that could rival Goku's yelling.




Well, he just created a Rasengan as large as he could as he smashed it against the trees.

The trees were obliterated as almost all of the trees 1m around were damaged or destroyed.


"Hahahahaha!" Sasuke laughed out loud as he held his belly. Tears even came out of his eyes.

"You yelled like you got constipation for a month but the power is just this. Hahahahaha!"

"Oi, don't laugh. I bet you can't do something much stronger!" Naruto said as Sasuke looked at him saying, "Really?"

"Watch this. Akihiko taught me this while you were on your journey."

"Lightning Release: Dragon's Descend."

Sasuke spitted out a fireball to the sky as a few seconds later, a dragon head emerged.

It came down to the ground at the speed of lightning and hit the ground.

A large area was destroyed as Naruto was looking at Sasuke with disbelief.

Sasuke patted his shoulders and said, "You shouldn't have gone on your journey. You would have been a lot stronger if you stayed here."

Naruto thought of his journey as he shook his head.

"My strength might be a bit low but I learned a lot of useful things during the journey. Pervy Sage is also a good guy, y'know. He's kind but not as kind as Akihiko, of course."

"I see."

"So, how's your relationship with Karin?" Naruto asked with a mischievous smile.

"W-what do you mean? We're just friends."

"Sasuke, move faster. You should know Akihiko's charm. She might get charmed by Akihiko."

"Now, let's go and meet Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon. I haven't met them for over 2 years now."

"Yeah, let's go." Sasuke said as they ran towards the trio's house.


Hanabi was back to her stalker mode as she was hiding behind a tree. However, she didn't even notice Hinata who decided to go around and check around the Uchiha Household.

Hinata knew what she was doing. After all, she was more experienced than Hanabi. She stalked Akihiko for years.

"Hanabi, you should move a little bit. Your place is too obvious." Hinata appeared behind her sister and whispered into her ears.

"Also, Akihiko hasn't returned home."

"Ah!" Hanabi jumped up in fright as she saw Hinata looking at her with a teasing smile.

Hinata had become really beautiful. She had back-length hair. She also wore a purple sleeveless shirt together with dark purple shorts.

"B-Big Sis, I was just trying to see what he does so that he doesn't trick you."

"Trick? Hanabi, you have been sneaking out of the house for 3 months now. You think that I wouldn't notice?" Hinata said as Hanabi panicked.

"Y-yeah, it is extremely important to not miss any details. I'm trying hard so that you would have a happy life, Big Sis."

"Hanabi, by details, do you mean his body details?" Hinata asked with a teasing smile as Hanabi blushed.

Hanabi remembered the usage of Byakugan to look through the wall.

"Don't worry, after all, Akihiko is extremely handsome and he also has an extremely good personality. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you joining too." Hinata said as Hanabi shouted.

"W-w-what are you talking about, Big Sis? Y-you idiot!"

"Haha, let's go and discuss further back in our home." Hinata said as Hanabi ran away.


Temari was currently already on her way to Konoha. She was grumbling.

"Why must I go to Konoha 3 months earlier? The chunin exam will start 3 months later. Who the hell prepares it 3 months earlier?"

But then an extremely familiar thought returned to her mind, 'But I can see him again.'

However, she quickly dispelled that thought.

'Fucker, always sabotaging my mind.'

A red chibi Temari appeared on her shoulder as she whispered into OG Temari's ear.

"He's a fucker alright. But who'll he fuck. He'll fuck you."

"Umu, that's r- That's fucking wrong!" Temari yelled as she dispelled the chibi version.

"Am I going crazy?"

The chibi however didn't go away and she returned.

"You'll go crazy if you don't fuck Akihiko."

"Shut up or I'll swallow you."

"The only thing you're swallowing is Akihiko's cum."

Temari then spent the whole journey arguing with her chibi version. The chibi never failed to add Akihiko into every sentence.


Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon were currently boasting in front of Naruto.

"Haha, Boss, we're already the same rank as you now."

"We've ascended, boss."

"Boss, we can easily defeat you now." Konohamaru said as Naruto looked at him.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you're a genin. We're 3 genins. 3 genins and easily overpower one genin. Right?" Konohamaru explained his logic as Sasuke bonked his head.


"That's not how it works, you idiot. Naruto is only a genin because he missed the chunin exams. If he didn't miss it, he would easily pass the test/"

"I see, boss."

"So, do you guys want to go and eat some ramen?" Naruto asked as the trio replied.

"No, we want cookies."

"I was trying to save the last 3 cookies for myself." Naruto stared at his cookies as he handed them to the trio.


"Thanks, boss."


Akihiko, Kushina, Mikoto, Izumi, Yugao, Anko, Pakura, Ayame, Haku and Kurenai were all currently smiling. They were watching the kids play with the three bears.

They haven't seen the bears since the babies were born. They said that they needed to go back to their natural habitat to progress and evolve. Now, they returned back.

They evolved into….




A cuter version of the bears. They became a bit chubbier. That was it.

The babies currently riding the bears as the bears looked at Akihiko with a face that says, "We're aren't getting paid enough for this."

Akihiko showed them 3 fingers as the three bears smiled. They decided that this work is extremely profitable. They were about to get 300 cookies for today.

They got to play with such cute babies while still getting to eat cookies. Loads and loads of cookies.

After an hour of walking around the house and acting as a mount for the kids, the three bears finally fell down on the ground as the babies now fell asleep.

"So, the three of you. What did you do the past 2 years?" Akihiko asked as Gurizu replied back lifelessly.

"We reclaimed our territory. It was easy to reclaim it with everything you taught. The restoration was too difficult and it took us a long time to build back the land for us Bears."

"And did you get any stronger?"

"Of course, we gained a new form. Gurizu, Panda, let's show everyone." They said as they walked out of the house into the training area.

Akihiko and all of his wives followed them as they waited for them to start.

"GRRRRRRRRRR" They all growled as they stood up on two legs.

Their body became larger and larger until they now looked scary and kinda cool.

Aisu became a really large polar bear with icicles underneath his mouth, Panda became larger and now looked badass as he had one bamboo leaf in his mouth. Gurizu also had more fur grown as he now had a yellow ring on his belly.

"What do you think about it, boss?" Panda asked as everyone snickered.

"P-Panda, your voice." Anko said as she clutched her belly. Izumi was already rolling on the ground laughing.

"My voice is normal!" Panda said in his normal cute form baby voice.

"Boss and Ladies, what do you think about this form?"

"It's nice."

"It looks pretty strong."

"Boss, look at this jutsu." Panda said as he stomped his right leg. Several bamboo shoots appeared a few meters away from him and they were extremely sharp.

"Hm, that looks pretty strong. Can you do other things too?"


"Boss, Look at mine." Gurizu said as he slammed his hands against each other and then slammed it down on the ground. The ground became extremely hot and fire busted out in a circle.

"Aisu." Aisu Bearu said as he launched an Ice Breath on the ground. It cooled down the flames.

"Wow, those are pretty strong. Why don't you spar with Akihiko?" Pakura dug a grave for the three of them.

The three bears immediately turned into their small form as they replied.

"We're still weak. We cannot fight against our Boss. I'm sorry." They all said as they just hopped on the stairs and ate cookies.

"Sasuke and Naruto haven't returned yet." Mikoto said as everyone decided to wait for them.

After one hour, Sasuke and Naruto finally returned. They sat on the ground as Sasuke announced.

"I'm leaving on a journey 3 days later."

"Why? Naruto just came back, why are you going again?" Mikoto asked her son as Sasuke just replied.

"I just want to explore the world. I don't have much experience with the outside world." Sasuke lied as naturally as he breathed.

"Send letters. Don't be like Naruto who sent one letter in every 9 months." Kushina said as Naruto rubbed his head and laughed.

They all talked and then slept as the day was finally finished.


They all talked and then slept as the day was finally finished. Akihiko also finally took in Naruto's chakra right before he slept.


[The next day]

Akihiko was woken up with a ding as he looked at the screen in front of him.

[Host has gained a new evolution of the Sharingan (Rinnegan)]

'Can I still use Mangekyou?'

[Yes host. The two versions can be switched at anytimes.]

'That's good.'


[Chakra Thief]

[Description: Yugito Nii = Cat, Matatabi = Cat, Yugito Nii+Matatabi = Cat, Everything is Cat]

[Reward: A special kitten]

[Penalty: Can't eat cookies for a day]

[Time Limit: 2 weeks]


'What is wrong with this description? But, Yes, I accept. Well, this reward should be suitable for Renge. After all, she likes cats.' Akihiko thought as he got out of bed and stretched his body.




Thanks for reading.

The plot is now advancing very slowly. The next chapter may or may not start a new arc. Meh.

I'm sorry about the chapter length. Usually, my chapters are over 2000 words but the chapter today is only 1881 words, excluding the author's note.

I'm just too stressed from school work.

If you like the story, vote some power stones.

If you have any suggestions, write them here:

I hope you have a nice day.

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