In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System
Chapter 87 - Jiraiya's Death

Proofreaders: MagnuS the Tired Bullied Retard

If there are any errors, please blame him. ​​


Yes. Enjoy the chapter.


Team 7 and Temari left the village as Akihiko teleported immediately towards Jiraiya.

He immediately saw 5 Paths of Pain. The Animal Path's metal rod was speeding up to pierce Jiraiya but Akihiko caught it right between his fingers.

'Where's the Deva Path Pain?' Akihiko asked himself as he couldn't replace out the answer.

"Jiraiya-san, everything will be Daijoubu from now on."


[15 minutes ago]

Animal Path summoned a rhinoceros as it rammed into Jiraiya. Jiraiya summoned Fukusaku and Shima on his shoulders as he immediately went into Imperfect Sage Mode.

Red lines appeared around his eyes and face as his nose became large and had frog-like bumps on it.

However, he still got slammed by the Rhinoceros as the Rhinoceros made a large hole in the wall. Jiraiya kicked the Rhinoceros backward as three pairs of eyes shone in the dark.

"Well, then, you have no choice." Fukasaku said as Jiraiya jumped up and landed in the middle of the building.

Cracks appeared under where he landed.

"Let's drag them out with creation detection jutsu."

After a few seconds, Shima shouted.

"Found them."

She opened her mouth as her tongue launched itself and wrapped around the salamander and Animal Path.

"Now, Pa." Jiraiya shouted as Fukasaku replied.

"Got it."

He shot out a high-pressure stream of water as it cut through the walls and the salamander. Of course, Shima recalled her tongue before it got cut by it.

After a while, Animal Path appeared again as Jiraiya was ready to fight. However, Animal Path just used summoning jutsu.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Two other figures appeared beside Animal path and they both had Rinnegan and piercings.

They were the Preta Path and the Human Path.

"Why are there three pairs of Rinnegan?" Jiraiya asked himself as he was confused.

"Think about that later, Jiraiya." Fukasaku said as Jiraiya became serious.

"Right. It's my turn now. From now on, I'll switch my ninjutsu to senjutsu. Jiraiya the Gall-"

The two toads slapped Jiraiya's cheek as they yelled back.

"Don't shout in my ears."x2

"Jiraiya, let's finish this quickly." Shima said as Fukasaku stuttered.

"But we have to be careful of their eyes. It's the strongest dojutsu."

"Shut yer trap!" Shima yelled.

They started nagging in each other's ears as Human Path dashed forward and attacked Jiraiya.

However, Jiraiya just kicked Human Path's face with his leg as Human Path just flew away and hit the rock walls. A few of the body piercings fell off.

Then, Shima and Fukasaku blasted oil from their mouth as Jiraiya released a large amount of fire to light up the whole oil.

However, Petra Path walked in front and blocked it with his hands. Right after he blocked it, smoke covered the whole building.

Petra Path absorbed the jutsu and the three didn't take any damage. Jiraiya took off his slippers as he decided to jump and use Oodama Rasengan.

However, it was still absorbed by Petra Path.

Jiraiya looked at them as he frowned.

'Even in my sage mode, I'll get killed. I have to think of a proper strategy.' Jiraiya used a smokescreen to run away as he ran inside the pipeline.

While they were running, Pa and Ma explained the Six Paths of Pains' abilities to Jiraiya as they decided to use genjutsu on them.

Frog genjutsu involves singing and hitting the correct notes.

Fukasaku and Shima started singing as Jiraiya kept Petra Path busy with a fire jutsu.

Jiraiya threw another fire jutsu towards Animal Path and Human Path. Human Path jumped up and stick to the wall to avoid the fire jutsu.

However, in Animal Path's vision, he got absorbed into the wall and in the next second, he was already falling towards Jiraiya.

"Now, it's one on one." Jiraiya said as he punched Animal Path with full force.

Animal Path got punched and he flew away. However, he tried to summon an animal. As he was about to touch the wall, Jiraiya appeared as he kicked him again.

Animal Path then flew away again and as soon as he turned in the air, his eyes suddenly shook and rolled around. When his eyes stabilized, he found himself trapped in a water cube together with the other two Paths.

"You chose the wrong path, Nagato. Rather than rule the world though pain, I wished you would move on from the pain and harnessed your power to bring peace in other ways. I trusted you. Farewell."

Jiraiya drowned the three as he turned away and dashed.

But he was then slashed by Asura Path and his left arm got sliced off.


Jiraiya flew away as he stopped himself in the water.

"Lad, your left arm."

"I'm aware."

5 figures jumped from the hole made in the wall as they introduced themselves.

"In attendance. The Six Paths of Pain."

The five introduced themselves as Jiraiya joked.

"Nagato, did you skip your mathematics? There are only 5."

Asura Path just pointed his arm towards Jiraiya as he launched missiles from his arm. Jiraiya managed to run away from all of it

Jiraiya disappeared as two frog tongues grabbed Animal path and grabbed it downwards.

Jiraiya used Rasengan and hit it against Animal path. Animal Path fell into the frog's gastric juice as some smoke came out.

"You did it, Jiraiya-boy." Fukasaku said as a flag was raised.


A metal rod flew towards Jiraiya as Jiraiya tried to block it with his arm. He knew that it would pierce his body. All the other 4 Pains were already here. They were just waiting for the rod to pierce his body and drain his chakra.

However, a figure appeared in front of him with a confident smile.

"Jiraiya-san, everything will be Daijoubu from now on."


Jiraiya coughed some blood as he laughed and he didn't even know why.

"Don't die yet, Jiraiya-san. You still have to continue your Icha Icha Paradise books. Now, leave everything to me." Akihiko said as he walked forward.

"Of course. They are my life's work. I have to at least finish them." Jiraiya smiled.


"Jiraiya-boy, stop talking." Fukasaku slapped Jiraiya as Jiraiya shut up.

"So, how do you want to die?" Akihiko said as he walked forward slowly as he activated the skill [Aura of Despair] as the 5 Paths of Pain and even Nagato could feel their bodies shaking.

The 5 Pains couldn't even move as they were pressured by Akihiko's Aura of Despair. Then, the confusion stage hits.

'Why? Why are we scared? We can't be scared. We are gods.'

Asura path immediately forced himself to move as he changed his arms into metal blades and with his two other hands, he launched some missiles towards Akihiko.

"Come ChunChunMaru, I haven't used you for a while." Akihiko said with an amused tone as Jiraiya on the other hand was squirming. ChunChunMaru. The name was just too good.

"Die!" Asura Path yelled as the Animal Path summoned a large elephant-like animal.

Akihiko just moved gracefully as he sliced up every missile from the middle and just deflected every strike from Asura Path. The Elephant ran towards Akihiko as it lowered its head.

Akihiko just kicked the elephant, kicking it back towards the 5 Pains. Akihiko then just immediately dashed forward as the Asura Path sliced up the elephant.

Akihiko slashed the katana with force as it tore the Human Path and Petra Path in half in one slash.

The other 3 Pains were shaken. Deva Path Pain who was waiting for Deidara to arrive with Gaara also got the vision of the 5 Pains. But he didn't care much. After all, they had the Rinnegan. They wouldn't lose or so they thought.

Akihiko on the other hand just continued on deflecting and attacking as he slashed each and every limb of the Pains. Only Naraka Path was left as he summoned the King of Hell. The King of Hell opened his mouth as the 4 Pains revived.

'This isn't going anywhere.' Akihiko thought as he just decided to put a genjutsu on all 5 of them at once.

Once he finished, he appeared beside Jiraiya as he just sat down and ate cookies.

"Want some?" Akihiko said as he handed some cookies towards Jiraiya, Fukasaku and Shima.

"Oh, there isn't any meat. It's vegan-friendly." Akihiko added as the three were still staring at him.

"Akihiko, you're in a fight. Why are you eating cookies leisurely?!" Jiraiya yelled as Akihiko just pointed at the fight.

"The result is already determined since I arrived. Even if there were a thousand of them, they wouldn't win against me." Akihiko said confidently as Jiraiya, Fukasaku and Shima were shocked at the sight of 5 Pains attacking air. Animal Path even summoned animals to attack the imaginary Akihiko.

In the eyes of the 5 Pains, all they could see was Akihiko dodging and attacking them every time. They couldn't land a hit on him. Akihiko's genjutsu level was too high for them to break.

'Will there be a day where I have to use all my abilities? Well, it's better if there isn't a day like that.' Akihiko thought as he ate another cookie.

"Oh, right Jiraiya-san, what are you going to do about your left arm?" Akihiko asked as Jiraiya pondered for a while.

"Haha, I don't know. I'll properly figure it out later on." Jiraiya answered.

'System, can my blood regrow his limb?' Akihiko asked as the system replied.


'Oh, alright.'

"Jiraiya-san, do you want to hear a joke?"

"Sure. As long as it isn't bad."

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Not your left arm."

"…" Jiraiya just deadpanned at Akihiko.

"*ahem* I should probably finish the fight now." Akihiko said as he stood up.

Akihiko didn't even remove the genjutsu as he just disappeared from the place. Jiraiya, Fukasaku, and Shima just watched as a purple blur just dashed between the 5 Pains. Every second, there was the sound of a chakra rod hitting the ground.

After a minute, Akihiko finished removing almost all of the chakra rods as the connection between Nagato and the 4 Pains have been destroyed. Akihiko pulled Human Path by his hair as he looked straight into the Rinnegan.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But I'm going to replace you. I'm going to kill you. You hear me?" Akihiko said with some of his Aura of Despair active that even Nagato felt a shiver through his spine.

Akihiko just had fun copying a certain father who was badass.

"Just kidding~"

He then just removed Human Path's chakra rods as Human Path fell limp.

Akihiko placed a Hiraishin seal on the back of their heads as it was covered by their hair.

He just decided to leave it like that. He didn't bother destroying the bodies. He had plans for them. After all, Nagato wouldn't allow these puppets and chakra rods to be left alone. Konan will come and collect them.

"Jiraiya-san, let's go back to Konoha." Akihiko said as Jiraiya nodded.

"Pa, Ma, you can go back now." Jiraiya said as Fukasaku and Shima nodded.

"Take care, Jiraiya-boy."

The two toads just disappeared with a puff of smoke as Akihiko helped Jiraiya stand up. He used Hiraishin as they both teleported into the Hokage Office.

"JIRAIYA!" Tsunade yelled out in shock as she saw one of her closest friends, Jiraiya, missing an arm.

"Akihiko, what happened?" Tsunade asked as Akihiko just replied.

"We just fought with Pain. Well, 5 Pains."


"Well, heal Jiraiya-san first. He'll explain everything to you. I'm off to meet my children." Akihiko said as he waved and disappeared.

"Jiraiya, tell me everything that happened." Tsunade said as she started to heal Jiraiya's missing limb. The blood flow was starting to stop and the cut was slowly healing.

"Well, I just found some trace of Akatsuki in Amegakure. I just decided to infiltrate there but I was discovered by Pain. The leader of Akatsuki. We fought and I managed to kill off 3 of the Pains. I didn't think much and just decided to return to Konoha as fast as possible. But another Pain ambushed me and managed to cut off my arm. etc.."

Jiraiya continued explaining the things that happened as Tsunade's face changed many times.

"When I was about to get pierced by the rod, Akihiko appeared in front of me while saying. "Everything will be Daijoubu from now on." Hahaha, his face was so serious while saying that." Jiraiya laughed even though he lost his left arm.

"So, you're telling me that Akihiko fought with all 5 of them, just using a katana and some genjutsu." Tsunade said as Jiraiya nodded.


"And their firepower can rival Kages."

"Mm Hm." Jiraiya nodded.

"Then, how strong is Akihiko?"

"If I have to guess, he should be as strong as the First Hokage or the Ghost of Uchiha, Madara Uchiha." Jiraiya replied as Tsunade went into deep thought.

"Anyways, Tsunade. I want to retire now. Maybe spend my time writing new books and researching more things." Jiraiya said with a smile as Tsunade slapped his head.

"Research my ass! You're just gonna peek into women's bath! With that said, try to recover first. I'll try to replace a way to regrow your left arm."

"It's fine but thanks for the thought." Jiraiya said as he walked out of the office.

Tsunade also just sat on the chair as she opened a bottle of sake.

'Akihiko, Akihiko. Just who are you.'



Yes, the title was a clickbait.

Jiraiya didn't die.

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