In Naruto with Slightly Perverted System
Chapter 91 - Gaara's Death......

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I'll give you a cookie.



The entrance to the cave was punched down as Team Guy, Team Kakashi, Temari and Chiyo could be seen entering, ready to attack.


Almost every person from the team exclaimed as they saw Akihiko. Kakashi shook his head as he just sighed.

'Thanks. I have more time to read my Icha Icha Paradise.' Kakashi mentally thanked Akihiko as Lee had shiny stars in his eyes.


Guy turned towards Lee as he also shouted with tears, "YES, IT IS. LEE, HAVE YOU BEEN ENLIGHTENED ABOUT YOUTH!"


Lee and Guy hugged as the others just ignored their loud and comedic interactions.

Kakashi and Chiyo were alert at Deidara's presence. He was an S-class missing-nin after all.

Kakashi was ready to use his newly evolved Mangekyou sharingan which he even doesn't have an idea of how it evolved.

"Akihiko, why is he with you?" Kakashi asked cautiously as he was ready to attack.

"Oh, Kakashi-san, you don't have to worry. He's now my subordinate." Akihiko said as Deidara nodded.

"Yes. I am going to pursue the way of Art. Explosions are Art! Cookies are ART! To reach the pinnacle of Art, I shall learn the way of Cookies and combine the two and get EXPLOSIVE COOKIES!" Deidara said with a large grin on his face as Kakashi, Chiyo, Neji, TenTen deadpanned.

"Naruto, seal Sasori in a storage seal." Akihiko said as Naruto nodded. He went over to Sasori's dead body and used the fuinjutsu skills that he practiced since young.

Chiyo was shocked to see Sasori still looking young but now he's already dead. She turned towards Gaara and smiled sadly as she readied herself to transfer her life force.

For Temari and Sakura, Temari was too worried about Gaara while Sakura was trying her best to heal Gaara.

After a while, Sakura just got up as she shook her head.

"He cannot be healed anymore."

Temari started shaking as tears fell down her eyes.

"Why? Why..?" Temari asked herself as Akihiko answered in his mind.

'Because he's dead… but no worries, I am here.'

Chiyo walked over to Gaara as she tapped Sakura's shoulders. She gestured Sakura to leave the task to her.

Chiyo was about to start the transferring process before Akihiko just stopped her.

"Old Grandma, enjoy your life. Don't try to kill yourself. Just leave the task to me." Akihiko said as he pointed outside the cave with his other hand to Naruto, who already finished sealing Sasori.

Naruto immediately got the message as he dashed outside as fast as possible.

Akihiko held Chiyo up as he yeeted her towards Naruto.

"Naruto! Catch." Akihiko said as Naruto caught Chiyo perfectly.

"Good job." Akihiko said as he gave a thumbs up towards Naruto. Chiyo was dizzy from the throw as she still couldn't process what just happened. Kakashi, Neji, TenTen and Sakura were sweating as they saw Akihiko throw Chiyo.

She was an important person from Sunagakure.

Akihiko went towards Temari and petted her head.

"Don't worry. Gaara will be fine. Can you leave the cave for a while?" Akihiko said as he smiled.

Temari just nodded her head as she went outside the cave.

Sakura felt a bit jealous and she didn't even try to deny it anymore.

"Everyone, can you please leave the cave?" Akihiko asked as they all nodded. Guy, Kakashi and Naruto knew what method Akihiko would use.

Neji, TenTen, Lee and Sakura were all curious but they all followed Guy as he also went outside.

Lee had one thought in his mind, 'It's Akihiko, so he will replace a way to do it. Guy-sensei even told me that it was Akihiko who healed me in chunin exams.'

Deidara also walked outside after asking Akihiko for some cookies.

Akihiko just used a seal quickly as he covered the entrance of the cave, leaving only him and Gaara inside.

As the cave was blocked, Akihiko immediately talked to his daughters.

"Papa will close the window for a while. Play with each other for a while, alright? There will be toys in the room." Akihiko said as the kids in the mansion happily replied although Akihiko couldn't hear them.

"Okie Dokie."



"Fuck yeah."

"Kiyomi, Papa said that you can't use that word."


Akihiko closed the window as he started using his healing method which was only available to him. After all, it needed his blood.

Akihiko's blood just continued to drip down before they healed after a short while.

Gaara was slowly returning to life as his body looks more and more healthy.

While healing Gaara, Akihiko thought, 'Shukaku's already been extracted… Do I have to wait for all the tailed beasts to be absorbed? After all, Kaguya needs to be unsealed for some specific purposes. Where was she sealed? I'm pretty sure I can break that place apart. Well, I'll have to think of something first. Then I can just wreck open the Gedo Statue and save Shukaku.'

Akihiko decided to remove his transformation jutsu as he just wanted to troll Gaara.

Gaara woke up as he felt groggy.

"Where am I? Am I dead?" He muttered to himself as he saw Akihiko.

"Ah, angel." Gaara muttered as Akihiko immediately noped out.

'This just backfired on me.' Akihiko thought as he quickly talked again.

Akihiko talked elegantly.

"Human, your soul has already exited the realm of the living. Your body in the realm of the living is already on the brink of death. But human, your free trial of life hasn't ended so I may have to yeet you back to the realm of the living. Now sleep."

Akihiko made Gaara sleep using genjutsu as Gaara slept immediately.

'I'll never try this again.' Akihiko thought as he shivered. He used transformation jutsu and changed his form once again.


Outside of the cave, there were many different emotions.

Deidara was calm as he leaned against the cave wall, thinking about ways to implement the art of explosion into cookies without ruining the art of cookies. It was an extremely hard task as Akihiko's cookies were at the pinnacle.

Naruto was talking with Kakashi about Icha Icha Paradise. Naruto stole a few books from Jiraiya during their journey. The two of them were nodding as they continued talking about Icha Icha Paradise.

Neji and TenTen were talking to each other as they both were awkward towards each other and there was some type of tension between them.

Guy and Lee were circling the group on handstands as they continued talking to each other.

Chiyo gave up trying to open the cave entrance as she just decided to trust Akihiko and waited outside.

Sakura was talking with Temari as she was trying to comfort Temari and assuring her that it was alright to leave Gaara with Akihiko.

After a while, the seal placed by Akihiko on the cave entrance finally unsealed as Akihiko walked out while carrying Gaara.

Temari immediately ran there as she immediately questioned Akihiko.

"How is his condition? Is he fine now?"

"Yep. He's all fine now." Akihiko said as Temari hugged Akihiko as she started crying tears of joy.

Akihiko just patted her back as Temari slowly calmed down and blushed.

Sakura finally exploded in her mind, 'Fuck it all! I'll confess to him. Who cares about being rejected and stuff? If I don't do anything, I'll be left behind.' Sakura finally decided to be straightforward.

Kakashi was deadpanning at Akihiko as he thought, 'Should I take my mask off? I'll at least get a girlfriend.' Kakashi thought.

Guy was shedding tears as he muttered, "Akihiko, why do you have to act so cool every time?"

Lee was also shedding tears.

"Guy-sensei, I don't know why I'm crying."

The two were hugging each other as Neji and TenTen looking at this were weirded out a bit.

Chiyo was just laughing as she felt both happy that Gaara was saved and Temari was replaceing love. She could see that. After all, it was obvious that Temari likes Akihiko.

Naruto just sighed as he packed his backpack.

'Well, it's Akihiko, what can I say?'

"Well then, I'll go with Chiyo-san, Temari and Gaara to Suna. Can you all wait for me?" Akihiko asked as everyone else agreed.

Akihiko just disappeared with the three as he arrived in Suna.

"Oh, I'll be off now. Bye."

"Will you come to Suna more often?"

"I'll try. I'll head back now." Akihiko said as Temari brightened up.

"Okay. Bye~"

After Akihiko disappeared, Temari carried Gaara and happily jumped on her way back to the Kazekage's house.

Well, it wasn't too good for Gaara. His belly was hit by Temari's shoulders multiple times as Temari jumped happily along the way.

Akihiko then teleported to the place where Team 7, Team Guy and Deidara were. They all returned to Konoha directly as Akihiko mass teleported everyone.

The kids inside Akihiko's dimension didn't notice what happened with Temari as they were too busy playing with the toys. For them, the toys were currently more important. But they looked at the window from time to time to look at their dad.

Akihiko has been trying to develop Hiraishin into a mass teleporting jutsu. And he also tried to make a Hiraishin seal without the need to touch at all. The first jutsu development was going well but the second was still not working at all.


Sasuke was now sitting on a rock while holding a jar of cookies that he managed to take from home.

Sasuke took out a cookie as he slowly moved it towards his mouth.

"I'll take a cookie.... and EAT IT!"

Jugo whispered to Karin as he was quite confused.

"What happened to him?"

Karin just shook her head as she replied, "Nothing. He just sometimes shouts random things when he eats cookies."

"Jugo, have you found Itachi Uchiha's whereabouts?" Sasuke asked as he munched his cookies.

"No, sir!"

"Then, try to replace him."


Jugo immediately went to work.

'Ahh, I'm even starting to miss the three brats. I wonder how they are doing.' Sasuke thought as he remembered Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon who followed him around, calling him Boss.


[In Kumo]

"Fuck! Those fucking bastards really wanna die, huh?" A yelled as he wanted to punch the face of all those council members.

"Mabui, send another letter to Konoha apologizing for the previous letter." A said as he felt annoyed.

He was not the type to apologize for something easily. He may be a reckless person but he's not a braindead fool.

He knew when to retreat for his land. He knew Akihiko's strength. Well, he already concluded that Akihiko was not even trying to fight them at that time. It was more like playing around for Akihiko.

"Also, where's Bee?!"

Mabui continued to talk about Bee's location and what he was currently doing as A immediately ordered to bring Bee back to the village.


White Zetsu appeared from the ground as he notified the members of Akatsuki.

"Sasori has been defeated and Deidara has betrayed the Akatsuki."

"WHAT!" Kisame had extreme anger in his voice. He was one of the oldest members of the group and he was extremely loyal to Akatsuki.

The members all had different facial expressions.

Kisame was shivering in anger, Konan, Itachi and Kakuzu were all cold and stoic just like their usual expressions. Hidan looked amused while Obito/Tobi was concerned under the spiral mask.

His plans needed to be perfect. He will have to manipulate everyone, to achieve his dreams.

Black Zetsu, who was hiding inside the Akatsuki lair, was already thinking of many plans to manipulate the events so that Kaguya could be revived. He needed someone to revive Madara and he knew exactly who to give that job to.

His plans were almost ruined when some bastard destroyed the lab and killed Kabuto but he only needed to pull the immortality card to attract a pedophile.

Every person who was in the Akatsuki lair had many different thoughts.


Akihiko was currently at his home. He just finished talking with Tsunade about the matters about the mission, Akatsuki and Deidara.

Deidara was currently locked up in jail as he is still a missing-nin. He wanted to use his bombs to escape the jail but Akihiko told him not to, or else he will be banned from eating cookies.

Deidara decided to just slowly give Akatsuki's information little by little, using them to remove his status as a missing-nin. On his current path, the title brought trouble.

Everyone continued to do their respective things. Naruto just decided to create more versions of his Rasengan, Lee and Guy training around the village, Neji practicing Eight Trigram Palms, TenTen managing her father's shop, Kakashi reading Icha Icha Paradise and last but not least, Sakura who went to her home, making detailed plans on how to confess to Akihiko.

Today, in the Uchiha Household, it was not as crowded. Ayame went to Ichiraku's to help her father Teuchi with the work even though Teuchi told her that it was fine.

Kurenai was out with Team 8 on a mission. Haku decided to go and revisit Zabuza's grave for a while as Zabuza was like her brother.

Akihiko went inside his dimension and carried all of his daughters outside as they were already asleep. He laid them on their respective beds as he just smiled and walked out of the room.

"Akihiko, Shizune has something "important" to discuss with you." Izumi who was waiting outside of the kids' room told Akihiko as Akihiko kissed her on the lips.

Izumi was taken by surprise as she blushed a bit. It was not the first time and yet, she was still embarrassed.

"Oh? Don't tell me you still get embarrassed at this, my dear wife?" Akihiko said with a smirk as Izumi just pouted.

"Don't tease me anymore! Let's just go." She turned around and pulled Akihiko's sleeve as they headed to the bedroom.

"Well, I knew something like this would happen." Akihiko said as Izumi opened the door.



Another clickbait title. Heh.

This is it for the week.

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I hope you have a nice day.

Proofread by: MagnuS the Gay, Clickbait the Crossdresser

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