Is this destiny?
Chapter 304 - No One Is Born Brave (6)

JoAnna and Sarah felt desperation overwhelm them. How can the system be so flawed? Greg is a doctor, and he does not care about any human being. In order to satisfy his desires, he will hurt anyone who is in his way. In order to earn money, he manipulated the hospital data and put people with more money in front of the line, while others needed to wait for their transplants. And he can claim insanity and avoid jail.

Both sisters felt that this is injustice.

Sarah spoke. "Anna, let's call big sis." She turned to Aiden. "You can watch him for few minutes. Right?"

Aiden nodded and gave a look to Jeff who also agreed.

Greg's hand was still extended towards JoAnna. Seeing that she is ignoring him and walking away, Greg stepped toward her trying to grab her arm.

Greg's face met with Jeff's fist. This was the second time that Jeff caused him a massive nosebleed. Greg held his hands to his nose, trying to stop the bleeding, and looked at Jeff as if he wanted to say something. When he saw Jeff's angry face, Greg decided to stay quiet. His eyes followed JoAnna.

JoAnna didn't look at Greg while walking away with Sarah.

Sarah and JoAnna stepped into the hallway and called Sophia. They explained her what happened, and that Greg wants to claim insanity.

Sophia didn't sound optimistic. "If he goes that route, he will be assessed by a professional. If it proves true, he will not go to jail. And yes, he might end up with only six months in the mental institution."

"That is not right." Sarah objected. "Is there really no other option than to let him get away with only six months in a mental institution?"

JoAnna was silently biting her lower lip.

Sarah looked at JoAnna and her heart ached. "Is this all we can do?"

They heard Sophia sigh, "Call mom."

"Do you think mom has an idea?" Sarah was suspicious. If Sophia, who knows law well, can't come up with a solution, what can their mom do?

"I'm saying that mom can do something." Sophia paused. "Remember Mark?"

Sarah and JoAnna looked at each other and they remembered how their mom swiftly cleaned up after Mark attacked Sophia, and Felix sorted him out. They never found out what happened to Mark... but do they care? After he attacked Sophia the way he did, whatever he got, he deserved it.

"Thanks, sis!" Sarah hanged up and dialed their mom.

Stella is in India, and it's after midnight. After few rings she picked up.

"Yes?" Stella's voice didn't sound sleepy.

Sarah was happy that Stella picked up. "Mom, it's me and Anna is here with me. We are in Los Angeles and we got into a situation."

"Tell me..." Stella's calm voice gave them confidence that she will support them.

They told her what happened, and how Greg is now flaunting that he will plead insanity.

Stella listened carefully. "What is his condition?"

"He is fine." Sarah responded.

"You are saying that he threatened Anna, stalked her, tried to sedate her, kidnap her, make her his sex slave... and he is fine?" They heard anger in Stella's voice.

"When you put it that way, it sounds really bad." Sarah said. "We will fix that... he will be hurt, but alive."

"OK." Stella's voice calmed down. "Send me the address. You will have ten minutes." Stella hanged up.

Sarah and JoAnna looked at each other, surprise and disbelief mixed within them and they walked back to the room.

JoAnna picked up the syringe gun and observed it. She had an idea what it is, but she never saw one so small before. "What was inside?" She asked Greg.

"Why would I tell you?" Greg sneered.

"I can tell you didn't mean to kill anyone with this... but what was your goal exactly?" JoAnna tilted her head. "You even wanted to shoot me with this."

Jeff tightened his fists when he heard this.

"We already captured you here. I'm just curious how that genius brain works." JoAnna smiled.

Greg got dazed seeing her smile and started explaining. "I wanted only to knock you out, this dose on your body mass would be enough for about five hours. I want to take you to my house at Lake Tahoe. By the time you wake up it would be too late for you to get any help... the house is deep in the forest, you can scream as much as you want..." Greg sounded as he is narrating a wonderful story. His talk got interrupted when he felt a sudden pain on the left side of his face, and he fell down.

Jeff was not able to listen anymore, and he punched him.

JoAnna walked to Jeff and hugged him.

"Sorry, I could not hold back after I heard what he said." Jeff admitted.

"It's OK. You can hit him as much as you want." JoAnna said calmly, with a smile.

Jeff was surprised to hear that.

"But me first..." Sarah gritted through her teeth and kicked Greg in the left knee and then again in the chest. She looked at Greg furiously and exclaimed, "Jerk! I ended up injected with drugs again!"

Aiden shook his head. "How do these things keep happening to you?" He was not sure if he should laugh or cry.

"I don't know..." Sarah almost sobbed and turned to JoAnna. "Anna, will I be OK? How long will this last?"

"Let me check..." JoAnna walked to Sarah. "How do you feel?"

"I don't feel my left arm at all. I can move it, but there is no feeling." Sarah was desperate. "Like after a shot at a dentist."

"Do you feel this?" JoAnna touched Sarah in few places and then pinched her.

"I vaguely feel pressure... but just barely." Sarah responded desperately.

JoAnna looked at the place where injection went in. "It went through completely... That was lucky. If it didn't, you would be with Bob1 on the floor now. You got only a small amount of medicine in your system. So instead of completely being knocked out, you are only having mild symptoms. In general, these medicines can affect spinal cord, which makes you immobile, brain stem, which knocks you out, cerebral cortex which..."

"English, please..." Sarah interrupted her.

"Your receptors for feeling are blocked. You will be back to normal in four to five hours max. Maybe less, depending on how much medicine got into your system."

Sarah breathed out in relief.

"What are we going to do about him?" Aiden asked looking at Greg who was sitting on the floor and staring at them while holding his bleeding nose.

Sarah checked the time.. "We have five minutes and forty seconds left to beat him up."

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