Is this destiny?
Chapter 505 - Magical Index Finger

Next morning, Sophia woke up in Felix's embrace.

He was holding her close to him, and she didn't mind. She observed his sleeping face for some time and then snuggled closer.

"Good morning, ma chéri…", his charming voice was deeper than usual after waking up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Sophia kissed him on the cheek.

"You didn't. I'm awake for a while.", he denied obvious.

"OK.", Sophia didn't want to argue, she shifted so that her body sticks closer to his. 'Liar…' She found it silly that he didn't admit whenever he woke up after her. 'Must be related to some manly image where real men don't sleep longer than women…'

Sophia glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table and smiled when she confirmed that they have time until they need to go to office.

"Two more days of this easy pace… then we go back to work…" She enjoyed that during these four days, in Orion Enterprise workload is reduced significantly, because everyone is focused on events and fun activities. It makes everyone happy and then people go back to work with renewed vigor, good memories and plenty of freebies that company provides.

As for Sophia, because these four days don't include making many business decisions, Leah can take over significant amount of work, so for Sophia this is almost like a vacation. First day, number of partners and VIPs would attend, and she has several meetings with them during that day. But other three days are reserved for employees only, so her work is minimal.

It is a big expense for company to provide such event, but increased productivity in the months after the event, offset the cost. Also, you can't put the price on employee satisfaction.

Sophia was lost in her thoughts when she felt Felix kissing her belly.

"Good morning, baby…", his deep voice came from under the cover.

She reached to caress his hair while melting from happiness.

"I don't need that any more…", Felix complained when Sophia wanted to cover his stitches before shower.

"You do… if soap goes there it will sting...", she was aiming at his left wrist with a plastic cover while he moved his arm around, avoiding her.

"It will not sting… it healed completely… and it does not hurt at all." Felix raised his arm up. Now she was not able to reach.

Sophia squinted her eyes, obviously dissatisfied with his behavior.

Felix got an idea: "What if I prove that my hand healed?"

"How can you do that?"

"I have my ways…" He smiled mysteriously.

Sophia thought that is reasonable. "OK. If you can prove that it's healed, you don't need to wear these covers any more… But don't just pour shower gel on yourself. I don't know if it's not stinging or are you good in bearing it."

"Agreed… come." He walked out of the bathroom.

Sophia made a step to follow after him, but then realized that she is wearing only panties. She wrapped herself in a bathrobe and got out of the bathroom. She found Felix lying on the bed.

"Here…" He patted the bed.

Sophia sat next to him.

"Lay down…", he instructed.

Sophia giggled while replaceing a comfortable position on the pillows, not sure what is coming. 'Probably a massage', she guessed.

"Pick one.", his left hand was few inches above her face.

"What?", she didn't understand.

"Pick one finger.", Felix clarified.

She pointed at the index finger, curious what he has on his mind. 'Will he massage me with one finger? Whole palm is much better…'

Without a word, Felix used his index finger to touch her eyelids, indicating her to close her eyes.

Sophia obeyed.

His finger traced lines of her face, going down around eyes to cheeks and moving toward her lips.

She felt his finger rub edges of her lips and she smiled. She knows this feeling well. Sophia remembered how she lost herself many times in New York while he rubbed her lips, just like that… teasing her to kiss him, to ask for his touch.

Subconsciously, her lips parted, and his finger slipped inside her mouth.

He didn't linger there. His index finger traveled down her neck, parting the bathrobe slightly as it moved over the chest bone until it hooked around the belt, untying it and allowing bathrobe to fall to the sides, revealing her body.

Sophia did her best to keep her eyes closed as his finger moved over her breasts, teased her belly, and then it went back up. When she didn't feel him anymore, she opened her eyes, just in time to see that finger is in his mouth.

Felix moved closer to Sophia and gave her a deep kiss while his left hand guided by that magical index finger moved lower from her navel and slipped inside her panties.

When they showered, he didn't wear plastic cover over stitches.

Later that morning, Sophia and Felix attended a board meeting. It's a weekly meeting where major shareholders and directors of Orion Enterprise meet with CEO and discuss current topics. Shareholders are optional, but company employees are expected to attend.

Sophia was surprised that many attendees brought flowers and gift baskets, congratulating her for engagement. Felix also got congratulations accompanied by handshakes and pats on the back. Both of them got well wishes.

Even Edward got compliments because his daughter is engaged to such an outstanding man. They don't know Felix well, but he made a name for himself as someone who is a head of department which created largest profits for the company only six months after he joined. That is a large feat, and proof enough for them that Felix has a great future.

They didn't have many issues to talk about during meeting, so Sophia brought up numbers related to surveys conducted in last two days which addressed opinion of employees with the events as well as with the company overall. The numbers show that employees are happy with the events and are optimistic with the future of the company, big majority saw themselves still employed at Orion Enterprise ten years from now. Those are very good signs that company is doing well, because happy employees are productive ones.

While they discussed the results of surveys, most of the people had laptops in front of them, looking at different numbers that apply to their department or company overall.

Sophia glanced at Felix, and her eyes stopped at his mesmerizing profile as he looked intently at the graphs on his laptop. He leaned forward, propping his elbow on the table, and resting his chin in the cradle of his left palm, his fingers bent into half-fist. Sophia was not able to stop staring at her handsome man.

Sophia snapped out of her daze and glanced over others in the conference room. She was relieved to see that they are all busy looking at their laptops, discussing quietly among themselves results of surveys… and not looking at her. Happy with this situation in the room, her gaze went back to Felix.

Felix's index finger extended and scratched his temple. Barely noticeable smirk appeared on his face. He knew she is watching. He knew she is thinking of that morning in their bedroom. And he was not wrong.

Sophia stared at Felix while she remembered exactly what that left index finger did to her earlier. How his finger caressed edges of her lips, circled her nipples, went inside her and touched some mysterious spots that only he can replace… and after he finished swallowing her moans, he brought that same finger to his mouth, licking it while enjoying her taste… his gaze never leaving hers.

She could not wait for the meeting to end, and people disperse.

"Director Martin, can I have a minute with you?", Sophia's voice almost revealed how desperate she is when Felix was about to leave conference room with other two directors who wanted to talk with him.

Felix stopped in his tracks and turned toward her slowly. "Anytime..."

His confident smile seduced her and infuriated her at the same time.

"My office, please…", She walked out first, reminding herself on the way not to run.

Felix followed her obediently while doing his best to suppress his smile.. He was happy to see her impatience as she locked the door of her office behind them and pulled him in the back room.

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